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参考词汇:甲骨文 oracle bone inscriptions (OBIs)



Dear Fred. I’m so glad that you are interested in Chinese oracle bone inscriptions (OBls). Now, I’m writing in response to your inquiry. OBls are words carved onto animal bones or tortoises’ shells by ancient Chinese people to record what they wanted to express, which are considered the origin of Chinese characters. Discovered 120 years ago, 0Bls represent the earliest written records of Chinese civilization. The discovery of then plays a significant role in the study of human civilization. Therefore, its historic and cultural values are beyond doubt. What about.coming to China to visit an OBls museum? You are sure to have a better understanding of how amazing 0BIs are. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求写一封信。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封书信:假设你是李华,你的美同明友Fred在2019年纪念甲骨文发观120周年之际,写信向你了解甲骨文相关信息,请你回复。内容包括:1.甲骨文特点;2.发现的意义;3.邀请参观甲骨文博物馆。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:interested in Chinese oracle bone inscriptions (OBls)(对中国甲骨文感兴趣);ancient Chinese people to record what they wanted to express(中国古代的人们记录下他们想要表达的东西);represent the earliest written records of Chinese civilization(是中国最早的文字记录);等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。





注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


We are shocked to hear that a horrible and severely typhoon hit your hometown. It's challenged for you to remain calm and strong -willed when face with such a rarely- seen disaster.

Now I would like to express your sincere concern for you on behalf of all my schoolmate. Considering your present situation, we strongly wish to make every bit our effort to help you.We have collected 120 thousand yuan,what will help you get over the difficulty and build the better hometown.

Never giving up whatever happens! Do remember you are not alone.We will not be ready to help you.




The Old Man and the Sea, a great novel written by the American author Ernest Hemingway, 1.(publish) in 1952. The success of the book made him well-known and contributed2.the honor he received in 1954- the Nobel Prize in Literature .It was Hemingway's last major work of fiction.

The story concerns an old Cuban fisherman named Santiago who has not caught a fish for 84 days.3.(convince) that he will change his bad luck, Santiago takes his boat far out into the Gulf Stream, 4.the water is very deep, and hooks a giant marlin fish which is even longer than his fishing boat. With all his great experience and5. (strong), he struggles with the fish for three days and6.(eventual) succeeds in catching it, but his hard work then goes for nothing-- sharks eat the captured fish7.he can return to the harbor.

Hemingway is famously interested in 8.(idea) of men proving their worth by facing and 9.(overcome) the challenges of nature. Through the old man's struggle, he shows the ability of human spirit10.(bear) hardship and suffering in order to obtain greater success and victory.



    On September 11,2001, Tom Frey reported to duty as a detective for the New York Police Department. However, he was assigned to work for ___and recovery after the Twin Towers collapsed. Like many on that ___morning, he never imagined it would be the day when his life_____forever. He, together with other first responders, spent 8 months ____looking for human remains in the dust and rubble.

In February 2016, after routine check-up and ___examination in hospital, Frey got a __ from a nurse the following day. His white blood cells increased, and after more___he was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer____among the first responders of 9/11 terrorist attack due to the dust____when the towers fell down.“I asked the doctor what we should do to treat it, and he said, ‘nothing'."

Frey began____the Internet to learn more about Hodgkin's lymphoma. His searching____him to the Hodgki's lymphoma Foundation, a website which has made all the___in his journey with the disease. Frey's cancer cells are now in____Once he has been cancer-free for five years, he will be ____for a lung transplant. "If you keep moving,you keep______Today, the retired ____is an ambassador for the Hdegkin's lymphoma Fudation, traveling the country to____others with the disease “Go to the foundation’s website and support group meetings. Doctor only have 15 minutes to___you, but these people are __ the same thing.Some have lived with this for years. They give you____as well as help."

1.A.training B.research C.rescue D.treatment

2.A.terrible B.peaceful C.important D.amazing

3.A.improved B.changed C.ended D.remained

4.A.perfectly B.continuously C.accurately D.occasionally

5.A.heart B.lung C.muscle D.blood

6.A.invitation B.reward C.call D.letter

7.A.interviewing B.testing C.questioning D.arguing

8.A.common B.strange C.rare D.impossible

9.A.taken out B.taken in C.broken down D.broken up

10.A.cutting B.building C.loading D.surfing

11.A.reduced B.forced C.led D.followed

12.A.progress B.difference C.decisions D.choices

13.A.reduction B.chaos C.sight D.reality

14.A.suitable B.grateful C.determined D.reliable

15.A.dreaming B.worrying C.living D.suffering

16.A.reporter B.nurse C.doctor D.policeman

17.A.replace B.cure C.survive D.encourage

18.A.satisfy B.offer C.consult D.affect

19.A.going through B.working on C.talking about D.looking into

20.A.health B.harmony C.happiness D.hope



Will robots soon be picking soft fruits and salad?

