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Remarkable Ways to Push Yourself Harder ...

Remarkable Ways to Push Yourself Harder

Deep inside us, we know that hard work is the key to success. 1. Here are the rules that you can also apply to make yourself work really hard.

Practice working hard.

2. Therefore, if you want to be a hard worker, you must practice working hard. Practice waking up early, practice doing a lot of work, and practice working more hours. One day you will wake up and realize that you are a hard worker.


Many hard workers always have a large purpose that forces them to work. Don’t just think of buying a car or a big house because this is not a purpose strong enough to push you forward. An example of a big purpose is deciding that you are working hard so that you bring change in the lives of your friends, family, and neighborhood. A strong purpose always involves bringing a large positive change in any particular setting.

Surround yourself with hard workers.

4. But if you surround yourself with hardworking people, you will find yourself working hard towards your goal. Avoid friends who just want to have fun all the time. This type of friends will always discourage you when you attempt to work hard. Therefore, always surround yourself with go-getters.

Read and watch inspirational materials.

You can also push yourself harder through reading and watching inspirational material.

5. These materials make you work hard because they remove discouragement and assure you that you will never fail if you push yourself to the limit.

A.Have a strong purpose.

B.Find a great goal to overcome your laziness.

C.Like other skills, one has to practice it to perfect it.

D.Inspirational material makes you believe in yourself.

E.However, we always find it difficult to push ourselves harder.

F.Motivational books and videos encourage you to work harder.

G.If you surround yourself with lazy people, you will also be lazy.


1.E 2.C 3.A 4.G 5.F 【解析】 本文为说明文。如果我们想要获得成功,最好的方法就是努力工作。文章介绍了几种督促自己更加努力的方法。 1.考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。本小题为承接上下句。上文提及我们都知道成功的关键是努力。结合下文后一句Here are the rules that you can also apply to make yourself work really hard.(这里有一些规则,你也可以运用这些规则让自己真正努力工作)可推断出,此处提出我们常常觉得很难督促自己努力。分析选项可知,E项However, we always find it difficult to push ourselves harder.(然而,我们总是发现很难让自己更努力)符合语境,故选E。 2.考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。本小题为段首主题句。根据段落小标题Practice working hard(努力练习)可知,此段谈论practice的重要性,建议我们要练习努力,与其他的技巧一样,我们需要多加练习才会让我们更加完善。C项Like other skills, one has to practice it to perfect it.(像其他技能一样,一个人必须练习才能完善它),不仅有词practice的复现,而且符合本段中心思想。故选C。 3.考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。本小题为段落小标题。本段第一句Many hard workers always have a large purpose that forces them to work.(许多努力工作的人总是有一个巨大的目标,迫使他们工作)可知,本段讲述的是通过设定强大的目标让自己变得勤奋努力。分析选项可知,A项Have a strong purpose.(有坚定的目标)符合本段,故选A。 4.考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。本小题为段首主题句。根据段落小标题Surround yourself with hard workers.(让自己的周围都是努力工作的人)可知,本段谈论与勤奋的人为伍。再结合后一句的转折But if you surround yourself with hardworking people, you will find yourself working hard towards your goal.(但如果你周围都是努力工作的人,你会发现自己正朝着目标努力工作)可知,G项If you surround yourself with lazy people, you will also be lazy.(如果你周围有懒惰的人,你也会懒惰)符合上下文语境,故选G。 5.考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。本小题为段间衔接句。本小题所在的小标题为Read and watch inspirational materials(阅读并观看励志材料)可知,本段与阅读励志书籍有关。结合上文through reading and watching inspirational material以及下文These materials make you work hard可知,此处谈论利用励志书籍以及视频激励自己变得勤奋。分析选项可知,F项Motivational books and videos encourage you to work harder(激励性的书籍和视频鼓励你更加努力地工作)符合语境,故选F。

    Researchers discovered a hidden continent on Earth, but it's not Atlantis. They found it while reconstructing the evolution of Mediterranean region's complex geology, which rises with mountain ranges and dips with seas from Spain to Iran.

The continent is called Greater Adria. It's the size of Greenland and it broke off from North Africa, only to be buried under Southern Europe about 140 million years ago. And chances are you've been there without even knowing it. “Forget Atlantis,” said Douwe, study author and professor at Utrecht University. “Without realizing it, vast numbers of tourists spend their holiday each year on the lost continent of Greater Adria.” This area is called Adria by geologists, so the researchers for this study refer to the previously undiscovered continent as Greater Adria.

