满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In autumn of 1975, two mothers in Lyme, ...

    In autumn of 1975, two mothers in Lyme, Connecticut, were desperate for answers their doctors could not provide. Their families and others in the Lyme area were suffering from a mysterious(神秘的)illness. Two doctors from Yale, Allan Steere and Stephen Malawista, began an investigation that would result in a groundbreaking medical discovery.

The doctors began by conducting individual examinations of each patient. They found patients of all ages were suffering from a set of symptoms (症状) rarely observed together. Blood samples revealed no virus that offered a clue about the cause. However, they found fruitful information in their interviews with patients: one quarter of them recalled a skin rash (皮疹) with a bull’s-eye pattern about four weeks before other symptoms arose.

Armed with this new clue, the Department of Health worked with the Yale doctors, conducting surveys to learn where the disease was most widely seen. It seemed that the majority of patients lived in heavily wooded areas, who spent a good deal of time outdoors, gardening, landscaping, or playing. The symptoms were nearly always experienced for the first time during summer. Crucially, some recalled having been bitten by a tick (蝉), which feeds mostly on the blood of mammals and birds.

By 1977, investigators confirmed that the deer tick was responsible. But no one could say why it was causing the illness or how patients could be treated. In 1982, a scientist named Willy Burgdorfer discovered a specific type of bacteria (细菌), carried by the deer tick, which was causing the disease. But how did the deer tick acquire the bacteria in the first place? Finally, scientists determined that the ticks picked up the bacteria from their hosts. As its name suggests, the deer tick often feeds on deer, carriers of the Lyme disease bacteria. Scientists concluded that the bacteria passed from wildlife to ticks to humans. All lived closely among one another in the area.

How could a disease from a common parasite(寄生虫)spring up so suddenly? Many areas of the northeast, including Lyme, were once farmland. The farmland was replanted with trees. After the forest grew in, the area was then developed with houses. Gradually, neighborhoods pushed deeper into the habitat of deer ticks and, more importantly, the wildlife they fed upon. As humans encountered more ticks, they became more likely to contract the disease.

One of the remaining mysteries about Lyme disease is where and when it truly began. This puzzle may never be solved. Today, Lyme disease——if caught early—is easily treated with antibiotics, thanks to the hard work of many scientists, doctors, and patients.

1.Which of the following method helped Dr. Steere and Dr. Malawista most?

A.Conducting patient interviews. B.Carrying out a field survey.

C.Studying patients blood samples. D.Separating patients into age groups.

2.From the passage, we can learn that _______.

A.deer ticks were first carriers of the Lyme disease bacteria

B.patients remembrance of tick bites was vital to the medical discovery

C.Lyme disease spread because deer ticks and humans both fed on deer

D.Lyme disease is less common now because people spend less time outdoors

3.What do the underlined words “spring up” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?

A.Worsen. B.Return.

C.Appear. D.Decrease.

4.Which of the following would be the best tide for the passage?

A.A Desperate Need B.An Unsolved Puzzle

C.A Medical Mystery D.An Effective Treatment


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了科学家们致力于研究一种神秘的疾病—莱姆病,最终找到这种疾病的来源、出现的原因及治疗方法。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段“However, they found fruitful information in their interviews with patients: one quarter of them recalled a skin rash (皮疹)with a bull’s-eye pattern about four weeks before other symptoms arose.”(然而,他们在病人的采访中发现了大量有效的信息:四分之一的人回忆起一种牛眼样式的皮疹,大约在其他症状出现的四周之前。)可知,采访病人这种方法对Dr. Steere 和Dr. Malawista的研究起到了极大的帮助。故选A。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段“Crucially, some recalled having been bitten by a tick (蜱), which feeds mostly on the blood of mammals and birds.”(重要地是,一些人回忆起了被蜱咬过,这种蜱多数以哺乳动物和鸟类的血液为食。)可知,病人回忆起被蜱咬过这件事对医学发现非常重要。其他三项文中均未提及。故选B。 3.词句猜测题。根据第五段内容:人们生活的区域与鹿蜱和鹿蜱赖以生存的野生动物越来越近。及关键句“As humans encountered more ticks, they became more likely to contract the disease.”(随着人们遇到更多的蜱,他们变得更有可能感染这种疾病。)可知,第五段在解释这种疾病是如何出现的。故推测划线词所在句子“How could a disease from a common parasite(寄生虫)spring up so suddenly?”意为一种来自寄生虫的疾病是怎样突然出现的呢?因此推测spring up意为突然出现。Appear意为“出现”。故选C。 4.主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了科学家们致力于研究一种神秘的疾病—莱姆病,最终找到这种疾病的来源、出现的原因及治疗方法。根据第一段的关键词“mysterious(神秘的)illness.”和最后一段的关键词“the remaining mysteries about Lyme disease”可知,本文最合适的标题是一种神秘的疾病。故选C。

