满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Kemira had just taken a shower when she ...

    Kemira had just taken a shower when she found her 12-day-old daughter, Ryleigh, was choking. The 24-year-old new mother _______ the bathroom and began patting her daughter on the back. But the baby _______ was hesitating to breathe. She _______ that Ryleigh needed to get to the hospital quickly.

She had hardly made it out of her neighborhood when she was _______ by Kimbro, a police officer, for speeding. Kemira _______ over to the roadside. Desperate for _______ , she handed the baby to Kimbro. He put a hand on her little _______ gently. Ryleigh’s heart was barely beating.

Kimbro _______ for an ambulance-it was seven minutes out, and the hospital was ever further away. But Ryleigh couldn’t _______ seven minutes, her lips already a shade of blue.

The fact that Kimbro was there was something of a ________ . He is a school resource officer who ________ spends his days patrolling (巡逻) the middle school ten miles away. But he travels farther when ________ is out in the summer. Even ________ : he had recently completed a CPR class and knew exactly how to treat a baby. Kimbro used one ________ to clear the baby’s airway. That was the magic touch. 20 seconds later, Ryleigh began to ________ .

“As long as she’s crying, she’s ________ .” Kimbro said. He worried that Ryleigh would ________ again, so he continued pressing her chest ________ and periodically clearing her airway with his finger. “The whole time I was thinking, ‘Do not let this baby by ________ in front of h mother’” he later told Inside Edition. “Just don’t.”

At the hospital, Ryleigh ________ quickly, thanks to a determined school police officer who was in the right place at the right time.

