满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Many years ago a big earthquake hit Amer...

Many years ago a big earthquake hit America,killing over 30,000 people.A father ___ his wife safely at home and rushed to the ___ where his son was supposed to be,___ to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake.

Seeing this,he remembered the ___ he had made to his son,“No matter what happens,I’ll always be there for you!” Tears began to ___ his eyes.As he looked at the pile of ___ that once was the school,it looked ___,but he kept remembering his words to his son.

He began to concentrate ___ where he had ___ his son to class before.Remembering his son’s ____ had been in the right back corner of the teaching building,he rushed there and started digging ____ the ruins.

He kept digging and digging.Hours later,other ____ parents tried to pull him off ____ had been his son’s classroom,saying,“It’s too late!They’re all dead!”

But the father kept digging for his son.The fire chief ____ and said,“Fires are breaking out.You’re in ____.Go home.” Hearing this,the American father,____ very tired now,asked politely,“Are you going to help me?”

He went on ____.He dug for 8 hours ...12 hours ...24 hours ...36 hours ...then,in the 38th hour,he heard his son’s ____.He screamed his son’s name,“ARMAND!” And he heard his son shout back,“Dad?!It’s me,Dad!I told the other kids not to worry.I told them that if you were ____ you’d save us.You promised no matter what happened,you’d always be there for me!You did ____,Dad!”

