满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

On a winter afternoon, a friend and I we...

    On a winter afternoon, a friend and I were throwing stones onto the rooftop of an old lady’s house. The purpose of our play was to observe how the stones _______ to missiles (导弹) as they rolled to the roof’s edge. I found myself a perfectly _______ rock and threw it out. The stone slipped from my hand and _______ straight for a small _______ on the lady’s back porch(走廊). At the sound of broken glass, we knew we were _______.

I was too scared about getting _______ that first night. _______, a few days passed and I hadn’t been discovered. I started to feel guilty(自责) for her _______from the bottom of my heart. She _______ greeted me with a smile each day when I gave her the paper, but I was no longer able to act comfortable in her ________.

I made up my mind that I would ________ my paper delivery money, and in three weeks I had seven dollars. I put the ________ in an envelope with a note explaining that I was ________ for breaking her window and hoped that the seven dollars would ________ the cost for repairing it.

I waited until it was ________, advanced to the old lady’s house quietly, and put the letter in her door.

The next day, I was given a bag of cookies made by herself. I thanked her and started to eat the cookies. ________, I felt an envelope in the bag. When I opened the envelope, I was ________. Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said,  “I’m ________ of you.”

Forty-three years seems like a long time to ________ the name of a mere acquaintance. Yet it dwells in my memory that she taught me a lesson in ________ that I shall never forget.

