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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 There i...


There is some good news for the environment. The British government has banned the use of plastic particles (微粒)in cosmetics (化妆品)and other personal care products.

Plastic microbeads or tiny solid plastic particles 1. (use)mostly in cosmetics production, face washes, toothpastes and other products. When we use these things, the plastic microbeads get into our pipes that carry water, and 2. (eventual)end up in the ocean. Plastic in the ocean puts fish and plants 3. danger, and even causes them to die.

4. (official)say that the ban will prevent water pollution and in the meantime help with the 5.protect)of ocean life. "The ban will stop billions of pieces of plastic entering our ecosystem, thus 6. (help) to conserve our precious seas and oceans, "Former Prime Minister Theresa May ever wrote on Twitter.

Therese Coffey, then the Environment Minister of the UK, said, "The world's seas and oceans are some of our most 7.(value)natural things. And 8.we do now is to deal with the plastic that causes great damage to our sea life. "He also added, "Actually, 9. amount of natural green things that we can take advantage of 10.(make)personal care products is huge, and therefore the use of plastic microbeads should be abandoned. ”


1.are used 2.eventually 3.in 4.Officials 5.protection 6.helping 7.valuable 8.what 9.the 10.to make 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章针对英国政府颁布的禁止在化妆品等产品中使用塑料微粒这一禁令,解释了其可以给环境带来的益处。 1.考查动词的时态和语态。句意:塑料微珠或细小的固体塑料微粒在化妆品、洗面奶、牙膏和其他产品中被广泛使用。该段的主时态是一般现在时,Plastic microbeads or tiny solid plastic particles和use之间是被动关系,故用一般现在时的被动语态。故填are used。 2.考查副词。句意:并最终流入海洋。此处用所给词的副词修饰动词短语end up。故填eventually。 3.考查介词。句意:海洋里的塑料会危害鱼类和植物,甚至导致它们死亡。“put…in danger”意为“将……置于危险的境地”,为固定搭配。故填in。 4.考查主谓一致。句意:官方表明禁令将阻止水污染并同时帮助保护海洋生物。根据空后的谓语动词say可知,该空用所给名词的复数以符合主谓一致。故填Officials。 5.考查名词。句意:官方表明禁令将阻止水污染并同时帮助保护海洋生物。根据空前的the和空后的of可知,此处用所给词的名词。故填protection。 6.考查非谓语动词。句意:因此帮助保护我们珍贵的海洋。help与前面整个句子存在逻辑上的主谓关系,故用所给词的现在分词,作状语。故填helping。 7.考查形容词。句意:世界上的海洋是我们最有价值的自然资源。此处用所给词的形容词修饰natural things。故填valuable。 8.考查名词性从句。句意:而我们现在要做的就是处理掉那些对海洋生物造成严重损害的塑料。分析句子结构可知,该空引导的是一个主语从句,从句缺少宾语,故此处用连接代词what。故填what。 9.考查冠词。句意:事实上,自然中那些能加以利用来制造个人护理用品的绿色资源是很多的。此处“the amount of…”意为“……的数量”。故填the。 10.考查非谓语动词。句意:事实上,自然中那些能加以利用来制造个人护理用品的绿色资源是很多的。此处用动词不定式作目的状语。故填to make。

    Jack McCrossan and his three friends moved to the English city of Bristol. There, they were upset to discover that their landlord (房东) wouldn't  _______them to get a dog. The guys had all grown up with dogs and missed the_________of a four-legged friend. So when they_______a dog looking at them from their neighbor's window one evening, they had a(n)_______: write to their neighbor and offer their _______as doggy caretakers.

“If you ever need someone to walk him/her, we'll gladly do so, "they wrote." If you ever get _______(we know you never will, but we can dream) we're more than happy to_________ him/her. If you want to come over and bring him/her to _______ our day, you're more than welcome. If you_________to walk past our balcony windows so we can see him/her, please do. "

They__________the letter might come across as a bit strong, so they________explained that they missed having a dog around. "The adult life is a________ without one,” they wrote, signing off as "the boys from number 23”

They soon received a letter back stamped with a paw (爪子) on the back. "What a ________it was to receive your letter, "began the note written________ the dog, Stevie Ticks, by her owner, Sarah Tolman." I____________meeting new people and it'd be great if we can be friends. I must warn you that the price of my__________is giving ball throws whenever I ________ them. "

The letter continued, "We understand how ________ it is to find pet-friendly rentals (出租房)-and life just isn't ________without a dog in it. We'd love to hang whenever you fancy. ”

McCrossan posted the whole________ online and it soon blew up.

