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Two motorists saved the life of a good m...

    Two motorists saved the life of a good man who had moments earlier helped them.

Victor, 61, stopped his pickup along an interstate highway in western Wisconsin to help two stranded women change a flat tire. Minutes later, his life was in their hands.

Sara Berg, and her cousin, Lisa, were headed home Saturday night on Interstate 94 when they heard an awful noise. They were somewhere between Menomonie and Eau Claire when they pulled to the side of the road with a flat tire-something neither knew how to fix. Ann showed up and asked whether they needed help. “We were so grateful.” Berg said. “Nowadays, nobody ever really stops to offer their help. It's kind of scary sometimes, because you really don't know what you're getting into.”

Victor is the type of person who gives you 100 percent and worries about himself later. When Victor finished, Berg thanked him and they shook hands. Berg recalled Victor's farewell words to her: “Someone up above always puts me in the right place at the right time.”

And then they parted. Victor and his wife puffed back onto the interstate. Seconds later, Berg followed. Less than a quarter mile down the road, Berg noticed Victor's red truck pulled over. She passed it and then pulled over herself, figuring the couple may have forgotten something. No sooner had she gotten out of her car when she saw Victor's wife waving anxiously at passing motorists. She called out to Berg that her husband was having a heart attack. Berg, a certified nursing assistant trained in CPR, jumped into the truck. Victor had no pulse and wasn't breathing. Berg began chest compressions. Lisa called 911. Emergency personnel arrived in about five minutes, “but it always feels like forever at a time like that,” Berg said.

“It was a nice twist of fate.” said the doctor who is treating Victor at the Eau Claire hospital.

“We know for sure that the CPR the woman did increased his chances for survival.”

Ann, who was also part of her husband's good luck when she guided their vehicle to the shoulder during his heart attack, is grateful.

1.The underlined word “stranded” in Paragraph 2 means ________.

A.trapped B.exhausted

C.frightened D.threatened

2.What do Victor's farewell words mean?

A.Victor and Berg share a common religious belief.

B.Victor feels it his mission to lend a helping hand.

C.Victor happens to be expert in changing flat tires.

D.Victor expects Berg to do him a favor in return.

3.What happened to Victor shortly after they parted?

A.His pickup broke down and had to stop on the shoulder.

B.His heart was badly injured due to a terrible accident.

C.He pulled over to collect something left in Berg's car.

D.He suffered a sudden heart attack and lost his consciousness.

4.Which can be the best title?

A.A Twist of Fate B.A Lucky Man

C.An Adventurous Journey D.An Instant Rescue


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要记叙了61岁的司机Victor在公路上帮助了两名被困的妇女Sara Berg和她的表妹Lisa换轮胎。结果他们分开后几分钟,她们再次遇到了突发心脏病的Victor,其中接受过心肺复苏术培训的注册护士助理Berg对他进行了胸外按压,Lisa拨打了911,从而挽救了Victor的生命。 1.词义猜测题。根据第三段中Sara Berg, and her cousin, Lisa, were headed home Saturday night on Interstate 94 when they heard an awful noise. They were somewhere between Menomonie and Eau Claire when they pulled to the side of the road with a flat tire-something neither knew how to fix.可知Sara Berg和她的表妹Lisa周六晚上在94号州际公路上回家时听到了可怕的声音。他们当时在Menomonie和Eau Claire之间的某个地方,把车停在路边,轮胎爆了——两人都不知道怎么修。由此可知,Sara Berg和她的表妹Lisa轮胎爆了,被困在马路上,61岁的Victor帮助两名被困的妇女换轮胎。划线单词“stranded”意思为“陷入困境的”。A. trapped陷入困境的;B. exhausted筋疲力尽的;C. frightened害怕的;D. threatened受到威胁的。故选A。 2.句意猜测题。根据第三段中Victor is the type of person who gives you 100 percent and worries about himself later. When Victor finished, Berg thanked him and they shook hands.可知Victor是那种为你付出百分之百的人,以后再为自己担心。Victor说完后,Berg向他表示感谢,他们握了握手。结合上文Victor在路上看到这两位女士需要帮助,于是好心停下了车,帮助这两位女士换了轮胎,由此可推知,Victor的告别词“上天总是在对的时间把我放在对的地方”的意思是Victor觉得伸出援助之手是他的使命。故选B。 3.细节理解题。根据第五段中She called out to Berg that her husband was having a heart attack.可知她大声告诉Berg,她的丈夫心脏病发作了。由此可知,他们分手后不久Victor突发心脏病,失去了意识。故选D。 4.主旨大意题。根据第一段Two motorists saved the life of a good man who had moments earlier helped them.可知两个司机救了一个刚刚帮助过他们的好人的命。结合文章主要记叙了61岁的司机Victor在公路上帮助了两名被困的妇女Sara Berg和她的表妹Lisa换轮胎。结果他们分开后几分钟,她们再次遇到了突发心脏病的Victor,其中接受过心肺复苏术培训的注册护士助理Berg对他进行了胸外按压,Lisa拨打了911,从而挽救了Victor的生命。由此可知,C选项“冒险之旅”最符合文章标题,故选C。

    Feb. 29, or Leap Day, arrives on your calendar once every four years—and 2020 is one of them. The reason there are 366 days every four years instead of the standard 365 is that the calendar doesn't precisely line up since the Earth orbits the sun in approximately 365 days and 6 hours. Hence, every 4 years a leap day, February 29th, has to be added to correct for the difference.

It's not a federally recognized holiday, but Leap Day is a special occasion, so retailers typically offer many sales, deals and discounts. From food to travel deals, here are 29 Leap Day 2020 discounts.