1.A.approached B.changed C.attached D.exploded

2.A.smooth B.huge C.soft D.round

3.A.left B.escaped C.headed D.leaped

4.A.roof B.porch C.window D.door

5.A.in danger B.in panic C.in pain D.in trouble

6.A.charged B.fined C.arrested D.caught

7.A.However B.Therefore C.Besides D.Moreover

8.A.misfortune B.homelessness C.furniture D.damage

9.A.even B.never C.still D.rarely

10.A.house B.mind C.memory D.presence

11.A.save B.earn C.spend D.donate

12.A.paper B.money C.stone D.glass

13.A.shy B.sorry C.frustrated D.worried

14.A.include B.equal C.afford D.cover

15.A.afternoon B.morning C.dark D.dawn

16.A.Unfortunately B.Unexpectedly C.Gradually D.Naturally

17.A.surprised B.frightened C.disappointed D.embarrassed

18.A.fond B.delighted C.proud D.ashamed

19.A.forget B.remember C.imagine D.delete

20.A.kindness B.honesty C.generosity D.forgiveness


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了作者有一次打破了一位女士家的窗户,虽然没有被人抓住,但是作者开始从心底为她的不幸感到内疚。作者省下每天送报纸的钱,装进信封放在了女士家的门口,结果第二天女士将钱归还了作者。这位女士给作者上的“宽恕”一课却一直留在作者的记忆中,永远不会忘记。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们玩的目的是观察石子在滚到屋顶边缘时是如何变成导弹的。A. approached接近;B. changed变化,改变;C. attached附上;D. exploded爆炸。结合后文to missiles as they rolled to the roof’s edge可知作者他们扔石头的目的是观察石头在滚到屋顶边缘时是如何变成(changed)导弹的。故选B。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我给自己找了块非常光滑的石头扔了出去。A. smooth光滑的,顺利的;B. huge巨大的;C. soft柔软的;D. round圆的。结合上文as they rolled to the roof’s edge.可推知要想石头能够滚下屋顶,那么肯定要选取尽量光滑的石头扔出去。故选A。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:石头从我手中滑落,径直朝那位女士后门廊的一扇小窗户滑落。A. left离开;B. escaped逃走;C. headed朝向;D. leaped跳跃。结合后文At the sound of broken glass可知石头径直朝那位女士的窗户滑落了。head for“前往,朝向”。故选C。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:石头从我手中滑落,径直朝那位女士后门廊的一扇小窗户滑落。A. roof屋顶;B. porch走廊;C. window窗户;D. door门。结合后文At the sound of broken glass可推知石头打中了女士的一扇小窗户。第三段中for breaking her window也有提示。故选C。 5.考查介词短语辨析。句意:一听到碎玻璃的声音,我们知道有麻烦了。A. in danger在危险中;B. in panic惊慌地;C. in pain痛苦;D. in trouble有麻烦。作者他们扔石头,打破了别人家的窗户,知道自己有麻烦了。故选D。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:第一天晚上我太害怕被抓住了。A. charged控告;B. fined罚款;C. arrested逮捕;D. caught抓住。作者打破了别人的窗户,因此害怕被人抓住。故选D。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,几天过去了,我没有被发现。A. However然而;B. Therefore因此;C. Besides而且;D. Moreover此外。结合上下文语境,可知为转折关系,故应用连接词副词however。故选A。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我开始从心底为她的不幸感到内疚。A. misfortune不幸;B. homelessness无家可归;C. furniture家具;D. damage损害。作者他们打破了这位女士的窗户,对女士来说这是一种不幸,作者从心底为她的不幸感到内疚。故选A。 9.考查副词词义辨析。句意:每天我给她送报纸时,她仍然微笑着和我打招呼,但在她面前,我已不再能表现得坦然自若了。A. even甚至;B. never从不;C. still仍然;D. rarely很少地。根据后文greeted me with a smile each day可知作者打破了这个女士的窗户,但是女士仍然(still)还是每天微笑着和作者打招呼。故选C。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:每天我给她送报纸时,她仍然微笑着和我打招呼,但在她面前,我已不再能表现得坦然自若了。A. house房子;B. mind思维;C. memory记忆;D. presence存在。作者每天要去给女士送报纸,但是在女士面前,作者已不再能表现得坦然自若了。此处考查短语in one’s presence“当着某人的面;在某人面前”。故选D。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我决定把送报纸的钱省下来,三个星期后我就有了7美元。A. save节省;B. earn赚得;C. spend花费;D. donate捐赠。根据后文my paper delivery money, and in three weeks I had seven dollars.可知作者将自己送报的钱节省下来,为了给女士补偿打破窗户玻璃的费用。故选A。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我把钱装进了一个信封,并附上一张纸条,解释说我对打破她家的窗户感到很抱歉,希望这7美元足够支付修理窗户的费用。A. paper纸;B. money钱;C. stone石头;D. glass玻璃。根据后文Inside were the seven dollars可知作者把自己存下来的钱放进了一个信封里。故选B。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我把钱装进了一个信封,并附上一张纸条,解释说我对打破她家的窗户感到很抱歉,希望这7美元足够支付修理窗户的费用。A. shy害羞的;B. sorry抱歉的;C. frustrated沮丧的;D. worried担心的。根据后文for breaking her window可知作者在纸条里对自己打破她家窗户感到很抱歉。故选B。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我把钱装进了一个信封,并附上一张纸条,解释说我对打破她家的窗户感到很抱歉,希望这7美元足够支付修理窗户的费用。A. include包含;B. equal等于;C. afford买得起;D. cover足够支付,覆盖。结合后文the cost for repairing it.可知是指7美元足够支付修理窗户的费用。cover此处表示“足够支付(费用)”。故选D。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我一直等到天黑,悄悄地走到老太太的家门口,把信放在她的门上。A. afternoon下午;B. morning早晨;C. dark黑暗;D. dawn黎明。结合后文第二天女士给了作者一包饼干和归还了作者的7美元,可推知作者是天黑的时候去放信封的,为了不让他人发现。故选C。 16.考查副词词义辨析。句意:出乎意料的是,我感到包里有一个信封。A. Unfortunately不幸地;B. Unexpectedly出乎意料地,意外地;C. Gradually逐渐地;D. Naturally自然地。作者并未想到包里还有个信封,因此是“出乎意料地”。故选B。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我打开信封时,我很惊讶。A. surprised惊讶的;B. frightened害怕的;C. disappointed失望的;D. embarrassed尴尬的。根据后文Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said可知信封里正是作者给女士的7美元,作者因此感到很惊讶。故选A。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:里面是7美元和一张纸条,上面写着:“我为你感到骄傲。”A. fond喜欢的;B. delighted高兴的;C. proud骄傲的,自豪的;D. ashamed羞愧的。从上文The next day, I was given a bag of cookies made by herself.可知女士给了作者一包饼干,还归还了作者的7美元,可推知女士原谅了作者,并为作者勇于承担错误的行为感到骄傲。短语be proud of sb.“为某人感到骄傲”。故选C。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:要记得一个仅仅认识的人的名字,43年似乎是一段很长的时间。A. forget忘记;B. remember记得;C. imagine想象;D. delete删除。根据后文the name of a mere acquaintance可知是指记得一个仅仅认识的人的名字。故选B。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,她给我上的“宽恕”一课却一直留在我的记忆中,我将永远不会忘记。A. kindness仁慈;B. honesty诚实;C. generosity慷慨;D. forgiveness宽恕。结合上文内容可知,女士归还了作者的钱,还说自己为作者感到骄傲,可知是女士宽恕了作者犯下的错误。故选D。

Easy Ways to Get Over Your Laziness

Laziness appears for very specific reasons. Maybe we don’t know how to do the task. 1.. Maybe we are just plain scared and our mindset needs adjustment. Whatever the cause, if laziness is interfering with your productivity, you must learn to overcome it. Here are several ways to overcome your laziness so you can reach your goals.

Make sure you’re not overwhelmed(不堪重负的).

Sometimes we freeze up when we’re overwhelmed by everything we have to do--we freeze up and don’t do anything at all. 2.. If you have too much on your plate and no idea how you’re going to get it all done, it may be that you’re not lazy but overwhelmed.

