满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Directions: After reading the passage be...

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

The Shop Where It’s OK to Be Different

When Angela Makey knew her autistic (患自闭症的) son Adam wanted to open a comic shop, she laughed out loud. She knew he’d been keen on comics since childhood. But how would he  deal with  customers  and suppliers  and  all the  other jobs 1. are necessary for running a business?

At that time, Adam was looking for a job. He had a degree in philosophy and had learned to live independently, but there didn’t seem to be any suitable jobs for him. The family 2. (hope) he and his younger brother Guy, also with autism, could find work that matched their strengths: reliability, punctuality and attention to detail. But there were no available opportunities.

So the “laughable” comic shop idea began to grow on Angela. Eventually, she  used  her savings  to  buy  a shop  in  Cambridgeshire,  and  seven years  ago Niche Comics 3. (bear).

Like many autistic people, Adam loves comics for their world of rich detail and visual expression. He developed an interest in Marvel comic heroes on TV 4. he was seven years old. “They are a reminder 5. it’s OK not to be like everyone else,” Adam said. He’s now 30, and comics and their heroes are still part of his life.

In the comic shop, the brothers share their encyclopedic (渊博的) knowledge of comics with customers.  The brothers act  as guides  in this universe, 6. (introduce) customers to new comics.

The shop attracts  many  autistic customers. And being autistic 7. turns out to be a big help for the brothers to deal with customers. They are good at 8. (spot) the customers’ needs and feelings. “Maybe it’s the tone of the voice, the motion of a hand — small details that most people won’t pick up on — that I might have insight (深刻理解) into,” says Guy. Of course, the majority of customers who come to the shop are not autistic. Now the brothers get a steady stream of customers who are, both male and female, 9. young children to retired people. Once the shop had established itself, the brothers also began reaching out to people with autism beyond the shop.

Seven years on, Angela is glad she took the risk of  helping her  sons 10. (create) their dream shop. “This shop has a soul,” the mother says proudly.


1.that 2.had hoped 3.was born 4.when 5.that 6.introducing 7.themselves 8.spotting 9.from 10.(to) create 【解析】 本文是记叙文。讲述了安吉拉帮助患自闭症的儿子开商店,鼓励展现自身的不同,商店顾客们获得好评的故事。 1.考查定语从句。先行词是jobs,且被all修饰,在定语从句中做主语,指物用that,故填that。 2.考查动词时态。家里希望他和弟弟能够找到匹配他实力的工作,希望发生在could之前,用过去完成时,故填had hoped。 3.考查时态以及短语。句意:七年前,Niche Comics出生了,用be born 表示出生,seven years ago用一般过去时,故填was born。 4.考查状语从句。当他七岁的时候,是时间状语从句,表示当......时候,从句的动词为非延续性动词,用when引导,故填when。 5.考查名词性从句。它们提醒我们,不要像其他人一样,解释名词reminder内容,只起连接作用,用that。故填that。 6.考查非谓语动词。兄弟们充当导游,同时介绍新漫画,分析句型得知,act 是谓语动词,介绍和充当之间没有连词,前后主语一致,表示主动用现在分词。故填introducing。 7.考查反身代词。本身是自闭症结果帮助这对兄弟来和很多自闭症顾客打交道,反身代词他们自己,故填themselves。 8.考查非谓语动词。介词后用动名词,be good at doing,故填spotting。 9.考查介词。顾客群很稳定,有男有女,从小孩到退休老人。介词from…to 表示从…...到......,故填from。 10.考查动词不定式和固定短语。安吉拉很高兴帮助儿子创造了他们梦想的商店。帮助某人做某事 help somebody (to) do something,故填 (to) create。

假定你是李华,市电视台将举办《中国诗词比赛)(Chinese poetry Contest)国际友人专场, 你想邀请对中国文化感兴趣的外教老师Adam -同观赛。请给他写-封信,内容包括:

1. 时间:下周五晚六点半;

2. 地点:市民中心;

3. 诗词比赛的意义。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Adam,



Li Hua









My dog Dino is really an superhero, who helps keep us safely, especially on the roads. Take a look at he did last week. Last Wednesday, Dino saved our neighbor’s boy who run in front of a car to get his ball. People can get very much angry when driving, usually on silly reasons. Last Tuesday, a driver behind us started shouting at my mum when she stopped her car to let several child cross the road. Dino soon made him shut up. Last Friday, Dino saw two girls running a red light but he soon made them changing their minds. Last Sunday Dino caught my dad talking on their mobile phone while my dad was driving. Dino immediately stopped him. What a smarter dog!




