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Ice and snow were beating the window and...

    Ice and snow were beating the window and the wind almost swept everything away outside. I _________ how I would get home. The 12-mile route took me up and down steep hills and around _________ turns. I whispered a prayer for _________.

My old green Blazer SUV was doing wonderfully over the _________ roadway. _________ as I climbed one of the steepest and scariest hills, I noticed the tires were slipping, and I decided it was time to _________ to four-wheel drive. Slowly the tires _________ the road, and the top came _________ sight. Unfortunately, I had just made it when the _________ stopped. I pushed and pulled the lever (档杆)—nothing happened. I was ____________ with snow and ice balls around.

Even though I had met no one on this lonely road, I hoped someone might come to ____________. After a few minutes, I ____________ an old pickup truck. A smiling young man I’d never seen before rolled down his window, asking if I needed help. I ensured him I did. Then he showed me how to operate the four-wheel-drive shifting gear (齿轮), locking it into ____________.

____________, I got the Blazer starting. When I thanked the stranger and asked if he lived around the area, he just said,  “Oh, over there.” Do I believe in angels? You ____________!

1.A.wondered B.realized C.assumed D.stated

2.A.smooth B.sharp C.simple D.slight

3.A.liberty B.priority C.safety D.recovery

4.A.ice-covered B.flood-ruined C.badly-built D.well-equipped

5.A.But B.Or C.So D.And

6.A.attend B.appeal C.switch D.lead

7.A.lost control of B.took charge of C.got along with D.held on to

8.A.into B.beyond C.over D.from

9.A.wind B.snow C.vehicle D.driver

10.A.hurt B.stuck C.engaged D.panicked

11.A.life B.power C.help D.mind

12.A.boarded B.missed C.called D.spied

13.A.comfort B.scene C.action D.place

14.A.By no means B.In no time C.In some way D.In the meanwhile

15.A.fail B.approve C.count D.bet


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.D 13.D 14.B 15.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者在风雪交加的一天开车回家,12英里的路线让作者在陡峭的山上上下颠簸,车辆在冰雪覆盖的路面上出现了问题,一个好心人帮助了作者,使得作者认为好心人就像天使一样。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不知道怎么回家。A. wondered想知道;对……感到惊讶;B. realized意识到;实现;C. assumed假设;认为;D. stated说明;写明。根据前文“Ice and snow were beating the window and the wind almost swept everything away outside.( 冰雪拍打着窗户,风几乎把外面的一切都吹走了。)”可知,户外环境很恶劣,作者认为“回家”成为了一个问题,不知道该怎么办。故选A项。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这条12英里的路线让我在陡峭的山上上下颠簸,还绕了几个急转弯。A. smooth光滑的;B. sharp急剧的(转弯);C. simple简单的;D. slight轻微的。根据前文“steep hills”可知山坡很陡峭,因此会有急转弯(sharp turns)。故选B项。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我低声祈祷安全。A. liberty 自由;B. priority优先处理的事;C. safety安全;D. recovery痊愈;好转。根据前文“Ice and snow were beating the window and the wind almost swept everything away outside.”“ The 12-mile route took me up and down steep hills and around ____2____ turns.”可知,天气状况恶劣,路况恶劣,因此可知作者希望能够“安全”到家。故选C项。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我那辆旧的绿色开拓者越野车在冰雪覆盖的路面上行驶得很好。A. ice-covered冰封的;B. flood-ruined洪水破坏的;C. badly-built建的很差;D. well-equipped装备充足的。根据前文“Ice and snow were beating the window and the wind almost swept everything away outside.”可知,冰雪拍打着窗户,风几乎把外面的一切都吹走了,在这样的天气下,道路应是结冰了。故选A项。 5.考查连词词义辨析。句意:但当我爬上其中一座最陡峭、最可怕的山时,我注意到轮胎在打滑,于是我决定是时候改用四轮驱动了。