满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I was called into the principal’s office...

I was called into the principal’s office but I had no idea what I had done wrong. When I arrived, my brother Brian was there. He had been ____. Brian grasped my hand and said , “Amanda has been in a car accident.”

Every inch of my body went ____ as I realized what he had said. My sister was injured. One question sounded over and over in my head--how ____ this have happened? ____ she was only 17, Amanda was one of the safest drivers I knew. I felt shocked and terrified.

My brother and I ____ immediately for the hospital my sister was in. When we arrived, my sister’s face was ____ from the eyebrows up and you could see blood everywhere. She was ____ to several machines. My mom and dad stood at her side crying.

My sister looked up at me with blood-filled eyes, where I expected to see fear, I saw ____ She said to me, “I love you, Rence.” I suddenly realized how ____ I tell my sister I love her. I tried to ____ her, but she wasn’t listening any more, because some doctors were taking her away to the x-ray room.

As they ____ my sister I wanted to scream out, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t move, speak or even cry until she was around the corner. Then the ____ came.

Though everyone kept telling me she would be ____, something made me worried. Every moment that passed allowed the doubt in my mind to grow ____. Finally, the doctor walked down the hall and stood quietly in front of us. It was then ____ the long-awaited words came. Amanda was going to be okay.

My heart leaped as I realized I ____ had a sister. She would need a lot of plastic surgery (整容手术), but she was    ___

A year later, even though my sister and I quarrel sometimes, every time I see her face and ____ the large scar that stretches across it, I remember to tell her that I ____ her. I remember when I almost didn’t have the ____ to tell her again how much I love her.363

