满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The other day, I was shopping at a local...

    The other day, I was shopping at a local store and came upon a lady kneeling(跪下)down for a product on the bottom shelf. When she saw me, she quickly__________up as if to get out of my way. She was very sorry and explained that she was a__________at a nearly store. She was on her lunch break and was only trying to get a few items before her__________was over.

I__________her: "I am in no rush. Go ahead and do what you need to do." While she was__________a particular brand, she said that customers at the store were sometimes__________to her, so she really appreciated my kindness. I told her that I had noticed cashier(收银员)were often__________badly by some people and that those people needed to be more__________. It is stressful for cashiers when people are staring at them while waiting for__________to get done. I explained that I was a retired__________and understood the way she felt. Sometimes, patients, their family members or doctors would be very rude to__________.

She, asked, "So how would you__________to the people who were rude to you?" My__________was simple. She, "I would just smile. Then I would tell them that I was doing my best and to be__________. I would not let it bother me and__________my nursing work. They were probably just having a__________day. " "Thank you," she said and gave me a truly big__________.

It felt so good that I may have helped her__________the pressure for even a few seconds. In a brief__________, I showed her that there are good and kind people in the world. I would like to think that I helped her to strengthen__________in humanity(人性).

1.A.sat B.got C.showed D.looked

2.A.cashier B.saleswoman C.guard D.cleaner

3.A.break B.work C.sale D.plan

4.A.scolded B.threatened C.urged D.comforted

5.A.writing down B.turning down C.praying for D.looking for

6.A.strange B.rude C.kind D.polite

7.A.beaten B.trained C.paid D.treated

8.A.considerate B.responsible C.diligent D.intelligent

9.A.something B.nothing C.somebody D.nobody

10.A.chemist B.surgeon C.nurse D.doctor

11.A.you B.us C.me D.her

12.A.promise B.respond C.turn D.point

13.A.advice B.wish C.reply D.Topic

14.A.passive B.aggressive C.generous D.patient

15.A.continue B.arrange C.abandon D.pause

16.A.busy B.short C.bad D.dangerous

17.A.welcome B.smile C.lesson D.surprise

18.A.realize B.consider C.measure D.reduce

19.A.interview B.lecture C.exchange D.activity

20.A.research B.faith C.knowledge D.theory


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章通过作者遇到一位收银员,因为一个耐心的善举而得到了对方的感谢,两个人分别分享了自己得到他人粗鲁对待的事情,作者说服了那位收银员要相信世界上有很多善良的人,不要因为一些人的行为而不再相信人性。 1.考查动词短语辨析。句意:她看见我时马上就站了起来,就好像要给我让路一样。A. sat(up)端坐,熬夜;B. got(up)起床,起立;C. showed(up)露面,出现;D. looked(up)仰视,查阅。前文提到这位女士是跪在地上的,这里又要给作者让路,应该是站起身来。故选B项。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她表示很抱歉并解释说她是附近一家商店的收银员。A. cashier收银员;B. saleswoman售货员;C. guard保安;D. cleaner清洁工。与下文中多次出现的cashier呼应,容易推断这位女士是一名收银员。故选A项。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她正在午餐休息时间,只是想在休息结束前拿一点东西。A. break休息;B. work工作;C. sale销售;D. plan计划。与前句的lunch break对应,这里就指她的午餐休息时间。故选A项。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我安慰她说:“我不急。继续忙你的吧”A. scolded责骂;B. threatened威胁;C. urged强烈要求;D. comforted安慰。从作者说的话来看,并没有指责或嫌弃这位女士,而是在善意地安慰对方。故选D项。 5.考查动词短语辨析。句意:当她在寻找某个特别的品牌时,她说店里的顾客有时会对她很粗鲁。A. writing down写下来;B. turning down拒绝;C. praying for付款;D. looking for寻找。与前文get a few items对应,这里指她在寻找货架上的东西。故选D项。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当她在寻找某个特别的品牌时,她说店里的顾客有时会对她很粗鲁。