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Nowak has been running her own lawn care...

    Nowak has been running her own lawn care business since she was 12 years old.The income from that job put her_______two years at a community college in her hometown of Cheyenne.

But in the fall, when she_______ to the University of Wyoming for a bachelor’s(学士) in business and marketing, she discovered that she couldn’t afford tuition fees in the university with her seasonal _______. In Cheyenne, tuition fees was low and she lived together with her parents. In Laramie, tuition went up and there was house_______to pay. She had to take a second _______,helping other students write essays.

Nowak’s parents _______her decision to go to college but couldn’t support her financially, so she’s been _______ for it on her own. She’s _______ of her ability to take care of herself, but she knows she’s been_______others.She sees how easy it is for friends who don’t work to get ________in student clubs and networking opportunities-things she________ to find the time for.If she didn’t have to work she would have a college ________like other students.

A state-funded scholarship would have ________ her out. High school students have to meet certain ACT ________to qualify(有资格) for it. She heard about it in eighth grade, but it didn’t ________again until she was applying to________ college. And that was too________ to bring her ACT score up by the two points to get the most out of it.

Despite all the ________, Nowak is right where she needs to be. She still received the scholarship, but a ________ amount.With her struggle through and determination,she’s on  track to graduate next year.Eventually,she’d like to use her knowledge gained from the university to ________her lawn care business to make more money.

