满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Each stage of life has different major d...

    Each stage of life has different major demands mainly because our needs change. As children, a period of deep uncertainty and sensitivity,___ and  family  are  the  top  needs although we may not think of them in those terms. As teenagers, we are__the waters of adult life, preparing ourselves for the exciting unknown and as young adults, we search for a__. The drive to fulfill each stage is so strong that sometimes we have to hold the breath to___.

At each stage, although everyone may___in dreams, we will all try to  take hold of the means to achieve our particular dreams. Some will be driven with  almost  tunnel vision,  others take a(n)____attitude to getting there. Anyway,  without dreams it is  hard to direct  life. If  you  are  fortunate  enough  to  achieve  your  current  dreams,  you  can  move  forward  for___desires and prepare yourself for a new conquest.

For each period of life,  the  needs are  decided by that stage,  and as we grow older, whether we like it or not, we gain___, which, on the basis of former facts and information,  permits us to see a broader view if we are wise enough to take on board what is there. As we mature,  the sharpness of the___of youth, the black and white approach to life, will be tempered by what is possible, kind, just and fair.  Ageing helps us to grow if we allow it.  So often  we___that process, holding on tightly to  rooted beliefs  which do not do us  any favour, yet our needs change and in result we will___be different.

Physically,  even when we stay fit and able, the body cannot deliver in quite the  same way as youth. This comes as a(n)___to most of us who start life in the belief that we are unbeatable and will live forever. Again, coming to terms with this fact helps us to___anxiety, and finally realize the unexpected benefits which come along with___face and slowed body.  What was important when we were young can be seen now in a new light, and a different list of importance emerges. In the end, extreme age can be as demanding and sensitive as babyhood, so while ones need changes through life, it seems to come___.

1.A.finance B.security C.marriage D.education

2.A.testing B.sharing C.changing D.setting

3.A.financial advisor B.childhood companion C.life partner D.household keeper

4.A.take action B.calm down C.look forward D.pay attention

5.A.believe B.persevere C.vary D.persist

6.A.easy B.random C.formal D.similar

7.A.noble B.fresh C.reasonable D.superior

8.A.experience B.responsibility C.respect D.agreement

9.A.individualism B.materialism C.idealism D.socialism

10.A.resist B.enjoy C.evolve D.strengthen

11.A.unexpectedly B.terribly C.comparatively D.necessarily

12.A.inquiry B.instinct C.refusal D.shock

13.A.worsen B.manage C.judge D.feel

14.A.wrinkled B.depressed C.impressive D.serious

15.A.with high requirements B.in full circle C.without difficulty D.on a large scale


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.B 【解析】 本文是一篇议论文,讨论了从童年到青少年到成年再到暮年,人一生的需求是不断变化的,如此形成一个轮回。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:作为儿童,一个充满不确定性和敏感性的时期,安全和家庭是最需要的。A. finance财政;B. security安全;C. marriage婚姻;D. education教育。根据常识可知,安全对儿童来说是最重要的,故B项正确。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为青少年,我们正在涉足成年人的生活,为激动人心的未知世界做准备。A. testing试探、测验;B. sharing分享;C. changing改变;D. setting设置。根据空后的“preparing ourselves for the exciting unknown”可知,我们正在涉足成年人的生活,为激动人心的未知世界做准备,故A项正确。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:作为年轻人,我们寻找人生伴侣。A. financial advisor财务顾问;B. childhood companion儿时伙伴;C. life partner人生伴侣;D. household keeper管家。此处遵循一个人从童年到青少年再到成年的人生经历,成年后自然是要寻找人生的另一半,故C项正确。 4.考查动词短语辨析。句意:完成每一个阶段的动力是如此强大,以至于有时我们不得不屏住呼吸才能平静下来。A. take action采取行动;B. calm down镇定下来、平静下来;C. look forward期待;D. pay attention注意。根据空前的“hold the breath”可知,有时我们要屏住呼吸才能平静下来,故B项正确。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在每一个阶段,虽然每个人的梦想都不尽相同,但我们都会努力掌握实现我们特定梦想的方法。A. believe相信;B. persevere坚持;C. vary变化、不同;D. persist坚持。根据常识可知,每个人的梦想都是不同的,故C项正确。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有些人目光短浅,另一些人则采取轻松的态度。A. easy简单的、轻松的;B. random随机的;C. formal正式的;D. similar相似的。此处与前面提到的目光短浅对比,指一些人则采取相对轻松的态度,故A项正确。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果你足够幸运实现了你现在的梦想,那么你可以重新起航找到新的渴望,开启新的挑战。A. noble高尚的;B. fresh新鲜的、新的;C. reasonable合理的;D. superior优越的。根据空后的“desires and prepare yourself for a new conquest”可知,你可以找到新的渴望并开启新的挑战,故B项正确。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着我们的成长,无论喜欢与否,我们会在以前的知识和信息基础上积累经验使我们有更广阔的视角。A. experience经验;B. responsibility责任;C. respect尊重;D. agreement同意。根据常识可知,成长会让我们积累经验,让我们的视角变宽,故A项正确。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们逐渐成熟,年轻时候理想主义的棱角以及生活中的黑与白会被现实、随和、公平所取代。A. individualism利己主义;B. materialism唯物主义;C. idealism理想主义;D. socialism社会主义。根据常识可知,年轻时,涉世未深的我们会把一切都想得很美好,是一个理想主义者,故C项正确。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果我们允许的话,年龄的增长是有助于我们的成长的,因此我们总是抗拒这个过程,抓住对我们毫无好处的老观念不放。A. resist抵抗、抗拒;B. enjoy喜欢;C. evolve进化;D. strengthen加强。根据空后的“holding on tightly to rooted beliefs”可知,我们总是抓住对我们毫无好处的老观念不放,这说明我们总是抗拒年龄增长这个过程,故A项正确。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而我们需要变了,这就使我们必然要变得不同。A. unexpectedly意想不到地;B. terribly可怕地;C. comparatively比较地;D. necessarily必要地、必然。我们的需要改变了,所以我们必然要变得和以前不一样,故D项正确。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这对于一开始就相信自己不可战胜、相信自己永存不老的我们来说着实是个不小的打击。A. inquiry探究;B. instinct直觉;C. refusal拒绝;D. shock震惊、打击。在生理上,尽管我们在身体健康功能健全,但是我们的身体的运作和我们年轻的时候是不一样的,这对于一开始就相信自己永存不老的我们来说是个巨大的打击,故D项正确。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:此外,了解到这个事实有助于我们缓解焦虑。A. worsen恶化;B. manage管理;C. judge评判;D. feel感觉。此处讲的是认识到这一点的好处,自然是有助于我们缓解焦虑,故B项正确。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同时最终我们会意识到我们意外之喜是伴随着满脸的皱纹和下滑的身体。A. wrinkled布满皱纹的;B. depressed沮丧的;C. impressive感人的;D. serious严肃的。根据“slowed body”可知此处指的是满脸皱纹,故A项正确。 15.考查介词短语辨析。句意:到了暮年,我们会和孩提时代一样的有需求、敏感,因此人一生的需求不断变化着,如此形成了一个轮回。A. with high requirements有高要求;B. in full circle轮回;C. without difficulty毫不费力;D. on a large scale大规模地。到了暮年,我们会和孩提时代一样的有需求、敏感,因此人一生的需求不断变化着,这是一个生命的轮回,故B项正确。

