满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A true apology is more than just acknowl...

    A true apology is more than just acknowledgement (承认) of a mistake. It’s recognition that something you’ve said or _______ has damaged a relationship — and that you _______ enough about that relationship to want it _______.

It’s never _______ to acknowledge you are in the wrong. Being human, we all need the art of apology. Look back and think how _______ you’ve judged roughly (草率), said _______ things, pushed yourself _______at the expense (以某人受损为前提) of a friend . Some deep thought in us knows that when _______ a small mistake has been made, your _______ will stay out of balance until the mistake is acknowledged and your regret is ________.

I remember a doctor friend , ________ me about a man who came to him with ________illnesses: headache, insomnia (失眠), stomachaches and so on. No physical ________ could be found. Finally the doctor said to the man, “________you tell me what’s on your conscience (良心), I can’t help you.”

After a short silence, the man told the doctor that he ________ all the money that his father gave to his brother, who was ________. His father had died, so only he himself knew the matter. The old doctor made the man write to his brother making an ________ and enclosing (附寄) a ________. In the post office , the man dropped the letter into the mail box . As the letter disappeared , the man ________ into tears. “Thank you, doctor ,” he said , “I think I’m all right now.” And he ________.

1.A.done B.thought C.announced D.expected

2.A.lost B.care C.advise D.heard

3.A.built B.formed C.repaired D.damaged

4.A.difficult B.easy C.foolish D.shy

5.A.long B.often C.much D.soon

6.A.unusual B.harmful C.precious D.unkind

7.A.ahead B.away C.down D.off

8.A.still B.even C.only D.such

9.A.sense B.brain C.weight D.feeling

10.A.shown B.explained C.offered D.expressed

11.A.asking B.telling C.requiring D.setting

12.A.strange B.serious C.various D.much

13.A.signs B.reason C.cause D.marks

14.A.Whenever B.Unless C.Suppose D.Although

15.A.stole B.accepted C.seized D.wasted

16.A.mad B.lost C.abroad D.dead

17.A.order B.excuse C.agreement D.apology

18.A.note B.card C.check D.photo

19.A.joyed B.burst C.laughed D.cried

20.A.should B.did C.had D.was


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者说明了道歉的意义,指出承认错误并非易事,并用一件事为例加以说明,有时候道歉可以让人如释重负。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:真正的道歉是认识到你的言行伤害了一段关系。A. done做;B. thought认为;C. announced宣布;D. expected期待。这里要用said or done表示“言行”,属于习惯表达。故选A项。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:而你足够在乎这段关系,想要做出修缮。A. lost丢失;B. care关心,在意;C. advise建议;D. heard听见。正是因为在乎一段关系所以才会做出让步和道歉。故选B项。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:而你足够在乎这段关系,想要做出修缮。A. built修建;B. formed组成;C. repaired维修;D. damaged损害。这里与前文has damaged呼应,受损的关系就要通过道歉来修补。故选C项。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:承认自己错了从来不是一件容易事。A. difficult困难的;B. easy容易的;C. foolish愚蠢的;D. shy害羞的。本段讲述道歉的艺术,首先提出承认错误并非易事,这是人之常情。故选B项。 5.考查副词词义辨析。句意:回头看,想想你有多经常草率地作出判断,说出不好听的话,为了一己之私伤害了朋友。