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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式, For...


For those lacking sleep at night, a nap (小睡) can often be the perfect solution. Naps improve your performance, which is why you feel1.(refresh) after taking one. The length of your nap 2.(determine) the benefits. A 20-minute nap is the most 3.(suit) to improve moving skills and attention, while an hour to 90 minutes of napping helps solve creative problems. Just set an alarm4.(get) the right amount of sleep.

Regular, short naps can help relieve tension, which decreases your risk of heart disease. Get the most health benefits 5.your nap by doing it right. Stick to a regular napping schedule during right6.(hour), between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. The time is right for a nap as it is usually after lunch, 7.your blood sugar and energy starts to dip. So, keep shut-eye short and nap in a dark room as soon as possible during this period.

As anyone suffering from 8.sleepless night knows, it’s hard to be happy the next day. Napping can help erase the bad mood for lack of sleeping. A short nap is a 9.(wise) choice than drinking black coffee, since10. (take) caffeine in the afternoon or evening can badly affect your nighttime sleep.


1.refreshed 2.determines 3.suitable 4.to get 5.from 6.hours 7.when 8.a 9.wiser 10.taking 【解析】 本文是说明文。文章讲述了小睡带给人带来的好处:它可以改善人们的表现,缓解紧张感,降低患心脏病的风险,可以帮助消除由于缺乏睡眠而带来的不良情绪。 1.考查形容词。句意:小睡可以改善你的表现,这就是小睡一会儿后你会感到精神焕发的原因。feel是连系动词,形容词在其后作表语。故填refreshed。 2.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:小睡的时间决定了好处。由上下文可知,该句子使用一般现在时,句子的主语是length,谓语动词应使用单数形式。故填determines。 3.考查形容词。句意:小睡20分钟是最适合提高移动技巧和改善注意力的方法,而小睡一小时至90分钟可帮助解决创造性问题。此处为形容词的最高级作表语。故填suitable。 4.考查动词不定式。句意:只需设置闹钟即可获得适当的睡眠时间。设置闹钟的目的是为了获得适当的睡眠时间,因此使用不定式作目的状语。故填to get。 5.考查介词。句意:正确地进行午睡,可从中获得最大的健康益处。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填入介词。结合语境所需,此处是短语benefit from,意为“从……受益”。故填from。 6.考查名词的数。句意:在合适的时间(下午1:00到下午3:00)之内坚持常规的小睡。hour为可数名词,此处为泛指意义,应使用复数形式。故填hours。 7.考查定语从句的引导词。句意:午睡的时间恰到好处,因为这个时间通常是在午餐后,此时血糖和精力开始下降。分析句子结构可知,逗号后是非限制性定语从句,从句中缺状语,应使用when指前面的“after lunch”并引导定语从句。故填when。 8.考查冠词。句意:就像任何一个经历过不眠之夜的人所知道的那样,第二天很难感到愉快。“一个不眠之夜”为泛指意义,sleepless是以辅音音素开头的单词,应使用不定冠词a。故填a。 9.考查形容词的比较级。句意:午睡是比喝黑咖啡更明智的选择,因为在下午或晚上喝咖啡因会严重影响你的夜间睡眠。由than可知,该句子中a short nap和drinking black coffee发生了比较,因此wise应该使用比较级的形式。故填wiser。 10.考查动名词作主语。句意:午睡是比喝黑咖啡更明智的选择,因为在下午或晚上喝咖啡因会严重影响你的夜间睡眠。分析句子结构可知,空处所填入的词作主语,所给的是动词take,动词的不定式和动名词均可以作主语,不定式作主语常表示具体的某一动作;动名词作主语表示泛指或一般的抽象概念。根据本句话提供的语境,应使用动名词作主语。故填taking。

    I was going to see my grandma Ruthy.

Approaching her apartment, I was suddenly seized with the_______ that I was going to die one day. I walked in to see my grandmother sitting on the sofa,_______ and pale. Once she would have ______ me in her huge bear hug, but now it seemed like the sofa was going to have her ______ alive.

I knew I was supposed to hug her but I wanted to ______. I didn’t want to even make eye contact with this woman that I had loved so_______ , because if I did, maybe death would ________ from over her shoulder and touch me too.

My grandmother, dying of cancer, ________ pulled herself to the edge of the sofa and ______ herself up and said, “So where are we going for dinner?” I turned to my mom _______ I didn’t know what food went with dying.

The next minute, we ended up ________ her off the sofa, down the steps, into the car, and driving to the closest ________. She hadn’t managed solid food in weeks, and could ______ do a sip of water due to the pain. But she ordered a large cup of beer. We ate and she drank. ________ , there was no death. There was no cancer. There was a moment like that in every________ .

Then we said _______. I was waiting for the icy cold hand of ______ on my heart. But I didn’t feel it, because she had _______a shield(防护物)around me-the meal.

