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Some psychologists say that community ar...

    Some psychologists say that community art — art made to be displayed free of charge in a particular community — can make a big difference.

Unlike the random graffiti (涂鸦)that many people consider an eyesore, community art can bring people together and encourage respect. In the U.S. city of Philadelphia, for example, psychologists are doing a citywide project where mental health patients work with average people to paint murals(壁画). The aim of this project is to reduce the mental illness and promote a new dialogue about people who struggle with these issues.

Art also makes neighborhoods more attractive and has a unique ability to open people up. Neighbors can share comments with one another about a recently painted mural, which can challenge their prejudices and open their eyes to the world.

Businesses can also be promoted by community art. In Fort Smith, a town in the U.S. state of Arkansas, artists from around the globe came together to paint murals. One of the goals of the project was to expand the town's cultural offerings in order to attract more visitors. Not only locals but also tourists were drawn to see the murals. The money they spent while visiting the town benefited local businesses.

Generous financial support is provided for community art projects in many cities and towns. In the UK, the Arts Council England has invested nearly half a million dollars in community art. Some of it, for example, has paid for a new exhibition space created inside an old mill in the town of Brierfield. In the U.S., an organization called the Knight Foundation has invested millions of dollars in community projects, including many that focus on art.

1.What is the purpose of the community art project in Philadelphia?

A.To replace random graffiti.

B.To deal with the issues about mental illnesses.

C.To promote dialogues about art issues.

D.To encourage respect for psychologists and fine arts.

2.How does community art open people up?

A.By changing people' s views on prejudices.

B.By giving new life to traditional murals.

C.By providing a subject for conversation.

D.By making neighborhoods more attractive.

3.What does the text indicate about towns like Fort Smith?

A.They can profit from art economically.

B.They provide inexpensive courses in art.

C.They've placed some restrictions on art.

D.They borrow art from other communities.

4.What do we know about the community art in the UK?

A.It is limited to rich communities.

B.It has the support of the government.

C.It started from a mill in Brierfield.

D.It is paid for by the Knight Foundation.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。一些心理学家说,社区艺术——在特定社区免费展示的艺术——可以产生很大的不同:社区艺术可以把人们团结在一起,可以打开人们的心扉,还可以促进企业的发展。在英国,社区艺术得到了政府的支持。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The aim of this project is to reduce the mental illness and promote a new dialogue about people who struggle with these issues.”可知这个项目的目标是减少精神疾病,并促进一个新的关于和精神疾病做斗争的人们的对话。选B项、 2.细节理解题。根据第三段“Art also makes neighborhoods more attractive and has a unique ability to open people up. Neighbors can share comments with one another about a recently painted mural, which can challenge their prejudices and open their eyes to the world.”可知艺术还能让社区更有吸引力,并且有一种独特的能力让人们敞开心扉。邻居们可以互相分享对一幅最近绘制的壁画的看法,这幅壁画可以挑战他们的偏见,开阔他们的眼界。也就是社区通过提供一个共同话题来帮助人们打开心扉。选C项。 3.推理判断题。根据“ In Fort Smith, a...The money they spent while visiting the town benefited local businesses.”在美国阿肯色州的史密斯堡镇,来自世界各地的艺术家们聚集在一起绘制壁画。该项目的目标之一是扩大该镇的文化服务,以吸引更多的游客。当地人和游客都被吸引去看这些壁画。他们游玩该镇所花的钱使当地的企业受益。文章通过举这个小镇的例子表明了这些小镇可以通过艺术获得经济上的利益。选A项。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Generous financial support is provided for community art projects in many cities and towns. In the UK, the Arts Council England has invested nearly half a million dollars in community art. ”可知许多城镇为社区艺术项目提供了慷慨的财政支持。在英国,英国艺术委员会已经为社区艺术投资了近50万美元。由此可知英国的社区艺术得到了政府的支持。选B项。

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1.What do we know about Rocketbook Everlast?

A.It uses ink mixed with water.

B.It uses a camera to record notes.

C.It needs to be equipped with special pens.

D.It needs pens that can be found in any store.

2.How much will you need at most if you buy one of the four products?

A.$34. B.$99.

C.$ 149.99. D.S159.

3.Where is the text most likely from?

A.A book review. B.A science fiction.

C.A popular magazine. D.A government report.




When it comes to your brain, researchers have found there’s no better superfood than a book. According to the data 1. (collect) by the University of Michigan’s Health and Retirement Study, 2. hopeful pattern came out: people who read books for as little as 30 minutes a day over several years were an average of two years 3. (long) than people who didn’t read anything at all.

Strange still, as science reminds us, reading books--- especially fiction--- 4. (force) your brain to think critically and make 5. (connection) from one chapter to another, and to the outside world. Also, reading stories can lead to a noticeable increase in human interaction, 6. in turn can lower stress levels.

But it doesn’t mean that magazines, newspapers and web articles are useless. Any reading material that fills your mind and enlarges your vocabulary seems 7. (carry) mental benefits. Therefore, whether you’re reading a page-turner or 8. (simple) scanning the instruction for your coffee maker, many parts of your brain 9. (involve) in positive thinking. Still not inspired to give 10. a try?



“How dare you!” My anger finally burst out when my son ______ to go to the piano classes for the third time that day. He rolled his eyes at me, which made me even _____-. I completely lost my ______ and screamed at the top of my lungs, “Enough! You are not my boy anymore!” He didn’t ______ or talk back to me. He responded in ______ with a look of helplessness that I had never seen before. He used to cry violently and beg me to ______ him. The innocence shining in his big eyes would ______ that hot-tempered beast in me away in the end. ______, this time...