A. long长期地;B. often经常;C. much很多;D. soon不久。这里列举了多种行为,就是要表达每个人可能都经常犯错,这些事是很常见的。故选B项。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:回头看,想想你有多经常草率地作出判断,说出不好听的话,为了一己之私伤害了朋友。A. unusual不寻常的;B. harmful有害的;C. precious珍贵的;D. unkind不善的。这里列举的事项都是与别人相处时容易犯的错误,也就是对别人说出不友善的话。故选D项。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:回头看,想想你有多经常草率地作出判断,说出不好听的话,为了一己之私伤害了朋友。A. ahead朝前地,提前地;B. away离开;C. down向下;D. off离开。push ahead意为“推动”,这里就指为了自己的利益不惜伤害朋友感情。故选A项。 8.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们内心深处清楚,就连一个小错误发生时,你的感觉也会失衡,直到错误被承认然后你才表现出后悔。A. still仍然;B. even甚至;C. only只有;D. such如此。这里搭配a small mistake,存在一种语气上的加重,表现人们对错误的关注程度。故选B项。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们内心深处清楚,就连一个小错误发生时,你的感觉也会失衡,直到错误被承认然后你才表现出后悔。A. sense感觉;B. brain大脑;C. weight重量;D. feeling感受。这里描写心理状态,应该指错误会让人觉得不好受,强调主观感受要用feeling。故选D项。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们内心深处清楚,就连一个小错误发生时,你的感觉也会失衡,直到错误被承认然后你才表现出后悔。A. shown展示;B. explained解释;C. offered提供;D. expressed表达。与前面的the mistake is acknowledged一样都用了被动语态,实际上表达的应该是人承认错误,自然也就是人表达后悔了。故选D项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我记得有个医生朋友,跟我讲过一个来找他看病的人,各种各样的病都有。A. asking要求;B. telling告诉;C. requiring要求;D. setting放置。这里作者分享的是朋友跟他讲过的一个案例,也就是告诉了他。故选B项。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我记得有个医生朋友,跟我讲过一个来找他看病的人,各种各样的病都有。A. strange奇怪的,陌生的;B. serious严肃的;C. various各种各样的;D. much很多。后文列举了头痛、失眠、肚子痛等症状,显然生的病比较多。故选C项。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:找不到什么生理上的原因。A. signs标志;B. reason原因;C. cause原因;D. marks记号,分数。从后文来看,这个人是纯粹的心理原因,而非生理上有问题,reason和cause都可以表示原因,而cause用于表示具有明显因果关系的原因。故选C项。 14.考查连接词词义辨析。句意:除非你告诉我你的良心上有什么过不去的,否则我帮不了你。A. Whenever无论何时;B. Unless除非;C. Suppose期望;D. Although虽然,尽管。分析句子可知,后句中的I can’t help you可以视为前句反向成立后导致的结果,符合unless引导的条件状语从句。故选B项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那个男的告诉医生,他把他父亲留给他弟弟的钱夺占了,他弟弟当时在国外。A. stole偷窃;B. accepted接受;C. seized抓住,夺取;D. wasted浪费。与下文男子给弟弟写信致歉呼应,可以推断他做了对不起弟弟、对不起良心的事,也就是夺走了弟弟的钱。故选C项。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那个男的告诉医生,他把他父亲留给他弟弟的钱夺占了,他弟弟当时在国外。A. mad生气的;B. lost迷失的;C. abroad在国外的;D. dead死去的。既然有条件占有弟弟的财产,而且还要写信联络,弟弟应该是距离比较远。故选C项。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:医生让那个男人提出道歉并附上支票。A. order秩序;B. excuse借口;C. agreement一致,协议;D. apology道歉。呼应文章主题“道歉”,也是举的这一个案例的中心所在。故选D项。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:医生让那个男人提出道歉并附上支票。A. note说明;B. card卡片;C. check支票,检验;D. photo照片。不仅要口头道歉,还要付诸行动——也就是把占有的钱还给弟弟。故选C项。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着信封投入邮筒,那个男人哭了出来。A. joyed欣喜;B. burst爆发,爆炸;C. laughed大笑;D. cried哭泣。心理上的负担没了,男子应该是激动地流泪了,burst into tears意为“放声大哭”。故选B项。 20.考查助动词辨析。句意:他确实好了。A. should情态动词;B. did一般过去时助动词;C. had过去完成时助动词;D. was系动词。这里与男子自己说的“I’m all right now”呼应,同样要用be动词“he was all right”再次确认“他确实好了”的事实。故选D项。


Do you constantly use the computer, whether for learning or entertainment? Computers give off radiation(辐射) that is bad for your health, but here are some ways to protect yourself from computer radiation.

1.Green tea can be absorbed by the body easily into a form of vitamin A, which helps reduce radiation.2.

