满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Recently, my family and I visited Kaikou...

Recently, my family and I visited Kaikoura, a coastal town in New Zealand. The first evening it seemed a  ____ place, but the next day I remembered what I'd ____ about it in a magazine. It was often ____ to see dolphins (海豚) and whales there!

My family and I ____  on a grey, windy morning on a small boat. _____, the sky turned blue ten minutes later. Soon we  ____ the place where we were supposed to go swimming. To my ____, this was more than 40 km from land. I was quite ____ by this time, and wondered why we came all the way out there, when ____ someone shouted “Dolphins!”

All I could ____ were fins (鱼鳍) everywhere — there were about one hundred dolphins, all ____ towards our boat! Many of them were jumping around in the water  __  they were asking us to come and play. I ____ my snorkel (潜水通气管) and jumped into the sea. Then I tried to make ____ in the water to attract them. What made me ____ was that they heard me and came to swim around me. Amazingly, a dolphin kept following me, but then changed his ____ and swam in another direction. It really made me realize how ____ these animals are.

About an hour later, it was time for us to get back onto the ____. I really enjoyed myself, but I was a little cold and ____ to leave the water. I noticed that everyone on board was smiling and I realized what a very ____ moment we'd had.

1.A. busy    B. boring    C. safe    D. great

2.A. read    B. sung    C. taught    D. drawn

3.A. impolite    B. terrible    C. difficult    D. possible

4.A. gave up    B. turned back    C. set off    D. dressed up

5.A. Besides    B. However    C. On the whole    D. In other words

6.A. reached    B. left    C. crossed    D. missed

7.A. joy    B. regret    C. shame    D. surprise

8.A. shy    B. wet    C. cold    D. hungry

9.A. secretly    B. suddenly    C. certainly    D. naturally

10.A. see    B. hear    C. smell    D. touch

11.A. waving    B. climbing    C. looking    D. swimming[

12.A. even if    B. so that    C. as if    D. now that

13.A. sold    B. put on    C. lost    D. picked off

14.A. sounds    B. faces    C. decisions    D. promises

15.A. angry    B. relaxed    C. worried    D. excited

16.A. life    B. food    C. mind    D. habit

17.A. lazy    B. dangerous    C. powerful    D. intelligent

18.A. bus    B. boat    C. train    D. truck

19.A. decided    B. forgot    C. disagreed    D. failed

20.A. bad    B. strange    C. special    D. quiet


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】本文主要讲了作者和家人一起去海滨度假,在那里看海豚,并且与海豚共舞的独特经历和体验。 1.B 考查形容词。A. busy忙的;B. boring 无聊的;C. safe安全的;D. great伟大的。根据下文说第二天想起曾经在杂志上读到过这里有海豚和鲸鱼,那就比较有趣了,所以可知,第一天我认为这里是一个很无聊的地方。故选B. 2.A 考查动词。A. read读;B. sung唱;C. taught教;D. drawn画画。第二天想起曾经在杂志上读到过这里可能有海豚和鲸鱼。故选A. 3.D 考查形容词。A. impolite 没礼貌的;B. terrible可怕的;C. difficult困难的;D. possible可能的。第二天想起曾经在杂志上读到过这里可能有海豚和鲸鱼。故选D. 4.C 考查词。A. gave up放弃; B. turned back转回;C. set off出发;D. dressed up打扮。要去看海豚,所以一大早我们就乘船出发了。故选C. 5.B 考查词。A. Besides另外;B. However然而;C. On the whole大体上;D. In other words换句话说。上文说出发时天色灰蒙蒙,还有风,然而十分钟后天就变蓝了。故选B. 6.A 考查词。A. reached到达;B. left 离开;C. crossed穿过;D. missed错过。很快我们就到达了我们该去游泳的地方。故选A. 7.D 考查词。A. joy快乐;B. regret后悔;C. shame 害羞;D. surprise吃惊。令我吃惊的是,那里远离陆地40多公里。故选D. 8.C 考查词。A. shy害羞的;B. wet湿的; C. cold冷的;D. hungry饿的。因为在大海上了,所以我感觉很冷。故选C. 9.B 考查词。A. secretly秘密地;B. suddenly突然地;C. certainly当然;D. naturally自然地。我正在想我们怎么跑这么远,这时有人突然大喊:“海豚”。故选B. 10.A 考查词。A. see看见; B. hear听见;C. smell闻到;D. touch触摸。我所能看到的就只有鱼鳍,因为有大约100头海豚。故选A. 11.D 考查词。A. waving挥动;B. climbing爬;C. looking看; D. swimming游泳。所有海豚都向我们的船游过来。故选D. 12.C 考查词。A. even if即使;B. so that以便于;C. as if就好像;D. now that既然。他们都在水里跳跃,就好像在邀请我们一起玩。故选C. 13.B 考查词。A. sold卖;B. put on穿上、戴上;C. lost失去;D. picked off摘下。下文说我跳入海中,可知我是戴上潜水通气管。故选B. 14.A 考查词。A. sounds声音;B. faces脸;C. decisions决定;D. promises允诺。在水中我尽力去发出声音,以便吸引它们。故选A. 15.D 考查词。A. angry生气的;B. relaxed放松的;C. worried担心的;D. excited兴奋的。它们听到了我的声音,还游向了我,这使我很兴奋。故选D. 16.C 考查词。A. life生活;B. food食物;C. mind思想、主意;D. habit习惯。根据下文说它游向另一方向,可知海豚改变了主意,不再跟随我了。故选C. 17.D 考查词。A. lazy懒惰的;B. dangerous危险的;C. powerful强大的;D. intelligent聪明的。由上文海豚没有受我的诱导跟着我,可以看出来它们是很聪明的动物。故选D. 18.B 考查词。A. bus公汽;B. boat船;C. train火车;D. truck卡车。上文提到过我们是乘船来的,所以此时已经到了我们回到船上的时候了。故选B. 19.A 考查词。A. decided决定;B. forgot忘记;C. disagreed不同意;D. failed失败。因为我有点冷,所以我决定出水了。故选A. 20.C 考查词。A. bad坏的;B. strange奇怪的;C. special特殊的;D. quiet安静的。我注意到船上的每一个人都在微笑,我意识到我们拥有了多么特殊的时刻。故选C.