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

We are familiar with pop culture, but what is peep culture? In pop culture, we turn on the TV and watch our favorite celebrities entertain us 1.their performance. In peep culture, we turn on the computer, we move through people’s lives on reality TV, blogs. Facebook and YouTube.  2.getting our entertainment from scripted performances, we get our entertainment from peeping into other people’s lives. It can be friends and family.

3.it’s just likely to be people we have never met from around the world.

Suddenly, we consume all of our time4. (track) other people. And we also invite them to watch us!   People reveal themselves to get attention and to feel like they are part   of a community. In peep culture, ordinary people are turned into celebrities. This has never happened 5., turning the spotlight on random regular people. There aren’t secrets anymore. The notion of private life 6.(change).

7.society has become extremely fast-paced, most of us are really unaware of these changes in our lives.   We are moving into a time 8.our virtual personality is going to be more important than our actually physical presence. What we have online is going to be more important than what we do offline. We are now socially judged by our virtual profiles.

In the age of “peep culture,,” a tell-all, show-all, know-all digital phenomenon is dramatically changing notions of privacy, individuality, security,  and  even  humanity.  Susan Boyle became a(n) overnight  celebrity 9.peep culture. The entire world was staring  at her 10.her transformation from a resident of a small Scottish town to a global celebrity. We like the story because she’s like a movie, only she’s real.



Questions are based on the following passage.


A.He wants to do some shopping B.He wants to get a camera

C.He wants to buy some shells D.He wants to get his camera repaired


A.In the Washington Building B.In the Shell Building

C.In the post office D.In the Showing Building



Questions are based on the following passage.


A.taking pictures of everything B.having a knee surgery

C.taking pictures of people exercising D.giving free classes


A.A fitness center B.A hospital

C.A photo shop D.An interview room



Questions are based on the following passage.


A.To learn to recognize plants and animals.

B.To get to know more about yourself and your place in nature.

C.To learn how to make use of a map to find your way.

D.To learn how to set up a tent and cook by yourself.


A.A simpler life style. B.Work and Worries.

C.Wilderness and animals. D.Good service.


A.To feed the animals. B.To water the plants.

C.To treat nature with respect. D.To go on an adventure alone.



Questions are based on the following passage.


A.Captain Singleton.

B.Robinson Crusoe.

C.Moll Flanders.

D.Colonel Jack.

2.A.People’s life. B.Sports. C.Politics. D.Music.


A.Daniel was the youngest son of his family.

B.Daniel finished his most famous novel at the age of 59.

C.Daniel was a famous novelist but not a journalist.

D.Daniel was fined and put in prison several times because he failed in business.



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