●Hard Rock Café: Customers with a Leap Day birthday receive a free entrée from the restaurant's Leaplings Eat Free menu with a valid photo ID.

●Dog Hans: Enjoy a free upgrade from a single to a double burger on Feb. 29, which will save you $2.49.

●Legal Sea Foods: Get two 1-pound lobsters and two sides at any of the East Coast eatery's 30 non-airport locations for $29(over a $50 value) on Feb. 29.

●Big Frog Custom T-Shirts More: Get a free Leap Year 2020 T-shirt at any of the retailers participating locations on Feb. 29—no purchase required.

●Foot Locker: Save 15 percent on purchases of $70 or more through Feb. 29.

●Expedia: Save up to 29 percent off select hotels worldwide with reservations made on the Expedia mobile app on or before Feb. 29. Some restrictions apply.

●Avis: Take $25 off the cost of a weekly car rental with code MUWA169 through March 30.

●Marriott: Enjoy up to 20 percent in savings when you use code ADP to book a room in advance through March 19.

1.Why is there an extra day in February 2020?

A.To remain in line with the true astronomical year.

B.To officially celebrate a special occasion.

C.To pass down a time-honored tradition.

D.To offer a business promotional opportunity.

2.How much will you pay for a pair of shoes priced at $100 on Feb. 29?

A.$15. B.$85.

C.$75. D.$70.

3.Which of the following offers discounts beyond Feb. 29?

A.Dog Hans. B.Legal Sea Foods.

C.Expedia. D.Marriott.









Dear Charlie,










Basketball fans around the world are mourning the dead of American superstar Kobe Bryant. Bryant killed in a helicopter crash last Sunday in California, along with her l3-year-old daughter Gianna and seven other people, Bryant was an 18-time All-Star player. He won five NBA championship and two Olympic gold medals. He was wide considered one of the great basketball players of his generation during his 20-year career with the Los Angeles Lakers. The helicopter carry Bryant and the others crash into a hilly area in foggy conditions outside Los Angeles. The cause for the crash is under an investigation.




Dressed in n flowing long robe 1.decoratewith floral embroidery(花卉刺绣)from a past era, stylist Xiao Hang looks like she surfaced from a time machine. She walks across the noisy Beijing subway, 2.attractcurious glances and questions.

China 3.welcomewestern fashion and futuristic technology during the last decades, 4. a growing number of young people like Xiao are looking to the past for their dressing choices. 5.obvious, they prefer to put on traditional “hanfu”, or “Han clothing”.

These historic 6.costumeof the Han ethnic majority are enjoying a renaissance because the government is promoting traditional culture. Period dramas have also contributed to a 7.greatinterest in traditional Chinese clothing and a higher demand for it.

Xiao, who used to work at a state-owned machine manufacturing companynow runs her own hanfu business,8. she dresses customers for photo shoots and even plans hanfu-style weddings. However, there is some way before the style reaches wide 9.acceptin China. Many people say their hesitation is due to the odd looks they get when wearing hanfu 10. public.



    A back injury drove Briton Rose Oliver to tai chi, which led her to her husband and then took both of them to China. Twenty years ago, Oliver’s back injury _________ her childhood dream of becoming a ballet dancer. But the injury did _________ her to tai chi, a martial art _________ practiced in slow motion. Her initial hope was to improve her _________, however , it turned out to bring her more. She later married her _________, Rey Nelson, who taught her how to play tai chi , and founded a school with him, _________ the martial art to more than 10,000 students over eight years.

In 2000, the couple moved to Shanghai. They taught _________ in universities and happily _________ tai chi under various masters to enhance their skills in playing. After years of practice, Oliver found her occasional _________ had disappeared amazingly. But her greatest pain __________ when her husband died in 2003, leaving her alone to follow their __________ passion for tai chi. She thought of __________. But she finally determined to carry on to __________ her husband.

With the __________ of her tai chi “family” — the masters and students, Oliver spent her time outside tai chi teaching English as she did before and __________ cultural-exchange events. She founded the Double Dragon Alliance, which __________ Chinese kung fu masters to teach martial arts to westerners and organizes seminars and events for them to __________ Chinese massage, acupuncture, traditional medicine, and calligraphy.

Because of her __________ to cultural exchange, Oliver was given he Shanghai Magnolia Award, an award given to foreigners who have made __________ contributions to the city. And she has been officially __________ as a Member of the Order of the British Empire by Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II-one of the highest honors to a citizen.

1.A.realized B.destroyed C.promoted D.decreased

2.A.limit B.cheat C.lead D.devote

3.A.typically B.rarely C.immediately D.simply

4.A.figure B.appetite C.appearance D.health

5.A.instructor B.colleague C.supervisor D.classmate

6.A.supplying B.explaining C.guaranteeing D.teaching

7.A.sports B.language C.music D.art

8.A.watched B.suspected C.learnt D.accepted

9.A.backaches B.headaches C.toothaches D.stomachaches

10.A.strengthened B.faded C.came D.worsened

11.A.previous B.separate C.shared D.temporary

12.A.coming off B.standing up C.turning away D.giving up

13.A.honor B.accompany C.comfort D.understand

14.A.influence B.support C.education D.agreement

15.A.collecting B.attending C.analyzing D.covering

16.A.enables B.orders C.promises D.reminds

17.A.exchange B.experience C.sponsor D.explore

18.A.inspiration B.suggestion C.adaptation D.contribution

19.A.natural B.professional C.significant D.hopeful

20.A.required B.celebrated C.respected D.announced



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