Check your motivation.

Similarly, if you’re not motivated it is very easy to slip into what looks like laziness. 3.. If it’s hard for you to stay connected to what motivates you, make up a list that you can consult when you need an extra push.


Your environment and the people around you matter. Are you in a space that makes it easy to stay organized and productive? Do the people around you spend more time complaining than following their passions? If you surround yourself with people who love what they do, and are creative and motivated, their enthusiasm will rub off on you. Make sure that your space gives you everything you need to work well.

Value your time.

5.. Look at your to-do list and prioritize(优先)—you can do it in your head, on paper, or on a computer or phone-based planner. Just knowing where you are makes it harder for deadlines to sneak up on you and easier to work productively, even if it’s in short bursts.

A.Look at your surroundings.

B.To be productive we need to be motivated.

C.Make the most of the time you spend working.

D.So select just one thing at a time, do it, and ignore the rest.

E.Maybe we feel overwhelmed by everything we have to do.

F.We may procrastinate(拖延)because we are not sure what to do next.

G.Do you have realistic expectations on how much you are truly able to accomplish?



    Late blight (晚疫病) is a common disease of plants such as tomatoes and potatoes, capable of wiping out entire crops on commercial-sized fields. If conditions are favorable, it can quickly spread to other plants through wet soil and wind.

In history, late blight caused over 1 million deaths in Ireland. Today it still causes more than 6.7 billion dollars in annual losses worldwide. Small farms and growers are often the hardest hit, many stating losing almost two-thirds of their yearly production, because usually they don’t have money to identify and treat the disease.

But farmers may have a new weapon now. The technology, designed by researchers at North Carolina State University can recognize sick plants early by employing a piece of test paper that plugs into (接入) a reader on a smartphone.

Plants produce signaling chemicals from their leaves. “If a plant is diseased, the type and concentration of these chemicals changes,” said Wei Qingshan, an engineer at North Carolina State University. If the farmer suspects a late blight infection is underway, he can remove a leaf from a living plant and place it in a small, covered glass jar. After the leaf’s volatile (挥发性的) chemicals have accumulated for 15 minutes or so, the cap is removed and the air is pumped from the jar into a reader attached to the back of a smartphone. Inside the smartphone reader is a piece of paper specially treated with dyes (染料) by the researchers. Upon interacting (相互作用) with the plant’s volatile chemicals, the paper changes color to indicate the presence or absence of the late blight.

The researchers hope to tailor the technology for other crop diseases, which continue to appear as climate change and global trade increase the stress on agricultural systems. “This is an important step in the improvement of global food security,” Wei Qingshan said.

1.What are the statistics in Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A.The damage caused by late blight.

B.The money put into late blight treatment.

C.The number of crops in a commercial-sized field.

D.The yearly production of small farms and growers.

2.According to Wei Qingshan, how would a farmer find out if a plant was infected?

A.By treating the plant with special dyes.

B.By putting volatile chemicals on the plant.

C.By testing the air in the jar with a leaf inside.

D.By examining the land with a smartphone reader.

3.What do the researchers expect of their new technology?

A.It’ll reach farmers soon.

B.It’ll get rid of late blight.

C.It’ll be beneficial to the climate.

D.It’ll be able to detect more crop diseases.

4.What is the purpose of this passage?

A.To introduce a test method of late blight.

B.To explain the causes of late blight.

C.To discuss the effects of late blight.

D.To tell the history of late blight.



    If you’re looking for European culture, there are few better places to visit than Switzerland. Known as the melting pot of Europe, it combines the cultures of Europe with astonishing beauty and fantastic food.

Switzerland’s culture is a combination of neighboring states: France, Germany, and Italy. The result is a multilingual (多语言的) country, as eastern Switzerland speaks French, the southern part speaks Italian and the rest speaks German.

Like the language, the cuisine is also quite different by region. If you visit cities like Geneva, you’ll find traditional French dishes like fondue and raclette, melted Swiss cheese served over bread or potatoes. Meanwhile, in German-speaking regions, like Zurich, you’ll find Rosti, a typical side dish made from fried potatoes.

However, if there’s one thing that unites the Swiss and the rest of the world, it’s their love of chocolate. Swiss chocolate factories are “the most luxurious in the world”, US travel blogger Sarah Schmalbruch wrote on Business Insider. Famous brands, like Lindt, are based in the country. Visitors to Switzerland can enjoy chocolate tasting sessions, and even take classes from master chocolate makers.

Aside from the wide variety of food on offer, Switzerland also offers thrills. The Swiss Alps offer year-round skiing and mountain climbing with local experts. Besides, you can visit the beautiful Matterhorn, known for its distinctive pyramid shape and snow-capped peak. Standing at a height of more than 4, 400 meters, it is the most pictured mountain in the world, according to Smithsonian magazine.