1.God created the first two people, Adam and his wife Eve, they lived in a beautiful garden-like paradise called Eden. They experienced close and loving fellowship with God all of the time. There were many wonderful things 2.(eat) in Eden, and God said that Adam and Eve were free to eat any of those things  3.the fruit of a special tree called “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”. Satan,  4.angel  5.had rebelled (反叛) against God, hated God so much that he wanted to destroy the relationship between them. Finally, he had both of them look at the fruit of the tree and said, “Doesn’t that look delicious?”   6. (sad), both Adam and Eve took Satan’s advice and ate the   7.  (forbid)fruit. At that instant, their special relationship with God was broken, and they became spiritually separated from him. They were so aware of their new condition that they even tried to hide from God. This  8.(separate) was more than just a bad feeling. Not only did Adam and Eve’s first sin(罪)corrupt their own hearts, but also it corrupted all who came after them. The second sin followed quickly after the first, and many more followed after that. The tendency to rebel against God’s perfect standards of right 9.wrong became a part of mankind’s nature and   10. (pass) on from generation to generation ever since.



    From a young age, I was taught to be kind to people around. My parents _______ explained to me the importance of giving generously to the less _______. So out of habit, whenever there is something I can _______, I give it to someone on the streets.

Last week, as I left the house for work, I carried with me some _______ clothes, a handbag and some food to hand over to someone _______.

As the car stopped at a traffic red light, I saw a girl of five or six asking for _______. I _______ her to come to me and quickly _______ all the stuff I had into the handbag. As I started handing it over, she seemed _______. She looked up at me with a sweet smile on her face and asked what was in the ________. I told her there were some clothes and food for her.

Once again she ________ me, “Can you give me some water?” It was then that I ________ her dry lips. It seemed that she had not had a ________ of water all day. I took out the water bottle that I always carry with me and ________ her to drink from it. She finished it quickly and gave me a heartwarming smile of ________.

I was thankful that I could ________ what she really wished and realized once again that day that you don’t necessarily have to make big ________ to help someone. And this incident, as well as a lot that followed, ________ my belief in the simple acts of kindness and how they can make someone’s day.

The next time you want to do something ________ for someone, don’t hold back, seizing the right ________, or it would be late. Go ahead and do it!

1.A.cheerfully B.particularly C.confidently D.repeatedly

2.A.fortunate B.rich C.comfortable D.difficult

3.A.find B.spare C.exchange D.abandon

4.A.casual B.worn C.old D.clean

5.A.clumsy B.lucky C.lonely D.needy

6.A.candy B.trouble C.clothes D.money

7.A.wanted B.ordered C.signaled D.touched

8.A.threw B.collected C.dragged D.dropped

9.A.surprised B.satisfied C.panicked D.amused

10.A.pocket B.car C.bag D.hand

11.A.waved at B.nodded at C.shook hands with D.looked up at

12.A.realized B.noticed C.discovered D.saw

13.A.drop B.bottle C.lot D.cup

14.A.required B.advised C.helped D.directed

15.A.satisfaction B.communication C.expectation D.appreciation

16.A.offer B.afford C.understand D.remember

17.A.differences B.donations C.senses D.kindness

18.A.changed B.shook C.strengthened D.destroyed

19.A.nice B.brave C.big D.great

20.A.idea B.power C.position D.opportunity



    Many people think that personal development is something they can't do. 1. You might find a few new suggestions in this article.

A great way to help one's mood is to live in the here and now. The idea is similar to the idea in Eckhart Tolled The Power of Now. If you live in the present moment, you cannot ever possibly be in pain, because to know pain there has to be a past.

2. During hard times we tend to always think about what is troubling us and lose sight of the bigger picture. A faith helps one focus on that bigger picture while changing the focus from hardship to a higher power.

To help yourself, focus on helping others. 3. Do you view them as unique individuals who are worthy of respect, or do you just see them as obstacles(绊脚石)who are always getting in your way? The more you care about others, the more you will care for yourself.

When you are trying to improve yourself, it is important to remember to focus on one thing at a time. 4. This leads to frustration and eventually you may give up.

One of the most important things about self-improvement is to set achievable goals for yourself. Setting goals that are unreachable will only make you feel discouraged!

The information you just looked at should help you to feel more confident of your efforts to grow as an individual. 5.

A.God helps those who help themselves.

B.Pay attention to your attitudes towards others.

C.If you try to improve several different aspects, you may lose control of all of them.

D.But the truth is that everyone can help themselves personally develop.

E.Sometimes finding a faith to devote oneself to is a great self-help idea.

F.Keep a positive mindset(心态), and apply your chosen tips consistently.

G.Being kind is always helpful to yourself.



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