1.A.got rid of B.settled down to C.held on to D.burst out of

2.A.always B.even C.still D.once

3.A.admitted B.realized C.explained D.required

4.A.stopped B.arrested C.tracked D.fined

5.A.pulled B.turned C.took D.went

6.A.money B.help C.advice D.relief

7.A.face B.head C.chest D.nose

8.A.radioed B.searched C.wished D.sent

9.A.live B.get C.offer D.wait

10.A.battle B.symbol C.choice D.miracle

11.A.actually B.recently C.usually D.eventually

12.A.time B.school C.patience D.fire

13.A.luckier B.worse C.easier D.funnier

14.A.hand B.stick C.finger D.tool

15.A.smile B.cry C.move D.play

16.A.struggling B.returning C.changing D.breathing

17.A.sleep B.hurt C.hesitate D.choke

18.A.firmly B.quickly C.gently D.simply

19.A.starve B.die C.weep D.suffer

20.A.recovered B.adjusted C.behaved D.managed


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文,讲述了一个警察利用刚学到的心肺复苏术知识救活了一个窒息婴儿的故事。 1.考查动词短语辨析。句意:24岁的初为人母的这位母亲冲出浴室开始拍打女儿的背部。A. got rid of 免除; B. settled down to专心致力于;C. held on to坚持;D. burst out of 冲出。当得知婴儿窒息之后,Kemira应该是从浴室里冲出来。故选D项。 2.考查副词词义辨析。句意:但是婴儿还是不能呼吸。A. always 总是; B. even甚至;C. still仍然;D. once曾经,一次。上文提到婴儿窒息了,根据“hesitating to breathe”可知,但婴儿仍然(still)不能呼吸。故选C项。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她意识到Ryleigh需要尽快送进医院。A. admitted承认;B. realized意识到;C. explained解释;D. required要求。Kemira无法让婴儿恢复呼吸,这时候,她意识到(realized)到Ryleigh需要尽快送进医院。故选B项。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她还没有开出社区就被警察因为超速给拦下来了。A. stop停下,拦下;B. arrest 逮捕;C. track 追踪;D. fine 罚款。根据下句“Kemira over to the roadside”可知,Kemira把车停在了路边。由此推知,她着急送孩子去医院,车开得肯定快,所以被警察拦住了。故选A项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Kemira把停到了路边。A.pulled拉动; B.turned转向; C.took 拿;D.went走。根据the roadside可知,此处指“停车”,pull over(把车开到路边)为固定搭配。故选A项。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Kemira当时渴望得到帮助,她把孩子交给了Kimbro。A. money 金钱;B. help 帮助;C. advice. 建议;D. relief 救济。通过语境可知,Kemira当时渴望得到的是帮助。故选B项。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他把一只手轻轻放在婴儿的胸部。A. face 脸;B. head 头;C. chest 胸部;D. nose 鼻子。根据下句“Rayleigh’s heart was barely beating.”可知,警察Kimbro把手放在婴儿小小的胸部,感受她的心跳。故选C项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Kimbro打电话叫了一辆救护车。A. radioed用无线电与……联系;B. searched 搜寻;C. wished 希望;D. sent 派人去叫。根据常识 Kimbro应该打电话叫救护车,四个选项中能够表示这类意思的只有radioed。故选A项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但Rayleigh等不了七分钟,她的嘴唇已经泛蓝了。A. live生活;B. get 得到;C. offer 提供;D. wait等待。根据her lips already a shade of blue.可知,这里指Rayleigh等不了七分钟。故选D项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:事情发生时,Kimbro刚好在场,这真的是奇迹。A. battle战争;B. symbol 标志;C. choice 选择;D. miracle奇迹。根据故事内容,在这危急时刻,碰巧Kemira被Kimbro拦下了,而Kimbro又碰巧刚学过心肺复苏术,知道如何处理婴儿的窒息,这一切的巧合真是奇迹。故选D项。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:Kimbro是个住校治安警,他通常在学校巡查。A. actually实际上;B. recently 最近;C. usually 通常;D. eventually 最终。根据下句“But he travels farther when is out in the summer”可知,学校不放假时,警察Kimbro通常(usually)在学校里巡逻,不会到更远的地方。故选C项。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:学校放假的时候,Kimbro会往更远的地方巡逻。A. time时间;B. school 学校;C. patience 耐心;D. fire火。根据上句中“He is a school resource officer”可知,Kimbro是个住校治安警,他的职责范围主要在学校,如果他往更远的地方巡逻,一般是学校放假了。故选B项。 13.考查形容词比较级词义辨析。句意:更幸运的是,Kemira最近刚完成了CPR课程,知道如何来治疗小婴儿。A. luckier更幸运的;B.worse 更差的;C.easier 更容易的;D. funnier更有趣的。能碰上Kimbro这个帮手就很幸运了,恰巧Kimbro又懂得心肺复苏术,这就更幸运了。故选A项。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Kimbro用一个手指清理婴儿的气道。A. hand 手;B. stick 棍子;C. finger 手指;D. tool 工具。根据下文“so he continued pressing her chest 58 and periodically clearing her airway with his finger.”可知,Kimbro用一个手指清理婴儿的气道。故选C项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:20秒后,婴儿哭了出来。A. smile 笑;B. cry 哭;C. move 移动;D. play 玩耍。根据下文“As long as she’s crying, she’s 56 ”可知,清理气道之后,婴儿哭了出来。故选B项。 16.考察动词词义辨析。句意:只要孩子哭,它就在呼吸。A. struggling 挣扎;B. returning 返回;C. changing 改变;D. breathing 呼吸。根据常识可知,孩子哭出来代表孩子有呼吸了。故选D项。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他担心Ryleigh会再次窒息,所以他继续轻轻地按压她的胸部,时不时地用手指清理她的气道。A. sleep 睡觉;B. hurt 受伤;C. hesitate 犹豫;D. choke 窒息。根据“Ryleigh, was choking.”可知,他担心Ryleigh会再次窒息。故选D项。 18.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他担心Ryleigh会再次窒息,所以他继续轻轻地按压她的胸部,时不时地用手指清理她的气道。A.firmly 有力地;B.quickly快速地;C.gently 轻轻地;D. simply 简单地。根据前文“He put a hand on her little 7 gently”可知,提到了gently。故选C项。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:决不能让孩子就这样死在她母亲面前。A. starve 挨饿;B. die死亡;C. weep哭泣;D. suffer 遭受痛苦。婴儿窒息,面临生命危险,所以Kimbro说决不能让孩子就这样死在她母亲面前。故选B项。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在医院里,Raleigh很快就康复了。A. recovered 康复;B. adjusted 调整,适应;C. behaved 行为表现;D. managed 设法做到。根据thanks to a determined school police officer who was in the right place at the right time可知,多亏了一位意志坚定的学校警官,他在正确的时间出现在正确的地点。所以婴儿最终得救了,所以此处指Raleigh很快就康复了。故选A项。

    Chefs typically toss(抛)the frying food into the air from deep, rounded pans or woks before catching it again. Launching rice and its fixings allows a chef to cook it over really hot flames without burning. At times, temperatures in a pan can reach 1,200 Celsius. 1.

Scientists found that the chefs relied on a specific pattern of motion. And they repeated those motions about three times a second. 2. At the same time the wok was rocked to and fro. The chefs used the edge of the stovetop as a fulcrum(支点)on which to balance as they rocked it.

Cooks use similarly complex patterns of movement to cook up other foods. 3.

