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为缓解学生的压力、释放负面情绪,你校将于本周五在操场举行高三年级打水仗(water fight)活动,你受学生会委托写一则通知,内容包括:



3.注意事项:穿防水鞋和雨衣;只能使用学校提供的水枪(water pistols)。






Student Union

May 6th


Notice With the aim of easing students’ anxiety and releasing negative emotions,our school is going to hold an activity — Water Fight — specially designed for senior three students this Friday. As scheduled,all are to gather at the school playground at 10 am in class units. Each class is supposed to have the water fight in the specific area with two previously-prepared tanks of water and a relatively gentle way is highly suggested for the concern of students’ safety. Remember to wear waterproof sneakers and raincoats provided. Besides,bear in mind that all mustn’t adopt water pistols other than those prepared by the school. Please be there on time. Student Union May 6th 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生写一篇关于高三年级打水仗的通知。 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文。 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时。 结构:总分法。 要求: 1.活动的目的和意义; 2.活动的时间及地点; 3.注意事项:穿防水鞋和雨衣;只能使用学校提供的水枪(water pistols)。 第二步:列提纲(重点短语) With the aim of;designed for;is supposed to;for the concern of students’ safety;bear in mind。 第三步:连词成句 1.With the aim of easing students’ anxiety and releasing negative emotions 2. Water Fight — specially designed for senior three students this Friday. 3. Each class is supposed to have the water fight in the specific area 4. a relatively gentle way is highly suggested for the concern of students’ safety. 5. Besides,bear in mind that all mustn’t adopt water pistols other than those prepared by the school. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇 1.表示文章结构顺序:提出活动目的和意义;告知活时间和地点;提醒注意事项。 2. 表示并列转折关系:Besides,;other than。







A group of teachers and student from St Mary's School paid visit to our school yesterday. Upon their arrival, we give them a warm welcome. After that, they were showed off our beautiful campus, accompanied by our headmaster as well as some teachers. Then came the moment that the guests communicated with some students, the topics range from school routine to family life. After lunch, the foreign guests were watched a wonderful performance special designed for them. Not only has our visit helped us get to know each other better, and has also helped establish a closer friendship between the two schools.




Despite being a late starter to winter sports, China aims to qualify its athletes for all 109 events at the 2022 Beijing Winter Games and perform to a high standard - an ambition many observers consider too1.(challenge).

The International Olympic Committee isn't among these observers. "It 2.(happen)." Samaranch told China Daily, "As you did in 2008 Summer Games , China will have a huge jump in results and3.number of medal.. and in the creation of 4.( hero) in winter sports."

Samaranch is part of an IOC inspection team, currently visiting Beijing and is co-host Zhangjiakou in Hebei province.5. (visit) China over 40 times since 2012, Samaranch understands6.effective the country's sports system can be." When you have your home Games, you'll prepare better, and have a bigger budget and stronger motivation," he said.

Backed by the entire nation's support7.all possible aspects, China successfully won a total of 51 gold medals at the 2008 Olympics8., with less talent, facilities and expertise in winter sports, wresting with the word's ice and snow elite can be an even9.(tough) task. At 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, China only managed10.(obtain) one gold medal - Wu Dajing in men's 500m short-track speed skating.



    The house was quiet. Of course it was, for everyone was napping on that steamy summer day._________I would hear my little brothers screaming and playing and my older sisters chatting on their cell phones, but on that day, everything was_________. The only sound I heard was the air conditioning________to keep the rooms cool. I was   ______and tried to think of something to do. Then the doorbell rang, and my life_________forever.

Because I was the only one________, I went to the door and answered the bell. There he was - a________man holding out an envelope sealed in plastic. "Sign please," he________. The afternoon sun hurt my eyes, and I tried to find the x that required my_________. I thanked the man and stepped back into my cool living room.

Slowly I walked to the sofa and ________down. I turned the packet_________in my hands a few times, then gently began opening it, careful not to__________anything that might be important. Inside was a letter, a letter containing my future. The university entrance exam________had arrived! As soon as I saw who the letter was from, I started_________. Thank goodness that I was sitting down.

I opened the letter and___________the contents. I read the first_________over and over again. "We invite you to join our university's engineering program with a full scholarship." "I did it!" The cry of_________was enough to wake up everyone in the house._________minutes my father, brothers, and sisters________me in the living room and congratulated me on my accomplishment. That day was the day that changed my life. It was the day that proved to me that___________I worked hard enough at something, I would get rewarded.

