满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



On a Saturday afternoon in Wichita Falls, Texas, three kids talked and laughed happily as they took turns riding a scooter (滑板车) on their quiet street. 11-year-old TJ Smith had just jumped off the scooter as his neighbors Kim, age 7, claimed her turn, and Julie, 9, looked on. Ten minutes later, Kim sat down on the scooter to catch her breath, That was when a bearded man with a head of messy hair appeared. The kids didn't see where he came from, but they saw exactly what happened next: Without saying a word, the man picked Kim up off the scooter and calmly stepped away.

The guy held Kim gently like a baby and just walked down the street In fact, the calm way the man behaved led TJ to believe that he must be a relative of Kim's. But something wasn't right.“I could see Kim's face," TJ said.“She was scared.

As the man walked on, Kim's fear transformed into weeps, and then she cried for help. She began kicking and moving, trying to get free of the man's control.“What are you doing?" Julie shouted. But the man, undisturbed, just walked the length of the block until he reached an alley(小巷) and disappeared.

TJ was frightened, yet he never thought about the danger to himself. The only thing he wanted to do was to get Kim back. But what was a 4-foot-tall kid going to do to stop a grown man?“I wanted to help_but I couldn't do it myself," he thought to himself. “Tell Kim's parents, Julie!” He shouted as he started running towards the alley.

Kim's parents were relaxing on the sofa in their living room when their front door burst open.

Paragraph 1:“A bad guy just picked Kim up and took her away!”yelled Julie.


Paragraph 2:At that very moment. Kim's parents arrived.



“A bad guy just picked Kim up and took her away!”yelled Julie.So shocked were Kim's parents that they jumped up from the sofa and rushed over to Julie.Learning what had happened, they phoned the police without delay. The next moment, they jumped into their car and drove off directed by Julie.By then TJ had reached the alley, but the man was nowhere to be seen.“I must find Kim, ”TJ said to himself.Her an along the alley to the end,where he spotted the man walking towards a white house.“Stop!Stop!”With these words, he charged at the guy fearlessly and held fast to Kim.However hard the guy tried to get rid of TJ, TJ wouldn't give in. At that very moment Kim's parents arrived.“Help!Help!”TJ shouted.Immediately Kim's father took off toward the guy. Seeing this, the guy hurriedly let go of Kim and broke into a run. Kim's father dashed up, caught hold of him and pressed him to the ground.Kim ran crying into her mother's arms. Minutes later, the police arrived and arrested the guy.TJ breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily.TJ's quick thinking and bravery saved a little girl in the neighborhood from unimaginable consequences. 【解析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读所给文章可知,11岁的TJ,7岁的Kim和9岁的Julie在安静的街道玩滑板车。一个满头蓬乱长胡子的男人突然出现将Kim抱走。TJ和Julie开始想办法营救Kim。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:Julie大喊道:“坏人把Kim带走了。”所以后面应该写Kim的父母听到这一消息之后的反应以及他们所采取的行动。给出的内容提示当Kim被带走后,TJ唯一的想法就是怎么去营救她。所以本段也应该提及,在Julie去告诉Kim父母期间,TJ是如何行动的。有什么进展。第二段写道在那个时候,Kim的父母赶到了。所以第一段最后应该是提及TJ的营救到了关键时刻。 第二段开头写道正在这时,Kim的父母赶到了。所以接下来应该写他们是如何与坏人斗争,将Kim从坏人手中夺回来。最后要写坏人被警察逮捕,绳之以法。TJ和Julie的勇敢行为得到了大家的赞赏。 最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右,按要求完成写作任务。

假定你是李华,计划寒假期间到学校实践基地参加为期一周的劳动实践活动。请给你的留学生朋友Frank写封邮件,邀请他起参加。 内容包括:







Dear Frank,


Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua




People of all ages are concerned about the spread of the coronavirus, and teenagers, as a group, tend to experience intense fearfulness. Accordingly, their growing anxiety should be taken into1. (consider) seriously. Adults can help by making sure teens don't overestimate the dangers2.underestimate their ability to protect themselves.

Anxiety can be 3.(health). But not all teens know that it typically acts 4. a useful and protective emotion. Adults can encourage teenagers to channel their discomfort into useful action, such as learning about and following the 5.(recommend) health guidelines.

We can also remind teenagers that we should wash our hands and follow other heath recommendations not only6.(protect) ourselves, but also to help to ease the stress. Adults can note that7.(make) personal sacrifices(牺牲)- such as postponing a vacation or staying home if we're not feeling well helps to reduce the chance of carrying illness into our own communities.

Teenagers who are feeling8.(high) anxious about Covid-19 should 9.(encourage) to take a break from seeking, or even accidentally encountering, information about the virus. 10. we can do is to encourage finding distractions, such as doing their homework or watching a favorite show, to protect them from noticing the increasing virus figures.



    As a child, I lived on a college campus with my parents. Their students often visited and did jigsaw puzzles (拼图) with me, for which I quickly discovered my_______.I would sit alone for hours_________building a puzzle. My college “friends” would be_________next time they came.

