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Not too many decades ago it seemed “obvi...

    Not too many decades ago it seemed obvious both to the general public and to sociologists that modern society has changed people’s natural relations, loosened their responsibilities to kin (亲戚) and neighbors, and substituted in their place superficial relationships with passing acquaintances. However, in recent years a growing body of research  has revealed that the “obvious” is not true. It seems that if you are a city resident, you typically know a smaller proportion of your neighbors than you do if you are a resident of a smaller community. But, for the most part, this fact has few significant consequences. It does not necessarily follow that if you know few of your neighbors you will know no one else.

Even in very large cities, people maintain close social ties within small, private social worlds. Indeed, the number and  quality of  meaningful  relationships  do  not  differ  between more and less urban people. Small-town residents are more involved with kin than are big-city residents. Yet city dwellers compensate by developing friendships with people who share similar interests and activities. Urbanism many produce a different style of life, but the quality of life  does not differ between town and city. Nor are residents of large communities any likelier to display psychological symptoms of stress or alienation, a feeling of not belonging, than are residents of smaller communities. However, city dwellers do worry more about crime, and this leads them to a distrust of strangers.

These findings do not imply that urbanism makes little or no difference. If neighbors are strangers to one another, they are less likely to sweep the sidewalk of an elderly couple living  next door or keep an eye out for young trouble makers. Moreover, as Wirth suggested, there may be a link between a community’s population size and its social heterogeneity (多样性). For instance, sociologists have found much evidence that the size of a community is associated with bad behavior including gambling, drugs, etc. Large-city urbanities are also more likely than their small-town counterparts to have a cosmopolitan(见多识广)outlook, to display less responsibility to traditional kinship roles, to vote for leftist political candidates, and to be tolerant of nontraditional religious groups, unpopular political groups, and so—called undesirables. Everything considered, heterogeneity and unusual behavior seem to be outcomes of large population size.

1.Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the first paragraph?

A.An argument is examined and possible solutions given.

B.Two contrasting views are presented.

C.Research results concerning the quality of urban life are presented in order of time.

D.A detail description of the difference between urban and small-town life is given.

2.According to the passage, it was once a common belief that urban residents  .

A.could not develop long-standing relationships.

B.did not have the same interests as their neighbors.

C.tended to be associated with bad behavior.

D.usually had more friends.

3.One of the  consequences  of  urban  life  is  that  impersonal  relationships  among  neighbors  .

A.disrupt people’s natural relations.

B.make them worry about crime.

C.cause them no to show concern for one another.

D.cause them to be suspicious of each other.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that the bigger a community is____,

A.the better its quality of life

B.the more tolerant and open-minded it is.

C.the likelier it is to display psychological symptoms of stress.

D.the more similar its interests


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了城市居民和小城镇居民的人际关系的相似之处。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段中的“both to the general public and to sociologists that modern society has changed people’s natural relations, loosened their responsibilities to kin (亲戚) and neighbors, and substituted in their place superficial relationships with passing acquaintances. However, in recent years a growing body of research has revealed that the “obvious” is not true.”可知,以前,普通大众和社会学家认为,现代社会“明显地”改变了人们的自然关系,使他们的亲情、邻里观念变得淡薄,取而代之的是彼此之间萍水相逢的表面关系,然而,最近几年,越来越多的研究表明,那些“明显”的事情并不是事实,也就是说第一段展示了两种相反的观点,故B项正确。 2.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“it seemed “obvious” both to the general public and to sociologists that modern society has changed people’s natural relations, loosened their responsibilities to kin (亲戚) and neighbors, and substituted in their place superficial relationships with passing acquaintances.”可知,以前,对于普通大众和社会学家而言,现代社会“明显地”改变了人们的自然关系,使他们的亲情、邻里观念变得淡薄,取而代之的是彼此之间萍水相逢的表面关系,也就是说人们曾普遍认为城市居民不能发展长期的关系,故A项正确。 3.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“If neighbors are strangers to one another, they are less likely to sweep the sidewalk of an elderly couple living next door or keep an eye out for young trouble makers.”可知,如果邻里之间互不相识,他们就不大会清扫隔壁老夫妇门前的过道,也不会帮忙照看一下小捣蛋,也就是说城市生活的后果之一就是使人们不会互相关心,故C项正确。 4.推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Large-city urbanities are also more likely than their small-town counterparts to have a cosmopolitan(见多识广)outlook, to display less responsibility to traditional kinship roles, to vote for leftist political candidates, and to be tolerant of nontraditional religious groups, unpopular political groups, and so—called undesirables.”可知,大城市社区的人们对非传统宗教团体、不受欢迎的政治团体和所谓的不受欢迎的人持宽容态度,由此可知,社区越大,越是宽容和豁达,故B项正确。

    Each stage of life has different major demands mainly because our needs change. As children, a period of deep uncertainty and sensitivity,___ and  family  are  the  top  needs although we may not think of them in those terms. As teenagers, we are__the waters of adult life, preparing ourselves for the exciting unknown and as young adults, we search for a__. The drive to fulfill each stage is so strong that sometimes we have to hold the breath to___.

