满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Here we have some amazing plans for your...

    Here we have some amazing plans for your travelling. Come and have a look!

Perth to Broome overland

Running: February 1 through April 30


· Explore the Pinnacles Desert

· Sandboard down the sand dunes of Jurien Bay

· Discover the diverse scenery at Kalbarri National Park

· Visit the rare and beautiful Shell Beach

· Make friends with the dolphins at Monkey Mia

· Relax and explore at Coral Bay

Price: 1100

What’s included: Accommodation, expert guide, meals, transport (coach, trails).

Not included: International flights; insurance.

Adelaide to Alice Springs tour

Running: May 5 through August 28


· See Australia’s incredible Lake Eyre

· Explore beautiful stones in Coober Pedy

· Visit a Kangaroo orphanage

· Experience Australia’s red center, Uluru

Price: 850

What’s included: Accommodation, expert guide, meals, transport.

Not included: International flights; insurance

Brisbane to Cairns adventure

Running: October 1 through December 20


· Walk through rainforests and relax on beaches

· Explore Fraser Island with a jeep ride

· Watch the sun set as you sail the Whitsundays Islands

· Make life-long bonds and party the night away in the town Cairns

· Go diving on the Great Barrier Reef

Price: 1200

What’s included: Accommodation, expert guide, meals, transport (air-conditioned coach with WiFi in most regions)

Not included: International flights; insurance; other activities

Ultimate Oz tour

Running: November 1 through December 10


· Enjoy a bonfire party, beachside

· Take on a Sydney Harbor boat cruise

· Try your hand at sandboarding

· Go to a Sydney pub

Price: 920

What’s included: Accommodation, expert guide, meals, transport

Not included: International flights; insurance

1.What can you do only on Adelaide to Alice Springs tour?

A.Walk through a rainforest.

B.Play with dolphins.

C.Visit a kangaroo orphanage.

D.Go sandboarding.

2.How is the Brisbane to Cairns trip different from the others?

A.Tourists may go diving.

B.Tourists can party on the beach.

C.It offers the highest price.

D.It has the longest travel time.

3.Which is included in the fees of all the tours?

A.Accommodation and insurance.

B.Expert guides and transport.

C.Meals and international flights.

D.WiFi service and expert guides.


1.C 2.C 3.B 【解析】 本文是应用文,介绍几条旅行线路的具体情况。 1.细节理解题。根据Adelaide to Alice Springs tour部分中Activities的介绍,“Visit a Kangaroo orphanage”是只有“Adelaide to Alice Springs tour”线路才有的活动。故选C项。 2.细节理解题。比较四个旅游线路的价格,“Perth to Broome overland”线路的价格是“Price: $1100”;“Adelaide to Alice Springs tour” 线路的价格是“Price: $850”;“Brisbane to Cairns adventure”线路的价格是“Price: $1200”;“Ultimate Oz tour”线路的价格是“Price: $920”。可以看出,“Brisbane to Cairns adventure”线路的价格最高。故选C项。 3.细节理解题。比较四条旅行线路介绍中的“What’s included”,可以看出,都包括了“expert guide”和“transport”两项。故选B项。

假如你是李华,你校英国交换生David在邮件中告知你他被牛津大学(Oxford University)录取了,想邀请你本周六晚参加庆祝派对,但你因故不能前往。请你用英语给他回封邮件。内容包括:









In elementary school, George wasn’t 1. (exact) popular, but he always had a couple of really good friends. In middle school, he was really good at science and math. 2. most kids were going to 3.movies on weekends, George preferred to design his own special projects. He dreamed of owning his own technology company someday. When George got to high school, some of the other students made fun of him for being into books and computers. This made George very upset, but he tried not to let anything keep his dream from 4. (achieve). George got excellent grades and was admitted 5. both Harvard and Yale, but he decided to go to Stanford 6. there were many opportunities for people 7. wanted to work in Silicon Valley. This was the first time George 8. (feel) accepted by the people around him. He took many computer classes, and kept designing his own projects on weekends. During the summer months, he would take extra classes, and he ended up 9. (graduate) a year early. He took a job 10. a computer programmer at Apple. After five more years there, George left to start his own company, finally realizing his childhood dream.



“A” for Attitude

English was always my favorite subject. In my freshman year of high school, I could write a killer composition. In my second year, my_________allowed me to give spelling tests to the class. I had wonderful_________of my junior year. Mrs. Alexander _______me to sit at her desk and take over the class when she had to leave the room. Only my senior English class was_________, as we had a teacher right out of college who expected college-level work. Every student received a “C” or “D” grade the first quarter._______English was still my subject.

I graduated from high school,_______early and had children. Confident about my English, I often helped my kids with their English homework. And I_________long articles and beautiful poetry as a columnist for a newspaper. Fifteen years later, I went to college, and because I had been an "A" student, I remained an “A” student. I_________up to my own expectations.

Yesterday, I_________my high school report cards when I was reading old papers. That bundle of report cards__________back the old days. I remembered sitting in my advisor's officeexplaining that I had always excelled at English, and __________that I did not deserve a “D” from that__________  teacher of my senior year. The advisor was sympathetic but unable to change a (an)__________.

Reading__________my old report cards revealed something else too. I wanted to shred them or hide them. I was not an “A” student in high school EnglishSomehow, I had__________myself of thiswhen the grades clearly reflected an__________student with an occasional “A” or “B” but mostly “C” s.