1.A.Rarely B.Actually C.Normally D.Immediately

2.A.wrong B.still C.well D.smooth

3.A.struggling B.waiting C.refusing D.stopping

4.A.bored B.excited C.moved D.pleased

5.A.failed B.stayed C.started D.changed

6.A.alive B.awake C.away D.asleep

7.A.police B.cleaning C.sales D.delivery

8.A.forced B.warmed C.requested D.begged

9.A.signature B.address C.number D.date

10.A.lay B.bent C.went D.sat

11.A.down B.out C.over D.up

12.A.find B.notice C.tear D.miss

13.A.essays B.results C.evidence D.decisions

14.A.sweating B.crying C.smiling D.napping

15.A.deserted B.explored C.wrote D.filled

16.A.letter B.envelope C.paper D.line

17.A.joy B.sorrow C.disappointment D.fright

18.A.Above B.Behind C.Without D.Within

19.A.left B.surrounded C.sent D.helped

20.A.although B.unless C.if D.till



    The One-minute Trick that Will Instantly Improve Your Handwriting

If you can't read your own notes, you're probably using the wrong body part to write.

Handwriting- much less neat handwriting- is quickly becoming old-fashioned in this digital age of communication.

1.. According to a study, American smart phone owners send an average of 4,735 texts each month. Texters aged 18 to 24 alone send about 67 texts every day. What's more, learning how to type has now taken precedence (优先权) over handwriting in some schools.

With less time spent holding an actual writing instrument, it's no surprise that your handwriting might be suffering. Luckily, there's a way to improve your handwriting instantly.2..

Most people move only their fingers when they write, essentially drawing each letter. But when you keep your fingers and wrist still and put your whole arm into each stroke (一笔), the result is smoother and clearer writing.

3.. Notice how even your shoulder gets involved. These are the same motions (动作) you should be using when you write on paper4.. This lost art in our fast-paced modem world will also improve the control you have over your penmanship.

It may take some time and more practice to get used to, but once you do, you'll be able to make handwritten notes much nicer to look at. Bonus:5.. And it is the pain and injury one experiences from looking down to use a smart phone or other devices too much.

A.Make an effort to slow down

B.Try to write as clearly as possible

C.Now, it is all about the text message

D.Practice by writing big letters in the air

E.The trick involves the body parts you already use to write

F.Text neck, though it may sound trendy, is most certainly a real issue

G.Choosing pens over keyboards can save you from an unpleasant case of text neck



    Reducing class size has traditionally been seen as an important way to improve a student's educational experience.

Many public opinion studies have shown that both teachers and parents favor small class size. Teachers who go on strike are often seeking lower classroom numbers among other better working conditions. Many often believe that smaller classes would permit teachers to give more personal attention to their student. This can theoretically lead to improved academic results for student.

But one recent study suggests there is not much research-based evidence to support this idea. The researchers say the idea of smaller class sizes has been studied and debated for many years. However, they noted a lack of clear research to support class size reductions.

The study notes that one of the main problems with reducing class sizes is that it can have very high costs. Increasing class size is one of the most common ways school systems control education spending. Financial limitations make it very difficult for many schools to reduce the number of students in the classroom.

The teachers' goal was to examine the major research studies already completed on the subject. They especially centered on studies that tried to measure whether the smaller class size resulted in greater success for students.

'The researchers conclude that there is some evidence to suggest that reducing class size may lead to some improvement in a student's rending achievement. But they said "the effect is very small." They found just a 53-percent chance that a randomly selected test score from a student from a small class would be higher than the selected score of a student from a lager class. For mathematics achievement, the result was 49 percent. This led the researchers to conclude that there would be little benefit to math students in a smaller class size.

1.Why do some teachers prefer reducing class size?

A.They believe it may help improve students' academic performance.

B.It'll greatly better their working conditions.

C.They think it will bring much attention to their efforts.

D.It will offer them more time to relax.

2.What is the reason for increasing class size in many schools?

A.Making more profits.

B.Attracting more students to study.

C.Cutting down education expenses.

D.Handling the problem of a lack of teachers.

3.According to the text, reducing class size        .

A.has nothing to do with students' scores

B.has a minor effect in some fields

C.has already led to greater academic success

D.isn't practical because parents object to it

4.Which of the following could be the best title for the text?

A.The Future of the Class Size Development

B.People's Preference for Class Size

C.The Cost of Reducing Class Size

D.The Little Influence of Reducing Class Size



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