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Kobe Bryant was one of nine people kille...

    Kobe Bryant was one of nine people killed in a helicopter crash on 26, Jan. 2019. He was 41. His 13-year-old daughter Gianna was also killed in the crash. Bryant was one of the greatest NBA players of all-time and an icon in the sports world. In addition to his success on the basketball court, Bryant was known for a ceaseless work ethic and incredible drive.

In honor of Bryant’s legacy, here are some inspiring quotes from Bryant on hard work, success, and life.

On achieving success:

“When you make a choice and say, ‘Come hell or high water, I am going to be this,’ then you should not be surprised when you are that. It should not be something that is intoxicating or out of character because you have seen this moment for so long that ... when that moment comes, of course it is here because it has been here the whole time, because it has been [in your mind] the whole time.”

On failure:

“I don’t mean to sound cavalier when I say that, but never. It’s basketball. I’ve practiced and practiced and played so many times. There’s nothing truly to be afraid of, when you think about it ... Because I’ve failed before, and I woke up the next morning, and I’m OK. People say bad things about you in the paper on Monday, and then on Wednesday, you're the greatest thing since sliced bread. I’ve seen that cycle, so why would I be nervous about it happening?”

On life:

“There’s a choice that we have to make as people, as individuals. If you want to be great at something there is a choice you have to make. We can all be masters at our craft, but you have to make a choice. What I mean by that is, there are inherent sacrifices that come along with that — family time, hanging out with your friends, being a great friend, being a great son, nephew, whatever the case may be. There are sacrifices that come along with that.”

On retiring and facing the end of his basketball career:

“There is beauty in that. I mean, it's going through the cycle. I mean, it's the cycle that is the natural progression of growth, of maturation. I mean, there's no sadness in that ... I see the beauty in not being able to blow past defenders anymore, you know what I mean? I see the beauty in getting up in the morning and being in pain because I know all the hard work that it took to get to this point. So, I’m not, I'm not sad about it. I'm very appreciative of what I've had.”

1.What is the attitude of Kobe Bryant towards achieving success by saying “Come hell or high water, I am going to be this”?

A.Confident B.Determined

C.Optimistic D.Frightened

2.The word “cavalier” in the 3rd paragraph probably means __________.

A.not serious or caring B.anxious and eager

C.worried and pessimistic D.not proud or arrogant

3.When it comes to failure, Kobe Bryant tended to __________.

A.fight against those who said bad things about him.

B.worry about others’ comments on his performance.

C.cheer for himself by regarding himself as the greatest figure.

D.show no fear facing ups and downs.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.People paid tribute to Kobe Bryant for his success on the basketball court.

B.Kobe Bryant devoted more of his life to basketball instead of accompanying his family.

C.Kobe Bryant regarded his retirement as the beginning of another career.

D.Kobe Bryant felt emotionless when facing the end of his basketball career.


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了逝去的NBA历史上最伟大的球员之一科比·布莱恩特关于努力、成功和生活的一些鼓舞人心的语录。 1.推理判断题。根据第二段中…when that moment comes, of course it is here because it has been here the whole time, because it has been [in your mind] the whole time. ……当那个时刻到来的时候,它就在这里,因为它一直在这里,因为它一直在你的脑海里。可知,科比对成功的态度对成功的态度是有决心的。故选B项。 2.词义猜测题。根据第三段中It’s basketball. I’ve practiced and practiced and played so many times. There’s nothing truly to be afraid of, when you think about it ... 这是篮球。我练习了很多次,很多次,很多次。当你仔细想想,其实没什么好害怕的……由科比说自己练习了很多次,可知他对失败并不是说漫不经心或者不在意的,因此猜测划线词cavalier意为“漫不经心的,不在意的”。故选A项。 3.推理判断题。根据第三段中Because I’ve failed before, and I woke up the next morning, and I’m OK. People say bad things about you in the paper on Monday, and then on Wednesday, you're the greatest thing since sliced bread. 因为我以前也失败过,第二天早上醒来,我没事。人们在星期一的报纸上说你的坏话,然后在星期三,你是自切片面包以来最伟大的事物。可知,当谈到失败的时候,科比并不害怕面对起起落落。故选D项。 4.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中We can all be masters at our craft, but you have to make a choice. What I mean by that is, there are inherent sacrifices that come along with that — family time, hanging out with your friends, being a great friend, being a great son, nephew, whatever the case may be. There are sacrifices that come along with that. 我们都可以成为技艺上的大师,但你必须做出选择。我的意思是,随之而来的是一些内在的牺牲——家庭时间,和朋友一起玩,做一个好朋友,做一个好儿子,好侄子,不管是什么情况。这也会带来一些牺牲。可知,科比将更多的时间奉献给了篮球,而不是陪伴家人。故选B项。

    The African elephant will disappear within two decades if urgent action is not taken to save one of the world's most iconic animal species, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has warned in a new campaign fundraiser.