Most of Greater Adria was underwater, covered by shallow seas, coral reefs and sediments (沉淀物). The sediments formed rocks and those rocks became mountain ranges in these areas the Alps, the Apennines, the Balkans, Greece and Turkey. The researchers found that Greater Adria started to become its own continent about 240 million years ago.

This isn't the first time a lost continent has been found. In January 2017, researchers announced the discovery of a lost continent left over from the supercontinent Gondwana, which began breaking apart 200 million years ago. The leftover piece, which was covered in lava ( ), is now under Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean. And in September 2017, a different research team found the lost continent of Zealandia through ocean drilling in the South Pacific. It’s two-thirds of a mile beneath the sea.

Greater Adria isn’t the first lost continent to be found. But if research in past years shows anything, it likely won’t be the last discovery.

1.How did the researchers find Greater Adria?

A.They found it accidentally.

B.They got inspired by the tales of Atlantis.

C.They discovered it after years of seaching.

D.They followed the steps of exploring mountain ranges.

2.What do we know about Greater Adria?

A.It is hidden under the sea level.

B.It is much smaller than Greenland.

C.It has existed for about 240 million years.

D.It has been known to many tourists before.

3.Why are the discoveries mentioned in Paragraph 4?

A.To describe how the researchers explored continents.

B.To show some other lost continents have been found.

C.To prove they are closely related to Greater Adria.

D.To explain the reason why Greater Adria got buried.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Atlantis Discovered Finally

B.Undersea World Explored

C.A Hidden Mountain Undiscovered

D.A Lost Continent Found Under Europe



    Would you give your Social Security Number to the clerk at the grocery store? Of course not, right? Yet, if you’re like most people, you wouldn’t hesitate to give out a different, but equally important number to the same person.

Experts now say that your cellphone number may be more pivotal than any other personal information in the eyes of spammers (垃圾邮件发送者) and identity thieves. In other words, instead of handing it out, you should guard that cellphone number with your life.

Today, your cellphone number will likely be with you for a very long time. That means if spammers get your cellphone number, it will be much harder to get rid of them. It also means that over the years, your cellphone number will be linked to a lot of personal information—from contact lists to bank card numbers, all information that hackers (黑客) would love to get their hands on.

A few years ago, German security researcher Karsten Nohl showed in an experiment what he could obtain using only a person’s cellphone number. California Congressman Ted Lieu was given a new cellphone for a day and Nohl was given that cellphone number. Using just that number, Nohl was able to find Lieu’s location and movements throughout Los Angeles, read his emails and text messages, and record phone calls between Lieu and his staff. And Nohl did all of this from his office in Berlin using just a cellphone number.

Still think it’s a good idea to post your number on a noticeboard?

It’s safe to assume that Nohl is an expert when it comes to hacking, but even the ordinary thief can use your cellphone number to cause harm to you. When you sign up for an account online, you usually provide your email address and a password. But if you forget that password, many of these companies will send you a password retrieval code (检码) via your cellphone. Let’s say you post something for sale online and you include your name, email, and cellphone number. You’ve now given a potential thief everything he needs to hack into any of your online accounts. Therefore, it just makes sense to protect yourself by guarding that number as closely as you would guard any other personal information.

1.What does the underlined word “pivotal” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?

A.Accessible. B.Familiar.

C.Vital. D.Manageable.

2.What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?

A.Why people need to take care of their cellphone numbers.

B.Why people seldom change their cellphone numbers.

C.How to protect our personal information.

D.How to get rid of spammers.

3.What did Karsten Nohl’s experiment intend to prove?

A.Nohl is a real expert in hacking.

B.It’s necessary to fight against hackers.

C.Lieu’s new cellphone has powerful functions.

D.Hacking information via cellphone numbers is not hard.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.It’s a good idea to sell something online.

B.It’s risky to post your cellphone numbers online.

C.It’s necessary to register several accounts online.

D.It’s common for people to forget their passwords.



    In the fall of 2017, when Paula Aldridge needed to get a job, she found herself at a crossroads. The 50-year-old wasn’t sure she would ever work again, due to health issues.

