满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

An act of kindness doesn't have to be a ...

    An act of kindness doesn't have to be a grand gesture. Even those small acts of kindness can make a difference in someone's day. That was just the case for Amie Mickey when she _______ a bumper sticker on her car reading: You Matter.

Amie started to do this several years ago. At first, she wondered if people would_______it. However, much to her surprise, she began seeing a flood of _______ every time she hit the road. More often than not, people _______slowly near her car would roll down their windows, raising their_______,waving and smiling. Sometimes, she even found some sticky notes left on her windshield saying things like “You _______too! “Once while she was driving down the highway, she became_______ when a man driving a sports car at a high speed pulled his car alongside suddenly, waving and mouthing, “You matter!” Though it took her some time to recover from the_______,she still felt happy. Last year, someone _______ her car while she was waiting for her friend in the car by the roadside, saying to her, “It is a(an) ________sticker. I’ve seen various stickers before, but none of them have touched me as your sticker has done. “The two small words on the sticker seem simple enough, but they really struck a chord with many complete strangers who________to catch sight of the sticker.

Stories like Amie's really________the rest of us. Sometimes a kind word or gesture may lift our________ and it doesn't cost a thing except for a little extra thought. Maybe it means offering a friend a hug, praising the children when their children ________well in school, helping someone out or volunteering at animal shelters or shelters for the homeless. Acts of kindness are waiting everywhere. Small as they seem, they can make a ________ impact on the world, and help form general goodness.