The population of these elephants—the largest animal currently walking the earth—has declined by 70 percent in the last 40 years, in large part because of the illegal ivory trade, which is the biggest driver of elephant poaching, according to the non-profit.

In fact, 20,000 elephants are killed every year to feed this trade—which is equivalent to one death every 26 minutes.

Once an elephant is killed, poachers harvest the ivory to meet a growing demand for products made from this material. Ivory can be turned into ornaments and decorations, as well as being used in traditional Asian medicine for its intended therapeutic value. Elephants are also sometimes killed to provide a source of meat.

This poaching takes place despite a global ban on ivory sales under the CITES multilateral treaty (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) which was introduced in 1990. Above the poachers are powerful organized criminal networks which commonly engage in corruption, money laundering and assassinations.

Part of the issue in policing the problem is that the governments of nations where Africans elephants live often lack sufficient resources to protect and monitor elephant herds, which often reside in remote and inaccessible habitats. When the animals are killed, they often suffer a brutal death.

African elephants are found in 37 countries across the continent and are categorized as “vulnerable” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) with a remaining population of around 415,000 in the wild, according to WWF.

These animals play a crucial role in the ecosystem, helping to maintain healthy habitats for many other species.  This is because African elephants help to disperse seeds.

The population of African elephants—which are split into two subspecies—once numbered between three and five million during the last century. However, this figure has fallen dramatically as a result of poaching and other factors, such as habitat fragmentation or loss.

1.The word “poaching” (paragraph 2) probably means ________.

A.desperate desire B.severe damage

C.illegal hunting D.cruel killing

2.What is the main reason for the sharp decline in the number of African elephants

A.They were hunted by other animals.

B.They failed to survive the natural disasters.

C.There is no suitable living environment.

D.They were illegally traded for ivory.

3.Which of the following can be learned from the passage?

A.Absence of bans or regulations on ivory sales is the biggest driver of elephant poaching.

B.Elephants living in remote habitats are less vulnerable than those living in nations with adequate resources.

C.If the African elephant disappear, the ecosystem there is likely to be ruined.

D.African elephant herbs usually migrated in large population.

4.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.African Elephants Will Be Gone in The Future

B.African Elephants, Leading Role in Ecosystem

C.The Population of African Elephants

D.Different Types of African Elephants



    Chinese experts, based on the result of clinical trials, have __________ that Chloroquine Phosphate(磷酸氯喹), an antimalarial drug, has a certain _________ effect on the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), a Chinese official said here Monday.

The experts have "unanimously" suggested the drug be included in the next version of the treatment guidelines and __________ in wider clinical trials as soon as possible, Sun Yanrong, deputy head of the China National Center for Biotechnology Development under the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), said at a press conference.

Chloroquine Phosphate, which has been used for more than 70 years, was selected from tens of thousands of existing drugs after _________ rounds of screening, Sun said. According to her, the drug has been under clinical trials in over 10 hospitals in Beijing, ___________ in south Guangdong Province and central China's Hunan Province, and has shown _______ good efficacy.

In the trials, the groups of patients who had taken the drug have shown better indicators than their parallel groups, in abatement(减轻) of fever, improvement of CT images of lungs, the percentage of patients who became _________ in viral nucleic acid tests and the time they need to do so, she said. Patients taking the drug also take a shorter time to recover, she added.

Sun gave an example of a 54-year-old patient in Beijing, who was _________ to hospital four days after showing symptoms. After taking the drug for a week, he saw all indicators  __________ and the nucleic acid turn negative.

_________, no obvious serious adverse reactions related to the drug have been found among the over 100 patients enrolled in the clinical trials, she said.

