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Truth be told, a life-changing college e...

    Truth be told, a life-changing college experience doesn’t begin or end with a high GPA or great university tour. And although parents and teachers alike work diligently to prep their students with the cutting-edge classes and impressive transcripts, they’re _______ one vital skill: emotional intelligence.

A poll of 1,502 first-year college students in the U.S. found that a majority of them wish they had received more _________ preparation for college. Emotional preparedness is _________ “the ability to take care of oneself, adapt to new environments,_______ negative emotions or behavior and build positive relationship,” according to the survey.

“Survey data indicate that college readiness requires far more than just a solid academic foundation – a find that seems _________ conventional higher education preparation, said John MacPhee, Executive Director of the Jed Foundation, which co-sponsored the survey. “It is clear that emotional preparedness should be better _______ the work that high school communities are doing to guide students through the transition into college.”

Data show that college students _______ far more than their academics – and their stress can take a serious toll(代价) on their _______ in school. Forty percent of survey participants felt pressure to pay for college expenses, followed by 30 percent who said their biggest _______ was to make new friends.__________, keeping in touch with family and friends not at their college (28 percent) and being independent (16 percent) also weighed heavily on college students’ shoulders.

All of these __________ had a negative impact inside and outside of the classroom. Students who felt less emotionally prepared for college were more likely to have a lower grade point average, regularly ____________ drugs and/or alcohol, and rate their overall college experience as terrible or poor.

“As high school seniors start applying to college around this time of year, parents and people ____________ in their lives can play an important role in helping children build confidence and life skills, said Marisa Giarnella-Porco, Co-Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Jordan Porco Foundation, a survey co-sponsor. “It is important to __________ them to choose a college that best fits their needs first and foremost – not only in a(n)__________ sense, but also relative to emotional needs.”

Thankfully, whether your child is packing up for school this fall or still in diapers, it’s never too late (or too early!) to begin prepping them for university life. Here’s what parents should do to help their college-bound kid, starting now.

