满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—Our manager failed to promote his new p...

—Our manager failed to promote his new product at the trade fair.

—No wonder he is_________these days.

A.on cloud nine B.off the top of his head

C.down in the dumps D.economical with the truth


C 【解析】 考查交际用语。句意:——我们经理又没能在商品贸易会上成功推销他的新产品。——难怪他最近几天心情沮丧。A. on cloud nine非常高兴;B. off the top of his head不假思索;C. down in the dumps心情沮丧;D. economical with the truth隐瞒事实。由上句句意可知,经理没有成功推销他的新产品,所以会心情沮丧,down in the dumps符合句意。故选C项。  

—Could you please turn down your music?

-—Oh,____________,I didn't mean to disturb you.

A.never mind B.you said it C.far from it D.pardon me



—Robert remained depressed at home before his school reopened.

—If only the new term___________for the virus.

A.were not delayed B.would not be delayed

C.had not been delayed D.were not to be delayed



Experts strongly believe the virus comes from nature__________there exist groundless voices.

A.even if B.now that C.in case D.as though



—I am going to visit Britain this summer vacation.

—I'm glad you____________a different culture.

A.will have experienced B.will be experiencing

C.have experienced D.are experiencing



China’s responses__________speedy isolation and treatment have effectively helped to contain the spread of the virus.

A.on account of B.in contrast to C.in terms of D.in defense of



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