Scientists used a computer to simulate(模仿)the tracks of rice that would occur in a wok moved in various ways. Along the way, the scientists hit on some key coo king tips. The wok moved in various ways. Along the way, the scientists hit on some key cooking tips. The rocking and sliding motions shouldn’t be done at the same time. 4. Also, the wok’s movements should repeat rapidly. Moving the wok even faster could launch the rice higher. That might allow cooking at higher temperatures and perhaps a quicker meal.

5. Chefs at Chinese restaurants can struggle with shoulder pain, studies have shown. Rapidly shaking their heavy woks could be part of the problem. One solution might be a stir-frying robot. It could be built based on their new found results to take the weight off chefs’ shoulders.

A.But faster shaking may be hard on a cook.

B.To make fried rice like a professional, use science.

C.If they are, the rice won’t mix well and could burn.

D.Each repetition included sliding a wok back and forth.

E.Cooking is hard work that needs patience and perseverance.

F.The high temperature helps create the tastiest stir-fried food.

G.They will turn the pan quickly, for instance, to get smooth, flat egg cakes.



    Now, according to a recent Brigham Young University study, the amount of time between sunrise and sunset is the clear winner among other weather variables when it comes to improving your mental and emotional health.

In this unique study-which brought together a psychologist, physicist and statistician-the researchers explored how someone’s mood is linked to weather and associated factors such as sunshine, cloudy days, temperature, rain and pollution. The study found that people are more likely to report mental trouble during shorter days with less sunshine.

It is generally believed that hot days, rainy days or days with thick pollution would make one feel more down and depressed. But the study came up with a surprising finding. It found that more than any other factor, reduced sun hours could increase mental distress(痛苦)while soaking up in sun makes things all right.

The results highlighted that the duration(时长)of the daylight was more significant in influencing people’s moods than the amount of sun rays being absorbed.

“On a rainy day, or a more polluted day, people assume that they’d have more distress. But we didn’t see that. We looked at solar irradiance(太阳辐照), or the amount of sunlight that actually hits the ground. We tried to take into account cloudy days, rainy days pollution… but they washed out. The one thing that was really significant was the amount of time between sunrise and sunset,” said professor Becker in a press release.

Many studies have attempted to explore the link between the weather and its effect on one’s mood, but the results were not conclusive. For this study, many important reason were taken into account-making the research an improvement to the previous ones.

The study concluded that public health should plan on effective strategies that can prevent emotional distress during periods when the sun time is less, such as in winter months.

1.What will affect your emotion most according to the new study?

A.The surroundings. B.The amount of sunshine.

C.The weather conditions. D.The duration of sunlight.

2.Why does the author think that the new finding in paragraph 3 is surprising?

A.Because it is a conclusion of three scientists.

B.Because it is different from the general belief.

C.Because it is too difficult to understand.

D.Because it is affected by so many factors.

3.Which season benefits people’s emotion more according to this study?

A.Spring. B.Summer.

C.Autumn. D.Winter.

4.What is the purpose of this new study?

A.To find ways to prevent depression.

B.To know more about the weather.

C.To provide strategies for public health.

D.To find how the weather affects mood.



    The place of exposure to the greatest amount of allergen(过敏原)for the longest time is in the bedroom. Up to 60% of the dust mites(螨虫)found in the home are actually living in your bed and you spend about one-third of your life in the bedroom! And, bedrooms are the easiest area to control as an allergen free zone. Your cleaning professional will first vacuum the mattress(垫子), carpeting and furniture using a vacuum cleaner.

The mattress is then thoroughly cleaned on all surfaces using the Responsible Care cleaning agents and a special low moisture cleaning tool designed to leave the mattress as dry as possible. Following cleaning, Allergy Relief Treatment is applied to all mattress surfaces using a fine mist application. The mattress is then placed in a drying position and a special air mover used to speed the drying process, which, depending upon temperature and humidity, normally takes about an hour.

The same safe cleaning agents are used to clean the bedroom carpeting and if desired, any furniture or rugs. This is also followed by an application of Allergy Relief Treatment. Once again, a speed drying system is set up to dry the cleaned items as quickly as possible and bring the humidity down to normal levels. Baseboards and windowsills are cleaned as well. While the cleaning and treatment service is being performed it is highly recommended that the bedding and pillows be washed in hot water and that two cups of Allergy Relief Treatment be added to the washing cycle.

While servicing the bedroom is the highest priority(优先), significant benefits may also result from cleaning and treating other areas where allergy sufferers spend lots of time. These areas include the furniture and carpeting in rooms where time is spent watching television, reading and so on. Also, carpeted areas that pets have access to should be cleaned and treated.

A test for the presence of dust mites in quantities requiring treatment is also available from our company. But we will only test dust mites and will not provide information on pet allergen.