1.A. left    B. stayed    C. reached    D. had

2.A. house    B. company    C. school    D. office

3.A. hardly    B. mainly    C. surprisingly    D. only

4.A. belief    B. promise    C. decision    D. advice

5.A. rise    B. cover    C. fill    D. suffer

6.A. ruins    B. disasters    C. earth    D. bricks

7.A. sad    B. hopeless    C. needless    D. useless

8.A. at    B. in    C. to    D. on

9.A. walked    B. let    C. run    D. seen

10.A. doorway    B. situation    C. classroom    D. entrance

11.A. from    B. through    C. by    D. across

12.A. cold-hearted    B. well-meaning    C. good-looking    D. hard-working

13.A. who    B. when    C. whose    D. what

14.A. showed up    B. showed off    C. got up    D. got off

15.A. frustration    B. difficulty    C. danger    D. fear

16.A. and    B. but    C. if    D. though

17.A. lonely    B. alone    C. together    D. as well

18.A. sound    B. voice    C. noise    D. shout

19.A. right    B. dead    C. alive    D. injured

20.A. that    B. this    C. one    D. it


1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. C 16. D 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. D 【解析】 文讲述了在一次地震中,一个父亲信守对儿子的承诺,不顾别人的反对,用双手刨开废墟,救出自己儿子的故事。 1.考查动词辨析。A. left离开;B. stayed停留;C. reached到达;D. had有。句意:一位父亲把妻子安顿好然后冲向了儿子所在的学校。leave sb at home“让某人待在家里,把某人安顿在家里” 符合句意。故A选项切题。 2.考查名词辨析。A. house房子;B. company公司;C. school学校;D. office办公室。句意:一位父亲把妻子安顿好然后冲向了儿子所在的学校。由第三段第一句中的“class”和第二句中的“the teaching building”可知,他的儿子在学校。故C选项切题。 3.考查副词辨析。A. hardly几乎不;B. mainly主要地;C. surprisingly令人惊讶的;D. only唯一的。句意:结果发现整个建筑物都倒了。“only+动词不定式”表示意想不到的结果。符合句意。故D选项切题。 4.考查名词辨析。A. belief相信;B. promise承诺;C. decision决心;D. advice建议。句意:看到这个,他记起给儿子的承诺。由最后段的“You promised no matter...”可知,此处应用promise“承诺”。故B选项切题。 5.考查动词辨析。A. rise上升;B. cover覆盖;C. fill填充;D. suffer遭受。句意:眼泪开始流下来。这里指眼泪充满了双眼。fill符合句意。故C选项切题。 6.考查名词辨析。A. ruins毁灭;B. disasters灾难;C. earth地球;D. bricks砖块。句意:当他看到曾经的学校变成了废墟,看起来是没有希望了,但他仍然记得对于儿子的话。由第一段最后一句可知,教学楼已被夷为平地。所以,曾经的校园已经成为一片废墟。故A选项切题。 7.考查形容词辨析。A. sad悲伤的;B. hopeless没有希望的;C. needless不必要的;D. useless无用的。句意:当他看到曾经的学校变成了废墟,看起来是没有希望了,但他仍然记得对于儿子的话。因为校园已成为一片废墟,所以看起来找到他儿子是毫无希望的。故B选项切题。 8.考查介词辨析。A. at在…旁边;B. in在…里;C. to朝着;D. on在…上。句意:他把注意力集中到送孩子上课的地方。concentrate on“集中注意力于……”。本句中表示他把注意力集中到送孩子上课的地方。故D选项切题。 9.考查动词辨析。A. walked陪……走”;B. let让;C. run跑;D. seen看。句意:他把注意力集中到送孩子上课的地方。walk sb “陪某人走”,这里指送孩子上课。符合句意。故A选项切题。 10.考查名词辨析。A. doorway门道;B. situation状况;C. classroom班级;D. entrance入口。句意:记得儿子的教室就在教学楼后面的右角处,所以他冲了过去,开始挖掘废墟。由下文的“he rushed there and started digging...”可知,此处应该是孩子的教室。故C选项切题。 11.考查介词辨析。A. from来自;B. through通过;C. by经由;D. across穿过。句意:记得儿子的教室就在教学楼后面的右角处,所以他冲了过去,开始挖掘废墟。既然是要把儿子挖出来,他挖的洞应穿过废墟。介词through的含义为“(从内部)通过,穿过”。故B选项切题。 12.考查形容词辨析。A. cold-hearted冷酷无情的;B. well-meaning善意的;C. good-looking好看的;D. hard-working努力的。句意:善意的人们试图把他从曾经是他儿子教室的地方拉开。别的家长见他这个样子,出于好心要把他拉开。故B选项切题。 13.考查连接词辨析。 A. who谁;B. when什么时候;C. whose谁的;D. what什么。句意:善意的人们试图把他从曾经是他儿子教室的地方拉开。此处what=the place which。故D选项切题。 14.考查动词短语辨析。A. showed up露面;B. showed off 炫耀;C. got up起床;D. got off下车。句意:消防队长出现在众人面前说,“大火肆虐,你很危险”。由说话的内容可知,消防队长出现了。故A选项切题。 15.考查名词辨析。A. frustration沮丧;B. difficulty困难;C. danger危险;D. fear害怕。句意:消防队长出现在众人面前说,“大火肆虐,你很危险”。由上一句“Fires are breaking out.”可知,这位父亲处于危险之中。故C选项切题。 16.考查连词辨析。A. and和;B. but但是:C. if如果;D. though尽管。句意:到这个,这位美国父亲,尽管很累,礼貌地问,你打算帮忙吗。由这位父亲的问话“你打算帮助我吗”可知,他不想放弃,因此此处用though表示“尽管 ”。故D选项切题。 17.考查副词辨析。A. lonely孤独的;B. alone独自地;C. together在一起;D. as well也。句意:他继续一个人挖。由下文“He dug for 8 hours…12 hours…24 hours…36 hours…”可知,只有他一个人在挖,所以此处用alone。故B选项切题。 18.考查名词辨析。A. sound声音;B. voice嗓音;C. noise噪音;D. shout叫喊。句意:他听到了儿子的声音。由下文“And he heard his son shout back,“ Dad?!It’s me, Dad!”可知,他听到了儿子的声音。voice指人的嗓音。故B选项切题。 19.考查形容词辨析。A. right正确的;B. dead死去的; C. alive活着的;D. injured受伤的。句意:我告诉他们,如果你还活着肯定会来救我们。由“You promised no matter what happened, you’d always be there for me!”可知,父亲答应过儿子,不管发生什么事,他永远都会在儿子身边。所以儿子告诉他们,如果爸爸还活着肯定会来救他们的。故C选项切题。 20.考查代词辨析。A. that那个;B. this这个;C. one某个人;D. it它。句意:你做到了,爸爸。此处用it指代这位父亲营救儿子、遵守了诺言这件事。故D选项切题。

    We need to vent(发泄)about the place we work sometimes. Whether it is the long hours you put in ,an unreasonable boss, or lack of recognition for your efforts-every workplace has enough fuel to lighten the frustration(挫折).

