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It was a red-letter day in the history o...

    It was a red-letter day in the history of medicine-“Target Zero Day”, May 8th, 1980, marking the complete removal of smallpox, a terrifying disease. It was untreatable but, luckily, it turned out that vaccination (接种疫苗) provided good protection- -and that mass immunization (免疫) could wipe out the small- pox virus by blocking its spread.

According to legend, vaccination was invented by Dr Edward Jenner. Jenner showed that healthy children vaccinated with cowpox, a mild infection of cattle, could not catch smallpox. He was supposedly inspired by a comment from a local milkmaid, but there is evidence that the idea came from a medical friend, John Fester, who had experimented with cowpox. Nevertheless, Jenner deserves credit for introducing vaccination into the medical mainstream with his paper published in 1798.

In 1966, 160 years after the prediction that vaccination would clean off the disease, the World Health Organization launched its Smallpox Eradication Programme. This heroic 1-year drive was directed by two American public health doctors, DA Henderson and Bill Forge. Their hardships were enormous: One WHO official even promised to eat a tyre if smallpox was removed; Henderson promised to send him the tyre and wished him good appetite. But Henderson and Foege's hard work paid off--three years after the last smallpox case was informed (to make sure no outbreaks had been missed) Target Zero Day was declared.

40 years on, should we remember Target Zero Day? First, to celebrate victory of preventative medicine and freedom from a cruel disease. Then, we must remember the victims of smallpox. It had previously killed 1 in 12 worldwide. In 1914, a Canadian professor warned against forgetting smallpox, which was fast disappearing from North America. It went on to kill at least another 250 million people -- three times more than both world wars combined. Target Zero Day also reminds us of undefeated infections, including polio, measles, malaria, and of course the coronavirus Covid-19. Let's recognize Target Zero Day for what it is: a milestone in world history and a monument to the art of the possible.

1.What inspired Jenner to invent the vaccination?

A.A medical friend. B.A local milkmaid.

C.Cattle. D.Children.

2.What is the writer's purpose of mentioning the WHO official's promise?

A.To introduce the support from the WHO.

B.To stress the importance of good appetite.

C.To suggest the difficulty in removing smallpox.

D.To show his determination to carry on the drive.

3.Where can you find the figures that best support “smallpox is a terrifying disease?

A.In paragraph 1. B.In paragraph 2.

C.In paragraph 3. D.In paragraph 4.

4.What message does the text convey?

A.A promise made is a debt unpaid. B.A trouble shared is a trouble halved.

C.Something is better than nothing. D.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。1980年5月8日的“零目标日”是医学史上一个值得纪念的日子,标志着天花这一可怕疾病被彻底根除。文章介绍了天花疫苗的发明,在1966年世界卫生组织启动的根除天花计划,在两位美国公共卫生医生的努力下实现“零目标日”,这是展现可能性的艺术的一座纪念碑。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段中He was supposedly inspired by a comment from a local milkmaid, but there is evidence that the idea came from a medical friend, John Fester, who had experimented with cowpox.可知据推测,他的灵感来自当地一个挤奶女工的评论,但有证据表明,这个想法来自他的一个医学朋友John Fester,他曾试验过牛痘。由此可知,一个医生朋友激发了Jenner发明疫苗。故选A。 2.推理判断题。根据第三段中Their hardships were enormous: One WHO official even promised to eat a tyre if smallpox was removed…可知他们的困难是巨大的:一位官员甚至承诺,如果天花被清除,他将吃掉一个轮胎……由此可推知,作者提及世界卫生组织官员的承诺的目的是暗示根除天花的困难。故选C。 3.细节理解题。根据第四段中It had previously killed 1 in 12 worldwide. In 1914, a Canadian professor warned against forgetting smallpox, which was fast disappearing from North America. It went on to kill at least another 250 million people - three times more than both world wars combined.可知在此之前,全世界有1 / 12的人死于该病。1914年,一位加拿大教授警告人们不要忘记天花,天花在北美正迅速消失。它还造成了至少2.5亿人死亡,是两次世界大战死亡人数总和的三倍。由此可推知,第4段能找到支持“天花是一种可怕疾病”的数据。故选D。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段中Let's recognize Target Zero Day for what it is: a milestone in world history and a monument to the art of the possible.可知让我们认识到“零目标日”的意义:它是世界历史上的一个里程碑,是展现可能性的艺术的一座纪念碑。结合文章介绍了1980年5月8日的“零目标日”是医学史上一个值得纪念的日子,标志着天花这一可怕疾病被彻底根除。文章介绍了天花疫苗的发明,在1966年世界卫生组织启动的根除天花计划,在两位美国公共卫生医生的努力下实现“零目标日”,这是展现可能性的艺术的一座纪念碑。由此可推知,这篇文章传达了“心之所愿,无事不成”的观点。故选D。

    China’s 40-year-long process of reform and opening up meant foreign influences gaining a foothold in the country. But now, the process can also be viewed in the opposite way. The outside world is opening up as a receptacle for Chinese culture. Where once it was all a matter of Chinese people fascinated by Hollywood movies, a new “soft power” trend is taking Chinese pop music, TV series and novels to appreciative audiences abroad.

Englishwoman Hollie Sowden and American Nora Wilson developed a website called “Written Chinese,” with a Chinese woman named Chamcen Liu. The website provides a dictionary and other Mandarin learning tools. Wilson says, “At the beginning, it was just a Facebook page where we posted characters, their meanings and example sentences. That page expanded like crazy, with nearly 280,000 followers. That’s why we decided to develop a dictionary app and then the website.”