A. strange奇怪的,陌生的;B. rude粗鲁的;C. kind善良的;D. polite有礼貌的。从下文so引导句子的因果关系来看,顾客对这位女士的态度应该和作者的和善态度是形成对比、完全不同的,也就是对她比较粗鲁。故选B项。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我告诉她,我注意到收银员们往往被一些人很不礼貌地对待。A. beaten击败;B. trained训练;C. paid付钱;D. treated对待。这里顺承上文这位女士说的有的顾客对她很粗鲁,也表示收银员被不友善地对待。故选D项。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:而那些人需要更加理解、体谅别人。A. considerate体贴的;B. responsible负责的;C. diligent勤勉的;D. intelligent聪明的。分析句子可知,这里的those people就指代那些不太礼貌的顾客,自然是希望他们更能体谅别人、宽容一些。故选A项。 9.考查代词词义辨析。句意:对收银员来说,有人在旁边盯着、催着他们把手头的事情做完是非常有压力的。A. something某物,某事;B. nothing没什么;C. somebody某人;D. nobody没人。结合作者遇到这位收银员时的情境,她当时就是在“get a few items”即忙于一些事情,所以这里用something表示同样的意思。故选A项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我解释说自己退休前是一名护士,所以完全理解她的感受。A. chemist化学家;B. surgeon外科医生;C. nurse护士;D. doctor医生。根据下文I would not let it bother me and 15 my nursing work.可知,作者以前是护士。故选C项。 11.考查代词词义辨析。句意:有时病人、家属和医生会对我很粗鲁。A. you你;B. us我们;C. me我;D. her她。作者既然身为护士,也能理解这位女士的感受,显然就是因为也有过类似的遭遇。故选C项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以你是怎么回应那些对你不善的人的呢?A. promise承诺;B. respond回应;C. turn转变;D. point指出。既然感同身受,这位女士当然想知道作者是如何应对这种情况的。故选B项。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的回应很简单。A. advice建议;B. wish祝愿;C. reply回应;D. Topic话题。与12小题一致,对这位女士的问题作出了回答。故选C项。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我会告诉他们我在尽我所能做事,尽量保持耐心。A. passive被动的;B. aggressive好斗的;C. generous慷慨的;D. patient耐心的。从作者的“保持微笑”“不受影响”等应对方法来看,作者是非常耐心且平和的。故选D项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不会受到干扰,还是会继续我的护士工作。A. continue继续;B. arrange安排;C. abandon遗弃;D. pause暂停。既然不会受到他人态度的影响,就可以心态平和地继续完成自己的工作。故选A项。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们可能只是那一天过得比较糟糕。A. busy忙碌的;B. short短的;C. bad糟糕的;D. dangerous危险的。分析语境可知,这里的They指代的是那些对作者很粗鲁的患者、医生等人,为了不受他们影响,作者会做出这样的解释:只是因为他们过得不舒心所以才对别人不好。故选C项。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她说完给了我一个大大的微笑。A. welcome欢迎;B. smile微笑;C. lesson课程;D. surprise惊喜。从这句Thank you不难看出作者的话对这位女士是很有帮助的,所以她应当是回以微笑的。故选B项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:能帮她减少一点压力哪怕就这么一会儿,感觉也特别好。A. realize意识到;B. consider考虑;C. measure测量;D. reduce减少。这位女士听了作者这番推心置腹的话,应该不再会为受到的不公平对待而烦心,也就是减缓了一些压力。故选D项。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这样简短的交换中,我向她展示了世上还有很多善良的好人。A. interview采访,面试;B. lecture演讲;C. exchange交换;D. activity活动。这里就指作者和这位女士彼此分享了自己在工作中的感受和心得,相当于做了一次交换。故选C项。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想我帮助她增强了对人性的信念A. research研究;B. faith信仰;C. knowledge知识;D. theory理论。前文作者指出世界上还有很多好人,就是为了让这位女士仍然能相信人性,保持这份信仰。故选B项。

When to Change Your Mindset

Allowing negative thoughts and problems to control your mind will stop you achieving happiness and success. But how do you know when you need to change your mindset(心态)? Below are some pointers.

1.To enjoy the moment, you need to choose not to pay attention to negative thoughts—whether, yours or someone else's. This does not mean that you ignore problems,. but it does mean that you choose not let problems kill your dreams and hopes.

You worry all the time. Worry is using your imagination to create problems, rather than solve them. Worring about problems does not solve them.2.Most of what you worry about never takes place.

You complain about life.3.Do you find yourself complaining about your situation, or what other people have said or done? If you do, it means that you do not accept the reality of your situation or past. That causes stress. Rather than complain, you should change your situation.

You want a pain-free life. Don't fear pain. Pain is a part of living. You cannot travel new paths and attain success without the pain of hard work, taking risks and making mistakes.4.