A. But但是;B. Or或者;C. So因此;D. And和;而且。分析可知,本句“as I climbed one of the steepest and scariest hills, I noticed the tires were slipping(当我爬上一座最陡峭、最可怕的山时,我注意到轮胎在打滑)”与前文“My old green Blazer SUV was doing wonderfully over the ____4____ roadway.( 我那辆绿色开拓者越野车在冰雪覆盖的路面上行驶得很好。)”为转折关系。故选A项。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但当我爬上其中一座最陡峭、最可怕的山时,我注意到轮胎在打滑,于是我决定是时候改用四轮驱动了。A. attend参加;出席;B. appeal吸引;C. switch转向;D. lead引领;通往。根据前文“as I climbed one of the steepest and scariest hills, I noticed the tires were slipping(当我爬上一座最陡峭、最可怕的山时,我注意到轮胎在打滑)”可知,轮胎开始打滑,作为司机,作者应是采取措施避免打滑,开启四轮驱动。switch to,“切换到;转到;转变成”,符合语境表达。故选C项。 7.考查动词词组辨析。句意:轮胎慢慢地贴在路面上,山顶映入眼帘。A. lost control of失控;B. took charge of负责;C. got along with和睦共处;D. held on to坚持;紧握。根据前文“as I climbed one of the steepest and scariest hills, I noticed the tires were slipping, and I decided it was time to ____6 __ to four-wheel drive.”可知作者注意到轮胎在打滑,开启了四轮驱动,因此可知,汽车不再打滑,车轮贴在地面上了。故选D项。 8.考查介词词义辨析。句意:轮胎慢慢地贴在路面上,山顶映入眼帘。A. into进入;B. beyond超出;C. over遍及;多于;D. from来自于。come into sight,固定结构,意为“出现在眼前,可以望见”。故选A项。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,我刚要向坡上开,车就停了下来。A. wind风;B. snow雪;C. vehicle车辆;D. driver司机。根据后文“I pushed and pulled the lever—nothing happened.( 我推了一下然后又拉了控制杆——什么也没发生。)”可知,作者推拉控制杆应该是因为车停了下来。故选C项。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我被雪和冰球困住了。A. hurt伤害;B. stuck粘住;卡住;C. engaged从事;吸引;D. panicked使恐慌。根据前文背景句“Ice and snow were beating the window and the wind almost swept everything away outside. ”以及“I had just made it when the ____9___ stopped.”可知,雪下的很大,风也很强烈,且作者的车行不不了了,应是卡住了。be stuck with,“无法摆脱;陷在”。故选B项。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然在这条僻静的路上我一个人也没有遇见,但我希望有人能来帮助我。A. life生命;B. power力量;能力;C. help帮助;D. mind想法;才智。结合句子“Even though I had met no one on this lonely road, I hoped someone might come to ____11___.”句意可知,作者希望在这条孤单的路上能有人出现帮忙。故选C项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:几分钟后,我发现了一辆旧的小卡车。A. boarded登上(火车、船或飞机);B. missed错过;想念;C. called呼叫;拜访;D. spied从事间谍活动;突然看见;认出。根据后文“an old pickup truck”可知,作者应是看到了一辆小货车。故选D项。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后他向我展示如何操作四轮驱动换挡装置,并把它锁在适当的位置。A. comfort舒服;安慰;B. scene场面;景象;C. action行动;行为;D. place地方。结合句子“Then he showed me how to operate the four-wheel-drive shifting gear, locking it into______”可知,这个年轻人教给作者如何操作四轮驱动换挡装置,且,需要将其锁住在恰当的位置。故选D项。 14.考查固定短语辨析。句意:很快,我就启动了车子。A. By no means绝不;B. In no time立刻,很快;C. In some way在某些方面;在某种程度上;D. In the meanwhile同时;在此期间。根据前文“Then he showed me how to operate the four-wheel-drive shifting gear, locking it into______”可知,这个年轻人教给作者如何操作四轮驱动换挡装置以及如何锁住到恰当的位置,因此作者的车又可以发动起来了,B项“in no time”可表达作者当时的急切且激动的心情。故选B项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我相信天使的存在吗?(当然)你说的没错。A. fail失败;B. approve喜欢;赞赏;C. count 数数;D. bet对……下注; 下赌注。结合句子:When I thanked the stranger and asked if he lived around the area, he just said, “Oh, over there.”Do I believe in angels? (当我向陌生人道谢并问他是否住在附近时,他只是说:“哦,在那边。”“我相信有天使吗?”)可知,作者认为帮助他的这个陌生人像天使一样,因此本句应是非常肯定的回答。“You bet!”用在句子表达“当然;肯定地”含义,符合语境和作者的心境。故选D项。

Why Do Brides Wear White

In many societies the color white has been associated with purity and virtue, and that is one reason why some brides choose to wear white, especially in the West. Usually, you will hear that brides wear white because “it’s a tradition”. But, historically, white was not the only color considered for wedding dresses. 1.