1.A.force B.order C.allow D.forbid

2.A.sacrifice B.communication C.performance D.company

3.A.spotted B.sensed C.kept D.imagined

4.A.belief B.idea C.goal D.attitude

5.A.services B.donations C.recipes D.lessons

6.A.frightened B.embarrassed C.disappointed D.bored

7.A.live on B.fight against C.look after D.seek for

8.A.cost B.brighten C.replace D.occupy

9.A.happen B.decline C.pretend D.desire

10.A.wished B.feared C.guaranteed D.concluded

11.A.rarely B.curiously C.gradually D.simply

12.A.struggle B.dream C.journey D.destination

13.A.truth B.joke C.treat D.choice

14.A.on behalf of B.in celebration of C.in search of D.on account of

15.A.risk B.admit C.love D.stand

16.A.invitation B.friendship C.assistance D.contribution

17.A.discover B.describe C.remember D.demand

18.A.hard B.terrifying C.secret D.normal

19.A.formal B.full C.changeable D.random

20.A.application B.conflict C.exchange D.debate



    With the news filled with frightening reports about a new coronavirus (冠状病毒),COVID-19, it's easy to feel anxious. However, you don't need to worry, especially when you're following professional guidelines for protecting yourself1.

Get your information from trustworthy sources (来源).2., and some of them may contain inaccurate or outdated information. To make sure that you're getting accurate and reasonable information, stick to sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.

3.. While it's good to stay informed, constantly reading or watching news updates can quickly make you bothered. Instead, set a specific time to check for updates so you're not thinking about the virus all day. Don't visit news sites or turn on the news outside of the time, and avoid social media if you're reading too many updates there.

Focus on the fact that most people recover. Reports about the new coronavirus likely sound very scary, so it's understandable that you'd be afraid. 4.Besides, most people who get very sick will get better after receiving treatment and recover at last.

Share helpful information with friends and family. You can help yourself and others feel calmer about the coronavirus outbreak by sharing any helpful information you find. 5., post a link on social media or email it to any friends or family members who are worried about the virus.

A.Limit how often you check for news updates.

B.Meanwhile, your anxiety about the outbreak disappears.

C.And there are things you can do to put your fears at ease.

D.Stop keeping yourself informed of the online news updates.

E.You're probably reading lots of reports about the coronavirus.

F.If you see a useful update on the new coronavirus from a reputable news source.

G.However, most cases are mild and most of the people can recover after some time.



    Paying$645 for a pair of pants(长裤)created by an unknown fashion brand might seem ludicrous, but what if the pants would last forever?Will that reason make you look smart?That's the promise of adventure clothing brand Vollebak, which announces its new pants will last a century.

Vollebak cofounder Steve Tidball says that the company stands behind the 100-year guarantee because the new pants are made of a tough material and you can walk through fire in them. Technically, the 100 Year Pants are made of a three-layer(层)material. The outer layer resists water and is designed to avoid abrasions(磨损),the middle layer is fireproof and expands as an airbag at high temperatures, acting as a barrier between your legs and the flames, while the third layer doesn't burn, offering extra protection.

"Most fire-resistant clothing is made from heavy and uncomfortable chemical materials, but this is the  world's first special material that can be comfortably worn every day, "Vollebak cofounder Nick Tidball said. "It was originally designed to help soldiers handle extreme situations, but without having to dress like firefighters. "

Still, 100 years sounds like a long time for a pair of pants, especially if you wear them frequently. So how do you know they'll last that long? Vollebak put them through the Martindale abrasion resistance test, where a mechanical thumb(机械拇指)rubs against the pants until the fibers start to break. A regular clothing material can survive 25, 000 revolutions, but the special material these pants are made of passed 100, 000 cycles of wear. Even then, it was checked to see if any of the fibers had broken. Vollebak says they hadn't.

The 100 Year Pants are made suitable for all kinds of activities, from mountain climbing to yoga, and are stylish enough. So if you're looking to buy the last pair of pants you'll ever need, these seem like a pretty good choice. $645 is a lot, but if you think about it, it's just$6. 45 per year.

1.What does the underlined word"ludicrous"in paragraph 1 most probably mean?





2.What makes Vollebak's pants different from most fire-resistant clothing?

A.That they are designed for firefighters.

B.That they are comfortable to wear daily.

C.That they are extremely tough and thick.

D.That they are effective in resisting water.

3.How does the text prove Vollebak's pants are abrasion-resistant?

A.By referring to the results of a certain test.

B.By mentioning wearers positive comments.

C.By reporting the whole process of production.

D.By asking technicians to wear them frequently.