Soon I_______ up from 500-piece puzzles to my highest _______:a 3,000-piece one. I was so_______at the thought of tearing it apart that I moved the finished puzzle_______ onto a large board and kept it as it was until we moved away and I _______ playing with puzzles.

Recently I can't help but_______my old days, when I could spend hours looking at small, oddly shaped cardboard pieces and ________them into appropriately spaced positions, enjoying myself.

I now live in a world of divided________, constantly jumping from one form of entertainment to another.________I dislike it when I open my phone to send a quick text, but only to find myself, an hour later, clicking on countless YouTube videos that leave no impression on me. I miss being someone who didn't________ to be bombed with so many flashy external stimuli to be ________ .

I think a puzzle or two would force me to be another version of myself, a less impatient one. When I get home this summer, I'll________ the box of old toys somewhere in our basement. Maybe I'll find what I'm looking for.

1.A.concern B.destination C.balance D.love

2.A.dreaming of B.concentrating on C.complaining about D.hesitating about

3.A.embarrassed B.impressed C.confused D.relieved

4.A.leveled B.mixed C.showed D.sped

5.A.challenge B.design C.achievement D.champion

6.A.guilty B.light-hearted C.silly D.heartbroken

7.A.at random B.with care C.on occasion D.step by step

8.A.quit B.continued C.escaped D.forbade

9.A.analyse B.regret C.recall D.doubt

10.A.placing B.rolling C.pushing D.dragging

11.A.attention B.communication C.information D.opinions

12.A.Thankfully B.Honestly C.Additionally D.Interestingly

13.A.fail B.afford C.need D.offer

14.A.admired B.connected C.disturbed D.entertained

15.A.take over B.breaks up C.search through D.put away



    Ever since the University of Bologna in Haly was founded in 1088 as the first modern university, most people have associated great universities,with major cities.1.

Colleges and universities in the U.S.,though, have followed a different pattern. To be sure, leading universities such as the University of Chicago and Columbia University in New York City call major urban centers home.2.In some cases, the university is, for all practical

purposes, the whole town.

3. Many early colleges and universities were founded by religious (宗教的) groups that sought to educate students far from the distractions of city life. When Harvard University was founded in 1636 by Congregationalist Church ministers, Cambridge, where the university is now located, was quite separate from Boston. Moreover, when the U.S. began building a network of public universities in the 1860s to bring agricultural and technical research and know-how to the westward- spreading frontier, most were located in small towns. 4.

Given the huge diversity of U.S. higher education, the message for international students shopping for a great university is doubled.5.Don't be put off if you have never heard of the city or town where a school is located. Top-rated colleges and universities located in lesser

known places may amaze you in an unimaginable manner with their high quality and a significant number of their international students.

A.Bloomington is also a great college town.

B.Think the Sorbonne in Paris or Peking University.

C.Set your sights beyond the most well-known schools.

D.One reason: there were no major cities there at the time.

E.There was no better recipe for popularity than small campuses.

F.Part of the explanation for this lies in America's distinctive history.

G.But many are located in cities and towns most people have never heard of.



    Over the last 25 years, psychologists have found that personalities center on five basic traits(特性)the Big Five: agreeableness, conscientiousness (责任心), neuroticism, extroversion and openness. Contrary to common belief, people just aren’t organized into certain personality types. Every trait is a continuous dimension and everyone can be described as having varying levels of each trait. A new research has also found animals from ants to apes all have the Big Five and that the universality of personality points to an evolutionary (进化) origin.

Animals and humans have common problems of survival, which are spelled out beautifully in the Big Five, and that’s why there’s so much continuity in human personality and animal personality. For example, conscientiousness involves behaviors like planning and consideration, which are important among animals for taking care of their young, selecting mates and living in groups. Being neat and orderly — aspects of conscientiousness-also has evolutionary superiority. Bees that like to keep clean and remove more dead group members reduce risk of disease, gain more weight and reproduce more Spiders that make tidy webs catch more insects. Birds that build neater and solider nests attract more mates.

These behaviors may seem primitive, but they’re nevertheless indications of personality. Personality is the expression of all of the behaviors that humans and animals exhibit that allow them to function adaptively in the world.

Evolution can also explain why personalities vary so much. Depending on the situation, each of the Big Five can be advantageous. For example, agreeableness is great for relationships. But if a lion were charging at you, you’d be better off with a less agreeable and more aggressive personality. Because the world is so unpredictable, every aspect of each personality trait could be useful at different times, so instead of evolving a single type of personality that’s best for every situation, we’re left with a wide variety.

1.What do people generally think about personality types?

A.Different personality types have respective strengths.

B.Everyone falls into a particular personality type.

C.People with common personality types gather,

D.Everyone has mixed personality types.

2.What’s the purpose of mentioning some animals in Paragraph 2?

A.To illustrate the advantages of being conscientious.

B.To analyze survival chances of cooperative animals.

C.To explain why they are tidy and orderly.

D.To throw new light on their behavior.

3.Why do we display a certain personality in a specific situation?

A.To be free of trouble.

B.To be adaptive to circumstances.

C.To compete for equal rights.

D.To gain advantages over others.

4.What does the text mainly focus on?

A.Personality and behavior.

B.Categories of Big Five.

C.Contradictory facts on personality.

D.Diversity and variability of personality.



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