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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 At ...


At the age of 8, I was allowed to walk from my home to the downtown library, 1.(house) above the police station. I was instantly addicted, as with a membership card I could enjoy2.range of books. While studying English literature at university, I began to collect books to build my own library. Until one day, I realized all my books3.(become) part of the house, like wallpaper.

I became a teacher-librarian at my old high school, 4.I first learned literature after retirement.5.was the position that restarted my6.(affect) for libraries. 7.(spark) my teenage audience’s love of books, I bought almost every type of book that they wanted to read. I also bought sofas and comfortable chairs, 8.(turn) the library into an inclusive public space, safe for everyone.

In doing so, I realized that the library isn’t just a place to do research. They are, 9.(actual), places that offer an opportunity to engage10.the past, present and future and help us adjust to the world. Their doors must be kept open to everyone — for free!


1.housed 2.a 3.had become 4.where 5.It 6.affection 7.To spark 8.turning 9.actually 10.with 【解析】 这是是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者小时候喜欢在图书馆读书,以及长大后成为图书馆老师后,激发学生们阅读的经历与感悟。 1.考查非谓语动词。house作动词,意为“安置”,此处过去分词短语housed above the police station作后置定语,意为“在警察局的上边”,说明图书馆的位置。故填housed。 2.考查冠词。固定短语a range of意为“一系列;一些;一套”。故填a。 3.考查动词时态。句意:直到有一天,我意识到我所有的书都已然成为了家的一部分,就像壁纸一样。书成为家的一部分“my books____3____(become)part of the house”发生在我意识“realized”到之前,realized是过去式,此处表示过去的过去,因此用过去完成时:had+动词过去分词。故填had become。 4.考查非限制性定语从句。分析句子可知,“____4____I first learned literature after retirement.”是非限制性定语从句,先行词是“my old high school”,把先行词代入从句中发现先行词在从句中作地点状语,因此用where引导。故填where。 5.考查强调句型。去掉“ 5 was…that”后,剩下的部分“the position restarted my____6____(affect) for libraries.”仍然是一个完整的句子,因此,此句是强调句。故填It。 6.考查名词。my是形容词性物主代词,后接名词。因此将动词affect变成名词affection。故填affection。 7.考查非谓语动词。句意:为了激发青少年对书的喜爱,我几乎买了他们想要读的每一种类型的书。此处表示我买书的目的,因此应该用动词不定式作目的状语。故填to spark。 8.考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,本句的谓语动词是bought,因此动词turn需要变成非谓语动词;且动词turn与逻辑主语I之间是主动关系,因此用现在分词表主动。故填turning。 9.考查副词。副词修饰句子。此处副词actually作插入语,修饰句子“They are places that offer an opportunity to engage______10______the past, present and future and help us adjust to the world.”故填actually。 10.考查介词。短语engage with意为“与……建立密切关系;(使)衔接”。故填with。

    2-year-old Truett Palmer was born in Missouri, with a genetic disorder and an inborn (先天的)_________disease. He has_________from more than a dozen surgeries, including three open heart surgeries and a heart transplant. One thing Truett_________during his most recent hospital stay was weekly visits from a therapy dog named Zuri. The dog was a Goldendoodle with curly hair and it was just kind of_________. Truett has sensory issues and he_________anyone touching his feet, but with Zuri, he would just run his feet through her fur. When Truett was with Zuri, it seemed the world didn't_________.

After Truett left the hospital, his mom Danielle began_________getting a Goldendoole for him, but found the breed (品种) especially_________. “Financially, going through a transplant and hospital stay, it wasn’t going to work out in our_________,” she said. Danielle____________Truett’s story and dream on Facebook, hoping there would be a miracle.

In Seattle, Gray, a nursing student, lived alone on several acres surrounded only by her dogs. One of Gray’s beloved dog just had puppies and she’d love to____________one child with special needs a(n)____________friend in time for Christmas. When she____________Truett’s story, she knew he would be the new____________of the puppy. “He’s got____________more than I could possibly imagine. Seeing how strong he is and how positive his family is about that all, I am deeply moved.” Gray said.

Following a(n)____________effort by Gray and the Palmer family to transport Zeda____________state lines, the Goldendoodle puppy was in Truett's arms just in time for Christmas morning. “He was so excited,” Danielle said. “You could just see the____________on his face the moment she’s placed on his lap. He’s just so happy and____________her his baby. They’re just best friends.”

Truett is now on the road to good health and____________to his transplanted heart well. Danielle says she hopes their story will encourage others to consider organ donation.

