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For almost 500 years, people have wonder...

    For almost 500 years, people have wondered what deadly disease wiped out most of the Aztecs (阿芝特克人). The locals called it cocolizthi, and now a team of scientists think they know exactly what that was. The outbreak is considered to be one of the deadliest epidemics (传染病)in human history. For centuries, its cause has been debated by historians. New evidence suggests that the Aztecs died from a type of bacteria called salmonella enterica.

An international team of scientists came to this conclusion after analysing the skeletons (骨骼) of 29 Aztecs buried in a cocoliztli cemetery in the Oaxaca region of Mexico. The scientists obtained samples from the teeth of ten of the skeletons. They compared these with their database of bacteria and found traces of salmonella enterica.

Salmonella enterica can cause enteric fever, of which typhoid (伤寒)is a type. Today, there are around 21 million cases of typhoid worldwide and it is considered a global threat.

The Aztecs were fierce hunter-gatherers who settled in what is now Mexico at the beginning of the 13th century. From their incredible capital city Tenochtitlan(now Mexico City),the Aztecs fought wars with other tribes until they ruled much of the region.

The Aztecs ended up controlling large parts of Mesoamerica--now much of Mexico and Central America--until Spanish explorers arrived in 1519 and brought with them advanced weapons and deadly diseases. The team believe that the domesticated animals, such as goats and horses, which the explorers brought with them carried the deadly bacteria.

By 1545,not even 30 years after the Spanish had arrived, Mexico's Aztec nation started coming down with a terrible illness. Symptoms included high fever, headaches and bleeding from the eyes, nose and mouth. Within five years, up to 15 million people---more than 80%of the population at the time--had died from the mystery illness they called cocoliztli. The Aztec people had no immunity (免疫) to fight the disease.

“We cannot say with certainty that salmonella enterica was the cause of the cocolizti epidemic,” said Kirsten Bos from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Germany.” We do believe that it should be considered a strong candidate."

1.Which helped the scientists come to the conclusion.

A.Certain traces of deadly diseases carried by goats and horses

B.Extensive comparison of Aztecs buried in a cocoliztli cemetery

C.Definite discoveries of infected tooth samples from the database

D.Small amounts of certain bacteria in the teeth of the skeletons

2.Which of the following is TRUE about the Aztecs?

A.They had a population of about 15 million around 1545.

B.Their livelihood depended on raising domesticated animals.

C.Their population dropped sharply in the middle 16th century.

D.They won the wars with the Spanish despite being poorly equipped.

3.The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to_    

A.cocolizti epidemic B.salmonella enterica C.the typhoid D.the Max Planck Institute

4.The passage is mainly about

A.how the Aztecs got infected with salmonella enterica

B.why the Aztecs had no immunity to fight typhoid

C.which reason caused the Aztecs to abandon their native land

D.what led to the military and economic decline of the Aztecs


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。关于阿兹特克人当年因为何种疾病而出现大面积死亡一直是众说纷纭,最近的研究表明这似乎与沙门氏菌有着极大的关联。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句“The scientists obtained samples from the teeth of ten of the skeletons. They compared these with their database of bacteria and found traces of salmonella enterica.”可知,科研人员从阿兹特克人的骨骼上采样,通过比对发现了沙门氏菌存活的痕迹,就是据此做出了推断。故选D项。 2.细节理解题。根据第六段“By 1545…Within five years, up to 15 million people---more than 80%of the population at the time--had died from the mystery illness they called cocoliztli.”可知,1545年开始到其后5年,也就是16世纪中叶,超过80%的阿兹特克人都被疾病夺走了性命,人口数量急剧下降。故选C项。 3.词义猜测题。根据最后一段引用的原话“We cannot say with certainty that salmonella enterica was the cause of the cocolizti epidemic”可知,研究人员虽然不能确定沙门氏菌就是当年流行病的罪魁祸首,但“它”应该是一个有力的候选者,显然这里的it就指代沙门氏菌。故选B项。 4.主旨大意题。根据第一段的最后一句“New evidence suggests that the Aztecs died from a type of bacteria called salmonella enterica.”可知,本文主要讲述新的研究表明沙门氏菌可能才是导致阿兹特克人大量死亡的原因,围绕发现的证据详述了阿兹特克族群出现疾病流行的经过,A选项“阿兹特克人是如何感染沙门氏菌的”能够反映文章主要内容,符合主题。故选A项。

    Developments in artificial intelligence, robotics and sensors (传感器) are making houses and apartments smarter than ever.

IT’S 6 A.M., and the alarm clock is ringing earlier than usual. It’s not a malfunction: the smart clock scanned your schedule and_______ because you’ve got that big presentation first thing in the morning. Your shower automatically turns on and warms to your preferred temperature. The electric car is_______ to go, charged by the solar panels. When you get home later, there’s a(n) _______package waiting, delivered by drone. You open it to find cold medicine. It turns out that health sensors in your bathroom detected _______of an approaching illness and placed an order automatically.

