满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.Where are the speake...


1.Where are the speakers?

A.In Toronto. B.In Vancouver. C.In Manila.

2.How many inches is the snow now?

A.About seven. B.About two. C.About five.

3.What did the man do yesterday?

A.He watched the snow fall.

B.He made a snowman.

C.He cleared the road.

4.What does the woman dislike about the snow?

A.Missing school.

B.Losing electricity.

C.Driving in the snow.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 【解析】 【原文】 W: This weather must be quite a change from what you’re used to, Kyle. M: Oh, yes. I haven’t ever seen any snow back in Manila. This is awesome! W: You should see the snow in Toronto. It gets a lot deeper there than here in Vancouver. M: Really? My father has to clear the road in front of our house today. Then we will use all the snow to make a snowman. It is almost five inches deep! W: I heard on the weather forecast we will have another two inches by the end of the week. M: It is so beautiful. When it started snowing last night, I sat by my window for at least an hour watching it. It was so exciting! W: I agree. My parents say the roads can get really dangerous, though. M: Oh, I never thought of that. W: Personally, I hate it when we lose electricity. Sometimes it lasts for hours. M: Do you think they will cancel school tomorrow? W: We’ll have to wait and see.


1.What is the woman’s speech mainly about?

A.Storms. B.Rising sea levels. C.Dying ocean plants.

2.Which part of the speech is the woman worried about?

A.The introduction.

B.The general speech.

C.The question and answer period.

3.What advice does the man give the woman?

A.To research her topic.

B.To give the speech to others.

C.To look for speech tips on the Internet.




1.What is the man’s challenge in learning French?

A.Practicing speaking.

B.Finding time to study.

C.Learning the grammar.

2.What do the speakers plan to do together in the future?

A.Watch French movies.

B.Join a French class.

C.Go on a trip.




1.Where did the man get the information about the disaster?

A.From TV. B.From a friend. C.From her family.

2.What happened to the town this weekend?

A.A bridge broke.

B.A storm killed people.

C.A flood ruined many houses.



Where is the conversation taking place?

A.In an office. B.In a restaurant. C.In a cake shop.



What woke up the speakers?

A.A person. B.An animal. C.A clock.



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