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3.联系方式(邮箱 Chineselover@yahoo, com .





Chinese Club

University of London


Notice Our Chinese Club is looking for club members. Whoever has interest in the Chinese language and culture is welcome. We prefer those with passion and teamwork spirit. More importantly, he or she should have the ability to work independently. Those who have a good command of Chinese history are our favorite. Fluency in Chinese is preferred as well. The possible activities include a weekly after-school language learning course, a monthly get-together discussing a certain cultural phenomenon unique to China and a yearly celebration of a major festival. If you are interested, please contact us at Chineselover@yahoo.com and send your resume to us. Chinese Club University of London 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文, 要求写一封招聘启事。 第一步: 审题:招聘启事 人称:第三人称 时态: 一般现在时 结构: 招聘启事为一段,说明招聘内容、招聘条件、活动内容、联系方式等。 要点: 1. 招聘内容:汉语俱乐部招聘俱乐部成员 2.招聘条件:对汉语有热情、有团队合作精神、有独立工作能力,其中熟悉中国历史、中文流利者优先 3.活动内容:每周一次语言学习课程,每月一次讨论聚会,每年一次重大节日庆祝活动 4. 联系方式:邮箱 Chineselover@yahoo.com 第二步:列提纲(重点词汇、短语 ) look for;have interest in;prefer;passion;teamwork spirit;have the ability to do…;work independently;have a good command of;fluency;language learning course;cultural phenomenon;be unique to;celebration;contact 第三步:连词成句 (1) Our Chinese Club is looking for club members. (2) Anyone who has interest in the Chinese language and culture is welcome. (3) We prefer those with passion and teamwork spirit. (4) He or she should have the ability to work independently. (5)Those who have a good command of Chinese history are our favorite. (6) Fluency in Chinese is preferred as well. (7)The possible activities include a weekly after-school language learning course, a monthly get-together discussing a certain cultural phenomenon unique to China and a yearly celebration of a major festival. (8) If you are interested, please contact us at Chineselover@yahoo.com. 根据提示和关键词进行遣词造句,适当地运用句型,注意时态和主谓一致问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词、亮点词汇) 用whoever引导的主语从句改写下面的句子 (2)Anyone who has interest in the Chinese language and culture is welcome. →Whoever has interest in the Chinese language and culture is welcome. 用as well as 连接下面的两个句子中的并列成分 (3) We prefer those with passion and teamwork spirit. (4) He or she should have the ability to work independently. →We prefer those with passio , teamwork spirit as well as the ability to work independently. 用被动语态转换下面的句子 We prefer those who are fluent in Chinese. →Those who are fluent in Chinese are preferred. →Those who can speak Chinese fluently are preferred. →Fluency in Chinese is preferred. 适当地运用高级词汇、复杂句式、多变的句式提升文章的档次 ,增加文章的可读性。

假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。





2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

My uncle set up a small business in our city four years ago. He is known as using iron from old cars to make beautifully art pieces. Last summer vacation, I visit him and he showed to me many of his works. Some are larger pieces looked like animals and humans, and others are smaller pieces you can put at home. He often encourages me to be creative like himself. The art tells people the important of environmental protection. What’s more, it shows that even irons can be brought back to life with little creativity.



阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

“Leave a place better than you found it.” is a simple philosophy that I hold dear. I led 20 volunteers  to  help  clean  up  the  Great  Wall  in  April.  Tile  Great  Wall  is  one  of  the 1. (great)structures in the world. Everyone has a responsibility to protect it.

I first went to China to visit the Great Wall in 1986. Since 1990, I 2. (stay)in China with my family, 3. (spend)more than 2,700 days on the Great Wall. I have written several books on the subject, and also fronted documentaries.

I am credited with arousing China’s 4. (nation) consciousness to protect the Great Wall and its environment and I have held several exhibitions. 5. (protect) the Great Wall and assume the role 6. its international ambassador, I got permanent residency(居住权) in China. I live in a village below the Great Wall.

It’s a good thing that people are going out to enjoy 7. (they) and to discover tire great heritage and history, but 8. is also quite dangerous if they don’t understand 9. fragile the environment is. Every person can make a 10. (different). If we can get everybody to protect the environment, the world will be more green, beautiful and healthy.



    Last week, a thing occurred in the classroom of a 4th-grade at Chino Valley Unified School.

It was Autism(自闭症)Awareness Month and every _______ had been asked to have each student _______ a paper puzzle piece and hang it on their classroom doors. When Ms. Lisa Moe _______ the puzzle pieces, most of her students were familiar with the _______ of autism and they were _______ of the reason for doing so. However, they did not know autism was _______ within their own classroom in their _______ classmate: Jackie.

With _______, Jackie raised his hand and said, " May I please say something?" Moe nodded but never could she have imagined what was to _______

She explained in a blog post:"Jackie has ________ challenges and barriers beyond what any of us will ever be able to fully ________. But today, he stood in the front of the classroom with full ________ and showed us that no challenge or barrier can ________. He brought to life the meaning of ‘Yes, I Can ’!"