Sowden and Wilson aren’t the only eager to tap world interest in China.

Years ago, groups formed in the US to provide English subtitles for popular Chinese TV dramas. There are also websites translating Chinese novels, especially fantasy series. Wuxiaworld and Gravity Tales are two examples, with tens of thousands of followers on their Facebook pages.

Chinese music, too, is walking through the open door that once was a one-way street. Melody C2E is a student club at the Shanghai International Studies University, which is trying to spread Chinese pop songs to the world. It now has around 300,000 subscribers. The inspiration is rooted in 2016, when Pan Jianghao heard a youth envoy (公使) for the United Nations say that the world wanted to hear more from Chinese young people. Motivated by his words, Pan and Lin Hongying decided to found a new musical group and share Chinese pop, songs with the rest of the world via English translation.

1.What does the underlined word “receptacle” in paragraph 1 probably mean?

A.Container. B.Source.

C.Center. D.Foundation.

2.What do we know about "Written Chinese'"?

A.It has nearly 280,000 followers. B.It helps learn Chinese characters.

C.It involves daily living in China. D.It is developed by two foreigners.

3.Why was Melody C2E set up?

A.To motivate Chinese young people.

B.To preserve Chinese traditional songs.

C.To improve its members' translation skills.

D.To introduce Chinese pop songs to the globe.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Foreign Websites with a Chinese Touch

B.Competition Leading to a Culture Boom

C.China's Cultural Footprint on Foreign Shores

D.Reform and Opening up Shaping a New Generation



    Here are apps that can help you make a schedule and a budget, take better notes, organize a big project, and stay safe. Check out these apps to get a head-start on being on top of your life!

Flashcards Deluxe

Price: $3.99

Platform: iOS and Android

Flashcards can be a very effective way to study, and Flashcards Deluxe makes creating them very easy. You can input information right into the app, make cards with up to five sides, and even add pictures and sounds to cards. The app can be set to automatically tum of cards that you get correct so you can focus more on the ones you got wrong.

Circle of 6U

Price: free

Platform: Android, iOS

When you're on a college campus, walking home late at night can be frightening. So, make sure to download Circle of 6 U, which helps you feel more secure. Not only does it help you find your location, but it makes communicating with your trusted friends easier. Once you build a network of trusted contacts in the app, it lets you send a pre-edited group message, with your location to all of them in two taps.


Price: free

Platform: iOS, Android

The CampusBooks app helps you get the lowest price when you're buying or renting textbooks, and helps you get the highest price when you're ready to sell! If you need a book right away, you'll be shown the closest stores and libraries that have your book in stock.

Dragon Dictation

Price: free

Platform: iOS

Dictating homework and emails to the Dragon Dictation app can save you time! You can send your dictation to a text, email, or paste it into any application. The included editor will suggest words, and the app will improve its accuracy over time as it gets to know your voice. It also works in many languages other than English.

1.Which app can you choose for safety concern?

A.Flashcards Deluxe. B.Circle of 6U.

C.CampusBooks. D.Dragon Dictation.

2.What can Dragon Dictation do?

A.It can add pictures to your email. B.It can save your money on books.

C.It can correct your spelling mistakes. D.It can recognize many languages.

3.Who is the text mainly intended for?

A.Students. B.Librarians.

C.Businessmen. D.Programmers.



假设你是晨光中学高二(1)班的班长李津, 得知美国学生Chris 作为交换生, 下学期将到你班学习。请你根据以下提示, 给他写封邮件:

(1) 表示欢迎       (2) 介绍与本地生活相关的信息(如天气, 饮食等)

(3) 介绍本班情况   (4) 希望Chris做哪些事情, 以增进中美学生之间的了解和友谊


(1) 请勿提及与考生相关的真实信息。    (2) 可适当加入细节, 使内容充实,行文连贯。

词数不少于100; 开头已给出, 不计入总词数。

(1) 参考词汇:   交换生  exchange student

Dear Chris,

I’m Li Jin, monitor of Class One, Grade Eleven.








Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m one of your customer. I ordered a set of books on your website two weeks ago, but I didn’t received it until yesterday. And much to my disappointment, the books were too poorly packed up that the cover of one book were torn. To make matters worse, it is not a complete set, as I found one book missed.

I’m sorry to have received such poorly service, and I believe I have every right ask you to deal with this problem. I hope that you either return my money back or deliver a new set of books to me. Beside, I’d like to be informed of the process of you deal with my complaint.

Looking forward to your reply.




Our culture has greatly changed as a result of the smartphone. We can get comfort for every doubt just 1. texting our friends as well as can feel approval by getting “likes” on our WeChat status.

However, psychologists argue that the over-reliance on their 2. (phone) can make people unable to sit with uncertainty. They consider 3. as a “safety seeking behavior” which reduces anxiety in the moment. But over time, safety behaviours actually feed anxiety 4. they prevent people from realising their fear has no basis once the situation has actually unfolded, or that it is something they’re able to cope with.

So we need to learn to face uncertainty, 5. is essential to managing our mental health. By sitting with uncertainty, a person 6. (gradual) learns to distract themselves, letting go of trying to control situations and realises they can survive the pain of “not knowing” in the situation. Using phones to push the worry onto another person 7. (prevent) self-management from occurring. Often, we don’t realise that after 8. little while and sometimes a lot of distraction, the unpleasant feeling will go away.

Keep in mind the old saying that “no news is good news”9. resist the tendency to message first. Being able to wait and let go of the desire to control each situation is a major key to 10. (overcome) anxiety.



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