1.A.tore up B.picked up C.fixed up D.put up

2.A.watch B.overlook C.notice D.neglect

3.A.attention B.strangers C.confusion D.trouble

4.A.running B.driving C.walking D.riding

5.A.voices B.hats C.shoulders D.thumbs

6.A.count B.share C.value D.matter

7.A.frightened B.frustrated C.embarrassed D.disappointed

8.A.parking B.speed C.incident D.event

9.A.approached B.blocked C.repaired D.cleaned

10.A.important B.special C.typical D.skeptical

11.A.happened B.occurred C.managed D.offered

12.A.shock B.inspire C.delight D.satisfy

13.A.feelings B.thoughts C.spirits D.minds

14.A.work B.exercise C.conduct D.behave

15.A.reliable B.subjective C.positive D.brief


1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.C 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了Amie Mickey在汽车保险杠后贴了一张写着“你很重要”的纸条。通过这种小的善意行为来传播正能量。 1.考查动词短语辨析。句意:Amie Mickey就是这样子的,她在自己的汽车保险杠上贴了一张贴纸,上面写着:你很重要。A. tore up 撕毁;B. picked up 捡起,接收;C. fixed up 修理;解决;D. put up 举起,张贴。通过上下文分析,后文第4题提到“在她的车附近缓慢行驶的人们会摇下车窗,竖起大拇指,挥手微笑”。是因为人们看得到了他保险杠上贴着一张写着“你很重要”的贴纸。故选D项。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:起初,她想知道人们是否会注意到它。A. watch 观看;B. overlook 忽视;C. notice 注意;D. neglect 忽视,忽略。通过上下文分析,此处和后文第3空提到 “每次出门会有很多人来关注他。” 相呼应。故选C项。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,令她吃惊的是,她开始发现,每一次出门,就会有很多人来关注她。A. attention 注意;B. strangers 陌生;C. confusion 疑惑;D. trouble 麻烦。通过上下文分析,上文提到 “起初,她想知道人们是否会注意到它” 。接着出现 “然而” ,前后转折表示他引起了很多人的关注。故选A项。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:通常情况下,在她的车附近缓慢行驶的人们会摇下车窗,竖起大拇指,挥手微笑。A. running 跑;B. driving 行驶;C. walking 散步;D. riding 骑行。通过上下文分析,划线后提到 “人们摇下车窗” ,可知此处表示缓慢开车的人的。故选B项。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:竖起大拇指,挥手微笑。 A. voices 声音;B. hats 帽子;C. shoulders 肩膀;D. thumbs 拇指。通过上下文分析,划线后提到人们挥手,微笑。同时根据下文可知,人们对他的行为表示称赞。故此处的thumbs表示称赞认可,所以竖起拇指。故选D项。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有时,她甚至发现一些便利贴留在挡风玻璃上,上面写着“你也很重要!” A. count 数数;B. share 分享;C. value 评价;D. matter 要紧。通过上下文分析,此处和前句提到别人对他的行为表示 “赞赏,挥手,微笑” 并列。也是表达了别人对他行为的认可。同时和第7空处提到的 “You matter!” 相呼应。故选D项。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有一次她在高速公路上开车,一个开着跑车的男人突然把车开到她旁边,一边挥手一边用嘴说:“你很重要!”她吓了一跳。A. frightened 害怕的;B. frustrated 懊恼的,沮丧的,无效的;C. embarrassed 尴尬的,窘迫的;D. disappointed失望的。通过上下文分析,此处提到“突然把车开到他旁边”。所以作者应该感到很害怕。故选A项。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然她花了一段时间才从那次事件中恢复过来,但她仍然感到快乐。A. parking 停车;B. speed 速度;C. incident 事件;D. event大事件,项目。通过上下文分析,此处指代上题提到的 “一个开着跑车的男人突然把车开到她旁边,一边挥手一边用嘴说: “你很重要!” 。因此作者感到“吓一跳”这件事,作者从这次事件恢复过来。故选C项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:去年,当她在路边等朋友的时候,有人走近了她的车。对她说:“这是一个特殊的贴纸”。A. approached 接近,靠近;B. blocked 阻塞;C. repaired 修理;D. cleaned 清理。通过上下文分析,该空的动词和同句中的saying构成前后的逻辑关系。先走进,然后说。故选A项。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对她说:“这是一个特殊的贴纸”。A. important 重要的;B. special 特别的;C. typical 典型的;D. skeptical 怀疑的。通过上下文分析,后句提到I've seen various stickers before, but none of them have touched me as your sticker has done.(我以前见过各种各样的贴纸,但没有一个像你的贴纸那样让我感动)。可知,这个贴纸和他见过的其它贴纸不一样。故选B项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:贴纸上的这两个小字看起来很简单,但却引起了许多碰巧看到贴纸的陌生人的共鸣。A. happened 发生,刚巧;B. occurred 发生;C. managed 管理;D. offered 提供,供应。通过上下文分析,文章中提到的 “贴纸” 是Amie贴在保险杠上的,用来鼓励大家的。很多人都是碰巧无意中看到而受感动的。故选A项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:像Amie这样的故事真的激励了我们其他人。A. shock 使震惊;B. inspire 启发,激发;C. delight 使高兴;D. satisfy 满足。通过上下文分析,后文讲到Amie的行为给人们带来了一些思考即启发了人们。故选B项。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:有时候,一句友善的话语或一个手势可能会让我们的精神振奋起来,而且它不需要花费任何东西,只需要多考虑一下。A. feelings 感觉,情感;B. thoughts 思想,想法;C. spirits 精神;D. minds 思想,主意。通过上下文分析,前文提到 “像Amie这样的故事真的激励了我们其他人” 。同时在最后一句话提到 “他们看似渺小,却能对世界产生积极的影响” 。综合分析,一些小行为会提振我们的精神。故选C项。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:也许这意味着给朋友一个拥抱,当孩子在学校表现良好时表扬他们。A. work 工作;B. exercise 锻炼;C. conduct 组织,实施;D. behave 表现。通过上下文分析,表扬孩子,是因为他们在学校的表现不错。故选 D项。

    Youngsters usually benefit from having a relationship with someone older and wiser to mentor(指导) them. The mentor might be a teacher, family member or more experienced peer. However, not everyone is suitable to be an influential, positive role model. 1. Here are some common characteristics of good role models.

They are confident. Most people admire those who have much confidence in themselves. 2. So they are able to acknowledge their skills and achievements without becoming arrogant ( ). Just as Child Development Specialist Dr.Robyn Silverman suggests, healthy self-confidence shows as pride in who you are and what you've learned throughout your life.

3. Role models show their commitment to a desired goal by their actions and are willing to invest the necessary time and effort to achieve success. They don't give up easily and continue trying when faced with challenges. Their determination to succeed encourages youngsters to follow through and reach the goals they set for themselves.

They are respectful. 4. Young people appreciate being treated with respect and admire those who treat them and others that way. Role models who show selflessness and an equal, non-prejudiced view of those different from them earn the admiration of others.

