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因为新冠疫情(the COVID-19 epidemic)的原因,今年全国高考的...

因为新冠疫情(the COVID-19 epidemic)的原因,今年全国高考的时间被迫推迟一个月。假如你是李华,请给英国好友Peter写一封回信,说说你针对高考推迟所采取的应对措施。


Dear Peter,

Glad to hear from you and thank you for your concern about my study.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How about the epidemic situation in your country? Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear Peter, Glad to hear from you and thank you for your concern about my study. Because of the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the College Entrance Examination in our country has been put off by one month. Therefore, I have made the following adjustments. Firstly, I have relieved some anxiety and worry psychologically compared with before. Secondly, having relatively enough time, I can prepare myself more scientifically and effectively for the CEE according to the new plan. Besides, I have arranged a little more time to build up my body and I should adapt myself to the hot and humid climate in July. I’m sure I will be more confident about the coming examination. How about the epidemic situation in your country? Best wishes! Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【解析】 这是一篇提纲类写作。 第1步:根据提示可知,因为新冠疫情(the COVID-19 epidemic)的原因,今年全国高考的时间被迫推迟一个月。假如你是李华,请给英国好友Peter写一封回信,说说你针对高考推迟所采取的应对措施。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组):because of (因为);outbreak(爆发);epidemic (疫情);put off (推迟);adjustments(调整)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。此处文章主要应用现在完成时、一般现在时和一般将来时。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。







It happened many years ago where my mother took me to Mountain Tai for a trip. We climbed Mount Tai next morning after our arrival in Taian. It was a little cool at first and as time goes by, the high temperature made me uncomfortable and thirsty. As a result, I really wanted to give up. Just then, I saw a disabled man climbing hardly though his face was covered with sweats. Seeing his eyes fill with faith, I felt moved because the man with disability still kept fighting. Finally, he succeeded in getting to the top. My mother smiled on me proudly. Every time we face with difficulty, don’t give up easily.




Recently a new type of reusable mask developed by a Ningbo-based company 1.(enter)the market. Unlike surgical masks, this new product, uses a nanomaterial membrane (纳米膜), rather than the 2.(type) melt-blown fabric, to filter (过滤) bacteria and viruses.

Laboratory tests and 3.third party report show that the mask has achieved the same quality standards of the N95 mask, which can filter 95 percent of tiny objects with a diameter of at least 75 nanometers. The masks are also comfortable, easy to breathe 4.. What’s better, depending on the user's setting and wear time, the mask can 5.(use)up to 20 times.

The mask can also resist repeated sterilization (杀菌) with boiling water, disinfectant,6.alcohol, meaning that people only need to change the filter after wearing it for 12 hours and wash it regularly in hot water at a temperature between 56 and 707.(degree) Celsius for long-term use.

The mask is currently divided into two grades 8.(price) at 6 yuan ($0.89) and 9 yuan,9.(respective). Both are equipped with two replaceable filters. Besides, compared with adult masks, the masks made especially for children are 10.(skin-friendly).



    Walking out of the forest, I thought to myself what if we didn’t put out the fire? I ended up asking this thought as a _______ to my friends. Without saying anything, Elias went about ten yards back to the small fire that we had  _______. It was at this point where Elias went from calm, to _______. He shouted, “It’s on fire!”

My heart was _______ out of my chest when we got to the fire — it had enlarged into a _______ with a 15-foot diameter (直径). A pond about ten feet away, was our only _______. My quick thinking told me to_______into the pond and splash (泼洒) water onto the fire closest to the pond. Micah, took a bucket, and then filled it with _______, to fight the fire that was spreading out of our_______.

Elias and I got the fire, nearest to the water, under control. Micah, ________, could not rest. Although he ran back and forth, it only kept ________.It suddenly________to us that we could use the wet grass in the pond to________put out the fire. Therefore, with ________ in hand, we went into the fire, and ________ back to get more even though we were ________ Finally, our teamwork ________, as there was only ________left on a charred (烧焦的) battlefield. We stayed for another 30 minutes to________it starting again.

Our journey now came to an end and the battleground would soon become ________and beautiful as time passed.