1.A.aside B.off C.together D.through

2.A.adjusted B.travelled C.approved D.transferred

3.A.incomes B.transports C.changes D.harvests

4.A.tax B.rent C.bonus D.debt

5.A.job B.look C.place D.chance

6.A.judged B.backed C.doubted D.recommended

7.A.bargaining B.applying C.paying D.competing

8.A.careful B.worthy C.afraid D.proud

9.A.envying B.delighting C.exciting D.fancying

10.A.confused B.informed C.involved D.pleased

11.A.happens B.struggles C.promises D.demands

12.A.admission B.degree C.background D.experience

13.A.sought B.wore C.helped D.tried

14.A.requirements B.requests C.honors D.budgets

15.A.give up B.go up C.come up D.roll up

16.A.royal B.senior C.junior D.community

17.A.late B.seldom C.serious D.popular

18.A.experiments B.challenges C.discoveries D.priorities

19.A.more B.lesser C.larger D.higher

20.A.launch B.defend C.expand D.determine


1.D 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.B 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了来自困难家庭的诺瓦克从12岁起就开始经营自己的草坪养护生意,用赚到的钱支付学费、房租等费用。她面临种种挑战,对自己照顾自己的能力感到自豪,却也嫉妒过其他同学,但是通过自己的奋斗和决心,她就快毕业了。 1.考查介词词义辨析。句意:这份工作的收入让她在家乡Cheyenne的一所社区大学读了两年书。A. aside在……旁边;B. off 离开;C. together一起;D. through度过,穿过。根据two years at a community college可知此处要用度过。故选D。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但到了秋天,当她转学到怀俄明大学攻读商业和市场营销学士学位时。A. adjusted调整,校正;B. travelled旅行;C. approved同意;D. transferred转移,转给。根据to the University of Wyoming可知此处表示转学校。故选D。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她发现她的季节性收入无法支付大学的学费。A. incomes收入;B. transports运输工具;C. changes改变;D. harvests收获。根据上文The income from that job可知此处表示收入。故选A。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在拉勒米,学费涨了,还要付房租。A. tax税务;B. rent租金;C. bonus奖金,红利;D. debt债务,借款。根据上文and she lived together with her parents可知此处表示房子的租金。故选B。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她不得不做第二份工作,帮助其他学生写论文。A. job工作;B. look表情;C. place地方;D. chance机会。根据helping other students write essays可知此处表示她的另一份工作。故选A。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:诺瓦克的父母支持她上大学的决定,但无法在经济上支持她。A. judged判断;B. backed支持;C. doubted怀疑;D. recommended推荐。根据but couldn’t support her financially可知此处表示她父母是支持她上大学。故选B。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以她一直在自己支付学费。A. bargaining讨价还价,交易;B. applying申请,应用;C. paying支付;D. competing竞争。根据上文she discovered that she couldn’t afford tuition fees可知此处表示支付学费。故选C。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她对自己照顾自己的能力感到自豪。A. careful小心的;B. worthy值得的;C. afraid害怕的;D. proud自豪的。根据her ability to take care of herself可知她应该是自豪的。故选D。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但她知道自己一直在嫉妒别人。A. envying嫉妒;B. delighting高兴;C. exciting激动,刺激;D. fancying喜爱,想象。根据下文She sees how easy it is for friends who don’t work to get ___10___ in student clubs 可知此处表示她知道自己一直在嫉妒别人。故选A。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她发现,对于不工作的朋友来说,参加学生俱乐部和社交活动是多么容易,而她却要挣扎着找时间来做这些事情。A. confused困惑;B. informed通知;C. involved参与;D. pleased满意,高兴。根据student clubs可知此处表示加入,短语get involved in加入,参与。故选C。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她发现,对于不工作的朋友来说,参加学生俱乐部和社交活动是多么容易,而她却要努力找时间来做这些事情。A. happens发生;B. struggles挣扎;努力;C. promises承诺;D. demands要求。根据to find the time for可知此处表示努力去做某事。故选B。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果她不需要工作,她就会有像其他学生一样的大学经历。A. admission进入许可,入场费;B. degree程度,学位;C. background背景;D. experience经历,经验。根据like other students可知此处表示经历。故选D。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:国家资助的奖学金会帮助她摆脱困境。A. sought追求;B. wore穿,戴;C. helped帮助;D. tried尝试。根据A state-funded scholarship 可知此处表示帮助了她,短语help out帮助……摆脱困难。故选C。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:高中学生必须达到一定的ACT要求才能获得资格。A. requirements要求;B. requests请求;C. honors荣誉;D. budgets预算。根据to qualify for it可知此处表示要符合要求。故选A。 15.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:她在八年级的时候就听说了,但是直到她申请社区大学的时候,这个问题才再次出现。A. give up放弃;B. go up上升;C. come up走进,发生,开始;D. roll up卷起。根据until she was applying to ___16___ college可知此处表示没有发生过。故选C。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她在八年级的时候就听说了,但是直到她申请社区大学的时候,这个问题才再次出现。A. royal皇家的,高贵的;B. senior高级的,年长的;C. junior年轻人的,下级的;D. community社区。根据上文at a community college in her hometown of Cheyenne可知此处表示社区大学。故选D。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但这已经太迟了,她的ACT分数要提高两分才能发挥最大的作用。A. late迟的;B. seldom很少;C. serious严肃的;D. popular流行的。根据too ___17___ to bring her ACT score up by the two points to get the most out of it可知此处表示太迟了。故选A。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管面临着种种挑战,诺瓦克正处于她需要的位置。A. experiments实验;B. challenges挑战;C. discoveries发现;D. priorities优先权。根据上文until she was applying to community college可知此处表示上文的种种挑战。故选B。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她仍然获得了奖学金,但数额较少。A. more更多的;B. lesser较少的,更小的;C. larger更大的;D. higher更高的。根据She still received the scholarship可知表示转折,意为较少的。故选B。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最终,她想用她在大学里学到的知识来扩大她的草坪护理业务,赚更多的钱。A. launch发射,发起;B. defend辩护,防护;C. expand扩张,张开;D. determine决定。根据her lawn care business to make more money可知此处表示扩大她的草坪护理业务,赚更多的钱。故选C。

    Nowadays,human-polar bear conflict is on the rise. 1. Last year,there were 21 conflicts in the village of Ittoqqortoormiit,Greenland,alone. 2.,as the changing climate reduces polar bears’ sea-ice habitat(栖息地)and as humans take advantage of that ice loss in pursuit of economic opportunity.

Governments and industry leaders in Arctic countries must take responsibility and support ways for their citizens and employees to live and work safely together with potentially dangerous animals like polar bears,whose population will decrease by more than 30%by 2050 due to sea-ice habitat loss.

People living and working in the region need education,training and the necessary tools to protect themselves when faced with a polar bear. 3.Patrolmen help to safely scare away bears that may wander into their streets,using bright lights,loud noises,and etc.

4.; it’s also important to keep wildlife safe.There’s more to be done on national level.The five states with polar bear populations should keep their promise to work together on a 10-year plan to manage all aspects of polar-bear protection.

5.By actively supporting the shift to a low-carbon economy,and by reducing our own greenhouse gas missions,we common people are each helping protect the sea-ice habitat that polar bears and other marine mammals all depend on.

A.This will further increase

B.Ordinary people also have a role to play

C.But it’s not just about protecting human life

D.For example,polar bear patrols(巡逻队)have been set up in Greenland

E.Polar bears use the sea ice as a platform to hunt for seals,their main source of food

F.For example,9 human-polar bear conflicts were reported in all of Greenland in 2007

G.Governments need to make a more serious effort to assist Arctic communities with safe and clean waste disposal



    The three phases of life are increasingly a thing of the past.Where once working lives fitted neatly into the model of education,employment and then retirement,the simplicity of that division is being challenged by changing standards of the workforce.