They are optimistic and creative. Role models inspire others with a positive outlook on life. For example, a community leader faced with a financial setback 挫折) might welcome the opportunity to organize a fund-raising project that pulls everyone together in a constructive manner. 5.

A.They are hard-working.

B.They are knowledgeable.

C.Role models show respect for others.

D.Pick someone having the same hobbies and similar qualities as you.

E.Good role models have a healthy appreciation of their accomplishments.

F.Effective role models possess desirable characteristics that make them easy to look up to.

G.Role models tend to see the bright side in difficult situations and can find creative solutions.



    New research has found that grey seals can simulate(模仿)human speech and songs. The study carried out by Dr Amanda Stansbury and Professor Vincent Janik,at the University of St Andrews,found that grey seals use the same sound production system as humans due to having similar vocal tracts(声道)。

Three young grey seals-Zola,Gandalf and Janice-were monitored from birth by Stansbury and Janik to determine their natural talents.Once this process was complete, the researchers began teaching the seals to simulate common seal sounds or noises a seal might normally hear from a herd mate in the wild.Fish was used to encourage the seals to come out of the water and sing a series of notes.Stansbury would record the seals'own sounds and play them back.The seals quickly learnt that if they sang back the same notes, they would be rewarded with fish.

Once the seals were familiar with this process and could easily copy these basic sounds,Stansbury and Janik used higher and longer tones and unfamiliar vowels from human speech.The seals were then rewarded for matching these new sounds.Stansbury even used some combinations to simulate songs that no seal would be expected to produce under natural circumstances.Zola had a gift for copying up to ten notes of songs such as Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star and the theme song of Star Wars.Gandalf and Janice were better at accurately reproducing combinations of human vowel sounds.

Stansbury said,"I was amazed how well the seals copied the model sounds we played to them.Copies were not perfect,but given that these are not typical seal sounds,it is pretty impressive.Our study really shows how flexible seal voices are."

After one year of working with the researchers,the seal pups were released back into the wild."This study gives us a better understanding of the development of vocal learning,a skill that is important for human language development."Janik believes this knowledge can help to develop new methods to study speech problems.

1.What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A.Grey seals 'learning environments.

B.A research finding on grey seals.

C.Humans 'sound production system.

D.A comparison of humans and grey seals.

2.In the study,fish would be given when the seals

A.made funny noisesre B.came out of the water

C.repeated the same notes D.copied typical fish sounds

3.What can we find about Zola based on the research?

A.It can copy some musical sounds played to her.

B.It is good at copying human vowel sounds.

C.It is smarter than Gandalf and Janice.

D.It likes singing children's songs.

4.What does Janik think of the research result?

A.It shows the living environments of grey seals.

B.It leads to a better understanding of human vocal system.

C.It raises an awareness of the need to protect grey seals.

D.It brings inspirations for research on speech problems.



    It's common that a Japanese-American bows on the phonebut only in Japanese. Behaviors and manners can become so routine that they appear even when there's no need for them.Those who are bilingual and bi-cultural know first-hand that how we behave can depend on what language we are speaking.Experts have shown that who you are in the moment can depend on the language you are using at that time.

This is because when you have an experience,the language you are using becomes associated with it.For bilingual people,this means certain memories are more closely associated with one language than the other-a phenomenon called language-dependent memory.For example,a childhood memory is more likely to be remembered when the language spoken during that childhood event is spoken again.

How we think and feel can thus change depending on what language we are using.For example,people who are bilingual have an intensified stress response when listening to the words of scolding in a native language.This may be,in part,because our early memories associated with learning a"bad”word or being scolded by our parents happened in our native language.

Because emotions play a key role in how we make decisions,people are often more sensible when making choices in the less emotional foreign language.When asked whether they would be willing to give one person's life to save a group,people who speak more than one language are much more likely to say"yes" when answering in a foreign language.The unpleasant feelings that can prevent us from making difficult choices are reduced when we're using a non-native language.

The Language we speak has an influence on how we think,feel,and even behave.In a way,knowing different languages can provide people with a variety of views through which to see the world.

1.Why is the example of Japanese-American mentioned?

A.To show the influence of culture is huge.

B.To show bowing is Japanese people's routine.

C.To show Japanese people are polite on the phone.