The last ______ my grandma Ruthy taught me is that one day, I’m supposed to look over my shoulder and say, “Hello, Death. Before we go, I’m going to have one more ______ .”

1.A.depression B.terror C.surprise D.anger

2.A.clumsy B.hungry C.tired D.weak

3.A.wrapped B.packed C.contacted D.comforted

4.A.locked B.split C.bitten D.swallowed

5.A.check B.scream C.run D.stand

6.A.slightly B.deliberately C.secretly D.dearly

7.A.reach out B.run away C.look away D.set out

8.A.smoothly B.unwillingly C.slowly D.casually

9.A.dressed B.straightened C.gave D.fastened

10.A.when B.although C.because D.unless

11.A.dragging B.rushing C.carrying D.inviting

12.A.restaurant B.park C.supermarket D.clinic

13.A.carefully B.barely C.freely D.easily

14.A.From time to time B.From then on C.For a long while D.For a moment

15.A.meal B.conversation C.party D.celebration

16.A.sorry B.goodbye C.hello D.thanks

17.A.fate B.God C.death D.life

18.A.built B.removed C.bought D.refused

19.A.skill B.concept C.story D.lesson

20.A.hug B.beer C.talk D.trip



    Many healthcare workers know that washing hands is important to prevent the spread of infectious disease. 1. During a study conducted by Nicas and Best at Berkley University, they counted the number of times people touched their face with their hands. 2.Whether we are aware of our actions or not, most of us can agree that we touch our face with our hands frequently enough.

Imagine that you are able to record a full day of your actions. Better yet, reflect on what you did when you woke up yesterday morning. Let me give you an idea of my previous morning. I was woken by the alarm clock at 6 am. 3.Then I checked my phone for messages, turned on the TV for my morning news, started making my coffee and finally hit the shower. It wasn’t even 5 minutes from the time I awoke and I already touched different objects. The point of this is to be aware that even in our homes we are exposed to germs in places we don’t realize.

Luckily, the human body has amazing defense against harmful germs. 4.Our white blood cells are like soldiers coming to the rescue. Unfortunately, there are a lot of areas on our face that do not have the protection of skin such as the eyes and mouth. There’s a reason to every wise proverb and our parents annoying us to wash our hands before dinner is not for nothing.

5.If you have children, it is even more important to set the example because children are known to learn from adults. Let’s start a good habit of washing hands. As for your friends, don’t be shy about checking to make sure their hands are clean. Asking someone if they have washed their hands is caring. Checking to see if someone has washed their hands will benefit not only that person, but you and your family.

A.Our skin is the first line of defense.

B.Several minutes later, I turned off the alarm clock.

C.It is easy for us to admit that we wash our hands regularly.

D.They are more self-aware that hand washing should be practiced as needed.

E.Most importantly, it is our duty to set the right example for friends and family.

F.They found that the subjects touched their face 15.7 times per hour on average.

G.Do the rest of your family members, especially children, wash their hands regularly?



    People may set an alarm on the phone or clock that sounds like this: beep beep beep. That hard, unpleasant sound may be making it harder to shake off the sleepy feeling in the morning known as grogginess. So, is there a better way to wake up? A recent study says yes. The answer is music.

The study, carried out by researchers in Australia, involved 50 people. The researchers found that people who wake up to musical alarms reported feeling more awake and alert. Stuart McFarlane, a lead writer of the study stated, "We are very surprised by these findings as one might expect a harsh beeping sound to be more successful," at waking up a person.

Sleep inertia is another term for grogginess. It means a person has a heavy feeling when waking up, and has trouble getting moving again after sleeping. McFarlane said people need to better understand sleep inertia's harmful effects on human performance later in the day.

Not everyone will experience the full effect. But for those who do, "care should be taken" when performing duties that require a top performance within this period, he said. This includes "dangerous tasks like driving or riding our bikes" shortly after waking up. The same is true for people who work in dangerous situations shortly after they wake, including firefighters and pilots.

So, what makes musical alarms better for waking up? The researchers think the music may be more successful in reducing sleep inertia because it has several tones, compared to the single tone of a "beeping" alarm. McFarlane said that the changes over time between the music tones may help increase a person's attention when waking from sleep.

And is there a kind of music that is best to wake up to? There may be, McFarlane said. "We could suggest alarm sounds that are tune full and easy to hum or sing along with. The current sounds I have been using include 'Close to me' by the Cure and 'Borderline' by Madonna."

No matter how you wake up, experts say, the amount of sleep you get also matters a lot.

1.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?

A.What is grogginess? B.Why are musical alarms better?

C.Which music is the best? D.How can we overcome grogginess?

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Sleep inertia is another cause for grogginess.

B.How long a person sleeps is of great importance.

C.The 'beeping' alarm is not effective mainly because of its noisy tone.