For many centuries in Western societies, wedding dresses had different colors. 2. Brides tended to buy a wedding dress that could be worn again, or they simply wore the best dress they already owned. And white is not practical: it is difficult to keep clean and is therefore not ideal for many situations or for repeated wear.

Many brides chose to wear dresses of other colors for their wedding and beyond. 3. They do so largely thanks to a trend that started with Queen Victoria’s 1840 wedding to Prince Albert.

4. Although not in as many different media as we have now, they still had a tendency to be trendsetting. So Victoria chose to wear a white gown (女礼服)—reportedly to show off the fine detailed Honiton lace produced by the British lace industry, which was depressed at the time. Her fashion choice was widely reported in newspapers and magazines. 5. Eventually, the trend of a white wedding gown spread across all economic levels and it was strengthened as “tradition” in the 20th century.

A.So why do so many of today’s brides wear white?

B.But why are brides so particular about their dresses?

C.Royal weddings in those years received a lot of reporting.

D.It reflected the growth of the wedding industry at that time.

E.It soon influenced domestic and international wedding trends.

F.In fact, other colors were chosen far more frequently than white.

G.This was for reasons of being practical as much as anything else.



    Is there a link between social media and depression? Do Facebook and Instagram have a negative impact on your mental health? It’s complicated.

Sometimes, looking through Instagram just makes you feel bad. You try not to envy your friends, but they always seem to be traveling somewhere cool, eating something fancy, or looking cute in perfect just-rolled-out-of-bed hair. On the other hand, there are times when you laugh at funny memes (表情包), catch up with old friends, and feel happy to belong to fun social media communities, Clearly, social media isn’t all bad.

People are increasingly suspect that there’re the potential problems of social media. Things like cyberbullying, screen addiction, and being exposed to endless filtered images (美颜) that make it impossible not to make comparisons between yourself and others often make the news. In July, a big study came out in the journal JAMA titled “Association of Screen Time and Depression in Adolescence.” This big headline seems to confirm what a lot of people have been saying-screen time is horrible for young people.

The study followed over 3800 adolescents over four years as part of a drug and alcohol prevention program. Part of what the investigators measured was the teens’ amount of screen time, including time spent on social media, as well as their levels of depression symptoms. One of their main findings was that higher amounts of social media use were associated with higher levels of depression. That was true both when the researches compared between people and compared each person against their own mental health over time.

Case closed? Not so fast. Before we end the debate once and for all, let’s take a closer look at this and other studies. Let’s ask ourselves: what exactly is the relationship between social media use and depression? It turns out there are several warnings.

1.Why do people sometimes feel bad when looking through Instagram?

A.They feel unbalanced.

B.They can travel nowhere.

C.They don’t look perfect.

D.They lack contact with old friends.

2.Why is the article in journal JAMA mentioned?

A.To comment. B.To suggest.

C.To prove. D.To explore.

3.Which may agree with the findings of the study?

A.Teens’ amount of screen time is limited.

B.Depression is related to social media use.

C.It is not easy to tell reasons for depression.

D.Social media use contributes to mental health.

4.What’s the best title of the text?

A.How to reduce depression?

B.Shall people reduce screen time?

C.Does social media cause depression?

D.Why is it time to give up social media?



    Pigeons (鸽子) may be considered mice of the sky, but some scientists have found greater value in these urban birds: the blueprint for a new generation of flying machines.

Birds can transform the shape of their wings by fanning out their feathers or moving them closer together. Those adjustments allow birds to cut through the sky more flexibly than rigid drones (无人机). Now, using new insights into exactly how pigeons ‘joints control the spread of their wing feathers, researchers have built a robotic pigeon. This research paves the way for creating more light aircraft, says Dario Floreano, a roboticist in Switzerland not involved in the work.

“What’s really cool about this robot is that you can make adjustments in a robotic wing that you could never do when studying flight in a bird”, says David Lentink, an engineer and biologist at Stanford University. A controllable robotic pigeon solves that problem. In flight tests, Lentink’s team observed that bending only the fingers of one wing eased the robot into a banked turn-offering the first evidence that birds may sometimes use just their fingers to direct in flight. In a second study, Lentink’s group used their robotic wing design to confirm another insight into bird flight: how gaps are prevented from forming between feathers on extended wings.

This is the best set of robotic wings yet for testing how birds adjust their flight feathers to move through the air, says Tyson Hedrick, a biomechanist. But “there’s plenty of room for improvement.” For instance, a future flying robot could include a shoulder joint to investigate how waving a bird’s wings up and down influences flight, he says.

