满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Food waste is a big problem in America. ...

    Food waste is a big problem in America. So is hunger.

The National Institute of Health estimates that, as a _______, Americans waste 40 percent of the food we produce. At the same time, roughly 50 million people in the US don't have _______ enough food. That's more than 15 percent of the _______—or nearly one in six people.

Food waste is not only a _______ cost, but it causes environmental problems. When cut off from oxygen, food creates methane(甲烷) gas and _______ global warming. The fuel that is burned to process and transport it _______ adds to the environmental cost.

That was why Komal Ahmad, a 25-year-old university student, came up with the _______ for Feeding Forward, a mobile phone app that _______ companies and event planners to donate _______ food to people in need—with an easy click of the__________

__________a football stadium filled to its brim(边缘),” Ahmad said. “That's __________ food goes wasted every single day in America.”

Through the app, people ________ Feeding Forward drivers where they're located so the drivers can ________ the food, which is then quickly taken to where it's ________most. Within a year of the app's launch, ________600,000 homeless people have been fed with about 690,000 pounds of food redistributed, which would have ________ ended up in the landfill(垃圾场).

Feeding Forward solves the problems of food waste and ________ At presentit only serves the San Francisco Bay Area, but that could ________ “We are trying to make the Bay Area a case study to say ‘Hey, if it works ________ , it can work anywhere ,’” Ahmad said.