Had I lived up to those grades and__________ myself according to those letters, I would have never confidently sought my writing__________. Had I believed in my early grades instead of myself I would have allowed my fear of____________to defeat my enthusiasm and damage my creativity.__________I viewed my younger self as an “A” English student, except for that undeserved “D”.

1.A.monitor B.headmaster C.classmate D.teacher

2.A.impressions B.thoughts C.inspirations D.memories

3.A.approved B.appointed C.expected D.urged

4.A.flexible B.creative C.disappointing D.controversial

5.A.So B.But C.And D.Or

6.A.married B.worked C.succeeded D.progressed

7.A.wrote B.edited C.read D.copied

8.A.added B.lived C.grew D.went

9.A.counted B.remembered C.approached D.discovered

10.A.brought B.turned C.held D.kept

11.A.reporting B.guaranteeing C.complaining D.recommending

12.A.impolite B.impatient C.inexperienced D.independent

13.A.grade B.figure C.paper D.entry

14.A.out B.through C.from D.into

15.A.warned B.reminded C.informed D.convinced

16.A.average B.enthusiastic C.outstanding D.awkward

17.A.considered B.defined C.reflected D.described

18.A.goal B.dream C.career D.enterprise

19.A.change B.risk C.stress D.failure

20.A.Otherwise B.Besides C.Instead D.Still



    A new urban sport, parkour, is hitting the streets. It has evolved from obstacle course training into a fitness option for young people. In parkour, the outside world is the gym! 1. The goal of parkour is a direct route from one place to another. You meet an obstacle, you overcome it.

Mark Toorock, who teaches the techniques of parkour at his fitness gym, says that parkour is a method to train the body and mind using obstacles as the medium. He says that this new sport is demanding and takes years to master. 2.

But Toorock, who used to be a martial arts expert, says that everyone can benefit from learning the basic skills involved in parkour like running, jumping and crawling (爬行). These are the things that humans used to have to do all the time. 3. The original idea of parkour was to return to running and jumping as basic elements in moving from one place to another.

Georges Hebert, a French navy officer, was so impressed by the effortless athleticism of African tribes that he devised a training method based on running, climbing, jumping, balancing and throwing. The word parkour comes from parcours de combatant, the French term for a military obstacle course. 4.

Dr Kenneth Kao explains that the sport of parkour is not extreme — it is the environment which is extreme and dangerous. Being outside, jumping off railings and flipping over park benches can be quite frightening, so parkour courses in gyms concentrate on practicing all the individual moves to make everything easier. 5. However, that is not real parkour because it’s indoors with a fixed obstacle. The goal for everyone is to go outdoors.

A.Gyms provide thick floor matting (垫子) for rolling and rubberized boxes for jumping over.

B.The bridges, buildings and railings (栏杆) of each and every city are the equipment.

C.Every action in parkour is natural, so everyone must have the ability to move in this way.

D.Parkour was introduced into china in recent years and has gained popularity.

E.But today, due to modern transport, these basic skills are no longer used on a regular basis.

F.The French word for people who participate in the sport is traceurs or traceuses.

G.Beginners should realize that they won’t be jumping over buildings any time soon!



Humankind has tried to improve its standard of living since the very beginning of civilization. Back then, as well as today, providing food and security was the basic task for a person. However, nowadays the range of required goods has expanded significantly. People feel the need for not only some primary things, such as a piece of bread and a roof over their heads, but also for various facilities and luxuries. Providing humanity with these things is connected to the use of natural resources, which requires energy. In turn, the common sources of energy we use today cause pollution, so economic growth is almost unavoidably associated with environmental damage.

Economic growth is the increase in numbers of goods and services produced over time by an economy, and it is calculated in terms of real Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Before growth is calculated, inflation (通货膨胀)is adjusted in order to take into account its mis­leading effect on the price of goods and services. Economic growth can also be explained as the increase in expected output, which results from an increase in actual output, or total de­mand.

There are certain aspects of economic growth which affect the environment. The first of these is the fact that in order to produce more goods and products, at a faster rate, the construction of large industrial plants is required. These plants produce a lot of waste, leading to the pollution of water and the atmosphere, which may cause negative long term health effects to nearby populations of animals, or people.___They___also lead to global warming.

Industrial manufacturing leads to the constantly increasing energy consumption. The traditional energy sources, which are commonly used nowadays, are considered to be the greatest polluters to the environment. There also exist so-called eco-friendly sources of energy. They are sometimes preferred but replacing the traditional sources with them also requires time, during which people have to make some sacrifices to support these undertakings.

In order to produce economically practical energy, a sometimes significant transformation of the natural site is often inevitable. This is expensive and, has harmful effects on the environment. Application of wind energy would block airflows’ natural speed which is the reason for their decrease in strength, after crossing the windmill. Consequently, the pres­sure balance that is brought about by this current will be affected, and it is important to re­member that the environment and weather conditions are directly affected by atmospheric pressure.

For these reasons, bringing about economic growth without any resulting environmental damage, whatsoever, is impossible.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Pollution caused by plant construction.

B.Effects of windmills on the environment.

C.Economic growth and human civilization.

D.Economic growth and environmental damage.

2.What does the underlined word “They” in the third paragraph refer to?

A.Goods and products B.The industrial plants

C.Water and atmosphere D.Negative health effects

3.According to the passage, the author holds the opinion that ______.

A.economic growth should be calculated in terms of GDP

B.use of natural resources causes no damage to the environment

C.industrial manufacturing may cause damage to the environment

D.a windmill is a perfect way to produce economically practical energy

4.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

A. B.

C. D.



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