It is advisable to attach a radiation filter plate(辐射过滤板) in front of your computer’s screen. Make sure to avoid putting any mental substances near your computer as these may have reflected some of the electromagnetic waves that are harmful to your health. 3. The brighter the screen the higher the radiation there will be and vice versa.

You can also put some radiation-absorbing plants such as several cacti near your computer to prevent radiation.

Make sure you do a skincare protection before sitting in front of the computer.4.Wash your face soon after using the computer in order to reduce 70% of the radiation.

5. Old computer in general, has one to two times more radiation released than the new one within the same distance.

A.And adjust the brightness of your computer screen.

B.Apply a layer of facial mask to protect yourself.

C.And adjust the sound level on your computer.

D.The most efficient way is by drinking some coffee regularly.

E.The simple way is by drinking 2 or 3 cups of green tea every day.

F.If possible, purchase a new computer instead of using an old model computer.

G.It also helps keep our eyes see things clearly in the dark by improving the visual ability.



    No one can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if we read correctly the signs around us, we can tell what the more important changes in the weather will be. This way of telling what the weather will be like on the following day or two is called weather forecasting. For many centuries and in all countries, people have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecasting. Rings around the sun are a sign of coming rain. Many people feel in their bones the coming of wet weather, their joints(关节) hurt. Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming, but they fly near the ground if rainy or stormy weather is on the way. It is probably because the insects which they are hunting fly low. If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will become clear and fine. If the stars twinkle clearly at night, then fine weather will continue. If a fog appears in the morning just above a river, then the day will be warm. If the sunset is mostly red in color, then the following day will be fine. If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will probably come. Most of the above sayings have been made by the people who have used their eyes and brains to make weather forecasting.

1.People’s joints ache ______.

A.is a sign of coming rain B.without any reason

C.because they are ill D.because of the insects

2.The birds fly high and the stars twinkle clearly is a sign that the weather will ______.

A.be warm B.be rainy

C.become clear and fine D.be cold

3.We must ______ to make weather forecasting.

A.use our eyes and brains B.study the weather hard

C.read correctly the signs D.All of the above



    As computers become all the more popular in China, Chinese people are increasingly relying on computer keyboards to input Chinese characters. But if they use the computer too much, they may end up forgetting the exact strokes(笔画)of each Chinese character when writing on paper. Experts suggest people, especially students, write by hand more.

Do you write by hand more or type more? In Beijing, students start using a computer as early as primary school(小学). And computer dependence is more wide-spread among university students. Almost all their assignments and essays are typed on a computer.

All the students interviewed say they usually use a computer.

It's faster and easier to correct if using a computer. And that's why computers are being applied more and more often to modern education. But when people are taking stock in computers increasingly, problems appear.

"When I'm writing with a pen, I find I often can't remember how to write a character, though I feel I’m familiar with it."

"I'm not in the mood(状态) to write when faced with a pen and paper."

Many students don't feel this is something to worry about. Now that it's more convenient and efficient to write on a computer, why bother to handwrite?

Many educators think differently. Shi Liwei , the headmaster of a famous primary school in the capital said "Chinese characters enjoy both practical and aesthetic(审美的) value. But those characters typed with computer keyboards only maintain their practical value. All the artistic beauty of the characters is lost. And handwriting contains the writer's emotion. Through one's handwriting, people can get to know one's thinking and personality. Beautiful writing will give people a better first impression of them"

To encourage students to handwrite more, many primary schools in Beijing have made writing classes compulsory(必修的)and in universities, some professors are asking students to hand in their homework and essays written by hand.

1.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?

A.The Importance of Handwriting and Typing.

B.To Type or To Hand Write

C.Writing By Computer Will Replace Writing By Hand

D.Practical and Aesthetic Value of Chinese Characters.

2.The students interviewed prefer to write using a computer mainly because______.

A.they are usually asked to e-mail their Homework and Essays

B.they can correct the mistakes they make quickly and conveniently

C.they find it not easy to remember how to write a character

D.computers have become a trend and fashion in China.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of the advantages of handwriting?

A.Handwriting contains the writer's emotion.

B.The writer’s thinking and personality are shown in his or her handwriting,

C.Handwriting can impress people well and build one’s self-confidence

D.Chinese characters enjoy both practical and aesthetic value.