1.A.mastering B.employing C.forgetting D.preparing

2.A.emotional B.careful C.comprehensive D.active

3.A.compared with B.applied to C.adjusted to D.defined as

4.A.arouse B.control C.display D.hide

5.A.short of B.strict with C.contrary to D.proud of

6.A.reminded of B.combined with C.focused on D.devoted to

7.A.depend on B.worry about C.refer to D.respond to

8.A.performances B.grades C.subjects D.requirements

9.A.mistake B.decision C.event D.challenge

10.A.Otherwise B.Thus C.Besides D.However

11.A.pressures B.benefits C.behaviors D.thoughts

12.A.market B.ban C.consume D.produce

13.A.aggressive B.influential C.mysterious D.modest

14.A.support B.guide C.warn D.command

15.A.good B.keen C.academic D.delicate


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.C 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。说实话,改变人生的大学生活并不是以高绩点或精彩的大学之旅开始或结束。尽管家长和老师都在努力为学生准备最先进的课程和令人印象深刻的成绩单,他们却忘记了一项重要的技能:情商。文章阐述了情商的重要性和培养。 1.考查动词。句意:尽管家长和老师都在努力为学生准备最先进的课程和令人印象深刻的成绩单,他们却忘记了一项重要的技能:情商。A. mastering精通;B. employing雇佣;C. forgetting忘记;D. preparing准备。although表示转折,前句Truth be told, a life-changing college experience doesn’t begin or end with a high GPA or great university tour. 可知“他们忘了一个重要的技能”,所以本句的答案对应的是:“forgetting”。故选C项。 2.考查形容词。句意:一项针对1502名美国大一新生的调查发现,大多数人都希望自己能对大学生活有更多的情感准备。A. emotional情感的;B. careful细心的;C. comprehensive综合的。D. active积极的。根据上段最后一句中的emotional intelligence可知,本句的意思是“大部分学术需要情感上的准备”,所以本句答案应该是“情感的”。故选A项。 3.考查固定词组。句意:情感准备被定义为“照顾自己、适应新环境、控制负面情绪或行为以及建立积极关系的能力”。 A. compared with与------相比较;B. applied to应用;C. adjusted to调整;D. defined as被定义为。根据上下文Emotional preparedness is ____3____ “the ability to take care of oneself, adapt to new environments,应该是Emotional preparedness “被定义为”。故选D项。 4.考查动词。句意:情感准备被定义为“照顾自己、适应新环境、控制负面情绪或行为以及建立积极关系的能力”。 A. arouse引起,唤醒;B. control控制;C. display显示,表现;D. hide躲藏。根据前文adapt to new environments,可知要“控制负面情感”。故选B项。 5.考查短语。句意:调查数据表明,大学的准备工作不仅需要坚实的学术基础,这一调查结果似乎与传统的高等教育准备相反。A. short of缺乏,短缺;B. strict with对某人严格;C. contrary to与------相反;D. proud of因------而自豪。根据上下文far more than just a solid academic foundation – a find that seems ____5____ conventional higher education preparation,和常识可知空格处的意思是“与...相对的是”。故选C项。 6.考查动词短语。句意:很明显,情感准备应该更好地与高中社区为引导学生过渡到大学所做的工作相结合。A. reminded of提醒;B. combined with联合;C. focused on集中于;D. devoted to致力于。根据emotional preparedness should be better ___6___ the work that high school communities are doing,可知,本句的意思是“情感准备需要更好的把...与工作相结合”。故选B项。 7.考查动词词组。句意:数据显示,大学生担心的远不止学业,他们的压力会严重影响他们在学校的表现。A. depend on依赖,依靠;B. worry about担忧;C. refer to参考,涉及;D. respond to回应。根据下文their stress can take a serious toll(代价)“学生的压力”判断出应选择“担心”。故选B项。 8.考查名词。句意:数据显示,大学生担心的远不止学业,他们的压力会严重影响他们在学校的表现。A. performances演出;B. grades等级,分数;C. subjects学科,科目;D. requirements要求。根据下文Forty percent of survey participants felt pressure to pay for college expenses,可知,本句的意思是学生在校的成绩,即“学业的表现”。故选A项。 9.考查名词。句意:40%的调查参与者感到支付大学费用的压力,30%的人说他们最大的挑战是结交新朋友。A. mistake错误;B. decision决定;C. event事件;D. challenge挑战。根据下文to make new friends,可知这是学生们担忧的另一种情况,“最大的挑战是结交朋友”。故选D项。 10.考查副词。句意:此外,与不在学校的家人和朋友保持联系(28%)和保持独立(16%)也是大学生的沉重负担。A. Otherwise否则,另外;B. Thus因此;C. Besides此外;D. However然而。与上文所列举情况并列,副词besides承接上下文,表示“此外”。故选C项。 11.考查名词。句意:所有这些压力都对课堂内外产生了负面影响。A. pressures压力;B. benefits利益;C. behaviors行为,举止;D. thoughts想法。根据空格后的had a negative impact inside and outside of the classroom,可知,本句的意思是:“所有的这些压力对...有负面影响”。与上下文的pressure一致,故选A项。 12.考查动词。句意:那些对上大学没做好心理准备的学生更有可能有较低的平均绩点,经常服用毒品和/或酒精,并把他们的大学生活整体评价为糟糕或糟糕。A. market做买卖;B. ban禁止;C. consume消耗;D. produce生产。根据空格后的drugs and/or alcohol, and rate their overall college experience as terrible or poor,可知,本句的意思是:“经常消费(购买)毒品和/或酒”。故选C项。 13.考查形容词。句意:高中毕业生在每年的这个时候开始申请大学,父母和在他们生活中有影响力的人可以在帮助孩子建立信心和生活技能方面发挥重要作用。A. aggressive好斗的;B. influential有影响的;C. mysterious神秘的;D. modest谦虚的。根据parents and people 和play an important role in helping children build confidence and life skills,可知,本句的意思是:“家长和人们的影响”。故选B项。 14.考查动词。句意:指导他们选择最适合自己需要的大学是很重要的——不仅在学术上,而且在情感上。A. support支持;B. guide指导;C. warn警告;D. command命令。根据后文“指引他们去选择最适合的大学”。故选B项。 15.考查形容词。句意:指导他们选择最适合自己需要的大学是很重要的——不仅在学术上,而且在情感上。A. good好的;B. keen渴望的,热心的;C. academic学术的;D. delicate精美的,雅致的。固定搭配“academic sense”意为“学术意识”。故选C项。

To _______ its construction, the Potala Palace is _______ to a limited number of tourists every day.

A.preserve; available B.reserve; available

C.preserve; accessible D.reserve; accessible



The leaders of Catalonia said that he had decided to delay the declaration of independence ______ they could have a further negotiation with Spanish government.

A.in case B.in order to C.so that D.not until



    Experiments _______ that children can be instructed in swimming at a very early age, as early as about two months.

A.are proving B.will be proved C.are proved D.have proved



Because of the progress he ______ in his performance, he was soon promoted to project manager.

A.had made B.had been made C.makes D.has been making



    The man was so surprised at _______ that he did not try to escape or defend himself.

A.discovered B.discovering C.to be discovered D.being discovered



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