满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



During a trip to New York City, Alabama woman Mary Anderson 1. (notice) a trolley driver couldn’t see well when it was snowing. At that point, drivers had to open the window 2. (clear) it, letting snow and rain into the vehicle. As a solution, Anderson designed and patented wood and rubber arms 3. would push rain and snow off the window at the pull of a lever (控制杆). But she was told her 4. (invent) was distracting and impractical, and she never profited from her design.


1.noticed 2.to clear 3.that/which 4.invention 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。该段落主要描写了Mary Anderson发明汽车挡风玻璃雨刮器,但被认为是不切实际的发明。 1.考查时态。句意:在去纽约的旅途中,阿拉巴马州的妇女玛丽·安德森注意到一名电车司机在下雪时看不清东西。根据前一句“During a trip to New York City,在去纽约的路上…”可知notice这个动作是过去发生的,要使用一般过去时。故填noticed。 2.考查不定式。句意:就在那时,司机不得不打开窗户去清理它。根据句意可知,打开窗户的目的是“清理”,即使用不定式做目的状语。故填to clear。 3.考查定语从句。句意:作为解决方法,Anderson设计了一个木质的橡胶手臂并申请专利,这个手臂可以通过控制杆将车窗上的雨和雪推掉。该句为定语从句,先行词为wood and rubber arms,并在从句中做主语,应由关系代词that\which引导。故填that\which. 4.考查名词。句意:但是她被告知她的发明会分散司机注意力,不切实际。本题中invite前为形容词性物主代词her,其后要接名词,所以将invent变为invention。故填invention。


1. 好心情的重要性;

2. 不良情绪产生的原因;

3. 如何调整。

注意:1. 词数120

2. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。

We've all experienced positive and negative moods.








注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Chris,

I’m glad to hear you and learn that you are planned to set up a Chinese reading club on your school web. It is really cool. I think it was a good idea to post the relevant information on the internet, which it is helpful for people to know about your club. Also, you can put on some posters on your campus to attract student’s attention. What’s more, organize some reading activities and exchanging that one has gained from the reading will help arouse people’s interest in your club. I hope my suggestion can be of some help to you and your reading club can be a greatly success.


Li Hua




Imagine being kidnapped, then returning home after 159 years. That’s 1. happened to one zodiac statue from Yuanmingyuan, the Old Summer Palace. It was2.(recent) returned to Beijing.

According to3.National Culture Heritage Administration, one of the 12 animal4.(statue), a red bronze horse head statue, 5.(donate) by 97-year-old business man Stanley Ho, a collector from Macao on Nov 13.

As a surprise for6.(visit) to the National Museum of China, the statue was soon put7.display. It joined an exhibition showing hundreds of priceless artifacts(文物)8.have been returned from overseas since 1949.The exhibit runs through Nov 27.

It is the seventh of the 129.(steal) animal statues from the Yuanmingyuan fountain10. (return) to Beijing from overseas. Now, the search is on for the returning five: a dog, a rooster, a dragon, a sheep and a snake.



    I was at the market at 5 p.m. to pick up a few essentials: Cream for coffee, eggs for breakfast and Advil for my______. After rushing all day doing jobs, I did not want to be______, to say the least. But I told myself it was my______stop before going home to put my feet up.

So I______a parking place, grabbed a bag from the trunk and found a shopping cart. That’s when I saw her. She was______in a shopping cart. She looked to be maybe 9-months old, short blond curls, blue eyes. I couldn’t take my______off her. Then I did what I always do with ______: I gave her my best smile. It may have looked a bit mad, ______ it comes from my heart.

That’s a(an)______ I formed long ago when I became a mother. It started with my child, in that ______, life-changing moment of her birth.

At times, my smile would fade to a look of______or worry, but it never left my face for long. I’ve learned that everyone needs a ______sometimes, young and old, friends and______, even those at the market in a rush to get home.

She took her______deciding just what to make of my smile. But finally, she______. I wish you could have seen her. I laughed and waved goodbye. And she______me a kiss. That put a smile on my face that got a smile______from every shopper I passed. I was______smiling when I got home and realized I’d forgotten to get Advil. ______, I didn’t need it. My headache was gone.

Somehow, in that simple______of smiles, this weary old world becomes a better place. If you’re lucky, maybe they’ll even blow you a kiss and make your headache go away.

1.A.headache B.toothache C.cough D.cold

2.A.walking B.working C.driving D.shopping

3.A.first B.best C.last D.worst

4.A.spotted B.bought C.got D.drew

5.A.sitting B.sleeping C.lying D.standing

6.A.breath B.eyes C.hands D.bag

7.A.shoppers B.children C.girls D.strangers

8.A.because B.so C.and D.but

9.A.hobby B.memory C.experience D.habit

10.A.familiar B.imaginary C.unforgettable D.bitter

11.A.fear B.warmth C.curiousness D.fantasy

12.A.comfort B.smile C.greeting D.respect

13.A.strangers B.families C.enemies D.relatives

14.A.turn B.toys C.courage D.time

15.A.spoke up B.lit up C.stood up D.backed up

16.A.blew B.waved C.hugged D.gave

17.A.in surprise B.with care C.with fear D.in return

18.A.always B.ever C.still D.just

19.A.Regularly B.Sadly C.Luckily D.Frankly

20.A.discussion B.exchange C.creation D.bargain



    Work days are long enough without having to deal with afternoon laziness. Many times when 2 or 3 pm rolls around, We are yawning and considering taking a short nap to help wake us up. 1.There are several tricks that you can do to improve your energy level.

Put on some music. Sometimes all you need is a little motivation to help you feel a little more energized. Put on some of your favorite upbeat music.


If you are able, listen to your music a little loudly. This can help drive away your midday fog. If you are not able, try listening to the music throughout headphones, so you don't bother your co-workers.

Grab an afternoon snack. A small afternoon snack can provide your body with a little nutrition and energy. Just make sure you pick the right type of snack to keep your energy up. 3. It contains caffeine and can improve focus. Avoid high-sugar snacks like candies. These cause your blood sugar to rise and then cause additional laziness.

Pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee. 4. Caffeine is a stimulant that can help you feel more awake and focused. Use very minimal sugar, a natural Calorie-free sugar or none at all.

5. Wash the day's stress from your mind by splashing cold water onto your face and neck. Some studies have shown that the cold water can help you wake up and feel more focused. When you are starting to feel a little sleepy, take a walk to the bathroom and make use of cold water.

A.A faster beat can help you feel a little more energetic.

B.Splash your face with cold water.

C.You can stretch yourself and make some deep breath to refresh yourself.

D.Enjoy some-high sugar snacks.

E.Try a piece of dark chocolate.

F.But most offices don't allow midday napping.

G.Small amounts of caffeine can help you beat afternoon laziness as well.



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