On February 15, several departments including the MOST, the National Health Commission and the National Medical Products Administration called a video conference to _________ drug research and clinical experts’ opinions on the drug’s efficacy on COVID-19.

The expert team, led by Zhong Nanshan, a __________ respiratory specialist and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, agreed that Chloroquine Phosphate can be used to treat more COVID-19 patients, Sun said.

Previous in vitro (体外的) experiments showed that it can block virus _________ by changing the acidity and basicity value inside the cell and interfering receptors of SARS coronavirus. It also shows immune-modulating (调节) activity, which may __________ its antiviral effect in vivo (体内的) and is widely _________ in the whole body, including the lungs, after oral administration.

1.A.advocated B.assumed C.confirmed D.conserved

2.A.limited B.curative C.side D.potential

3.A.applied B.diagnosed C.recognized D.adapted

4.A.feasible B.reasonable C.authentic D.multiple

5.A.for instance B.as well as C.that is to say D.such as

6.A.unintentionally B.considerately C.scarcely D.fairly

7.A.negative B.neutral C.obvious D.positive

8.A.overlooked B.admitted C.accessed D.refused

9.A.promote B.flaw C.fail D.improve

10.A.In the meantime B.By contrast C.So far D.In consequence

11.A.turn down B.listen to C.engage in D.argue about

12.A.respectful B.conventional C.spiritual D.distinguished

13.A.invasion B.investigations C.infections D.cultivation

14.A.undermine B.enhance C.impose D.withhold

15.A.distributed B.reflected C.extinguished D.substituted



Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

A new era of computing may be upon us as Google claims its Sycamore computer has achieved quantum supremacy (量子霸权). But what is quantum supremacy, and what does it mean for the future?

Quantum supremacy is a scientific term. It means that a quantum computer has solved a problem that a classical computer would take too much time and energy to do.

1. (publish) in the journal Nature on Oct 23, Google tasked a computer with finding mathematical probabilities of different “events”. The events were specific values from a random number generator. Sycamore successfully picked out strings (系列) of numbers that were 2. (likely) to occur than others, running the test 1 million times in 200 seconds.

In their research, Google claims that the world’s best supercomputer would have taken 10,000 years 3.(solve) the same problem. However, Google’s claims were questioned by rival company IBM, who argued the same test 4. have been completed in 2.5 days by its Summit supercomputer.

What is quantum computing? The major difference between quantum and classic computers is in how they record and transmit information. Classic computers, from your laptop to your phone to a NASA supercomputer, use bits. Each bit has a state of either zero or one (on or off) and completes each operation one-at-a-time.

However, quantum computers, like Google’s Sycamore, use quantum bits – called qubits (量子位). These can be both zero and one at the same time, allowing them to hold more data and work together to solve problems simultaneously.

Google’s experiment has been applauded 5. a major breakthrough. It is a stepping-stone toward a big dream.

Currently, quantum computers are within the next decade. Tech reporter Jacob Ward told NBC News, “This could revolutionize our every little real-world value, but that can all change whole lives. We’re talking about the development of new medicines, materials, artificial intelligence, all of which, right now, 6. (depend) on a very limited language of computing.?”

While quantum may not be close to 7. (change) our everyday lives right now, it has been compared to the first rocket to reach space. It may be a generation 8. quantum computers become mainstream, so who can say what humans might achieve with the new technology?



Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

The 2020 Championships Wimbledon have been canceled 1. public health concerns linked to the coronavirus epidemic. The Championships 2.(schedule) to be held from Monday, June 29 through Sunday, July 12. The134thtournament will be held (hold) between June 28 and July 11, 2021. “This is a decision we have not taken lightly and we have done so with the highest regard for public health and the well-being of all those3. come together to make Wimbledon happen,” AELTC chairman Ian Hewitt said. “It 4. (weigh) heavily on our minds that the staging of The Championships has only been interrupted previously by World Wars but, 5.(follow) thorough and extensive consideration of all scenarios, we believe that it is a measure of this global crisis and 6. it is ultimately the right decision to cancel this year’s Championships, and instead concentrate on 7. we can use the breadth of Wimbledon’s  resources to help those in our local communities and beyond.





1. 简要描写图画内容。

2. 说明图画的含义。

3. 谈谈你的看法。


In the picture, we can see that




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