But Aldridge’s life and career journey started to turn around after she connected with Goodwill of Central Iowa’s skills training programs. These programs are tailored to help people develop the kind of specific, real-world skills they need to get and keep a job, through a combination of detailed instruction and hands-on experience.

When Aldridge first connected with Goodwill in September 2017, she was dealing with several barriers to immediate employment. Transportation was challenging, as she didn’t have a driver’s license or own a car. Aldridge also had a limited work history with long employment gaps (间断) , meaning she missed out on learning important skills, such as working a credit card machine. On top of that, her physical health issues were also a problem.

According to Kayleigh Duff, a career specialist at Goodwill of Central Iowa, the biggest barrier Aldridge had to overcome was from within. “She said outwardly that she had all of this confidence and that she knew how strong a worker she was, but I don’t think she truly believed it herself.”

Thankfully, Aldridge had plenty of people on her side to provide motivation and guidance. She originally started off in the food service training program but was eager to enter the retail (零售) skills program, since she had previously worked at the Salvation Army and Subway. When Aldridge mentioned her interest in retail, Duff recognized that her go-getting attitude would be a perfect match for the program.

The seven-week retail skills training is a systematic program combining classroom instruction with on- the-job experience at a Goodwill store. As Aldridge progressed and graduated from the program, she became more confident in her abilities.

Duff said it was great to see how Aldridge grew into the devoted, driven worker she is today. “She has this strong desire, this longing to succeed. And she knows that she’s able to do that, although she has fallen short in the past.”

1.What can be learned about Goodwill’s training programs?

A.They combine theory with practice.

B.They guarantee a good job for participants.

C.They are designed mainly for the unemployed.

D.They were established in the autumn of 2017.

2.What was the biggest problem Aldridge faced according to Duff?

A.Poor health. B.Poor working skills.

C.A lack of confidence. D.A lack of a driver’s license.

3.Why did Aldridge change her training program?

A.She wanted to attend a more systematic program.

B.She wanted to gain some hands-on experience.

C.She was more interested in retail.

D.She followed Duff’s advice.

4.What’s the main idea of the text?

A.A 50-year-old devotes herself to Goodwill.

B.Goodwill helps a 50-year-old turn her life around.

C.Goodwill training programs spring up around the world.

D.Success is closely linked to appropriate training programs.



    Inventions That Will Make Your 2020 a Lot More Interesting

Each year there are countless new products and inventions on the market. Here are some of the most exciting products to come out over the year.

Xbox Adaptive Controller

The Xbox Adaptive Controller is here to make the gaming world more accessible. Microsoft developed the Xbox Adaptive Controller to help those with limited hand and arm mobility (移动的能力) play games. This device connects switches, buttons and joysticks (操纵杆) to create a unique custom controller experience. The product itself was inspired by previous efforts made by groups like the Cerebral Palsy Foundation.

Gravity Blanket

Gravity is in here to help you deal with your anxiety. Starting off as a Kickstarter campaign, the company Gravity has created a therapeutic (治疗的) weighted blanket engineered to be around 10% of your body weight. The super comfortable blanket helps those who have a sleeping problem, and those who may be stressed, or deal with anxiety.

Solar Charged Jacket

If you are a night runner, this one is for you. Created by UK-based sporting goods company Vollebak, the Solar Charged Jacket absorbs light during the day and gives off its “green energy” for those who need to be safe after dark.


Getting separated from friends or family members at an event or a festival can be annoying. LynQ helps you find your loved ones when you get separated from the group. Unlike smartphones, this compass does not need any Wi-Fi to stay connected. It is a great tool for family vacations.

1.What do we know about the Xbox Adaptive Controller?

A.It gives users a shared game experience.

B.It makes it easier for users to play games.

C.It is a useful software developed by Microsoft.

D.It consists mainly of remote joysticks.

2.Which of the following is fit for those who find it hard to fall asleep?

A.The Xbox Adaptive Controller. B.The Solar Charged Jacket.

C.The Gravity Blanket. D.LynQ.

3.In what way is LynQ different from a smartphone?

A.It is powered by solar energy.

B.It requires no Internet connection.

C.It is used to improve family relationships.

D.It responds to family members more quickly.









3、参考词汇:美丽乡村行:Beautiful Countryside Tour



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