1.A.lung B.heart C.kidney D.eye

2.A.experienced B.undergone C.resulted D.suffered

3.A.took part in B.turned down C.look forward to D.dealt with

4.A.different B.patient C.gentle D.helpful

5.A.dislikes B.enjoys C.disapproves D.keeps

6.A.appear B.exist C.change D.stop

7.A.planning B.arranging C.considering D.permitting

8.A.expensive B.affordable C.economic D.modest

9.A.schedule B.hospital C.background D.budget

10.A.reported B.focused C.posted D.found

11.A.gift B.sell C.buy D.meet

12.A.novel B.furry C.old D.certain

13.A.took down B.looked for C.compared with D.came across

14.A.shelter B.guide C.owner D.employee

15.A.along B.through C.away D.down

16.A.worried B.accepted C.thrilled D.combined

17.A.on B.beneath C.into D.across

18.A.shock B.disgust C.joy D.sorrow

19.A.told B.called C.explained D.claimed

20.A.adjusting B.devoting C.referring D.using



    Nowadays, money has become intangible (不易度量的). Household shopping is done online pocket money is stored in an electronic wallet rather than a piggy bank. Children rarely see their parents handling cash and they are spending online, too.1.

The answer is GoHenry, an app with separate versions for parents and children, now available both in America and Britain.2.To use the app, parents need to sign up with their own bank accounts and pay a monthly fee for their kids. They can see what the child has bought and choose where the card can be used: in shops, online or at ATMs. They can also schedule pocket money and set tasks.3.

Children get debit cards (借记卡) carved with their name.4.For example, they can decide to save ten dollars for a friend's birthday in four weeks' time. The app tells them how much to save each week to meet the goal.

Similar to a fitness app, GoHenry gives children feedback on their financial management and motivates them to spend better and save. A big benefit of such an app is that it inspires family conversations about money.

GoHenry has gained popularity since it entered the market. Parents sign up for different purposes. Some regard the subscription as an investment in their children’s future.5.Others uses it as a way for their children to learn to budget.

A.Some say they’ve been in debt and want their children to avoid that mistake when they grow up.

B.They can set a goal at the age of 12 to have $ 2,000 to buy a car at 18.

C.They can put money in saving pots, view their spending and balances, and set saving targets.

D.How, then, can children learn money’s value and gain money-management skills?

E.When those are marked as done, the child is paid the agreed amount.

F.The app helps children form good financial habits through real-world money management.

G.Though they no longer touch or hold money, they can still be taught to handle it well.



    Two years ago, aerospace manufacturer SpaceX shocked the world by landing its reusable booster (助推器) engine — the biggest and most costly part of the rocket used to power spacecraft into low orbit — on an autonomous drone ship in the Atlantic Ocean. Now, California-based startup Rocket Lab, has come up with an even more courageous idea: using parachutes and helicopters to capture the returning booster, or first stage as it is often called, in the air!

Rocket Lab’s decision to avoid the propulsive or vertical (垂直的) landing used by SpaceX comes from its business model to keep its Electron rockets small and cost-effective. Standing just 57 feet tall, they are designed to deliver smaller payloads (有效载重) of about 500 pounds for only $5 million a launch. In contrast, the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket measuring 229 feet tall can lift up to 50,000 pounds, costs about $62 million a mission. “We’re not in the business of building medium-sized launch vehicles but small ones for customers to get on orbit frequently.” said Rocket Lab CEO Peter Beck.

Similar to other rockets, the Electron divides into two once it reaches outer space. While the top part, carrying the load, continues on to its final destination, the booster engine falls back to Earth The company intends to fix a ballute — a parachute-like braking device — to quickly slow down the booster's supersonic speed (超声速) upon its return into the atmosphere. Once it slows down to a reasonable pace, a helicopter will grab the rocket from midair and put it onto an awaiting ship to transport to the company's headquarters. Beck said: “The grand goal here is that if we can capture the vehicle in wonderful condition, in theory, we should be able to put it back on the pad, charge the batteries up, and go again.”

The idea, still in the concept stage, will become one step closer to becoming a reality during Electron’s next launch, scheduled for sometime in 3 years, “Engineers will carefully monitor the first stage as it returns, testing its ability to guide its landing with the best way to slow down its speed,” said Beck.

1.We can infer from the first two paragraphs that ___________.

A.with a height of 229 feet, the Space X Falcon 9 rocket can deliver a load of 50,000 tons

B.small launch vehicles are designed by Rocket Lab to make its boosters economical

C.Space X once successfully captured its rocket before it landed on a ship in the Atlantic Ocean

D.an autonomous drone ship is used by Rocket Lab to transport the first stage

2.What distinguishes the Electron from other rockets?

A.It will be equipped with a ballute to reduce its landing speed.

B.Its booster engine falls back to the earth with the load.

C.It divides into two the instant it enters outer space.

D.It is loaded on a helicopter heading for the company’s headquarters.

3.What will Rocket Lab’s following research focus on?

A.How to capture the booster engine without damaging its function.

B.When to slow down the first stage as it returns.

C.How to cut the cost of each launch mission by calculation.

D.How to make its rockets smaller and more reusable.

4.In which column can you find this article in a piece of newspaper?

A.Books & Art. B.Business.

C.Science Fiction. D.Technology.