D.To show one's use of language affects one's behavior.

2.What does the underlined word"intensified"in Paragraph 3 mean?





3.When a person speaks a foreign language, he is likely to____

A.make a sound decision

B.prevent himself from danger

C.be influenced by other people

D.have difficulty making decisions

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.You Are Actually What You Are Speaking

B.Native Languages Make People Speak More

C.Different Languages Have Different Influences

D.Speak Your Native Language in Other Countries



    On the 3rd of July,about six in the morning,I was watering my flowers.A young man entered the garden.He was blonde,beardless;he wore a German cap and gold glasses in a proud way.A long,loose woolen coat hung down in a sad way around his body.He wore no gloves;his leather shoes had huge soles.I put down my watering-pot, and greeted him in German with:"Guten Morgen!”Monsieur,"he said to me in French, but with a very unpleasant accent,"my name is Hermann Schultz;I have come to pass some months in Greece,and I have carried your book with me everywhere."

That praise filled my heart with sweet joy;the stranger's voice seemed more beautiful than Mozart's music,and I directed a swift look of gratitude toward his gold glasses.You would hardly believe how much we love those who have taken the trouble to understand our jargon(行业术语)。

I took him by the hand and seated him beside me on the garden-bench.He told me that he was a botanist and that he had a commission from the"Jardin des Plantes"in Hamburg.In order to complete his herbarium(植物标本馆),he was studying the country,the animals,and the people.He expressed himself uneasily,but with frankness which inspired confidence.He questioned me,if not about every one in Athens,at least about all the principal persons in my book.In the course of the conversation,he made some statements on general subjects,which seemed to me quite insightful.Therefore, they motivated me to think more deeply and get a more reasonable opinion.At the end of an hour we had become good friends.

1.How did the author find the young man at first?





2.Why did the author feel grateful to the young man?

A.Because he brought the author a good pair of glasses.

B.Because he thought highly of the author's achievements.

C.Because he delighted the author with Mozart's music.

D.Because he took the time to read the author's work.

3.What can we infer about the young man from the last paragraph?

A.He was good at public speaking.

B.He was lacking in self-confidence.

C.He was slow in learning German culture.

D.He was enthusiastic about studies of plants.

4.What's the author's purpose in writing the text?

A.To introduce a young botanist's achievements.

B.To show the start of his friendship with a stranger.

C.To describe the benefits of doing gardening.

D.To explain the beauty of studying biology.



    Meeting at a church on a Friday night is not usual for most college students,but it is usual for the women members of the Alcoholics Anonymous(AA)in my hometown, which is an organization for alcoholics who want to stop drinking alcohol.AA is founded upon a number of principles,including twelve steps and twelve traditions,but the only requirement for becoming a member is a strong wish to stop drinking.

The AA meeting I attended was in a speaker week,which meant that most of the time was spent listening to a member talking about her journey with alcohol.The speaker told other members her true story of alcohol problems.The group processed the story in a positive way.I noticed several times when members laughed,smiled,and made brief supporting comments while she spoke.Later,a member named Lucy shared with me her view that"this is the kind of place where you can talk about things,and everyone just laughs...no judgment but support."Being able to talk about her feelings and experiences,receiving support,and the lack of judgment were a large part of her decision to keep coming to the meetings.

Years later,I looked back on the meeting I attended with positive memories.The members at the meeting were mothers,sisters,grandmothers,aunts,daughters,and friends.Some were professionals, some were students,and some were unemployed. Despite their differences,they united in their common goal for a better life.AA is a prime example of how a group of people follow a program and work together at changing their habits.The meeting changed the way I looked at addiction-it was no longer a monster. Now I think it's essential to have support when you're struggling with addiction,just as with any lifestyle change.

1.What is the purpose of the Alcoholics Anonymous?

A.To create a program for college students.

B.To improve the alcohol industry.

C.To help people give up drinking.

D.To break twelve traditions.

2.What is most likely to hurt Lucy's feelings according to the text?

A.Unfriendly judgment on her stories.

B.Loud laughter from the audiences.

C.Too little time left for her.

D.Silence after her speech.

3.What is the text mainly about?

A.Sharing feelings with friends.

B.My experience of an AA meeting.

C.AA helping women lead a better life.

D.Tips on getting rid of alcohol addiction.



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