1.Which place has the most dust mites in your room?

A.Bed. B.Carpet.

C.Furniture. D.Floor.

2.What is mainly talked about in paragraph 2?

A.The use of cleaning agents.

B.The surfaces of mattress.

C.Cleaning the mattress.

D.Drying the mattress.

3.What do we know about Allergy Relief Treatment mentioned in this passage?

A.It is a cure to allergy.

B.It is a tool to kill mites.

C.It is the name of a company.

D.It is a chemical to prevent allergy.

4.Where might this passage come from?

A.A magazine about furniture.

B.The website of a cleaning company.

C.The website of a hospital.

D.A newspaper on public health.



    In January, 2017, snow began to fall across the Apennines. For days it came down, and the enormous drifts(雪堆)on the mountain grew taller by the hour.

In spite of the bad weather, Matrone and his wife decided to make the trip to the mountain resort and have an overnight getaway. Unfortunately, a small earthquake broke out that night, which caused an avalanche(雪崩). The avalanche gathered speed and size, grabbing rocks and trees and anything else in its way as it roared down the mountain.

The snow-and the weight of everything it had brought down the mountain with it swept the hotel from its foundation and sent everything flying more than 100 yards away. Matrone was trapped 30 feet beneath the snow and ruins, unable to move. Every time he came to life from faint, he dreamed of walking alongside his wife.

Eight hours later, the rescuers arrived, The search work went on slowly. Finally, more than 30 hours after the search began, they heard something astonishing: a woman crying for help. Adriana and her son were the first to be rescued alive.

Finding the survivors electrified the rescuers. They tunneled quickly in the ruins. The rescue team had been working nonstop for more than two days when they heard a voice. It was Matrone. The angled beams had created a cocoon that prevented Matrone from being crushed(压)to death. Those near him had not been so lucky.

Rescuers raised the concrete beams off Matrone’s limbs and lifted him out. It was some 60 hours since the avalanche. He was one of 11 people out of 40 to have survived. Soon after, he was airlifted to a hospital in a nearby town.

Five days after his rescue, Matrone was given the heartbreaking news that his wife had died. Her body had been found near where Matrone had been trapped. The angel who had appeared in his dreams had never left his side.

1.What directly caused the hotel to be destroyed?

A.The snowfall. B.The earthquake.

C.The avalanche. D.The rocks and trees.

2.What is the probable meaning of the underlined word “electrified” in paragraph 5?

A.Made people feel satisfied.

B.Made people feel excited.

C.Equipped people with electronics.

D.Supplied people with electricity.

3.How long was Matrone trapped in the ruins?

A.More than 30 hours. B.About five days.

C.Less than 40 hours. D.About two and a half days.

4.What can be the best title for this text?

A.A Narrow Escape B.A Scary Night.

C.A Perfect Rescue D.A Dawn Avalanche.



Activities to enjoy with the kids in 2020

When you are stuck for ideas for things to do with the kids, look no further. There are many attractions and activities in North Devon, as well as on one of our Parks.

The Big Sheep

Open January to October 2020.

Meet the animals, feed the animals. Loads of them too. Like sheep, goats, ducks, dogs and more. Rides and attractions, whatever the weather, for the whole family. The Rampage Roller-coaster is great, ride the swans in the lake and enjoy the sheepdog show.

Air Extreme

Open all year round.

A unique trampoline(蹦床)park in North Devon. A fantastic area of interconnected trampolines in nearby Barnstaple. Air Extreme is filled with jump activities. Jump all day long or chill out and party in the cafe area.

North Devon Wake Park

All through the year

If you fancy venturing a bit further afield(遥远), then head across to Bideford to visit the Wake and Aqua Park. They have something for all of the family, from beginner to the experienced, if you don't mind getting wet! Race and slide and chase each other across the fantastic park.

The Milky Way

Open weekends off-season, daily most of the year.

Online booking is essential for this family-friendly theme park. They have North Devon's largest indoor play area, a typhoon roller-coaster, a gravity rider, a donut slide, as well as android destroyer dodgems(碰碰车)and a whole pile of other activities!

1.Which of the following is suitable if your kid is an animal lover?

A.The Big Sheep. B.North Devon Wake Park.

C.Air Extreme. D.The Milky Way.

2.What do Air Extreme and North Devon Wake Park have in common?

A.They both have jump activities. B.They are both throughout the year.

C.They both involve adventures. D.They are both far from Devon.

3.What is necessary for a visit to The Milky Way?

A.Coming on weekends B.Taking your family.

C.Booking online. D.Playing roller-coasters.



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