Increasing numbers of workers,nearing their long-imagined transition(过渡)into retirement,seem to be actively putting off the moment at which they down tools.Newly released figures from the Office for National Statistics(ONS)have shown that there are over a million more over 50s in part-time work than a decade ago.And with nine out of 10 employers reporting difficulties hiring workers,there’s likely to be a growing market for their talents as bosses extend their searches to older people,including those who are willing to take on part-time responsibilities.

The ending of the three phases of working life isn’t simply down to people living longer or financial necessity-though those are certainly important factors-but also to an increasing desire to maintain a purposeful life. One survey of British retirees over 50 found that 85 per cent of them felt they’d retired too youngstopping working had left a void that they regretted afterwards.

The 2015 film The Intern conveyed this human need to have value.In it,Robert De Niro plays a 70-year-old widower who finds himself a fish out of water when he joins a trendy internet start-up.In the end,not only does he find the sense of belonging that he desires but his colleagues come to rely on his experience and different perspective.It’s a plot we can increasingly expect to happen in real-life offices over the decades to come as people live ever longer.

Already,we are seeing people in their 50s and 60s looking ahead to a retirement lasting 30 years,choosing instead to build second careers that they can maintain into their 70s or beyond. Freed from the financial burden of young children,they can prioritize flexibility,shorter working hours or more rewarding jobs in areas such as charity work or teaching.Many do it for no money at all,volunteering behind the till in charity shops or showing people round National Trust properties.

However,it’s the next generation where the effect of living longer will really be felt,and the financial necessity will start to bite.In the West,more than half of the children born in 2016 have a life expectancy of more than 100 years.In their book,The 100-Year Life,London Business School professors Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott suggest that acquiring sufficient funds to see oneself through a 40-or 50-year retirement will likely be beyond all but the highest earners.

Then there’s the oft-repeated claim that young people today are the first generation to be poorer than their parents.Certainly property prices are changing the way they plan for the future. In the mid-Nineties,the average home cost less than three times the average wage;last year, ONS stats placed that ratio at eight times wages.

The overall effect of these trends is that young people recognize that they will likely have to postpone dreams of retirement and instead strap on(绑住)more debt spread over longer spans.It’s why 44 per cent of under 30s say they expect to be working well into their 70s and why data this year from the Bank of England show that 16 per cent of UK mortgages(按揭贷款)now have terms of 35 years or more-a figure that has tripled in the past decade.

All of these factors look set to contribute to a workforce that has a significantly wider range of ages in the future.In an ra of work when we’ve all learned to be more inclusive,only eight per cent of firms with a diversity programme have adapted it to go beyond gender,race and sexuality and into age.Incorporating older employees into the workforce is set to be the next big thing at the office.

If Robert De Niro has anything to teach us,it’s that this can be an enormous force permanently for both employees and businesses.

1.The following may account for the ending of the three phases of working life EXCEPT_____.

A.a longer life

B.financial needs

C.delayed retirement policy

D.a meaningful life

2.What do the underlined words”is down to”in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.is caused by

B.results in

C.is responsible for

D.gives birth to

3.What trend will the next generation face?

A.They can live within their means.

B.Their life expectancy will be longer.

C.They will be richer than their parents.

D.They will fail to pay off their mortgage.

4.The author introduces the details of the film The Intern in order to_____.

A.tell us Robert De Niro is a helpful retiree

B.indicate that retirees can also benefit society

C.share Robert De Niro’s second career with us

D.illustrate that retirees desire to live meaningfully

5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.The new standards of the workplace.

B.Age being no hurdle in the modern world of work.

C.Financial issues facing both old people and young people.

D.Different attitudes to retirement between the young and old.



    City farms are gaining popularity in cities and towns around the United States.

Eco City Farms in Edmonston,Maryland,is located near shopping centers,car repair shops and homes.The neighborhood is a working-class community.People do not have very much money,and they have limited access to fresh food in markets.

Over the past two years,the farm has attracted volunteers from the community like Marcy Clark.She schools her four children at home.On a recent day she brought them to Eco City Farms for a lesson.Alston Clark thinks his experience very valuable.”I like coming out here.” he says,”You know,you connect with the earth,where your food comes from.You appreciate the food a little bit more.”