1.A.team B.nation C.generation D.community

2.A.access to B.time for C.plans for D.interest in

3.A.food B.homeless C.consumers D.population

4.A.social B.productive C.special D.low

5.A.points to B.refers to C.contributes to D.devotes to

6.A.thus B.also C.even D.then

7.A.purpose B.view C.idea D.conclusion

8.A.urges B.persuades C.requires D.allows

9.A.extra B.wasted C.rare D.saved

10.A.television B.bell C.button D.computer

11.A.Compare B.Build C.Choose D.Imagine

12.A.how B.how much C.where D.why

13.A.recommend B.convince C.ask D.tell

14.A.collect B.deliver C.check D.preserve

15.A.stored B.sold C.needed D.finished

16.A.almost B.still C.merely D.hardly

17.A.ever B.eventually C.instead D.otherwise

18.A.pollution B.hunger C.overpopulation D.unemployment

19.A.succeed B.continue C.change D.work

20.A.worldwide B.here C.anytime D.soon


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。如今美国存在一方面有许多食物浪费,另一方面又有很多人没有足够的食物的现象。对此,25岁的大学生Komal Ahmad想出了一个名为“Feeding Forward”的手机应用程序,可以帮助人们将额外的食物捐赠给有需要的人,“Feeding Forward”发布的一年就取得了显著成果且将来可能会应用到其他地区。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:国家健康研究所估计,作为一个国家,美国人浪费了我们生产的食物的40%。A. team队伍;B. nation国家,民族;C. generation一代人;D. community社区。根据上文Food waste is a big problem in America.可知此处指的是美国这个国家,故选B。 2.考查短语辨析。句意:同时,美国大约有5000万人口无法获得足够的食物。A. access to可以获得;B. time for有时间;C. plans for有打算;D. interest in对……有兴趣。结合上文At the same time, roughly 50 million people in the US don't have可知美国大约有5000万人口无法获得足够的食物。短语have access to“可以获得”。故选A。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这超过了总人口的15%,或者说接近六分之一。A. food食物;B. homeless无家可归的人;C. consumers顾客;D. population人口。根据上文At the same time, roughly 50 million people in the US don't have可知此处是在说明美国有大约5000万人口无法获得足够的食物,这一人数超过了总人口的15%。故选D。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:食物浪费不仅是一种社会成本的浪费,而且还会造成环境问题。A. social社会的;B. productive多产的;C. special特别的;D. low低的。上文提到的美国有大约5000万人口无法获得足够的食物,这是食物浪费所产生的社会成本的浪费,故选A。 5.考查动词短语辨析。句意:当食物与氧气隔绝时,会产生甲烷气体,导致全球变暖。A. points to表明;B. refers to涉及;C. contributes to促成,有助于;D. devotes to致力于。根据后文global warming可知甲烷气体会导致全球变暖。短语contribute to可表示“是(造成某情况)的一个原因”。故选C。 6.考查副词词义辨析。句意:在加工和运输过程中燃烧的燃料也增加了环境成本。A. thus因此;B. also而且;C. even甚至;D. then然后。根据adds to the environmental cost可知,在加工和运输过程中燃烧的燃料也(also)增加了环境成本。故选B。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这就是为什么25岁的大学生Komal Ahmad想出了“Feeding Forward”这个想法。A. purpose目的;B. view视野;C. idea想法;D. conclusion结论。根据后文for Feeding Forward, a mobile phone app可知25岁的大学生Komal Ahmad想出了“Feeding Forward”这个想法(idea)。故选C。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是一款手机应用程序,允许企业和活动策划者向有需要的人捐赠额外的食物——只需简单地点击一下按钮。A. urges敦促;B. persuades说服;C. requires要求;D. allows允许。结合后文companies and event planners to donate可知“Feeding Forward”这款应用程序可以允许企业和活动策划者向有需要的人捐赠额外的食物。短语allow sb. to do sth.表示“允许某人做某事”。故选D。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一款手机应用程序,允许企业和活动策划者向有需要的人捐赠额外的食物——只需简单地点击一下按钮。A. extra额外的;B. wasted浪费的;C. rare稀有的;D. saved拯救。要捐赠的肯定是额外多出来的食物。故选A。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一款手机应用程序,允许企业和活动策划者向有需要的人捐赠额外的食物——只需简单地点击一下按钮。A. television电视;B. bell铃;C. button按钮;D. computer电脑。根据上文an easy click of the可知这个手机应用程序只需要简单地点击一下程序上的按钮,就可以给有需要的人捐赠额外的食物。故选C。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“想象一下,一个足球场挤满了人。” Ahmad说道。A. Compare比较;B. Build建立;C. Choose选择;D. Imagine想象。根据后文a football stadium filled to its brim,” Ahmad said.可知此处是在用足球场挤满了人作比喻,因此是“想象一下(Imagine),一个足球场挤满了人”。故选D。 12.考查连接词辨析。句意:“这就是美国每天有多少食物被浪费的情况。”A. how如何;B. how much多少;C. where在……地方;D. why为什么。此处用来形容每天被浪费食物的数量之多,应用how much。故选B。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过这款应用,人们可以告诉Feeding Forward的司机他们所处的位置,这样司机就可以收集食物,然后迅速将食物送到最需要的地方。A. recommend推荐;B. convince说服;C. ask询问;D. tell告诉。根据后文Feeding Forward drivers where they're located可知此处指人们可以告诉Feeding Forward的司机他们所处的位置。故选D。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过这款应用,人们可以告诉Feeding Forward的司机他们所处的位置,这样司机就可以收集食物,然后迅速将食物送到最需要的地方。A. collect收集;B. deliver交付;C. check检查;D. preserve保存。结合后文the food, which is then quickly taken to where可知人们先告诉Feeding Forward的司机他们所处的位置,这样司机就可以去收集这些食物,然后迅速将食物送到最需要的地方。故选A。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过这款应用,人们可以告诉前方的司机他们所处的位置,这样司机就可以收集食物,然后迅速将食物送到最需要的地方。A. stored储存;B. sold出售;C. needed需要;D. finished结束。结合后文600,000 homeless people have been fed with about 690,000 pounds of food redistributed可知食物被送到最需要的地方了。故选C。 16.考查副词词义辨析。句意:在这款应用发布的一年内,几乎有60万无家可归的人得到了重新分配的约69万磅食物,否则这些食物就会被扔进垃圾填埋场。A. almost几乎;B. still仍然;C. merely仅仅;D. hardly几乎不。结合后文600,000 homeless people have been fed with about 690,000 pounds of food redistributed可知几乎有60万无家可归的人得到了重新分配的约69万磅食物,其他选项不符合语境。故选A。 17.考查副词词义辨析。句意:在这款应用发布的一年内,几乎有60万无家可归的人得到了重新分配的约69万磅食物,否则这些食物就会被扔进垃圾填埋场。A. ever曾经;B. eventually终于;C. instead相反;D. otherwise否则。这款应用重新分配了食物,否则(otherwise),这些食物就会被扔进垃圾填埋场。故选D. 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Feeding Forward解决了食物浪费和饥饿的问题。A. pollution污染;B. hunger饥饿;C. overpopulation人口过多;D. unemployment失业。承接第一段Food waste is a big problem in America. So is hunger.可知Feeding Forward解决了食物浪费和饥饿的问题。故选B。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:目前,它只服务于旧金山湾区,但这种情况可能会改变。A. succeed成功;B. continue继续;C. change改变;D. work工作。根据后文it can work anywhere可知Feeding Forward只服务于旧金山湾区这个情况可能未来会发生改变。故选C。 20.考查副词词义辨析。句意:Ahmad说:“我们正试图让湾区成为一个案例研究,告诉人们‘嘿,如果它在这里行得通,它就可以在任何地方行得通。’”A. worldwide在世界各地;B. here在这里;C. anytime任何时候;D. soon很快。结合后文it can work anywhere可知,此处想表达的是如果Feeding Forward在旧金山湾区这儿行得通,那么就可以在任何地方行得通。故选B。