    Strange ice rings in Siberia’s Lake Baikal have puzzled scientists for decades, but now the mystery apparently has been solved. The answer: the rings are caused by warm, circular currents of water under the ice, called eddies (漩涡).

The eddies’ strong currents melt the ice at the edge, but weaker ones keep the center frozen. “Results of our field surveys show that there are warm eddies that circulate in a clockwise (顺时针的) direction under the ice cover,” said Alexei Kouraev, a hydrologist at the University of Toulouse, in a NASA statement. “In the eddy center, the ice does not melt — even though the water is warm — because the currents are weak,” he said. “But on the eddy boundary, the currents are stronger, and warmer water leads to rapid melting.”

During field work, Kouraev and his colleagues drilled holes near ice rings and set sensors capable of measuring the temperature and salinity (盐浓度) of the water to a depth of 700 feet. They found that the water in the eddies was 2 to 4 warmer than the surrounding water.

Most of the rings appear in March or April and have a width of about 3 to 4 miles — too big to recognize from the ground but easily seen from satellites above. Some rings were ephemeral while others lasted for weeks or even months.

Lake Baikal is the world’s largest and deepest freshwater lake, according to Gizmodo. It’s home to many varieties of fish not seen anywhere else in the world, and even a population of freshwater seals.

Researchers are still investigating what causes Baikal’s eddies but think it’s likely because of wind patterns, rivers that flow into the lake and the shape of the lake’s coastline and bottom.

1.Which word can best replace the underlined word “ephemeral” in paragraph 4?

A.Steady. B.Current.

C.Fundamental. D.Temporary.

2.Why is the ice in the center of ice rings frozen while that at the edge is melted?

A.Because the center of ice rings is 2 to 4 warmer than the edge.

B.Because the currents in the center are less powerful.

C.Because it is too wide to be recognized or melted.

D.Because water in the center circulates in a clockwise direction.

3.Which of the following statements about Lake Baikal’s eddies is TRUE?

A.They are caused by hot and circular currents under the ice.

B.The ice in the center of Lake Baikal’s eddies melts faster than that of the edge.

C.Researchers are uncertain about the exact reason of the eddies’ existence.

D.Lake Beikal’s eddies can only be measured at the depth of 700 feet.

4.What maybe the best title for the passage?

A.What’s causing the giant ice rings in Siberia?

B.The mystery of the eddies' in the Lake Baikal uncovered.

C.The largest and deepest freshwater lake — Lake Baikal.

D.Why does the edge of an ice ring melt faster?



    Time magazine’s tradition —“Person of the Year” originated in 1927, when it honored 25-year-old pilot Charles Lindbergh for the first nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean Though the magazine has recognized several young people for their global influence, it has never given the important honor to a teenager. But its 2019’s “Person of The Year” is the 16-year-old Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg.

Thunberg’s rise to global reputation is even more surprising given that just over a year ago, she was a shy 15-year-old anxious about the increasing threat of climate change. In August 2018, tired of the “refusal” of world leaders to take action, the young girl started camping out in front of the Swedish Parliament every Friday with a sign that said: “School Strike for Climate.”

The teen’s act of protest soon drew public attention, inspiring kids and adults worldwide to take action. By September 2018, her weekly strike became a global climate change movement called “Fridays for the Future”, with tens of thousands of students skipping school on this day to protest the inaction of the leaders of their respective countries. Her appeal for progress in environment protection also encouraged other young activists to begin their own climate change movements.

Varshini Prakash, co-founder of the US Youth-Led Sunrise Movement, says Thunberg “symbolizes the suffering, the frustration, the desperation, the anger — at some level, the hope — of many young people who won’t even be of age to vote by the time their futures are doomed.”

The teenager, who has single-handedly helped bring climate change to the forefront of the global conversation, owes her success to her Asperger’s syndrome (阿斯佩各综合征). She says, “I see the world in black and white, and I don’t like compromising. If I were like everyone else, I would have continued on and not seen this crisis. Right now, we have entered a new decade — a decade that will define our future. And I’ve seen hope, but it does not come from the governments or companies. It comes from the people.”

1.Why did Greta Thunberg camp out in front of Swedish Parliament every Friday?

A.To heighten public awareness of environmental protection.

B.To show her support for school strike for climate.

C.To condemn the government’s inaction on climate change.

D.To win a global reputation as a teenager climate change activist.

2.Where can we find the direct influence of Greta Thunberg’s behavior?

A.In paragraph2. B.In paragraph3.

C.In paragraph4. D.In paragraph5.

3.What kind of girl is Greta Thunberg according to the passage?

A.Positive and sensitive. B.Uncaring but reliable.

C.Selfish but intelligent. D.Brave and determined.

4.We can learn from the passage that _____________.

A.Charles Lindbergh is the first adolescent “Person of the Year” of Time magazine

B.on account of Asperger’s syndrome, Greta Thunberg has suffered a lot

C.all governments haven’t already taken effective measures to deal with climate change

D.Varshini Prakash thinks little of Thunberg and her strike for climate change



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