You know Australia is a big country, but you may not know how easy it is to get around. The untouched beaches that go for miles and deserts that touch the horizon are just there, waiting to be reached and explored. The following are the different ways you can explore our vast country.


Flying is the best way to cover large distances in a short time. You can spend more time on the Australia's can't-miss landscapes and relaxing lifestyle. Moreover, competition among airlines makes great flying fees available for you.


Australia has a vast network of well-maintained roads and some of the most beautiful touring routes in the world. You have no difficulty finding car rental companies at major airports, central city locations, suburbs and attractions.


Bus travel in Australia is comfortable, easy and economical. Buses generally have air conditioning, reading lights, adjustable seats and videos. Services are frequent, affordable and efficient.


Train travel is the cheapest and gives you an insight into Australia's size and variety, all from the comfort of your carriage. Scheduled services are a great way to get quickly between our cities and regional centers.


The Spirit of Tasmania runs a passenger and vehicle ferry service between Melbourne and Tasmania nightly. Extra services are running during summer rush hours. Sea-link ferries connect South Australia and Kangaroo Island several times a day. Ferries connect suburbs in our capital cities


With easy on the feel pedestrian streets, walking is a great way to get around our cities. Besides all of above, you can also experience some of the longest tracks and trails in the world in central Australia-impressive journeys of a thousand kilometers or more that can take several weeks to complete.

1.The underlined word "untouched" in the 1st paragraph means     .

A. safe    B. special

C. natural    D. fresh

2.Which of the following is TRUE about traveling in Australia?

A. More travelers make the flying fees among airlines higher than before

B. You can easily rent a car to explore its most beautiful touring routes

C. Taking a bus tour is the most comfortable, economical and efficient way

D. Train services can offer you more comfort than any other means of transport

3.Ferry service between Melbourne and Tasmania usually runs     .

A. only at night hours    B. only during rush hours

C. several times a day    D. between different cities

4.From the passage, we know that     .

A. pedestrian walking is a great way to travel between cities

B. travelling in central Australia is time spending

C. central Australia has the world’s longest railway line

D. you have to walk over a thousand kilometers in Australia




This summer I travelled from noisy Beijing to Wuzhena 1. (beauty) village in Zhejiang Province. Unfolded before me was a unique image of this water country-the stone bridge and the water flowing all like fairy tales to me.

However 2. impressed me most was not the natural scenery but the scene of a grandma bathing a little baby in a wooden basin with the door open. My friends couldn't help 3. (take) pictures of them. To my surprise the grandma smiled and waved at us. Suddenly my heart was filled with 4. 4.(warm). I shared the photo and my 5. (believe)experience with my friends. They were 6. (simple)moved as I was but at the same time they reminded me of the unpleasant experiences in big cities. We feel embarrassed to see people quarrelling in public because they 7. (step)on accidentally by strangers.

According to a recent survey 8. (make)in November 45 percent of the residents don't know the names of their neighbours 63 percent don't look forward to 9. (talk)to their neighbours 67 percent think that the relationship  10. them and their neighbours is just so-so or even bad.




1.Whose songs have become popular ________ young people in China now.

2.Would you like to tell me what your reason ________ attending the party is.

3.I think that going ________ (hike)is of much importance in making you healthy.

4.Lost ________ you the house needs to be painted according to my plan.

5.The wildlife parks show natural ________ and it shouldn't be ________ .(beautiful)

6.They are not only like each other but they even dress ________.

7.I haven't heard of anybody who wants to stop living on account of the cost ________ far.

8.Our class teacher requests that every student ________ (stay)in the classroom during the break.




1.Besides English we study Russian and Spanish in this school.

________ ________English we study Russian and Spanish in this school.

2.How do you like the concert she has given recently

________do you________ ________ the concert she has given recently

3.You are asked to leave the construction site at once.

You are asked to leave the construction site ________ ________.

4.Have the children contacted the disease

Have the children ________ ________ ________ ________ the disease

5.Farm workers form only a small section of the population.

Farm workers ________ ________ only a small section of the population.













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