The Wolf at the Door

Russ Fee was asleep inside his tent last summer when a series of screams shocked him awake. Throwing on his shoes, he ran out to investigate. Fee and his wife were travelling through Canada's Banff National Park to enjoy its breathtaking beauty and awesome wildlife. It was the latter he now experienced. Although it was dark, Fee could see a neighboring tent was in a mess. Backing out was a wolf, dragging something in his teeth. That thing was a man J

Moments earlier, Elisa and Matt Rispoli, from New Jersey, were asleep with their two young children when the wolf broke into their tent. "It was like something out of a horror movie'‘ Elisa posted on Facebook. "For three minutes, Matt threw his body in front of me and the boys and fought against the wolf. At one point, Matt got the upper hand, pinning (压住) the wolf to the ground. But the wolf held its jaw onto Matt's arm tightly, set its powerful legs, and began dragging Matt outside while I was pulling on his legs trying to get him back'‘ Elisa wrote.

It was then that Fee entered the picture. He ran at the wolf, kicking it “like I was kicking in a door,” he told ABC New York. The wolf dropped Matt and emerged from the tent. "Wolves are large'‘ Fee told the radio show Calgary Eyeopener. " I felt like I had hit someone that was way out of my weight class."

Before the wolf could turn its anger on Fee, Matt, his arms bloodied, flew out of the tent to continue the battle. The men threw rocks at the wolf, forcing it back, then the Fees and the Rispolis escaped to the shelter of the Fees’ minivan(厢式旅行车). An ambulance was called, and Matt was taken to a local hospital suffering from open wounds. Luckily he has fully recovered. The wolf was tracked down by park officials and killed in a painless way.

As for Fee, whom Elisa called their lifesaver, he does admit to a fleeting(闪现的),if less- than-heroic, thought during the heat of battle. The moment the wolf locked eyes with him, Fee says, "I immediately regretted kicking it."

1.What happened to the Rispolis one night last summer?

A.They were scared by a horror movie.

B.They were suddenly woken up by screams.

C.They got injured and taken to the hospital.

D.They suffered a surprise attack from a wolf

2.Russ Fee joined Matt Rispoli when _______.

A.Matt was dropped down by the wolf

B.Matt gained the advantage over the wolf

C.the wolf was dragging Matt out of the tent

D.the wolf broke into the tent of the Rispolis

3.Matt Rispoli survived because _______.

A.the wolf was killed by park officials B.he took shelter in a neighboring tent

C.he got great help and timely treatment D.the wolf was driven away by Russ Fee

4.What can we learn about Russ Fee from the last paragraph?

A.He feels regretful for what he did. B.He enjoys being called a lifesaver.

C.He feels quite heroic about himself D.He admits his fear during the fight.



Fun School Projects with Magnets and Metal

Science is one of the most interesting and fun subjects for kids.

There are endless opportunities for practical experiments that are sure to surprise and excite children's imaginations. A great way to get into experimenting with science is with the use of magnets. The properties of magnets allow for an “ invisible force ” to move objects seemingly on their own!

If your kids are looking for something a little trickier, why not let them try using magnets to make their own compass (指南针)?

For this experiment, you will need 2 needles, a strong magnet, a pencil, a cup and some string.

Step 1: Rub the pointed end of the needle along one side of the magnet ;this can be either the north or south end. Make sure you are rubbing the needle in one direction, not back and forth. You might need to do this about 30 times to magnetise the needle.

Step 2: Test the now magnetised needle with the spare needle to see if it can pick it up. If it can, the needle is ready to use for the experiment. If it doesn't pick it up, you will need to rub the needle a few more times on the same end of the magnet you were using before.

Step 3 : With a piece of string that is a couple of inches long, get your child to tie this to the middle of the pencil. Then, at the bottom end of the hanging string, tie the magnetised needle.

Step 4: Place the pencil, with the needle hanging down, over the top of a cup so that the needle is hanging inside the cup.