1.A.secret B.question C.joke D.choice

2.A.saved B.put C.lit D.collected

3.A.cautious B.delighted C.curious D.terrified

4.A.speeding B.beating C.knocking D.pushing

5.A.circle B.way C.place D.hole

6.A.excuse B.request C.option D.duty

7.A.jump B.grow C.dig D.break

8.A.sand B.power C.strength D.water

9.A.mind B.order C.reach D.sight

10.A.however B.therefore C.otherwise D.moreover

11.A.stopping B.growing C.making D.changing

12.A.turned B.referred C.occurred D.added

13.A.roughly B.repeatedly C.regularly D.thoroughly

14.A.grass B.water C.fire D.air

15.A.drove B.dashed C.escaped D.withdrew

16.A.exhausted B.amazed C.disappointed D.interested

17.A.laid off B.gave off C.paid off D.put off

18.A.flame B.smoke C.noise D.light

19.A.leave B.observe C.keep D.prevent

20.A.old B.common C.quiet D.green



Benefits of Deep Cleaning Your Home

The researchers have discovered an average of 7,000 different types of bacteria per household.

One study shows the dirtiest objects in the home found over 340 different bacteria on 30 different objects. So what actually are the benefits of deep cleaning? Let’s find out!

1.Dust can cause sore eyes, coughing, hay fever (花粉病) and asthma (哮喘) attacks.2.For instance, dust can be found behind cabinets, on top of doors, windows and so on. Deep cleaning involves cleaning those places to wipe out the dust particles around them. With the absence of dust particles in the air, it will help improve the air quality in your home significantly.

Remove harmful bacteria and viruses.3.Some bacteria divide every 20 minutes with the right temperature and nutrients. Places like the kitchen, living room, and especially toilets contain the most bacteria and viruses. Quick wipe downs are quick and convenient but it’s ineffective, only a deep clean can eliminate the majority of bacteria and viruses laying around.

Reduce stress. People might find it odd how deep cleaning can actually reduce stress levels in the house. It may not be obvious but when conducting deep cleaning, you will be moving, rearranging and organizing household items. 4.You may even need a helping hand with getting rid of the large amount of clutter (杂乱物) around the house.

So, by deep cleaning your house every so often, you can get rid of clutter and the trouble of misplacing items around the house.5.

A.Separate dust particles.

B.Better indoor air quality.

C.Dirty homes are shelters for bacteria and viruses.

D.Dirty and messy homes are linked to many illnesses and infections.

E.There are more dust particles lying around your home than you know.

F.You will meet useless items by accident laying around for who knows how long.

G.You will even be awarded extra living space from removing all that dust-collecting items.



    “Are personal sad stories a must to win talent shows?” “Shouldn’t talent be judged on the basis of itself without needing a sad story of struggle to win?” These are questions Sanya Malhotra posed on a recent Facebook post.

This morning I came across this interesting post by Sanya Malhotra. She revealed that she loved dancing and dreamt of becoming an actress, but got defeated in “Dance India Dance” because her background story wasn’t sad and inspiring enough. That’s when she started doubting her artistic gift.

This really set me thinking. Why are people attracted to sob stories? Why do we always appreciate only those people who have achieved something after going through a lot of hardships?  Why does the headline of a newspaper “Taxi-driver’s Son Stands First In UPSC Exam” find more readers? I think it is because most people, who are in a similar situation, find it comforting that someone has succeeded with so many hardships. I know it is really very difficult for people with financial, health, or family problems to overcome obstacles and succeed. I really feel proud of them and I am often touched and inspired by their stories.

Now come back to what Sanya has said. I think this is a talent show rather than a story-telling competition. When it comes to a competition of singing or dancing or any fine arts, all the competitors should be judged without any bias (偏见). No one should lose because they don’t have a sad story of struggle to tell. It’s very unfair. They can be given opportunities otherwise, but should not be judged because of their stories.

Maybe, the TV channels do it to attract more viewers, because the most important element of any reality show is these touching stories. But as Sanya has said, it’s unfair to those who haven't such a story and are equally talented.

1.What do we know about Sanya Malhotra?

A.She entered a talent show. B.She won “Dance India Dance”.

C.She had a sad story to tell. D.She was rejected in a film.

2.From the second paragraph, we can infer that Sanya Malhotra________.

A.experienced many hardships B.is a famous actress in Indian

C.has a great gift for gymnastics D.used to be confident in her artistic talent

3.Which of the following headlines appeals to the readers most according to the passage?

A.A Millionaire Donated Money To Harvard University.

B.A Gifted Indian Teenager Won “Dance India Dance”.

C.An Armless Girl Was Admitted To Harvard University.

D.A Freshman Paid Off Loans By Getting A Part-time Job.

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.Winners Should Be Determined By Public Judges

B.Sanya Malhotra Displayed A Great Artistic Gift

C.Competitors Should Not Be Judged By Sob Stories

D.Talent Shows Competitors Can Tell Their Stories



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