    Believe it or not, one of the most important communication skills is listening! 1., but if you don't listen carefully when others speak, you're losing out in a big way. Good communication requires not only speaking your piece, but the exchange of ideas is an essential component.

Many people fail to recognize the importance of improving listening skills in making friends. 2.It's only natural—we all have a lot to say about ourselves and our interests, right? But asking questions of another person and then listening carefully is a good way to break the ice and make friends. And it's also an excellent way for you to learn something new.

3.. Make a point of going and talking to the girl wearing a Save the Whales T-shirt. Although this person may be shy, try to draw her out of her shell. Ask her a question about the whale's plight(困境)and listen to what she says. It's likely you'll make a new friend as well as learn several new facts.

In the class that you're sure will put you to sleep, try listening closely to what the speaker is saying. Chances are good that you only find it dull because the speaker doesn't communicate well or you are simply not interested.4.You'll not only find your listening skills improving, but you'll also benefit the speaker and probably receive a better grade!

5. Focus your mind on learning what others think and you'll gain a reputation as a great conversationalist. You'll not only make some new acquaintances, but you'll also be truly amazed at what you learn!

A.They usually tend to show kindness by talking warmly

B.Let's say you're at a party where you know few of the guests

C.So, asking questions in class can benefit students a lot academically

D.You may be the finest speaker around

E.In short, the best way to improve listening skills is to engage yourself in conversation

F.Ask a question that makes him want to clarify his point

G.They love to talk about themselves



    The human eye can physically perceive(感知) millions of colours. But we don't all recognise these colours in the same way.

Colour perception is less about seeing what is actually out there and more about how our brain interprets colours to create something meaningful. The perception of colour mainly occurs inside our heads and is closely related to personal experience.

Different languages and cultural groups carve up the colour spectrum differently. Some languages like Dani, spoken in Papua New Guinea, and Bassa, spoken in Liberia, only have two terms, dark and light. Dark roughly translates as cool in those languages, and light as warm. So colours like black, blue, and green are cool colours, while lighter colours like white, red, orange and yellow are warm colours.

Remarkably , most of the world's languages have five basic colour terms. Cultures as diverse as the Himba in the Namibian plains and the Berinmo in the rainforests of Papua New Guinea employ such five term systems. As well as dark, light, and red, these languages have a term for yellow, and a term that represents both blue and green. That is, these languages do not have separate terms for “green” and “blue” but use one term to describe both colours, a sort of “grue”.