You blame others for your problems. If you feel anger and resentment(恐惧)against others, blaming them for your problems, then you need to change your mindset.5.They only make you bitter. Instead of being angry, choose to learn and grow from negative experiences, and then let them go.

A.It only makes you upset.

B.Sooner or later, it makes you stronger.

C.You see more negatives than positives.

D.Watch what you say to yourself, and others.

E.It starts with caring abou other people's opinions.

F.These negative thoughts do not change other people.

G.You just pay much attention to your own thoughts and problems.



    Modern agriculture and its ability to feed billions of people may be among humanity’s greatest successes. However, it comes with hidden costs. For example, have you ever considered how much water is needed to provide you with a steak or a salad? It may surprise you.

In a recent study published in the journal Nutrients, scientists from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization(CSIRO), Australia's national science organization, took a close look at the diets of 9,341 adult Australians—specifically, their “water-scarcity footprints(水消耗足迹)”.

It turned out that a sweet tooth not only adds to our waistlines(腰围) but also stresses our water resources. The water-scarcity footprint is a widely recognized measurement of water consumption. First, it counts the liters of water you used. Then, it looks at the place where the water was used. The more lacking water is in your area, the larger your water-scarcity footprint.

The scientists found that the average Australian's diet had a water-scarcity footprint of 362 liters per day. Snacks—cookies, cakes and alcohol—accounted for 25 percent of the water-scarcity footprint. The research also included a glass of wine(41 liters), a single serving of potato chips(23 liters), and a small bar of milk chocolate(21 liters).

Not surprisingly, cutting out snacks would be the N0.1 priority if you wanted to lower your own water-scarcity footprint.

Earth's surface is 70 percent water, but only 2.5 percent of that can be used for drinking or farming. By 2030, a world of about 8.6 billion people will need 35 percent more water, 40 percent more energy, and 50 percent more food, according to the United States National Intelligence Council. So, we need to watch what we eat, not just for our personal health but for the health of our societies.

1.What did the recent study closely focus on?

A.Modern agriculture. B.Average Australians.

C.Water resources. D.Water-scarcity footprints.

2.What did scientists from CSIRO find in their study?

A.Sweet teeth lead to thin waistlines.

B.Australians' diets are mainly made up of snacks.

C.The water-scarcity fooprint is a measurement of saving water.

D.Lacking water in our area means a larger water-scarcity footprint.

3.What does the underlined part “the N0.1 priority” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?

A.the least important thing B.the least impossible thing

C.something to be done first D.something to be prevented first

4.What does the last paragraph intend to tell us?

A.Take care of our diets. B.Protect our drinking water.

C.Make good use of energy. D.Produce more healthy food.



    Children of all ages gathered in New York City recently for the International Toy Fair. Hidden among already popular toys were new, high-tech educational products. Toymakers are working to create products for improving a child's emotional intelligence. These toys reportedly not only help raise intelligence in children, but also their emotional quotient, or EQ(情商).

At the toy fair, companies showed off their products.

PleIQ is a set of plastic toy blocks. It uses augmented(增强的)reality technology to teach words, numbers and other things. Edison Durán, the company director, showed people at the toy fair how virtual images appear on the blocks when they are held in front of a tablet camera. Intelligence includes intrapersonal skillsprocessing information within one's mindand interpersonal skillsdealing with other people. Durán said PleIQ builds on both by having children act as teachers or guides to a companion character.

Karen Hu presented an educational robot called Woobo. The robot comes programmed with educational games and activities. Children use its touch screen face to get them started. Toys that work as companions also aid in social development. Hu described how the robot can help a child who suffers from autism(自闭症). "The child can communicate with Woobo and follow some of the instructions Woobo is giving because he thinks of this as a companion instead of a parent or someone else telling him to do certain things."

Jonathan Erickson, the sales director, showed off a board game called "Q"s Race to the Top. "Kevin Chaja said the game got his 4-year-old daughter to open up. "The biggest thing is her talking. And that's the key of all this—getting her feelings expressed out. Like, 'Hey, what does it feel like to be sad?'"

It remains to be seen whether a game or toy can improve emotional intelligence. But toymakers are doing what they can to help parents in their efforts to raise well-rounded children.

1.What does the underlined word "both" in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Teachers and guides.

B.Intelligence and emotional quotient.

C.Reality technology and virtual image.

D.Intrapersonal skills and interpersonal skills.

2.What makes the product "Woobo" different from PleIQ?

A.It is communicative. B.It is educational.

