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请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项...

请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。

How many licks () does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop (棒棒糖)?

The first time I heard this in the Tootsie Pop commercial, I was five years old. I immediately started_____and counting. After about two hundred licks or so, I stopped. The_____of the chewy center had proven to be too great, and I______my way through the hard shell (外壳) to the very center. Besides, I_____knew how many licks it took to get to the center—three. That’s how many licks it took the owl (猫头鹰) in the commercial to get to the center, so that, to me, was the_____answer.

In high school, I held to the Tootsie Pop_____To me, the answer was still always three licks.

In my freshman year, I joined the Model United Nations_____in my school. The Chair position had______the center of the Tootsie Pop and my_____had become various other students. The first so-called “owl” was Eric who had luckily_____the prestigious (声望高的) Chair position. So, I decided,_____Eric reached the center in only one lick, that’s how many licks it should take me. I went to the tryouts with a view to obtaining the position but______

At the end of my sophomore (高二) year, a new owl named Iris had_____achieved the chair position after trying twice. I began working hard again. But then again, I did not make a_____of it.

Now, slightly frustrated after_____two owls, I found a new owl, Evan. It had taken him three licks to get to the “center”. Three was all I could_____It was widely known that senior year was the_____year to become Chair. I thought about_____the program, but on second thoughts, I decided to continue.

Eleven years later, I visited the official Tootsie Pop website to find the real answer to the question that had_____me my entire high school life. I finally understood. However many licks it takes to get to the center of the Tootsie Pop depends on however many licks I_____to take—not how many the other owls take.

1.A.dreaming B.admiring C.licking D.chewing

2.A.temptation B.appearance C.power D.discovery

3.A.fought B.followed C.made D.bit

4.A.seldom B.never C.already D.nearly

5.A.brief B.right C.random D.temporary

6.A.commercial B.plan C.philosophy D.custom

7.A.program B.conference C.title D.activity

8.A.become B.changed C.determined D.explored

9.A.shell B.hope C.owl D.companion

10.A.noticed B.shifted C.improved D.landed

11.A.unless B.if C.before D.until

12.A.failed B.quitted C.survived D.struggled

13.A.yet B.even C.still D.also

14.A.promise B.success C.point D.joke

15.A.interacting with B.frightening away C.going through D.dealing with

16.A.afford B.hold C.admit D.expect

17.A.middle B.gap C.last D.initial

18.A.winning B.criticizing C.quitting D.arranging

19.A.motivated B.troubled C.attracted D.instructed

20.A.learn B.agree C.refuse D.choose


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.C 19.B 20.D 【解析】 试题你要舔多少下才能到棒棒糖的中间,我一直认为广告里的猫头鹰舔三下是正确答案,而生活告诉我们用多少下吃到中间得看人们想用多少下,而不是他人。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. the program, 提示,故选A。 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

—How come Tom picked a quarrel with his wife?

—________? We also have the occasional argument.

A. What’s on B. How’s that

C. Who doesn’t D. Why not



Learning from ________ mistakes can help us keep conscious and avoid repeating them in the days to come.

A. previous B. curious C. obvious D. ridiculous



Mr Simmons always tries to make me keep in mind that how much easier my life ________ if I were better organized.

A. will be B. would have been

C. would be D. will have been



—How can I live my dreams in a short time?

—Be practical. Between you and your dreams ________ a lot of hard work.

A.stand B.stands

C.is standing D.are standing



I remember when I was a child ________ with how many toys my cousin had.

A.impressing B.to impress

C.being impressed D.impressed



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