4.The underlined expression “taking stock in”(Paragraph 4) probably means_____.

A.getting bored with B.getting dependent on

C.becoming crazy about D.getting curious about



    On Saturday, millions of people around the world will celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day, which honors Patron Saint (or main religious figure) of Ireland. Communities across the United States will host parades (游行), parties, and other festivities to mark the occasion.

This year, cities like Boston, New York, and Chicago have organized massive (大规模的) events celebrating Saint Patrick's Day. In New York City, hundreds of thousands of people will gather to watch the Saint Patrick’s Day parade — the nation’s largest. It is one of the most watched parades in the world. Last year, almost 2 million spectators(观众) and more than 150,000 participants (参与者) filled the streets. The parade, first held in 1776, is also one of the oldest.

Chicago also throws a big celebration. Every year, the Chicago River, which crosses the city, glows (反光) green as event organizers dump about 40 pounds of fluorescence (荧光粉), a powerful dye (染料), into the water.

Boston keeps its parade rolling for three hours or more. It is the nation’s second-largest parade. The city will also salute (致敬) one of its most famous former residents (居民), President John F. Kennedy, by opening the exhibit “A Journey Home: John F. Kennedy and Ireland,” at his official library.

Patron Saint lived in Britain in the early fifth century, when it was still part of the Roman Empire (帝国). He was captured and sold into slavery (奴隶制) in Ireland when he was only 16. He eventually escaped slavery and turned to a life of religious devotion. He trained to become a minister (主教) and set out to spread Christianity throughout Ireland. After 30 years as a religious leader, Patrick died on March 17, 1461. Saint Patrick’s Day is always celebrated on March 17. In Ireland, it is an official holiday.

1.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.History of Saint Patrick’s Day B.An Official Holiday in US

C.The Largest Parade in the World D.Celebrations across the Country

2.What do you think is the official color of St. Patrick’s Day?

A.Green. B.Red.

C.Black. D.Yellow.

3.The last paragraph is mainly about _____.

A.the cruel slave trade. B.Roman Empire’s contribution.

C.activities during Saint Patrick’s Day D.Ireland’s Patron Saint

4.Which of the following is not correct according to the passage?

A.Parade is a most important event to observe Saint Patrick’s Day.

B.Saint Patrick’s Day is a religious holiday.

C.Saluting the former president has become a main event on the occasion.

D.The Saint Patrick’s Day parade has a history of over two centuries.



A beautiful woman took a plane on business. She found her seat and sat down next to a young man. The man was just thinking of making a few dollars on the plane. When he saw the woman, he got an idea.

“Hey! Would you like to play a game?” he asked the woman. “No, thank you. I just want to take anap(打盹),” the woman answered. “It’s really easy. All you have to do is to answer the questions that I ask you. If you don’t know the answer, you give me five dollars. If I don’t know the answer to your question, then I’ll give you five dollars.” “No,” the woman still refused. “OK. If I don’t know the answer to your question, I’ll give you five hundred dollars. How about that?” the man said. Then the woman became interested and decided to join in the game.

“OK. How many moons doesJupiter(木星) have?” asked the young man. The woman reached into her purse and took out a five-dollar bill. “What goes up the mountain with three legs and comes back with four?” the woman asked. Then the young man took out his computer and searched the Internet for an answer. Minutes later, the young man handed five hundred dollars to the woman.

After a few hours, the young man really wanted to know the answer tothe question. So he asked the woman, “What is the answer to your question?” The woman reached into her purse and handed the young man a five-dollar bill.

1.Why did the man ask the woman to play a game?

A.He wanted to show his kindness.

B.He wanted to have a pleasant journey.

C.He wanted to earn some money from it.

D.He wanted to make friends with the woman.

2.How much did the woman get at the end of the story?

A.$ 500. B.$ 5. C.$ 10. D.$ 490.

3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.The woman told the man the answer to her question.

B.The woman gave the man’s money back to him.

C.The woman asked the man another question.

D.The woman didn’t know the answer, either.

4.We can learn from the story that the woman is ______.

A.clever B.friendly C.polite D.honest



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