Margaret Morgan-Hubbard started Eco City Farms.She thinks of it as a place where people can learn to live healthier lives.”Growing food in a community and showing that you can have farms even in the city is helpful to strengthen the relationship in that community and brings people together, “she says. “Every piece of what we do here is a demonstration to show people everything about how to have a sustainable community. “From the Eco City Farms people come to know that they are not only growing food and raising chickens and bees,but improving the soil with compost(堆肥)made from food waste.Sixteen wooden bins are filled with worms.Their job is to eat the food waste and help make it into compost.

Eco City Farms is an experimental operation.The farm gets its power not from the local electricity networks but from the sun with solar panels.In winter,the greenhouses are heated using a geothermal(地热的)system.

Vegetables can be grown all year.So once a week,all winter long,neighbors like Chris Moss and her three children bicycle to the farm to pick up a share of the harvest.

“I like eating the vegetables,”says five-year-old Owen Moss.

1.Eco City Farms in Edmonston is close to the following places EXCEPT

A.shopping centers

B.car repair shops

C.a working-class community

D.fast-food restaurants

2.Eco City Farms has the following functions EXCEPT that

A.it demonstrates how to use green power in city life

B.it helps people learn to appreciate the food they have

C.it teaches people how to have a sustainable community

D.it improves the relationships between people in a community

3.What is mainly talked about in the passage?

A.City farms save a lot of energy.

B.City farms are gaining popularity.

C.City farms are influencing community life.

D.City farms help the working-class people live a better life.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards city farms?







    Recalling their college days,friends Miguel Amaro,Ben Grech and Mariano Kostelec all say that their biggest problem was finding somewhere to live in the first place.

As an international student from Argentina,Mariano had to pay 12 months’ rent in advance to get his place in London.Dutchman Miguel booked some super-expensive residence in Nottingham because he didn’t know any better.Ben from the UK was looking around the streets of Nottingham knocking on doors trying to find a place.

A year after graduating from their own separate universities,the three men realized that there was a business opportunity.They came up with a plan to create an online marketplace matching students with accommodation(住处)So in 2011 the three started work on their business and website Uniplaces.

They invested around E50,000.Later that year they won first round funding of 200,0000 euros led by the founder of UK property website Zoopla.

From there it was down to business,getting a permanent office in Lisbon,Portugal and persuading landlords(房东)to join the site and checking properties(房产)The Uniplaces website was then officially launched in 2013,with an initial 50 properties in the Portuguese capital listed on the site.

Mariano,28,says,”We picked Lisbon as our first city as it totally made sense to stay here It is a low cost,good location with access to great talent such as good engineers,and people with excellent language skills,which is great when dealing with so many international students.”

Students using Uniplaces pay one month’s rent in advance via the website,and the sum goes through to the landlord 24 hours after they move in.I hereafter they pay directly to the landlord.Uniplaces takes a service fee of 20%-25%of the student’s first month’s rent

Since its launch,three million nights have been booked through the platform.which currently lists over 40,000 properties.The company has now employed 132 employees

Incomes grew four times in 2016 compared to the previous year.But it hasn’t been all smooth for the three entrepreneurs(创业者)

1.What is the possible relationship among the three people?





2.The website Uniplaces is intended to

A.rent rooms for the tourists

B.sell properties for the landlords

C.evaluate properties for residents

D.find accommodation for students

3.Which of the following is most likely to be talked about after the last paragraph?

A.Advantages of making full use of the Internet.

B.The development of the company in the future.

C.Obstacles in the course of running the business.

D.The trend of the online accommodation industry.




Drone X Pro is a compact,easy-to-use drone with HD(高清) quality images.It is the fastest drone of its size,flying at a speed of up to 12 meters per second with a top transmission distance of 2 km.It has all of the features need to satisfy the pros,but it is extremely simple to fly and control,even for DRONE X PRO complete beginners.

Foldable Drone

The propeller(螺旋桨)fold inwards to make the drone easier to carry and better protected during transit.

HD Photos and Video

Record video in HD at 120 frames per second and take photos up to 12 megapixels(百万像素)

Increased Flying Time

Fly and film for up to 12 minutes without having to touch the ground or change batteries

Gravity Sensor

Sensors detect the ground and other obstacles and change the flying course automatically to avoid collision(碰撞)

Slo-mo Mode

Replay the highlights of your epic adventures in high-definition slow motion

Panorama Mode(全景模式)

Capture 360 degree photos from the air with just one click of a button




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1.Gravity sensors help the drones

A.fly safely B.move smoothly C.land slowly D.turn quickly

2.What do we learn about Drone X Pro?

A.It is heavy. B.It can’t be seen. C.It is portable. D.It can carry people.

3.Who does Drone X Pro mostly appeal to?

A.Engineers. B.Doctors C.Photographers. D.Cyclists.



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