满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.Where is the treehou...


1.Where is the treehouse?

A.In Justin’s yard. B.In Stanley’s yard. C.In Miss Johnson’s yard.

2.How will Justin get back to the treehouse?

A.By car. B.By bike. C.On foot.

3.Why is Justin in a hurry?

A.He is afraid of thunder.

B.He thinks it’s going to rain.

C.He wants Mom to see the treehouse.


1.C 2.A 3.B 【解析】 W: Where have you been, Justin? M: I was playing with Stanley. We built a treehouse in that big tree in Miss Johnson’s yard. W: That sounds dangerous. Couldn’t you build one in our yard? Or even across the street? M: No, those trees are too small. We built it in five days. It looks really good, W: Can I see it? M: Sorry, Mum. No girls allowed. W: OK, then, Justin. But where are your boots? M: I think I left them in the treehouse. Can I get them tomorrow? W: It’s going to rain tonight. Just how great is the roof on this treehouse? M: Um, we didn’t finish the roof yet. Do you think you could go get the boots out of there for me? I left my bike at Stanley’s house. W: Sorry, Justin. I hear there are no girls allowed in this treehouse. But I’ll be happy to drive you down the street and you can get them. M: Oh, thanks, Mom. I can’t wait to walk in the rain in my boots! W: I knew you’d like them. M: Yeah, Mom. Are you ready to go now? I think I heard some thunder.


1.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Schoolmates. B.Brother and sister. C.Teacher and student.

2.What just happened to Chad’s shirt?

A.He got a tea stain on it.

B.He got blue paint on it.

C.He rolled in the grass with it.

3.What will Chad do after school?

A.Tell his mother what happened.

B.Ask Betty to explain for him.

C.Buy a new shirt.




1.How much will the man pay in total?

A.$20. B.$25. C.$45.

2.How did the man get his shirt dirty?

A.By washing up. B.By eating noodles. C.By cooking vegetable soup.

3.When will the man get his shirt back?

A.On Sunday. B.On Monday. C.On Tuesday.




1.What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A.Boss and employee. B.Co­workers. C.Classmates.

2.Why is Jane unhappy?

A.She forgot to answer some emails.

B.She talked to angry customers all morning.

C.She is usually the first one to take complaints.



Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a fruit shop. B.At a candy shop. C.At the woman’s house.



When does the girl have to go to bed?

A.At 8:00 p.m. B.At 9:00 p.m. C.At 11:00 p.m.



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