But if city culture is more your thing, you’ll find a wide range of museums and art galleries, not to mention the world’s largest teddy bear museum in Basel.

Even the largest Swiss cities tend to be laid back (悠闲自在的), but with many adrenaline- pumping (肾上腺素激增的) activities and cultural sites, Switzerland is perfect for every taste. After all, where else in Europe offers you the culture of four different countries?

1.The author presents Switzerland as a multi-cultural country by introducing its _________.

A.languages and food B.architecture and food

C.festivals and architecture D.costumes and festivals

2.Why are Sarah Schmalbruch’s words quoted?

A.To show the history of Swiss chocolates.

B.To prove Swiss chocolates are difficult to make.

C.To show how delicious Swiss chocolates are.

D.To stress the popularity of Swiss chocolates.

3.What can you find in Switzerland?

A.The safest skiing location. B.The most pictured mountain.

C.The largest art gallery. D.The oldest teddy bear museum.

4.Where can we most probably read this text?

A.In a geography textbook. B.In a science report.

C.In a travel magazine. D.In a personal diary.



    Australia is no stranger to wildfires. The country’s weather patterns create heat and dryness, which fuel occasional bushfires in a natural cycle. However, one that started last September continues to burn, and it may not be natural at all. Scientists say that man-made climate change has played a role in the fire’s creation and duration.

Peter Gleick, a US climate scientist, told Time, “the extent, the severity, and the intensity of these fires wouldn’t have been so bad without the fingerprints of climate change.”

According to Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology, the country’s temperatures have risen by more than one degree Celsius since 1920. The spring of 2019 was Australia’s driest in 120 years. In December, the country saw its hottest day ever, with an average temperature of 41.9.

“Due to enhanced (过度的) evaporation(蒸发)in warmer temperatures, the vegetation and the soils dry out more quickly,” Stefan Rahmstorf, a lead author of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fourth Assessment Report, told Time.

Worse still, researchers at the UK Bureau of Meteorology believe that wildfires like this might become “normal conditions” in the future, according to the BBC. They looked at 57 research papers published since 2013, which examined the relationship between climate change and the risk of wildfires. They found that the link between the two has already been observed in many parts of the world, including the western US, Canada, southern Europe, and even Scandinavia and Siberia.

“These are impacts we are seeing for one degree of global climate change. The impact will get worse if we don’t do what it takes to make the world’s climate stable,” Corinne Le Quere, a professor from the University of East Anglia in the UK, told the BBC. “What we are seeing in Australia is not the ‘new normal’. It’s a transition(过渡)to worse impacts.”

1.What was the wildfire starting last September related to according to scientists

A.Air pollution. B.Human activities.

C.Environment changes. D.Natural cycle.

2.What does the underlined phrase in paragraph 2 mean?

A.The meaning of climate change B.The influence of climate change

C.The control of climate change D.The possibility of climate change

3.What happened with the temperature rising in Australia?

A.Plants stayed as lively as usual.

B.Australia never suffered a hot day.

C.The plants and the soils became dry faster.

D.Every season became the driest in the year.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.We might see more wildlife.

B.We were to see less disasters.

C.It could be impossible to see wildfires.

D.It would be more difficult to prevent wildfires.




Frankston Beach Patrol Volunteer

Location: Frankston

Beach Patrol volunteers meet twice a month for a 1-hour clean-up, removing litter from Frankston’s beaches for collection by Frankston City Council. Please contact our partner organisation Impact Volunteering for more information and to discuss this opportunity further either over the phone or in person. Phone 03 9770 6492.

Volunteer Book Lovers & Tutors

Location: Maidstone

We are looking for enthusiastic and community-minded people to assist us in our new reading club for primary students, in particular those with reading challenges. As a book lover, you will understand how reading can make a difference. For more information, please call 314 576 3993.

Event Assistant Needed

Location: Boondall

Come and support one or all four days of the National Boccia (硬地滚球) Battle Championships, held at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre, Boondall. Join all the fun and excitement of this sport, learn a new skill, make new friends while helping the event run smoothly. Please call Susan Solakovic HR, 07 3253 3333.

Clothing and Toy Sorter

Location: Lisarow

Prepare sorted goods for display and sale including pricing where appropriate; willing to take all store duties. This opportunity comes to you via Volunteering Central Coast. Please ring 02 4329 7122 to make a booking for a telephone or face-to-face interview.

1.What do Beach Patrol volunteers usually do?

A.Pick up rubbish on the beach.

B.Meet at the beach once a week.

C.Visit Frankston City Council in person.

D.Provide beach information over the phone.

2.Which place offers opportunities to help students?

A.Frankston. B.Maidstone.

C.Lisarow. D.Boondall.

3.Which number can you call if you’re interested in selling things?

A.03 9770 6492. B.314 576 3993.

C.07 3253 3333. D.02 4329 7122.



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