That at least is the ideal version of the smart home that exists 10 years out. Swedish research firm Berg Insight says 63 million American homes will_______as “smart” by 2022,with everything from Internet-connected light bulbs to cameras that let us spy on our pets from the office. But a decade from now, experts say, we’ll move from turning the lights on and off with our voices to total engagement in the Internet of Things (IoT)._______advancements in artificial intelligence, the smartest homes will be able to truly learn about their owners, eventually foretelling their_______. Developments in robotics will give us machines that offer a helping hand with cleaning, cooking and more. New sensors will be_______watching our well-being._______ to all of this will be the data that smart homes collect, analyze and act upon, helping to turn the houses of the future from a mere collection of devices and accessories into truly “smart” homes.

Of course, as our homes learn more about us, keeping them________will become all the more important. Every________ that’s connected to the Internet is a potential target for hackers. Therefore, cybersecurity will become all the more vital.

A range of technological developments will drive smart-home technology well beyond what’s available on store shelves today. Innovations in artificial intelligence, ________, stand to reverse almost everything in our lives, including our homes. You might already be using some kind of Al-powered voice-assistant device to get the latest news or weather forecast every morning. But in the smart home of the future, those AI platforms could serve as the brain for entire homes, learning about________and organizing and automating all of their various smart devices. IT company Crestron, for example, is working on software that________ a person’s habits, like which music they want to hear in the morning or which lights they want to be on at a certain time of the day. Then, once it knows a user’s________ automatically plays just the right playlists or dims the lights before bedtime.

1.A.attempted B.adjusted C.approved D.assisted

2.A.free B.likely C.ready D.eager

3.A.unexpected B.disconnected C.unsealed D.misplaced

4.A.symbols B.signals C.codes D.signs

5.A.serve B.qualify C.behave D.model

6.A.In spite of B.Instead of C.In addition to D.Thanks to

7.A.needs B.dangers C.instincts D.responses

8.A.deeply B.barely C.closely D.manually

9.A.Accessible B.Central C.Relative D.Objective

10.A.personal B.special C.specific D.secure

11.A.camera B.bulb C.device D.model

12.A.by contrast B.for example C.in turn D.at least

13.A.residents B.operators C.relatives D.consumers

14.A.transforms B.tracks C.treats D.trains

15.A.conditions B.features C.preferences D.characters



A Taste of War-Foods That Were Created During War

The saying “an army marches on its stomach” tells the importance of giving soldiers tasty, nutritious foods. In some cases, foods that 1.create)for soldiers or during times of war became popular in homes as well.

Today, Fanta is a famous soda, but its beginnings were humble. The soft drink was invented in Germany to take the place of Coca Cola. When World War II began, the Coca-Cola Company's German branch 2. no longer receive the syrup(糖浆)used to produce the soft drink from the United States. Thus, it created a new drink to satisfy the market and called it Fanta, short for “fantastic” 3.German.

The beginnings of war-time foods in Asia are interesting, too. 4.curry (咖喱) had already existed in India, it was introduced into Japan via Britain for the purpose of restoring sailors’ health. As the story goes, the Japanese navy initially promised unlimited amounts of white rice, 5.was considered a high-status food in Japan, as a way to attract newcomers. The problem was that white rice lacked the vital vitamin B1, and thousands of sailors fell ill after eating rice alone. 6.observe) the British navy's standard meal of curry, which contained vitamin B1-rich meat and flour, the Japanese navy began to serve its sailors the same.

The curry was so tasty that it soon 7. (spread) across Japan.

The Korean War gave birth to budae jigae, or “army stew” in Korean. It was first made in US military bases near Seoul, using 8.ingredients were available, since food was scarce. The tasty stew typically 9.consist)of some kind of precooked meat such as ham, American cheese and instant noodles soon caught on.

Many foods were invented at times of conflict to keep soldiers healthy. Fortunately, some of those foods still exist to keep10. happy and satisfied.



假定你是李华,你的英语外教Mn Black打算买一些中国特色的礼物带回国送给亲友,请你给他写信,推荐礼物。要点如下:

1. 写信目的;

2. 推荐的礼物;

3. 礼物的特色。



Dear Mr. Black,



Li Hua



假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(^ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





My mother works as doctor in No. 1 People’ s Hospital. She is devoted to her work and treats her patients kind. It’s said that she sometimes pay for the cost of medicine and treatment for some poor patients. Many people praise her for her great virtue or her excellent medical level, she is always busy cared for her patients and often works overtime. Sometimes I can' t see her at home for several day. Once I complained to her because of she hardly had time to accompany myself. She smiles and told me that her patients were most important than our family members.




Some people just can’t keep from giving. That was the way it was with my neighbour. Although disabled, she was very active. In fact, she did more for the community (社区)every day 1.I ever do in a year’s time.

I was always amazed at the pace she kept. On Mondays and Fridays, she worked at a college giving students guidance so that they could have a good  2. (choose) of career. On Tuesdays and Thursdays she helped out as a volunteer to give aid to people without 3. (home). And on the weekends, she 4. (teach) local kids who needed extra help with their schoolwork. And most 5. ( important) , she always had a positive attitude. I don’t remember once 6.( hear) her complaints about her troubles.  7.  stresses of everyday life seemed to make her look for every occasion she could find 8. ( spread) her good humor around instead 9. bothering her. 1 remember when I had just lost my job, she spent a day with me and listened to me. She never became impatient with my complaints.

What I regret now 10. (be) not having ever really done anything for her. I suppose she never needed it.



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