C.It can follow a parent. D.It can start of itself.

3.What is Kevin Chaja's attitude to "Q's Race to the Top"?

A.Cautious. B.Favorable.

C.Uncertain. D.Doubtful.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.International Toy Fair Ended B.Raising Kids Needs New Ways

C.Toys Help Make Children Smart D.Toymakers Try to Train Parents



    Manny Abreu pratices Benjamin Franklin's famous saying. “If you want something done, ask a busy person.”

Throughout his four years at Kellenberg Memorial High School in the US. Abreu made community service, an important part of his life. “I don't know where he finds the time to do everything.” said Erin Ronan, Alreu's math teacher. “He is truly a class act.”

As an honored student, Abreu, 18, took part in different voluntary activities after school, during weekends and summer holidays. These included helping staff at the public library, doing landscape work at kellenberg, and serving customers at a local restaurant.

But faced with a limited number of hours in a day, Abreu left his library job last summer to start working as an emergency medical technician—a role that fits his passion for making a difference in other people's lives.

“My appreciation for service has guided me into giving back,” said Abreu, who is setting his sights on becoming a doctor. “It's such a win-win feeling to help someone in need.”

St Martin de Porres Marianist School also benefited from Abreu's help. Through his school's Smart Club program, he voluntarily provided homework help and played games with the junior high school students. For all his hard work, Abreu was welcomed into a leadership club that organizes fellow students' volunteer activities.

Abreu thanked his parents for inspiring him to do the right thing, saying “they are' the most selfless people I know.” He remembered when he was about 6 years old, and his mother invited a disadvantaged neighborhood boy to have dinner. Upon observing the boy's happiness, Abreu came away with a sense of how he wanted to live his own life— “I won't focus on my own desires. I will help as many people as I can,” he said.

1.What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?

A.To introduce the topic. B.To make a brief explanation.

C.To share a famous saying. D.To praise Benjamin Franklin.

2.How did Abreu do voluntary work during his high school?

A.By organizing school activities. B.By working as a customer.

C.By spending extra time. D.By using special holidays.

3.What does Abreu think of helping others in need?

A.It's challenging. B.It's rewarding.

C.It's stressful. D.It's wasteful.

4.Who influenced Abreu most on his way to being a volunteer?

A.His math teacher. B.His fellow students.

C.His parents. D.His neighborhood boy.



    Known as the "Oriental Hawaii," Sanya is considered as one of the best diving resorts(胜地) in the South Pacific Ocean. The followings are the top five places for diving in the city.

Wuzhizhou Island

Wuzhizhou Island, known as Chin's Maldives, is regarded as the best place in Hainan province for underwater diving. It is one of the few islands in the world without rocks or pebbles, covering an area of 1.48 square kilometers and is in an irregular butterfly shape.

Yalong Bay

The underwater world atYalong Bay is one of the earliest diving bases in Sanya. It is thought as one of the best scenic spots in China to carry out undersea tourism. Colorful hard coral, tropical fish, and other marine life in the nearby waters also add to the beauty and attraction of the bay.

Dadonghai Bay

Dadonghai Bay, with hills on three sides, is a crescent-shaped(新月形的) bay. The area enjoys agreeable weather all year round, with the water temperature keeping about 20 even in winter. Though the water here is not as clear as that in Yalong Bay and Wuzhizhou Island, this diving spot is easier to get to.

Xidao Island

Xidao Island, also known as Daimao Island, is shaped like a turtle living in the tropical area. The island enjoys pleasant surroundings of sandy beaches, rocky caves, and palm trees. It also takes pride in crystal clear waters with marine life and extensive coral reefs to explore.

Fenjiezhou Island

Fenjiezhou lsland, a national 5A scenic area, is also called the Sleeping Beauty Island for what it looks like from afar. The island is proud of extremely clean beaches and rich marine ecological resources. It is the only site in the country that allows visitors to dive with dolphins.

1.What can divers do at the resort of Wuzhizhou Island?

A.Play with butterflies. B.Enjoy diving comfortably.

C.Explore rocky caves. D.Do underwater research.

2.Which of the following is most suitable for diving throughout the year?

A.Yalong Bay. B.Dadonghai Bay.

C.Xidao Island. D.Fenjiezhou Island.

3.What is unique about Fenjiezhou Island in China?

A.A national 5A scenic area. B.The Sleeping Beauty Island.

C.Rich marine resources. D.Diving with dolphins.



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