At each stage, although everyone may___in dreams, we will all try to  take hold of the means to achieve our particular dreams. Some will be driven with  almost  tunnel vision,  others take a(n)____attitude to getting there. Anyway,  without dreams it is  hard to direct  life. If  you  are  fortunate  enough  to  achieve  your  current  dreams,  you  can  move  forward  for___desires and prepare yourself for a new conquest.

For each period of life,  the  needs are  decided by that stage,  and as we grow older, whether we like it or not, we gain___, which, on the basis of former facts and information,  permits us to see a broader view if we are wise enough to take on board what is there. As we mature,  the sharpness of the___of youth, the black and white approach to life, will be tempered by what is possible, kind, just and fair.  Ageing helps us to grow if we allow it.  So often  we___that process, holding on tightly to  rooted beliefs  which do not do us  any favour, yet our needs change and in result we will___be different.

Physically,  even when we stay fit and able, the body cannot deliver in quite the  same way as youth. This comes as a(n)___to most of us who start life in the belief that we are unbeatable and will live forever. Again, coming to terms with this fact helps us to___anxiety, and finally realize the unexpected benefits which come along with___face and slowed body.  What was important when we were young can be seen now in a new light, and a different list of importance emerges. In the end, extreme age can be as demanding and sensitive as babyhood, so while ones need changes through life, it seems to come___.

1.A.finance B.security C.marriage D.education

2.A.testing B.sharing C.changing D.setting

3.A.financial advisor B.childhood companion C.life partner D.household keeper

4.A.take action B.calm down C.look forward D.pay attention

5.A.believe B.persevere C.vary D.persist

6.A.easy B.random C.formal D.similar

7.A.noble B.fresh C.reasonable D.superior

8.A.experience B.responsibility C.respect D.agreement

9.A.individualism B.materialism C.idealism D.socialism

10.A.resist B.enjoy C.evolve D.strengthen

11.A.unexpectedly B.terribly C.comparatively D.necessarily

12.A.inquiry B.instinct C.refusal D.shock

13.A.worsen B.manage C.judge D.feel

14.A.wrinkled B.depressed C.impressive D.serious

15.A.with high requirements B.in full circle C.without difficulty D.on a large scale



Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

We are familiar with pop culture, but what is peep culture? In pop culture, we turn on the TV and watch our favorite celebrities entertain us 1.their performance. In peep culture, we turn on the computer, we move through people’s lives on reality TV, blogs. Facebook and YouTube.  2.getting our entertainment from scripted performances, we get our entertainment from peeping into other people’s lives. It can be friends and family.

3.it’s just likely to be people we have never met from around the world.

Suddenly, we consume all of our time4. (track) other people. And we also invite them to watch us!   People reveal themselves to get attention and to feel like they are part   of a community. In peep culture, ordinary people are turned into celebrities. This has never happened 5., turning the spotlight on random regular people. There aren’t secrets anymore. The notion of private life 6.(change).

7.society has become extremely fast-paced, most of us are really unaware of these changes in our lives.   We are moving into a time 8.our virtual personality is going to be more important than our actually physical presence. What we have online is going to be more important than what we do offline. We are now socially judged by our virtual profiles.

In the age of “peep culture,,” a tell-all, show-all, know-all digital phenomenon is dramatically changing notions of privacy, individuality, security,  and  even  humanity.  Susan Boyle became a(n) overnight  celebrity 9.peep culture. The entire world was staring  at her 10.her transformation from a resident of a small Scottish town to a global celebrity. We like the story because she’s like a movie, only she’s real.



Questions are based on the following passage.


A.He wants to do some shopping B.He wants to get a camera

C.He wants to buy some shells D.He wants to get his camera repaired


A.In the Washington Building B.In the Shell Building

C.In the post office D.In the Showing Building



Questions are based on the following passage.


A.taking pictures of everything B.having a knee surgery

C.taking pictures of people exercising D.giving free classes


A.A fitness center B.A hospital

C.A photo shop D.An interview room



Questions are based on the following passage.


A.To learn to recognize plants and animals.

B.To get to know more about yourself and your place in nature.

C.To learn how to make use of a map to find your way.

D.To learn how to set up a tent and cook by yourself.


A.A simpler life style. B.Work and Worries.

C.Wilderness and animals. D.Good service.


A.To feed the animals. B.To water the plants.

C.To treat nature with respect. D.To go on an adventure alone.



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