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The bicycle is still popular. In some countries, people use bicycles because they are the cheapest way to getting around. In some another countries, people use them mainly because they prefer this form of transport than any other.

It is said that when a German inventor created the first bicycle in 1816. It was two-wheeled and moved along by push of the rider's feet upon the ground. This vehicle was improving in 1839 by a Scottish blacksmith, which invented pedals(踏板). Eventually, bicycles are also made specially for women. They had big rear wheels than front wheels, and riders could sit more upright. Nowadays, women’s bicycles have changed again to become more usefully to those involved in sports.


1. getting → get 2. another → other 3. than → to 4. 删除that后的when 5. by后加the 6. improving → improved 7. which → who 8. are → were 9. big → bigger 10. usefully → useful 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述人们喜欢骑自行车的原因,以及自行车的发展史。 1. 考查固定短语。此处考查固定短语a way to do sth.“做某事的方法”,其中不定式是名词way的后置定语,故将getting改为get。 2. 考查形容词。句意:在其他一些国家,人们使用它们主要是因为比起其他交通工具来他们更喜欢这种形式。根据句意可知,此处用“其他国家”符合语境,“其他的”是other,故将another改为other。 3. 考查固定短语。此处考查固定短语prefer sth. to sth.“比起某物更喜欢某物”,故将than改为to。 4. 考查连词。句意:据说第一辆自行车是一个德国的发明家于1816年发明的。分析句子可知,此处是主语从句,从句a German inventor created the first bicycle in 1816的成分和意义都完整,应该用连接词that,故删除that后的when。 5. 考查冠词。句意:它有两个轮子,通过骑车人蹬地产生的推力前进。根据句意可知,此处特指“骑车人蹬地产生的推力”,应用定冠词,故在by后加the。 6. 考查语态。分析句子可知,主语vehicle和improve之间是被动关系,时态为一般过去时,故应用一般过去时的被动语态,故将improving改为improved。 7. 考查定语从句。分析句子可知,此处是非限制性定语从句的关系词,先行词a Scottish blacksmith在从句中充当主语,应用指代人的关系词who,故将which改为who。 8. 考查时态。结合上下文可知,此处讲述过去的事情,故应用一般过去时,故将are改为were。 9. 考查形容词比较级。由后文的than判断此处应用比较级,故将big改为bigger。 10. 考查形容词。分析句子可知,此处应用形容词作为become的表语,故将usefully改为useful。  


1.He put aside his work to spend more time with his son, ________ just returned from abroad.

2.I would like to express my thanks in a way ______ he could never imagine.

3.The novel coronavirus has had such a deep effect on our life ______ is totally beyond expectation.

4.Lora is the very teacher I like most, with ______ help I have made progress in my study.

5.People are required to wear masks in public places, ______ is helpful for fight against the pandemic(疫情).




1.The island of Great Britain is c________of England, Scotland and Wales.

2.After studying music in Vienna, he worked as d________ of a choir at the court.

3.By ________ (查阅) to your dictionary, you can solve most of the word problems.

4.Undoubtedly, parents’ instruction has great i________ on children’s behaviour.

5.Go to a part of the world you're unfamiliar with and ________ (观察) how people live there.

6.I can’t stand your ________ (采用) the unhealthy methods of cooking.

7.The photographs will be on e________ in the gallery until the end of the month.

8.London is one of the important ________ (金融) centers of the world.

9.My daughter is fascinated by the dancers' steps and their________ (优雅的) gestures and movements.

10.He was humorous and always e________ us for hours with his stories and jokes.




1. (die) of a broken heart sounds like the ending of a romantic story. But it actually happens. The ''broken heart syndrome(心碎综合征) '', 2. (official) calledTakotsubo syndrome, or TTS, involves the sudden weakening of heart muscles. This causes the left ventricle(心室), which pushes oxygen-rich blood through the body, 3.(expand) abnormally at the bottom.

The scientific community has studied how unexpected emotional shocks can cause a heart attack. These shocks are usually unpleasant, such as the death of a family member or a violent 4. (argue). Recently, however, researchers discovered that even 5. (delight) events can give the same result. A team of researchers in Switzerland 6.(collect) data on 1,750 cases of the Takotsubo syndrome. The team found that emotional shocks caused 485 of those 1,750 cases. And within that group of 485, 7. total of 20 people could be said to have suffered from ''happy heart syndrome'', 8. causes include a favorite team winning a game and the birth of a grandchild. 9.interesting finding is that TTS affects mostly women.