Both the teacher and students were hanging on his every word. For a(n)________ time, Moe never thought of getting out her phone to ________ this moment, but finally she ________ it. Without any of the students knowing, she recorded the ________ moments of Jackie’s, along with the ________ of the other students as they raised their hands to ask questions.

Jackie's  mother was ________ by the video and told Moe," Watching Jackie so bravely speak about autism is beyond what I can ________ express. Thank you!”

1.A.school B.family C.classroom D.court

2.A.decorate B.still C.wind D.cast

3.A.handed in B.handed out C.handed over D.handed up

4.A.views B.thoughts C.belief D.idea

5.A.capable B.afraid C.guilty D.aware

6.A.shy B.present C.hidden D.clear

7.A.fellow B.new C.humorous D.single

8.A.disappointment B.surprise C.excitement D.anxiety

9.A.tolerate B.spread C.construct D.follow

10.A.created B.doubted C.faced D.launched

11.A.express B.complete C.understand D.explain

12.A.ambition B.confidence C.strength D.power

13.A.hold him back B.give him up C.set him apart D.keep him away

14.A.certain B.long C.instant D.rapid

15.A.remember B.sculpture C.recall D.shoot

16.A.realized B.reminded C.put D.got

17.A.beginning B.unexpected C.unfortunate D.final

18.A.suggestions B.responses C.reactions D.applauds

19.A.scared B.thrilled C.shocked D.ashamed

20.A.properly B.patiently C.carefully D.attentively



    Vitamin D is necessary for bone-building, immune function, blood sugar control, positive mood and more. 1. The lower your vitamin D level is, the higher your risk of death from ally cause will be. However, it’s not a great idea to just take a supplement (补品) off the drugstore shelf and start taking it.

Since many of us have an inadequate amount vitamin D, also known as the “sunshine vitamin”, doctors will often give us high levels of D supplements, with doses ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 IU (International Units) per day, up to 50,000 IU per week and sometimes even more. 2. Very big doses ( 剂量) of vitamin D can cause a build-up of calcium ( ) in the blood, which leads to poor appetite, weakness, weight loss or other diseases. Here’s the bigger issue: 3. A build-up of stored vitamin D cart cause avoidable problems, leading to problems such as kidney stones.

4. The National Institutes of Health set the Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin D at 600 IU daily for babies, children, and adults up to 70 years old. Adults aged 71 and older need 800 IU, since the ability to absorb vitamin D drops with age. Because the fat cells take vitamin D up, making it less available for use by tile body, 5.

Though you’ll get a bit of vitamin D from foods—including fatty fish, beef liver, cheese, milk and so on—the amounts are so small that there’s little need to worry that they’ll put you over the daily dose.

A.It can help prevent many diseases.

B.We can actually reduce the risk of death.

C.people who are fat may also need more vitamin

D.any extra intake of vitamin D can get stored in the body.

E.But like all good things, it’s possible to get too much of it.

F.The average daily recommended amounts vary based on your age.

G.Vitamin D should be supplemented carefully despite its importance.



    A global group of scientists have reduced the time it takes to find and introduce disease-resistance genes from wild plants into domestic crops such as rice, wheat and potato, a research revealed on Tuesday.

Scientists from the John Innes Center in Britain, along with colleagues from Australia and the United States, have created a database known as AgRenSeq, where researchers can easily search for resistance genes already discovered in wild relatives of modern crops.

The study was co-authored by a global expert Professor HarbansBariana from the University of Sydney, who said that this technology will support the discovery and characterization of new sources of disease resistance in plants. Once researchers have identified resistance genes using AgRenSeq, they can clone them and introduce them to domestic crops to protect against diseases and pests,

“We have found a way to scan the genome(基因组)of a wild relative of a crop plant and pick out the resistance genes we need and we can do it in record time,” Dr. Brande Wulff, a project leader from the John Innes Centre, said.

“This used to be a process that took l0 Or 15 years and was like searching for a needle in a haystack(干草堆),” Wulff said. “We have perfected the method so that we can clone these genes in a matter of months and for just thousands of dollars instead of millions.”

The team are highly optimistic about their work, predicting it to be utilized in protecting many crops with wild relatives including soybeans, pea, cotton, potato, wheat, rice, banana and cocoa. “Using speed cloning and speed breeding we could deliver resistance genes into the best varieties within a couple of years, like a phoenix(凤凰) rising from the ashes,” Wulff added.

1.How have the researchers developed the resistance genes?

A.By reducing the research time.

B.By introducing them to wild plants.

C.By cloning them from domestic crops.

D.By getting resistance genes from wild plants.

2.What will be the use of the study in the future?

A.It will protect crops from being damaged by pests.

B.It will create a database for researchers to search.

C.It will protect domestic crops for 10 to 15 years.

D.It will contribute to reducing the wild plants.

3.Which of the following best explains “utilized” underlined in Paragraph 6?

A.Produced. B.Made.

C.Used. D.Studied.

4.What can we infer from what Brande Wulff said?

A.The resistance genes cost millions of dollars.

B.The resistance genes were found in a haystack.

C.It took the researchers ten years to find the resistance genes.

D.Disease-resistance genes will be put into practice soon.



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