Did what he had done really make me ______? No. Did such anger come entirely from  his improper ______? No. Had I ever given it a chance to listen to and ______ him? No. My demanding job, my ______ housework, my kid’s cry for company..., all formed a minefield and all that was needed to ______ it up was a fuse(导火索). My son was the ______.

The rest of the day, he ______ an outdoor walk, a ride in the park and even his favorite games and just wanted to be alone. I could ______ the greatest sorrow and the most true innocence in his eyes. After admitting my own fault, I held this tiny trembling creature ______ in my arms, tears swelling in my eyes.

For those who believe “Sticks and stones may break the bone, but ______ can never hurt anyone”, I have a piece of heartfelt advice. Do not try this most powerful weapon ______ the people you love. It is ______ enough to cut the deepest into a soul.

1.A. refused    B. requested    C. decided    D. demanded

2.A. calmer    B. emptier    C. happier    D. angrier

3.A. breath    B. weight    C. temper    D. thought

4.A. cry    B. shout    C. smile    D. respond

5.A. doubt    B. relief    C. silence    D. surprise

6.A. pardon    B. praise    C. abandon    D. accompany

7.A. put    B. give    C. throw    D. drive

8.A. Otherwise    B. However    C. Therefore    D. Moreover

9.A. satisfied    B. puzzled    C. moved    D. annoyed

10.A. advice    B. behavior    C. words    D. argument

11.A. hug    B. blame    C. forgive    D. understand

12.A. endless    B. enough    C. important    D. meaningful

13.A. put    B. blow    C. heat    D. bum

14.A. choice    B. answer    C. victim    D. disaster

15.A. declined    B. shared    C. enjoyed    D. accepted

16.A. retell    B. forget    C. read    D. forecast

17.A. rudely    B. firmly    C. loosely    D. causally

18.A. voice    B. words    C. force    D. feelings

19.A. for    B. with    C. beyond    D. against

20.A. hard    B. soft    C. sharp    D. smooth



    A major source of teen stress is school exams, and test anxiety is not uncommon. When you recognize your teen is under stress, how can you parents help your teen stay calm before an exam?

Be involved. You need to be involved in your teen’s work. 1. What they look for is your presence---to talk, or just to sit with them quietly. Communicate openly with our teen. Encourage your teen to express his or her worries and fears, but don’t let he or she focus on those fears.

Help your teen get organized. 2.Together, you and your teen can work out a timetable in which he or she can study for what he or she knows will be on the test.

Provide a calm setting. Help your teen set up a quiet place to study and protect his or her privacy. Give him or her a nutritious diet. It is important for your teen to eat a healthy, balanced diet during exam times to focus and do his or her best. 3. If this happens, encourage your teen to eat light meals or sandwiches. A healthy diet, rather than junk food, is best for reducing stress.

4. Persuade your teenager to get some sleep and\or do something active when he or she needs a real break from studying. Making time for relaxation, fun, and exercise are all important in reducing stress. Help your teen balance his or her time so that he or she will feel comfortable taking time out from studying to spend time with friends or rest.

Show a positive attitude. 5. Your panic, anxiety and blame lead to your teen’s pressure. Make your teen fell accepted and valued for his or her efforts. Most importantly, reassure your teen that things will be all right, no matter what the results are.

A.Your attitude will influence your teen’s emotions.

B.Exam stress can make some teens lose their appetite.

C.They will only make the situation worse.

D.Encourage your teen to relax.

E.The best thing is just to listen.

F.Help your teen think about what he or she has to study and plan accordingly.

G.Your teen may also make negative comments.



    “If you are cold, it will warm you; if you are too heated, it will cool you; if you are depressed, it will cheer you; if you are exhausted, it will calm you.” The poem best identifies the passion for tea in Britain. Outside of the United Kingdom, many people refer to afternoon tea as “high tea”. Afternoon tea, also known as low tea, is what most people think of when they hear “high tea”. It involves things like manners, lace(蕾丝) and light meals such as cookies and finger sandwiches. It is typically served in the mid-afternoon and it was traditionally served on low tables, therefore its two names.

Legend has it that afternoon tea was started in the mid-1800s by the Duchess(公爵夫人) of Bedford. Around that time, kerosene(煤油) lamps were introduced into wealthier homes and eating a late dinner( around 8 or 9 p.m.) became fashionable. This increasingly late dinner was one of the only two meals each day, and the other was a mid-morning one. The story goes that the Duchess found herself with a “sinking feeling”. This came from hunger during the long wait between meals. She decided to invite friends over for various snacks and tea. The idea of an afternoon tea gathering spread across high society and became a favorite pastime of females for leisure. Later, it spread to other social groups.

However, the British working population did not have afternoon tea. They had a meal about midday, and a meal after work, between five and seven o’clock. This meal was called “high tea” or just “tea”. Traditionally eaten early evening, high tea was a substantial meal that combined delicious sweet food, such as cookies, cakes or tea bread, with heavy food, such as cheese on toast, cold meals and poached eggs on toast. This meal is now often replaced with a supper due to people eating their main meal in the evening rather than at midday.

1.What is the author’s purpose of using a poem at the beginning of the passage?

A.To introduce a topic. B.To present a puzzle.

C.To describe the phenomenon. D.To clarify his writing purpose.

2.What led to the appearance of afternoon tea?

A.Kerosene lamps were used at home.

B.Upper class had more free time.

C.Drinking tea makes people feel good.

D.Duchess of Bedford was influential in social circle.

3.What was the most important feature of afternoon tea in the mid-1800s?

A.Simple food and tea. B.Being served on low tables.

C.A ladies’ social occasion. D.Serving time.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Origins of Tea. B.Ways of Low Tea.

C.Traditional Afternoon Tea. D.High Tea and Low Tea.



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