1.What is the newly-found worth of pigeons?

A.They help study other species.

B.They protect other urban birds.

C.They provide proof of mice’s harm.

D.They inspire a new aircraft.

2.What is Dario Floreano’s attitude to the research?

A.Negative. B.Positive.

C.Neutral. D.Critical.

3.What do the underlined words “that problem” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Pigeons in flight can hardly be observed.

B.People can’t make adjustments in birds’ wings.

C.It is difficult for pigeons to make a banked turn.

D.Pigeons fail to control the spread of their wing feathers.

4.Where does the text probably come from?

A.A travel journal.

B.A travel brochure.

C.A science fiction.

D.A science magazine.



    I remember doing the household chores to help my mother when I was nine. I hated changing the vacuum cleaner (真空吸尘器) bag and picking up things the machine did not suck up. Twenty years later, in 1978, with this lifelong dislike of the way the machine worked, I decided to make a bagless one.

Easier said than done, of course. I didn’t realize that I would spend the next five years perfecting my design, a process that resulted in 5,127 different prototypes (样机). By the time I made my 15th prototype, my third child was born. By 2,627, my wife and I were really counting our pennies. By 3,727, my wife was giving art lessons for some extra cash, and we were getting further and further into debt. These were tough times, but each failure brought me closer to solving the problem.

In the early 1980s, I started trying to get licensing agreements for my technology. The reality was very different, however. The major vacuum makers had built a business model based on the profits from bags and filters (滤网). No one would license my idea, not because it was a bad one, but because it was bad for business. But soon after, the companies that I had talked with started making machines like mine. I had to fight legal battles on both sides of the Atlantic to protect the patents on my vacuum cleaner.

I was still in financial difficulties until 1993, when my bank manager personally persuaded Lloyds Bank to lend me $1 million. Then I was able to go into production. Within two years, the Dyson vacuum cleaner became a best-seller in Britain.

Today, I still embrace risk and the potential for failure as part of the process. Nothing beats the excitement of invention,

1.What drove the author to make a bagless vacuum cleaner?

A.His willingness to help mom.

B.His curiosity about machines.

C.His trouble in doing family chores.

D.His discontent with existing cleaners.

2.What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us?

A.The help from the author’s wife.

B.The financial problems of the family.

C.The tough process of the new invention.

D.The procedures of making a bagless cleaner.

3.Why did the companies refuse to license the author’s technology?

A.They thought they might suffer loss.

B.They considered it not good enough.

C.They faced legal problems themselves.

D.They had begun making such machines.

4.What lesson may the author learn from the experience?

A.Think twice before acting.

B.Failure is the mother of success.

C.Actions speak louder than words.

D.A good beginning makes a good ending.



    The UK’s music festivals are world famous but there are plenty more to celebrate in the country.

Burns Night, Scotland

On 25 January. Scots celebrate the life and works of Scotland’s national poet Robert Burns by holding a special Burns Supper. This can be a casual gathering of friends or a huge formal dinner. Guests take it in turn to recite Burns’ poems or sing one of his songs.

Hay Festival, Hay-on-Wye, Wales

For 10 days each May, the small town of Hay-on-Wye on the edge of the Brecon Beacons National Park in Wales is filled with writers, filmmakers, musicians, comedians, politicians, and people who come to hear them talk and exchange ideas. The festival celebrates great writing of all genres (体裁) and it all takes place in a tented village in the town.

Camp Festival, Dorset

As a branch of a festival held in Dorset, it’s one of the best family festivals in the UK. Held every year in the grounds of the historic Lulworth Castle in Dorset, the festival includes top live music acts but, as the organizers say, “kids are king” at Camp Festival, with a wide variety of entertainment, workshops and fun for kids. The 2020 Camp Festival takes place from 25 to 28 July.

Guy Fawkes Day or “Bonfire Night”

All over the UK on 5 November, the British light bonfires and set off fireworks in their back gardens or, more commonly these days, at organized events in public parks. They celebrate the Catholic Guy Fawkes’ failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament on 5 November, 1605.

1.Which festivals are related to literature?

A.Burns Night and Hay Festival.

B.Hay Festival and Camp Festival.

C.Burns Night and Guy Fawkes Day.

D.Camp Festival and Guy Fawkes Day.

2.When does the festival most appealing to children take place?

A.In January. B.In May.

C.In July. D.In November.

3.What does Guy Fawkes Day celebrate?

A.A historical event.

B.A successful explosion.

C.An organized strike.

D.An impressive building.



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