1..And it is good to the productivity in the office too. Vanessa Pouthier, a researcher at the University of Melbourne in Australia, studied a team of nurses and health professionals at a hospital in the United States.2..Pouthier observed the joking and complaining that went on for 12 months and realized“it helps people to process stress and frustration,”Pouthier told ABC Radio Perth.

3.,there will always be a corner of the office or the lunch room, where a small or large collective of employees are venting to some degree.“Generally, people don’t think there is any value to it,”Pouthier says.4.;she had to look into other fields, such as linguistics, to better understand its functions.

Whether it’s politely debating the effectiveness of how an office runs, or complaining about the bosses, Pouthier found that the complaining session served as bonding function.5..

“It allows people to recognize how similar they are in the challenges they are facing every day and how they feel about them,”she says.

A.However, few people know how this happens

B.No matter what kind of environment you work in

C.It can even help staff to work through their negative feelings

D.Whether bosses accept complaints from their employees or not

E.But this common activity in every workplace was so under -researched

F.It was found that there’s actually benefits to these kinds of complaining session

G.Good news is, this workplace complaining is actually beneficial to your mental well-being.



    These days, more and more Chinese people enjoy sending and receiving messages on the phone. It can help them to get the latest news and communicate with friends. But I think I should read more books besides the textbooks, the more, the better. It can open my eyes and improve my language skills. Of course, it also can help me to get good grades. Do you know how to read more and learn more? Here are some tips for you.

◆ Clear your purpose for reading

Before you start reading, ask yourself why you are reading this book. Most people read for two main reasons, pleasure or knowledge. Clearing about your reading purpose can not only help you choose the books you really need to read, but also remind you why reading the book is important to you, so you will keep reading and complete the book faster.

◆ Read only what you are interested in

No matter what you are reading, it is important to enjoy what you read. Your friends may tell you the books they love, but those books might not necessarily be the ones you enjoy.

◆ Give up books that you don’t enjoy

You may have chosen books that you are interested in, and they are right to your purpose. But while you are reading them, there may still be some books that you don’t enjoy reading. Whenever you realize that you aren’t enjoying the book you are reading, give it up. Remember reading shouldn’t be a chore (苦差事).

◆ Set a reading goal

It is interesting that I read the books borrowed from libraries faster than those I bought. The reason is the books I bought don’t have a due date! I don’t need to return those books. Having a reading goal helps you work out how much reading you need to do in a week or even a day. Before you read each book, ask yourself what time you need to complete this book by.

1.According to the passage, the writer might be a ________.

A.teacher B.student C.doctor D.scientist

2.What should you do when you find the book which you are reading is boring?

A.Keep on reading. B.Set a reading goal.

C.Read the books your friends love. D.Give up the book.

3.The underlined words “due date” mean in Chinese _________.

A.星期 B.借期 C.还期 D.日期

4.This passage mainly tells us _________.

A.how to read more and learn more B.how to choose a good book

C.how to read faster D.why we should read more books



    Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born on May the 14th, 1984. He is the creator of the social media site Facebook. He was a star student at school, winning prizes in astronomy, maths and physics. He was also good at Classical studies. He studied Psychology and Computer Science at Harvard University, which is where he created Facebook. His invention led to his becoming Time magazine’s Person Of The Year for 2010.

Zuckerberg excelled in everything he did in his youth. He was captain of the school fencing team, spoke many languages and was a highly skilled computer programmer. While other kids played computer games, he designed them. He created his first network while in high school to connect all of the computers - in his father’s dental surgery. He also built a media player which attracted the interest of Microsoft and AOL.

Zuckerberg started at Harvard in September 2002. In his first year, he created Facemash, a Facebook predecessor (前身), which let students select the college’s best looking people from a selection of photos.

He launched Facebook from his Harvard room in February 2004. It was the start of a rollercoaster ride that would connect half a billion people worldwide and make him the world’s youngest billionaire.

