满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 1.What kind of place is ...


1.What kind of place is the speaker mainly describing?

A.A famous restaurant chain.

B.A local cafe in South Africa.

C.An unknown restaurant.

2.What might you see when you go to the dining room?

A.Forest. B.Fish. C.Real wild animals.

3.How would the speaker like the visitors to feel?

A.Concerned about the environment.

B.Happy with the delicious food.

C.Willing to help the poor.

4.What are the main dishes served with?

A.Traditional drinks. B.Beautiful flowers. C.Cultural stories.


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】 【原文】 M: Hello, I’d like to introduce you to the Rainforest Cafe! Our world-famous restaurant chain is designed with the South American rainforests in mind. From the first step inside, our guests are greeted with sounds of rainforest animals like monkeys and parrots. As you go to the dining room, you’ll pass between large tanks filled with beautiful rainforest fish. Don’t be worried if you see a wild animal-they aren’t real! We just want our customers to see examples of animals that are dying out(灭绝,消失).Because that’s the real purpose of the Rainforest Cafe-we want to help people learn about the beauty of places that are quickly being destroyed. Rainforests are very dying out. Rainforests are very important to all living things on earth. But they are being cut down at an alarming rate. They are being burned and cut down to more space for farms and more houses. At the Rainforest Cafe, we want to help the public learn about the beauty and usefulness of rainforests. We also serve dishes inspired by traditional South American food. Our waiters serve each main dish with a story about the culture it comes from. We invite you to share an amazing experience with us. Get ready for your next adventure!


1.What is the man doing?

A.Asking for help. B.Making an appointment. C.Offering suggestions.

2.What will Jane and Helen do next weekend?

A.Enjoy themselves with Susan.

B.Go hiking in the mountains.

C.Do some holiday shopping.

3.When did the woman go climbing last time?

A.About two years ago. B.About a year ago. C.About a month ago.

4.What do we know about Susan?

A.She is familiar with Helen.

B.She has good organization skills.

C.She’s John’s girlfriend.




1.How does the woman go to work?

A.By car. B.By running. C.By bus.

2.What feeling does the woman get from running?

A.Free. B.Peaceful. C.Tired.

3.How will the man train for the big race?

A.Run to work. B.Run at a gym. C.Run around a park.




1.What does Tina use to cure a cold?

A.Medicine. B.Ginger. C.Cold water.

2.How old is Tian’s grandmother now?

A.93 years old. B.94 years old. C.95 years old.




1.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Teacher and student. B.Classmates. C.Strangers.

2.Where is the Language Arts building?

A.On the right of the bridge.

B.At the end of Campus Centre Walk.

C.Opposite the Physical Education building.



What does the man say about Sam?

A.He is now in America.

B.He will hold a goodbye party.

C.He has returned from abroad.



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