D.It is dangerous for everyone to drive or ride bicycles shortly after waking up.

3.The paragraph following this passage is likely to focus on        .

A.examples of good musical alarms

B.more findings of the application of music

C.explanations about why music is more helpful

D.suggestions on how to sleep well and feel fresh each morning

4.In which section of a magazine may you find the passage?

A.Health. B.Fiction.

C.Technology. D.Entertainment



    Everywhere inside Valerie Tolman's home in Missouri City are signs that she has a big heart. There are family photos, including those of two biological and two adopted children who are all now grown; her two rescue dogs, Ivy and Ellie, are close by and, in an upstairs bedroom, are four kittens she's looking after. Her love of animals and passion for helping strays (走失的宠物) find homes earned her the Missouri City Volunteer of the Year award in 2017.

Tolman, a former newspaper reporter and software-industry analyst, started the volunteer program at the Missouri City Animal Shelter in 2014 after she retired. She later formed the Friends of the Missouri City Animal Shelter, a nonprofit to expand the group's efforts to keep animals healthy, alive and adoptable. ''I like living things, and it breaks my heart to think something is suffering - animals or humans, '' Tolman said.

She even challenged city officials about the lack of funding (资金提供) for the shelter, and encouraged the public to complain (投诉) in letters and emails to the City Council. Eventually, the council budgeted $250,000 for the shelter. ''I fought city hall and won, '' she said. ''The animals are in such better shape. I'm proud of that. ''

But she's most proud of her efforts to send high school students from low-income families to college. She and her husband Davis Tolman, a retired petroleum geologist, started a scholarship for first-generation college students in 2001. Tolman said 5l students have received full tuition (学费), including books, through the program. Although the graduation rate for the scholarship receivers is 54 percent, Tolman said all of the students tended to become successful in life simply because they attended college. Most of the students are the first in their families to go to college.

''It has a ripple effect, and even though some may not finish, there is a feeling that anything is possible, '' she said. ''We now have nurses, teachers and engineers because of this program. ''

1.What makes Tolman do volunteer work?

A.Her satisfaction of material rewards.

B.Her sense of duty.

C.Her love for creatures.

D.Her inspiration from other people.

2.What can we infer about the City Council in Paragraph 3?

A.It asked the public to build shelters for strays.

B.It annoyed the public by its inaction.

C.It didn't have enough money to build shelters.

D.It had paid little attention to strays before.

3.What can we learn about the scholarship receivers?

A.They all graduated from college with a degree.

B.They tended to manage their life more easily.

C.They helped spread the idea of the program.

D.They supported their families when in college.



    The cheerful smiles and legendary strength of the Sherpas(夏尔巴人) have been an essential part of Mount Everest climbing expeditions(探险) from the very beginning. Indeed, very few significant successes have been achieved without them.

When Western mountaineers first set their sights on the world’s highest peak, they found in the Sherpas a people ideally suited to the hardship of high-altitude climbing, unfailingly positive, stout at altitude, and seemingly resistant to cold.

Sherpas did not venture into the high peaks until European mountaineers began arriving to climb in the world’s greatest mountain range. Mount Everest, known as Chomolungma or “Goddess Mother of the Land” to the Sherpas, was long considered as a living place of the gods where humans were not allowed to go.

Although Everest now sees many a human footprint, the Sherpas still regard the mountain as a holy place. All modern expeditions begin with a Puja ceremony in which Sherpas and other team members leave offerings and pay respect to the gods of the mountain, hoping to remain in their good graces throughout the climb.

Sherpas were first employed as porters, tasked with carrying large amounts of equipment to supply the military-style expeditions of the day. The early climbers were amazed at the strength of these people, from the fittest of mature men to the young and elderly. In addition to their heavy loads, some of the women even carried along their babies. The whole troop of Sherpas slept outside, using only rocks for shelter, as temperatures dropped well below freezing.

Stronger Sherpas soon graduated from porter status and began to undertake challenging climbing. Those who distinguished themselves were awarded the Tiger Medal, and many desired this honor and the higher pay rate it afforded. Despite the potential dangers, the Sherpa people remained enthusiastic about taking part in Everest expeditions, which even then were becoming an important source of income for a poor mountain folk.

1.Sherpas didn’t go into the high peaks before Europeans’ arrival mainly because ________.

A.they enjoyed staying at low altitudes B.they were short of proper equipment

C.they were unaware of their potentials D.they considered the mountain as holy

2.By mentioning the “rocks” in Paragraph 5, the writer emphasizes _______.

A.the intelligence of the Sherpas B.the challenges for the climbers

C.the physical ability of the Sherpas D.the wild landscape of Mount Everest

3.Which of the following can best describe the Sherpas according to the text?

A.Talented for high-altitude climbing. B.Adventurous and crazy about wealth.

C.Generous and willing to help climbers. D.Professional in treating altitude sickness.



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