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B Graph can be a very useful tool for co...


Graph can be a very useful tool for conveying information especially numbers percentages, and other data . A graph gives the reader a picture to interpret. That can be a lot more pages and pages and pages explaining the data .

Graphs can seem frightening, but reading a graph is a lot like reading a story. The graph has a title ,a main idea ,and supporting details .You can use your active reading skills to analyze and understand graphs just like any other text .

Most graphs have a few basic parts: a caption or introduction paragraph, a title , a legend or key, and labeled axes. An active reader looks at each part of the graph before trying to interpret the data. Captions will usually tell you where the data came from (for example, a scientific study of 400 African elephants from 1980 to 2005). Captions usually summarize the author's main point as well. The title is very important. It tells you the main idea of the graph by stating what kind of information is being shown. A legend, also called a key ,is a guide to the symbols and colors used in the graph. Many graphs, including bar graphs and line graphs, have two axes that form a corner, Usually these axes are the left side and the bottom of the graph .Each axis will always have a label. The label tells you what each axis measures.

Bar Graphs

A bar graph has two axes and uses bars to show amounts. In Graph 1 ,we see that the x-axis shows grades that students earned, and the y-axis shows bow many students earned each grade .You can see that 6 students earned an A because the bar for A stretches up to 6 on the vertical measurement. There is a lot of information we can get from a simple graph like this(See Graph 1).

Line Graphs

A line graph looks similar to a bar graph ,but instead of Bars, it plots points and connects them with a line .It has the same parts as a bar graph – two labeled axes –and can be read the same way .To read a line graph, it’s important to focus on the points of intersection rather than the line segments between the points, This type of graph is most commonly used to show how something changes over time.

Here is a graph that charts how far a bird flies during the first Five days of its spring migration (See Graph 2).

The unit of measurement for the x-axis is days. The unit of measurement for the y-axis is kilometers. Thus we can see that ,on the first day, the pipit flew 20 kilometers. The line segment goes up between Day 1 and Day 2,which means that the bird flew farther on Day 2.If the line segment angled dawn, as between Day 4 and Day 5,it would mean that the bird flew fewer  kilometers than the day before. This line graph is a quick, visual way to tell the reader about the bird’s migration.

Pie Graphs

A typical pie graph looks like a circular pie. The circle is divided into sections, and each section represents a fraction of the data. The graph is commonly used to show percentages; the whole pie represents l00 percent, so each piece is a fraction of the whole.

A pie graph might include a legendor it might use icons or labels within each slice. This pie graph shows on month’s expense, (See Graph 3 ).

Food $ 25

Movies $ 12

Clothing $ 36

Savings $ 20

Books $ 7

1.When used in a grapha legend is_____

A.a guide to the symbols and colors

B.an introduction paragraph

C.the main idea

D.the data

2.What is the total number of students who earned a C or better ?

A.4. B.6. C.10. D.20 .

3.The bird covered the longest distance on _____

A.Day 1 B.Day 2 C.Day 3 D.Day 4

4.Which of the following cost Amy most ?

A.Food. B.Books C.Movies D.Clothing.


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。这是一篇说明文介绍图表的类型以及相关作用,通过对条形图、线形图和饼形图的介绍,让学生学会读图,解决实际问题。 1.细节理解题。根据第三段第六行A legend, also called a key ,is a guide to the symbols and colors used in the graph.” 可知,图例,也称为键,是图形中使用的符号和颜色的指南。故选A项。 2.细节理解题。根据Bar Graphs部分中的图表可知,得到A等级的学生有6人,B等级的学生有10人,C等级的学生有4人,故C等级以上的学生人数为20(6+l0+4)人。故选D项。 3.细节理解题。根据Line Graphs部分第二段并结合图表可知,第三天这只鸟飞翔了70千米,这是它这些天飞行最长的距离。故选C项。 4.细节理解题。根据扇形图可以得出Clothing占比例最多。故选D。

    One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a _______ at the next house. _______, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water.

She thought he looked _______ so brought him a large glass of _______. He drank it slowly, and then asked, “How much do I owe you?”

“You don’t owe me anything,” she replied. “Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a _______.”

He said... “Then I thank you from my heart.” As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his _______ in man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit.

Years later, that young woman became _______ ill. The local _______ were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in _______ to study her ________ disease. Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the ________. When he heard the name of the ________ she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he rose and went ________ the hall of the hospital to her room.

Dressed in his doctor’s gown he went in to see her. He ________ her at once. He went back to the consultation room, ________ to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to the ________.

After a long struggle, the battle was ________. Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for ________.

He looked at it, then ________ something on the edge and the bill was sent to her room. She feared to open it, for she was ________ it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill.

She read these words...

“Paid in full with one glass of milk.”

1.A.dinner B.feast C.meal D.soup

2.A.However B.Therefore C.Consequently D.Moreover

3.A.warm B.cold C.excited D.hungry

4.A.water B.coffee C.milk D.tea

5.A.donation B.kindness C.supply D.investment

6.A.faith B.imagination C.inspiration D.doubt

7.A.slightly B.naturally C.critically D.gradually

8.A.nurses B.doctors C.priests D.nuns

9.A.laymen B.professionals C.specialists D.amateurs

10.A.simple B.rare C.incurable D.familiar

11.A.responsibility B.innovation C.experiment D.consultation

12.A.town B.country C.capital D.hospital

13.A.over B.under C.on D.down

14.A.called B.recognized C.forgot D.remembered

15.A.confused B.determined C.clarified D.interested

16.A.case B.matter C.event D.thing

17.A.delayed B.missed C.conducted D.won

18.A.approval B.editing C.revision D.rejection

19.A.drew B.signed C.wrote D.copied

20.A.hopeful B.suspicious C.helpless D.sure



阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

The Palace Museum is working to take cultural relics into people’s daily life and bring their cultural value into full play by selling cultural and creative products, on the theme of “Bring the Palace Museum culture home”. The creative products mostly are creative daily necessities, like stationaries, bags, decorations and so on. 1.(Base) on the treasures in the museum, the Palace Museum has developed products such as Qianli Jiangshan series and Qingming Shanghe Tu series, Palace Dolls, folding fans,2.are very popular with young people. The Palace Museum now 3.(change) the traditional way of communication, learns to use a variety of ways to publicize excellent traditional culture, and lets the Palace Museum cultural heritage resources live. The culture creative products are definitely brilliant choices for 4.(gift) that bear unique royal features.



阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

As we know, the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe mainly due to global warming, environmental pollution and the ever-increasing population. Therefore, it’s high time we did something about it. Firstly, an1.(effect) way, I think, is to reserve water in a scientific way for future use. Secondly, new methods need to be developed to use the existing water resources, for example, 2.(turn) sea water into fresh water. Thirdly, we must stop water pollution by law. Last but not least, it’s everyone’s responsibility       3.(make) good use of water, such as recycling and saving water in our daily life. In conclusion, people around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage, protect the present water resources and explore potential ones scientifically.



阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

Last week, our class was on duty for student self-management. On the first day, I was shocked to see so much leftover food thrown away by students. What a waste! Being concerned about it, my classmates and I had a heated discussion on how to solve the problem. Finally, we all 1.(agree) that the wall newspaper would be the best choice. The next day, we put our idea into reality. Towards lunch time, we put 2.a wall newspaper outside the school cafeteria, calling on students not to waste food. Many students gathered around to read and expressed their support. To my great delight, there were changes soon. In the cafeteria, I found the trays returned after lunch all empty without any leftover. Food3.(save) and the dining hall was cleaner.



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