Happy and sad life events are, of course, very different. 10.(far) studies are also needed to figure out if both events share the same pathway in the central nervous system for causing Takotsubo syndrome.



    My wife passed away a few years ago, and I went through the _______ time in my life. I even wanted to _______ myself. Just for my kids, I had to continue to live and work as a small town _______ at my medical clinic in Hawaii. My kids had gone to live on the mainland, and I was _______. Then they asked me to have a family trip.

On our trip, we turned on the TV at the motel and saw the second plane crash into the World Trade Center. Seeing it _______down, I said to my kids: “I'm going to Afghanistan.” And a few weeks later, International Medical Corps sent me to _______ 20 clinics in provinces where people had no health care. In these clinics _______by frightening shoots or deadly bombs, we were eventually serving 27,000 patients a month in a very busy schedule. Though tired and nervous, I gradually had a sense of _______, a sense of purpose, and my _______ went away.

In the years to follow, I went to Indonesia after the tsunami(海啸), Pakistan after the earthquakes, Sudan after the civil war, and Iraq after more and more ________. Each time after ________one after another, hundreds of people were________ or even killed, and many more had to ________. We once set up movable clinics in an area with 19,000 refugees(难民), and it was supposed to ________ 13,000 originally. Flu broke out, one of the biggest killers of kids in refugee camps, and it ________ like wildfire. Water and food were also serious problems. “________ or not?” I often asked myself.

When my wife passed away, I thought my life was ________. But ________, it was just getting started. At the end of her life, she went unconscious. I held her head in my hands and told her of all the places we would visit and the exciting adventures we would have. I think about the moment many times during my “adventures”. I didn't know how ________ those words would be. But I know that she is still ________ me.

1.A.best B.worst C.fastest D.shortest

2.A.kill B.amuse C.excite D.calm

3.A.engineer B.nurse C.doctor D.teacher

4.A.unattached B.upset C.annoyed D.alone

5.A.taking B.settling C.falling D.bending

6.A.take up B.pick up C.set up D.end up

7.A.surrounded B.destroyed C.established D.rebuilt

8.A.humor B.achievement C.loyalty D.relief

9.A.excitement B.embarrassment C.disappointment D.depression

10.A.invitations B.bombs C.inventions D.instructions

11.A.disasters B.accidents C.events D.wars

12.A.shot B.rescued C.helped D.wounded

13.A.run B.leave C.fly D.walk

14.A.include B.cover C.hold D.live

15.A.spread B.burnt C.lighted D.improved

16.A.History B.Entertainment C.Fun D.Adventures

17.A.interesting B.boring C.done D.complete

18.A.on purpose B.in reality C.with delight D.in turn

19.A.predictive B.creative C.imaginative D.active

20.A.against B.for C.at D.with



    School success means different things to different people. No matter what success means to you, strong study skills, confidence and goals are key components. 1., therefore, why not try the following tips to achieve it?

Organize yourself

When a student lacks organization, he struggles to complete schoolwork on time, or find time to study. 2.. When you sit down to study, you need to organize your time well by allowing enough time for each task. You also need an organized backpack that allows you to transport materials to and from classes.


Spending time with friends, working a part-time job and pursuing other interests has a place. However, you also need to leave time to achieve academic goals, or else your studies will be affected negatively. For example, working too many hours at a job reduces study and sleep time, possibly meaning missed school and difficulty concentrating due to being tired.

Look for support

Whether or not you struggle in school, a support network helps you succeed. So communicate with your teacher outside of class time to ask for help when you struggle. 4.. If your friends think school is a waste of time, you may be influenced to think so.

Go beyond the classroom

Learning doesn’t stop at the classroom doors.5.. When a topic in the classroom interests you, you should do a little research on your own. For example, set up your own experiment based on something you learned in science class.

A.Balance activities and your studies

B.It isn’t limited to the information on the next exam

C.You may discover new information that helps you in school

D.Surround yourself with classmates who also want to succeed in school

E.For students who struggle in school, additional support is necessary for success

F.You need an organized study place at home for completing homework and studying

G.School success opens up doors for future achievements for students at all grade levels



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