4.What is the author's purpose in writing the text?

A.To recommend the special pants to consumers.

B.To research the unique designs of the new pants.

C.To speak highly of clothing designers' creativity.

D.To comment on a famous company's latest products.



    It has become a habit for many of us. When you're tired of online shopping, you head to the bathroom to do your best makeup for the perfect selfie(自拍)for Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or all of the above. When you're ready, you hold up your phone and, in an instant, snap(拍照)。

But have you ever wondered what's behind your burning desire to self-document?Most people would say that this is a way to express themselves and perhaps make them become more confident of themselves. But the moment you upload that picture, it's no longer yours to judge. Instead, you pass on that power to the online world.

While you may think that your growing collection of selfies attracts people, quite the opposite may be true. A recent study was conducted on a total of 238 people in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. 77%of the people surveyed admitted to regularly taking selfies. Interestingly, 82% of people said that they would rather see fewer selfies on social media. In other words, we like taking selfies but seriously dislike looking at other people's selfies online.

This research finds that there is a big difference between how we see our own selfies and how we judge other people's pictures. It suggests that we are comfortable with the selfies we post since we believe they are obviously not serious or vain, but we think everyone else is an egoist(自我主义者)for doing the very same thing. After all, we are able to separate our own selfies from the sea of them online and naturally think that ours are the only authentic ones.

So, the next time you reach for your phone and take a selfie picture, consider this: The people around you may not  need another carefully planned snap of your face. Instead, you might be better off, giving it a break and calling off the selfie photo today. While you're at it, make sure you never post these pictures on social media either.

1.What is most people's idea on taking their own selfies according to the text?

A.It's a good way to keep others informed of their life.

B.It costs less money than shopping online for makeup.

C.It's a way of self-expression and building confidence.

D.It can help them keep a record of their daily routines.

2.How do other people feel about our online selfies that we consider attractive?

A.They actually take great interest in them.

B.They envy our life after appreciating them.

C.They are likely unwilling to see them online.

D.They hardly make annoying reviews on them.

3.Why do we regard others as egoists for taking selfies?

A.They are not serious but vain in nature.

B.We don't think their selfies are authentic.

C.We are too proud to acknowledge others.

D.They hate getting their selfies polished.

4.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A.Approaches to resisting taking selfies.

B.Concerns over posting selfies online.

C.Doubts about contradictory thoughts.

D.Suggestions on dealing with selfies.



    A young lawyer named Gabriel Massote, from Uberlandia, a city in southeastern Brazil, was diagnosed with blood cancer at age 26. He had chemotherapy(化疗)for almost a year. However, his cancer returned in a worse form, so he had to receive a bone marrow transplant(骨髓移植)。

Brazilian news medium Sempre Familia shared his story. It said how over 1, 000 miles away, in a small town in the state of Rondonia, an unemployed hairdresser named Elza dos Santos came across a series of posters near a supermarket in the city of Ariquemes and went to see what they were about. After learning about the whole thing, Elza signed up as a donor.

Just when the possibility of Gabriel's finding a match in the Bone Marrow Donor Registry in Brazil was about1 in 100, 000, he was blessed. In Rondonia, Elza was informed her marrow was a match for that of a person in need of a transplant and she didn't say no.

She traveled to Rio Grande o Norte, on the opposite side of Brazil, for the transplant. The first attempt didn't work. Elza was called again and she immediately made a second trip in order to repeat the process. Gabriel, now 35, concludes, "She saved me twice, and today my blood cells are Elza's. "

Deeply grateful, Gabriel wanted to find the donor. "When I met Elza and found out that she and her husband were unemployed and living in borrowed space, I was sure I should help them. "The lawyer started a campaign online and soon 465 people donated about$28, 500. Thanks to this generosity, Elza and her family bought a house.

I was just a drop of water in the life of this young man, but today he's the whole ocean in my life, "Elza told Sempre Familia.

1.What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?

A.Blood cancer is very common in Brazil.

B.Elza learnt Gabriel's story accidentally.

C.It's impossible to find a donor who matches.

D.Elza hoped to get a great job in Uberlandia.

2.Why did Gabriel want to discover the identity of Elza?

A.To start an online campaign.

B.To do something in return.

C.To ask her to do another favor.

D.To buy a house for her family.

3.Which of the following words can best describe Elza?

A.Helpful and outgoing.

B.Kind and hardworking.

C.Determined and confident.

D.Warmhearted and grateful.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.One Good Turn Deserves Another

B.Where There Is Hope, There Is Love

C.It's Never too Late to Spread Kindness

D.God Helps Those Who Help Themselves



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