It takes a certain skill to pick a strawberry or a salad. While crops like wheat and potatoes have been harvested mechanically for decades, many fruits and vegetables have proved resistant to automation.1.

But recently, technological developments and advances in machine learning have led to successful trials of more sensitive and skilful robots, which use cameras and artificial intelligence to locate ripe fruit and handle it with care and accuracy.

Developed by engineers at the University of Cambridge, the Vegebot is the first robot that can identify and harvest iceberg lettuce (莴苣)bringing hope to farmers that one of the most demanding crops for human pickers could finally be automated.2.

First, there are more mouths to feed, but less manual labor. With the world’s population expected to climb to 9.7 billion in 2050 from 7.7 billion today, agriculture is under pressure to meet rising demand for food production. On top of this, growers are facing a long-term labor  shortage.3.who suffer from economic losses due to labor shortage.

Second, 4.The problems from climate change ,such as extreme weather, shrinking agricultural lands and the lake of natural resources, make invasion(创新) and efficiency all the more urgent.5..The global market for agricultural robots, expected have a higher operating speed and accuracy than traditional agricultural machinery, is projected to grow from $205 billion in 2018 to $23 billion in 2028,according to a report from market intelligence firm BIS Research.

A.This is one reason behind the industry’s drive to develop robotics

B.there is an appeal for innovation and efficiency

C.robots could lead to more advanced farming practices

D.The development of robotics in agriculture could lead to a massive relief to the growers

E.They are too easily bruised (碰伤)or too hard for heavy farm machinery to locate

F.This breakthrough is significant without doubt

G.This is partly due to a lack of interest from younger generations



    Not many organisms can survive in this severe environment, the Sahara Desert, where daytime temperatures can reach 140 degrees Fahrenheit. But an insect called the Saharan silver ant grows well. They rush out onto the sand from their protected nests to gather up the bodies of insects that have died from the heat.

“The hotter the day, the more insect bodies they will find. The more food they have.” said Sarah Pfeffer, an animal behaviorist at Ulm University in Germany. She says that to avoid sinking into the Saharan sand, where they could meet the same fate(命运)as their lunch, silver ants have to be fast.

To document just how quickly the ants move, Pfeffer and her colleagues set up high-speed cameras above a channel between the entrance to the hungry ants’ nest and a food source. The researchers recorded top speeds approaching 35 inches per second.“But if you really look at how big the animals are and you calculate the body length per second, you will come up with a walking speed that is an astonishing 108 body-lengths per second.”That figure makes them the fastest known ant on the planet. By comparison, cheetahs(猎豹)top out at about 16 body lengths per second. The videos showed how the ants achieve such amazing speeds. As they accelerate, their leg movements become synchronized(同步). They increase their running length by bringing all six feet off the sand at once, which Pfeffer describes as a gallop. “Really all legs are lifted from the ground. They are in the air, but it’s not jumping. It’s a very smooth run that they have.”

A closely related ant called Cataglyphis fortis only reaches about 24 inches per second, or two-thirds of the silver ant's max.

The Saharan silver ants' speeds may be impressive, but two insects are even faster. The Califormia coastal mite (壁虱) and the Australian tiger beetle, both of which also grow well at near-deadly temperatures. It seems that to beat the heat, it pays to be fleet.

1.What does the underlined word "they" refer to?

A.The insects. B.The silver ants.

C.Pfeffer and her colleagues. D.The high-speed cameras.

2.How long is a Saharan silver ant?

A.About 0.14 inches. B.About 0.08 inches.

C.About 0.22 inches. D.About 0.32 inches.

3.How do the ants accelerate while running?

A.By jumping smoothly. B.By lifting all their legs.

C.By sinking into the sand. D.By flying in the air.

4.Why does the author mention another two animals in the last paragraph?

A.To introduce two speedy animals.

B.To present the near-deadly environment.

C.To show high temperature makes fast speed.

D.To indicate silver ants rank third in speed.



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