1.A. whispering    B. shouting    C. crying    D. sighing

2.A. frozen    B. excited    C. confused    D. relaxed

3.A. need    B. might    C. must    D. could

4.A. Only if    B. Even though    C. In case    D. Now that

5.A. cared    B. witched    C. kicked    D. left

6.A. covered    B. painted    C. operated    D. repaired

7.A. applied    B. attached    C. related    D. adjusted

8.A. belief    B. trouble    C. strength    D. shyness

9.A. frequently    B. much    C. soon    D. rarely

10.A. answer    B. refuse    C. persuade    D. hug

11.A. gave up    B. wheeled away    C. tamed to    D. picked up

12.A. confidence    B. sweats    C. sympathy    D. tears

13.A. angry    B. disappointed    C. fine    D. dissatisfied

14.A. thinner    B. bigger    C. weaker    D. higher

15.A. that    B. what    C. when    D. which

16.A. still    B. ever    C. even    D. never

17.A. ill    B. afraid    C. alone    D. alive

18.A. feel    B. make    C. touch    D. spot

19.A. cheat    B. move    C. love    D. help

20.A. mood    B. chance    C. time    D. courage


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.D 18.D 19.C 20.B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者的妹妹因车祸事故受伤住院,最后做整容手术,作者告诉妹妹他依然爱她。 1.C 考查动词。A. whispering 窃窃私语; B. shouting 大喊; C. crying 哭; D. sighing叹息。根据下文:Brian grasped my hand and said , “Amanda has been in a car accident.”布莱恩握着我的手说:“阿曼达出了车祸。”可知,他一直在哭。故选C。 2.A 考查形容词。A. frozen 冻结的; B. excited 兴奋的; C. confused困惑的;D. relaxed放松的。当我意识到他说的话时,我身体的每一寸都被冻住了。故选A。 3. D考查情态动词。A. need 需要; B. might可能; C. must 必须; D. could能够。有一个问题在我脑海中反复出现——这怎么可能发生呢?根据句意可知答案为D。 4.B考查状语从句的引导词。A. Only if 只要; B. Even though即使; C. In case 万一; D. Now that既然。虽然她只有17岁,但阿曼达是我所知道的最安全的司机之一。此处是Even though引导的让步状语从句,故答案为Even though。 5.D考查动词。 A. cared照顾,关心; B. witched迷惑; C. kicked踢; D. left离开。我哥哥和我立即离开了我姐姐所在的医院。根据句意可知答案为D。 6.A考查动词。 A. covered覆盖; B. painted 粉刷; C. operated操作; D. repaired修理。当我们到达时,我妹妹的脸被眉毛盖住了,你可以看到到处都是血。根据句意可知答案为A。 7. B考查动词。A. applied 应用,实施; B. attached附上; C. related相关; D. adjusted调整。她被绑在几台机器上。be attached to喜爱,附属于,故答案为B. 8.C考查名词。A. belief信仰; B. trouble麻烦; C. strength 力量; D. shyness害羞。我妹妹用充血的眼睛望着我,我预测看到恐惧,我看到了力量。故答案为C。 9.D考查副词。A. frequently 频繁地; B. much 非常; C. soon不久; D. rarely罕见地。我突然意识到我很少告诉我妹妹我爱她。根据句意可知答案为D。 10.A考查动词。A. answer 回答; B. refuse 拒绝; C. persuade 规劝; D. hug拥抱。我试着拥抱她,但她不再听了,因为一些医生正在把她带到了x光室。故选A。 11.B 考查动词词组。A. gave up放弃; B. wheeled away从某地推走某物; C. tamed to 驯养;D. picked up捡起。当他们把我妹妹推走的时候,我想大声喊出来,但我不能。我无法移动、说话,甚至哭泣,直到她即将回来。故答案为B。 12.D考查名词。A. confidence 自信; B. sweats 汗水; C. sympathy同情; D. tears眼泪。然后眼泪就流出来。故答案为D。 13.C考查形容词。A. angry生气的; B. disappointed 感到失望的; C. fine好的; D. dissatisfied不满意的。尽管每个人都不停地告诉我她会没事,但有些事情让我很担心。根据句意可知答案为C。 14. B考查形容词。A. thinner更瘦的; B. bigger 更大的; C. weaker 较弱的; D. higher更高的。每过一段时间,我心中的疑虑就会变得更大。故答案为B。 15.A考查强调句式。句意:就在那时,人们期待已久的话语出现了。强调句式:It is/was +强调部分+that---,故答案为A。 16.A考查副词。A. still仍然; B. ever 曾经; C. even甚至; D. never从来没有。当我意识到我还有一个妹妹时,我的心跳了起来。根据句意可知答案为A。 17. D考查形容词。A. ill 生病的; B. afraid害怕的; C. alone独自的; D. alive活着的。她需要做很多整形手术,但她还活着。由此可知答案为D。 18.D考查动词。A. feel 感觉; B. make制造; C. touch触摸; D. spot认出。每次我看到她的脸,看到那巨大的伤疤,我记得告诉她我爱她。根据句意可知答案为D。 19.C考查动词。A. cheat 欺骗; B. move 移动; C. love爱; D. help帮助。每次我看到她的脸,看到那巨大的伤疤,我记得告诉她我爱她。可知答案为C。 20.B考查名词。A. mood 情绪; B. chance 机会; C. time 时间; D. courage勇气。我记得当我几乎没有机会再次告诉她我有多爱她。根据句意可知答案为B。

(2017·天津)Nowadays, cycling, along with jogging and swimming, ___________ as one of the best all-round forms of exercise.

A. regard B. is regarded

C. are regarded D. regards



--- Hello, I ________ to ask if I can book a flight ticket to London tomorrow?

--- Sorry, we’ve already sold out.


B.will phone

C.am phoning

D.have phoned



(2017·天津) The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment, ________ more patients to be treated.

A. being allowed B. allowing

C. having allowed D. allowed



—I will fix your printer right now.

— Oh, ________. I’m in no hurry.

A. take your time    B. that’s a great idea

C. you are welcome    D. I’d like to



Various efforts ________ in the past decades to protect the environment.

A. had made    B. have made

C. were made    D. have been made



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