Historically, Welsh had a “grue” term, namely “glas”, as did Japanese and Chinese. Nowadays, in all these languages, the original “grue” term has been restricted to blue, and a separate green term is used. This is either developed from within the language—as is the case for Japanese—or through lexical borrowing, as is the case for Welsh.

The way we perceive colours can also change during our lifetime. Greek speakers, who have two fundamental colour terms to describe light and dark blue (“ghalazio” and “ble”)tend to see these two colours as more similar after living for long periods of time in the UK. There, these two colours are described in English by the same fundamental colour term: blue.

This is because after long term everyday exposure to an English-speaking environment, the brain of native Greek speakers starts interpreting the colours “ghalazio” and “ble” as part of the same colour category.

1.Which of the following can be best used to describe colour perception?

A.Subjective. B.Realistic.

C.Reliable. D.Helpful.

2.What did the original grue term in Chinese represent?

A.Glas. B.Green.

C.Blue. D.Green and blue.

3.What is the probable reason that there are no terms for light and dark blue in English?

A.English speakers can hardly perceive the color blue.

B.The two colours make little difference to English speakers.

C.There is no need to distinguish between the two colours.

D.The two colours are not so important to English speakers.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Colour Terms Vary from Country to Country

B.Languages Change What Colours We See

C.Languages Influence the Ability to Perceive Colours

D.Colours Change with Language Development



    People who volunteer because they want to help others live longer than people who don't volunteer at all. But on average those who volunteer mainly for some sort of personal benefit live no longer than non-volunteers, University of Michigan researchers found.

“On the surface, volunteering seems to be a purely selfless act. But, in fact, people volunteer for a wide range of reasons," said Sara Konrath, the lead author of the study.

Konrath and his colleagues analyzed the data that were collected in 2014 and included 3,376 men and women who were about 65 years old at the time. Overall, they found that 57 percent of those surveyed reported doing at least some volunteer work in the past 10 years.

Participants were contacted again four years later, in 2018. Researchers found that just 2.3 percent of the volunteers had died, compared to 4.3 percent of non-volunteers.

What really made a difference were people's motives for volunteering, the researchers found. The more people wanted to help others, the more likely they were to be alive after four years. Those who considered motives related to personal benefits more important were more likely to die. In fact, those who volunteered for personal benefits were just as likely to die as those who didn't volunteer at all. These reasons included volunteering because they enjoyed the social contact, to get out of the house, to escape their own problems, or to explore their own strengths.

“Our analysis clearly shows the importance of motives when considering the health benefits of volunteering, Konrath said. “And research has shown that concern about others helps us tap into the same system that operates in mothers and other caregivers. Basically, this system restores physiological function and promotes well- being."

In the meantime , Konrath says the current finding suggests it may be a poor idea to encourage people to think of volunteering as an exchange rather than something you do for other people.

“Of course, it's reasonable for volunteers to expect some benefits for themselves, but the potential health benefits of volunteering are significantly reduced if self- benefit becomes a person's main motive," she said.

1.Why did Konrath and his colleagues conduct the survey?

A.To see how volunteering affected one's health.

B.To give the participants volunteering opportunities.

C.To teach the participants how to live longer.

D.To contact the participants again four years later.

2.According to the text, how much people benefit from volunteering depends on__________.

A.how many people they help B.how much they do for others

C.how many personal benefits they get D.how much they want to help others

3.What does the underlined word “exchange” in Paragraph 7 refer to?

A.Help from others. B.Thanks from others.

C.Personal benefits from volunteering. D.Communication between volunteers.

4.Which of the following may have an effect on our health?

A.Ages for volunteering. B.Motives for volunteering.

C.Ways of volunteering. D.Decisions about volunteering.



    Laughter fills the room as Claire Conza distributes balls of wool to a bunch of women gathered in a Birkenhead cafe on a Wednesday morning.