Mark Zuckerberg is now one of the most influential people on the planet. He has dined with the president of the USA and regularly attends global economic summits and technology conferences. He stated: “The thing I really care about is the mission, making the world open.” In 2010, Zuckerberg signed a promise, in which he promised to donate at least half of his life wealth to charity.

1.The underlined word “excelled in” can be replaced by ________.

A.was addicted to B.did well in

C.was absorbed in D.looked forward to

2.The 2nd paragraph is mainly about young Zuckerberg's ________.

A.advantages in sports B.computer programming ability

C.brilliant performance in many fields D.great attraction to Microsoft and AOL.

3.When did Zuckerberg invent Facebook?

A.In 1984 B.In 2010

C.In 2002 D.In 2004

4.What can we infer from the text?

A.Zuckerberg built his social media site after graduating from university.

B.Zuckerberg’s Facebook predecessor helped him become world famous.

C.Zuckerberg’s donation made him Time magazine's Person Of The Year for 2010.

D.Zuckerberg is not only an intelligent computer giant but also a kind billionaire.



    Dr. Scott Witt was at home with his family when he received a call from the hospital he works at informing him that they were going to evacuate(疏散) the patients because a deadly wildfire was spreading.

Witt decided to head to the hospital since he needed to make sure his patients were safe. He felt like these patients were like his own families. The only way I could take was to get on my motorcycle, said Witt, who failed to get to the hospital in his truck since the parts of the roads were closed off or impassable in big vehicles. I had to avoid where the fire had spread to, he said.

By the time he arrived, the fire was reaching the parking lot. The hospital already smelled with a lot of smoke and he wanted to move everybody to safety. With the hospital staff’s help, Witt managed to evacuate all his eight patients into an ambulance that rushed them to a nearby hospital. Even though Witt had done more than enough, he decided to follow the ambulance onto the freeway to make sure the patients would be made to the hospital. At one point, there was some fire and live wire on the freeway, Witt said. After getting far away from the fire, I said to the ambulance driver, ‘I don’t know if it’s the most scary thing I’ve seen but close to it.'

After sending the patients to safety, Witt then went back to check on his home, which was burned to the ground by the time he got back. Fortunately, he was grateful his family was unharmed in spite of their blame.

Now, Witt is being known as a hero, but he insists he just did what he felt was right.

1.What is Dr. Scott Witt’s purpose to go to the hospital?

A. He must escape from the wildfire to safety.

B. He was evacuated by the local government.

C. He wanted to move his patients from danger.

D. He had to deal with the injured in the wildfire.

2.Which of the following words can best describes Scott Witt

A. Selfless. B. Professional.

C. Experienced. D. Undetermined.

3.According to Scott Witt, what is the wildfire like?

A. It was impossible to be put out.

B. It was very horrible for him.

C. It spread less quickly than expected.

D. It was sure to cause many injuries and deaths.

4.How would Scott Witt’s family feel about his behavior?

A. Dangerous. B. Responsible.

C. Praiseworthy. D. Complaining.




Ad No.90374

Tag: Beijing Language Teaching Part Time

We are looking for Teachers, whose Native Language is English, willing to teach in China. Schools are mostly in South of China.

The Benefit package for ESL Teachers includes:

One-year Contract 1st Mar, 2017 to 1st Jul, 2017

Salary 4,000Rmb to 5,000Rmb/Month

Teaching load & schedule: 20 teaching hours per week

A rent-free, fully furnished apartment with living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom.(Kitchen facilities are provided. Electric appliances water heater, microwave will be supplied).

If you are interested, please read the information above and kindly send your application to attach the following documents (in doc or JPEG format). The subject to be mentioned is “teach in China”.


A copy of academic degree/diploma/certificate/or college transcript

A photocopy of the data page of valid passport

A recent color photo

A letter of recommendation/or release letter from your previous Chinese school (Only if you worked in China previously)

Any other relevant information that you think might help your application

1.This passage is to_______.

A. introduce a school    B. attract foreign students

C. take on English teachers    D. seek a teaching position

2.What is NOT needed to apply for the job if you come to work in China for the first time?

A. Your resume.    B. Your personal passport data.

C. Your academic history.    D. A release letter.

3.Where can you mostly probably read the advertisement?

A. In a science book.    B. In a paper.

C. In a travel guide.    D. In a textbook



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