Step 5 : Watch as the needle moves on its own to point north.

Once your kids have got a taste for magnets, you might want to move on to more advanced experiments. Places like RS Components sell high-tech magnetic equipment that will be sure to carry on fuelling your children's passion for science!

1.According to the passage, the spare needle is used to _______.

A.pick the other needle up B.magnetise the other needle

C.rub the magnet on the other side D.check if the other needle is magnetised

2.The magnetised needle can point north because _______.

A.it is tied to a hanging string B.it has the properties of a magnet

C.it is connected with a magnet D.it is hanging down inside the cup

3.What is the main purpose of this passage?

A.To promote high-tech magnetic equipment.

B.To entertain kids with magnet experiments.

C.To stress the importance of advanced experiments.

D.To provide a way to fuel kids' passion for science.



    “What kind of stuff do you write?" one student asked on my first day at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. After a decade away from the classroom, I was back to ___________

“Creative non-fiction,n I said.

It was a _______ I couldn't remember when I’d last written a creative essay. It must have been before my volatile(喜怒无常的)mother fell ill, leaving me resigned to the idea that our story of family dysfunction would not end _______. It seemed that nothing I wrote could _________ that.

With too much time and lack of _________ , I accepted a position to teach creative non-fiction. Although I couldn't get myself to tell my own _______, I could require that my students tell theirs.

“You're going to be keeping a _______ in this class, ” I said. "And I want you to tell your stories like they _______."

"Why?” a boy named Michael asked. "I mean, who _________ about our stories?"

Looking out at the roomful of students, I realized I didn't have an __________.

No one said a word. I ________ that most didn't know their stories were storiesas beautiful and hard——as their own lives.

Finally , I said, “ Because it's what you have. Stories allow us to make meaning of what we've been through. When you shape your ________ into a story, it becomes yours and not just something that ________to you."

Michael didn't look ________, but he didn't challenge me either.

In his first essay, Michael wrote about how he grew up in one of the ________ neighborhoods in Boston. He wrote about the night he was out with two friends. The feeling of numbness(麻木)shot through my body as a car came zooming towards us. At that moment everything went blank. Both of my two mates were hit down, drenched in blood. Minutes after I witnessed that, I decided I was leading the dangerous neighborhood and going to college.

He went on to write about how his high school teachers, who saw his ________, helped him get into this school.

I had Michael __________ his essay out. After he finished, the class went so ________that we could hear the sound of each other's breath. After a moment, I said, “ That's why you tell your stories. ”

I went home that night and picked up my journal, ________and untouched. I found a pen and for the first time in months, I had to ________ .

1.A.studying B.teaching C.visiting D.consulting

2.A.lie B.fact C.task D.dream

3.A.slowly B.naturally C.happily D.violently

4.A.prove B.explain C.destroy D.change

5.A.control B.support C.inspiration D.security

6.A.jokes B.stories C.thoughts D.faults

7.A.list B.note C.record D.journal

8.A.exist B.succeed C.matter D.spread

9.A.cares B.worries C.debates D.inquires

10.A.argument B.opportunity C.influence D.answer

11.A.assumed B.predicted C.ignored D.checked

12.A.choice B.performance C.progress D.experience

13.A.applied B.happened C.belonged D.appealed

14.A.interested B.astonished C.convinced D.concerned

15.A.biggest B.quietest C.safest D.worst

16.A.potential B.creativity C.anxiety D.confusion

17.A.read B.bring C.figure D.point

18.A.relaxed B.still C.nervous D.friendly

19.A.clean B.special C.dusty D.marked

20.A.wonder B.write C.compete D.practise



阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词, 在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

The European Parliament(议会)voted for 1.( cancel) the summer time by 2021. The next step is to discuss the issue with EU countries.

The current law 2.( make) EU countries move their clocks forwards on the last Sunday in March and move them backwards on the last Sunday in October.

Some people say that the summer time saves energy, 3. the European commission (委员会) says that the 4. (save) are small. Also, most people in the EU want to cancel the summer time.



阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词, 在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

A US astronaut, Christina Koch, spent 328 days in space, which is a record for a female astronaut. She completed her mission, landing in a remote area of Kazakhstan.

Koch concluded six space walks and she did some experiments that studied 1.  people are able to live outside Earth. Her time in space allows researchers 2.( study) the effects of a long-term spaceflight on the female body. NASA says the findings 3.( help) the agency during its future missions to the moon and Mars.



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