Conza, 34, is the founder of Make Give Live, a social enterprise that’s brought together about 40 women in five groups to knit(编织)hats. Her “makers” meet each week or fortnight. “We swap finished hats for new wool and patterns to keep them busy until the next catch up,” she says.

Since starting up last year, Make Give Live has sold more than 400 woollen hats on a “buy one—give one” model, so another 250 hats have been given to the homeless or elderly people through partnerships with Lifewise and Age Concern, with more donations to come.

But for Conza, the movement is about more than making hats—she sees Make Give Live as a way to connect communities, share good times and improve well-being. “There’s a magical interaction between the generations within our groups. Our older members are enriched by using their knitting skills to teach younger people. Our younger members have new methods to share and get to create something for their community.”

Makers are also enjoying the health benefits of knitting, which Conza says offers many of the same benefits as meditation(冥想). “The rhythmic movements and sense of focus can help keep from symptoms of anxiety, pressure, and stress.”

“I found so many benefits in the mindful process of knitting and the joy of creating something useful and beautiful, at a time when I wasn’t able to do much else. I decided if it worked for me, others would also benefit, and Make Give Live was born,” she says.

“A social enterprise is a hybrid of a charity and a business,” says Conza. “It’s about having the head of a business, the heart of a charity and the hands of the community. The key to its existence is recognizing people for their efforts so they are able to stay involved.

1.Which of the following best explains how the “buy one—give one” model works?

A.A new hat will be made when one is sold.

B.A buyer buys one hat and gets one free.

C.One hat is bought to give it to a person in need.

D.For each hat sold one is given to a person in need.

2.Why does Conza consider Make Give Live more than making hats?

A.It provides warm hats for people of all ages.

B.It helps to develop the members' knitting skills.

C.It creates a good relationship in the community.

D.It introduces new methods for creating better hats.

3.According to the text, what effect does knitting have on people?

A.It makes them relaxed. B.It makes them hopeful.

C.It makes them energetic. D.It makes them courageous.

4.What does the underlined word “hybrid” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A.Branch. B.Standard.

C.Mixture. D.Boundary.



Find Your Liberal Arts College (文理学院)

Smith College

Smith is a liberal arts college where women's minds matter. Our small classes, picturesque campus and open curriculum attract students from all over the world.

Smith College began more than 140 years ago and is a distinguished liberal arts college committed to providing the highest quality undergraduate education for women to enable them to develop their talents and to participate effectively and fully in society.

Shimer College

For 150 years Shimer has prepared students with a classical liberal arts education. Consider the differences All original sources. All discussion classes of twelve or less. No lectures. No tests. Classes follow the Socratic Method—professors ask questions that challenge students to express and support their ideas. Learning is a constant dialogue where every opinion, every position is questioned and analyzed.

Swarthmore College

A liberal arts college of 1,500 students near Philadelphia, Swarthmore is recognized internationally for its climate of academic excitement and commitment to bettering the world.

Aside from offering valuable academic experiences, what's unique about learning at Swarthmore? Your first semester is pass-fail, so you can learn for learning's sake. We have a one-of-a-kind Honors Program. And where else can you explore a liberal arts curriculum paired with an engineering program?

Pine Manor College

Minutes away from downtown Boston, Pine Manor College consistently ranks among the most diverse liberal arts colleges in the nation and among the top 15 for small class size among liberal arts colleges. Affordable private education for women, Pine Manor College offers students a personalized education grounded in the liberal arts tradition. At PMC, students receive individualized academic, social, and financial support to achieve their goals.

1.Which college would you like to go to if you enjoy learning through talking?

A.Pine Manor College. B.Shimer College.

C.Swarthmore College. D.Smith College.

2.What is special about Swarthmore College?

A.There is an engineering program for students.

B.Students needn't worry about failing a test.

C.It is larger than any other liberal arts college.

D.Students can learn engineering instead of liberal arts.

3.What is the similarity between Pine Manor College and Smith College?

A.They are small colleges. B.They are expensive colleges.

C.They are women's colleges. D.They have the same history.



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