满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The ancient art of opera can be brillian...

    The ancient art of opera can be brilliant entertainment; it is a(n) _________ of music, drama, and sometimes dance, staged with elaborate(精心制作的) sets of costumes. Opera is often _________ by many, however, partly because of some of the stereotypes(成见) associated with it. Some of its critics say that the narratives are too complex. Others complain that operas cannot be understood because they are often performed in _________ languages. Stereotypes aside, opera is an art form enjoyed by many _________ lovers. Operas can be comedies or tragedies or stories taken from history.

The story of an opera is generally simple so as to avoid  _________ the audience from the music. The libretto, or script, sets each scene and describes the action in both words and stage directions. The music of an opera—the way it advances the action and the feelings it inspires in the listeners—is _________ important. The three principal musical _________ are the overture(前奏曲), the recitative(朗诵调), and the aria(咏叹调).

The overture is the instrumental introduction to the opera, the purpose of which has been _________ over time. During the nineteenth century, the overture began to combine snippets of melodies from arias, ballets, and other musical elements in a medley of the opera’s musical themes.

A recitative is less a song than a monologue(独白) that is sung rather than _________. A recitative is an element, older than the overture, which was invented at the beginning of the seventeenth century as a means of telling__________ in music; the first operas were actually a series of recitatives joined by musical interludes. Because an opera is basically a play set to music, the recitative is a means of telling the __________ what is going on and what is about to happen.

An aria is a solo performance—often one of the highlights of the opera. Arias can be declarations of love or __________ of hope, happiness, sorrow, or anguish. Many composers have written arias to __________ the vocal gifts of singers; some sopranos(女高音歌手) were indeed famous for the very high notes that they could sing. __________, arias are not the only songs in opera. Duets, compositions for three or four voices, and large-group numbers are also common. These diverse musical elements, __________ visual elements in costumes and sets as well as the dramatic content of the story, make the opera the complex art form that it is.

1.A.exploration B.mixture C.research D.experiment

2.A.unappreciated B.composed C.enjoyed D.favored

3.A.local B.native C.foreign D.official

4.A.gossip B.history C.movie D.music

5.A.releasing B.separating C.distracting D.disappointing

6.A.particularly B.rarely C.originally D.historically

7.A.tastes B.elements C.skills D.talents

8.A.stated B.described C.lacked D.evolved

9.A.imagined B.reminded C.spoken D.written

10.A.stories B.news C.jokes D.lies

11.A.musicians B.audience C.directors D.performers

12.A.rights B.reasons C.expressions D.expenses

13.A.improve B.show C.involve D.practise

14.A.Moreover B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.However

15.A.broken into B.applied to C.combined with D.matched with


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了歌剧这一古老艺术,它是一个音乐戏剧,舞蹈,艺术布景和服装的混合体。文章说明了人们对歌剧不欣赏的原因,歌剧的三个主要元素:序曲(包括两幕之间的小序曲),吟诵,咏叹调。并且介绍了三元素的具体内容。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:它是一个集音乐戏剧,舞蹈,艺术布景和服装的混合体。A. exploration 探测,探索;B. mixture 混合,混合物;C. research 研究;D. experiment 试验,尝试。结合后文of music drama, and sometimes dance, staged with artistic sets and costumes可知歌剧混合了音乐戏剧,舞蹈,艺术布景和服装,是一个混合体。故选B项。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,很多人常常不欣赏歌剧,部分原因是人们对歌剧的一些固有印象。A. unappreciated 不喜欢;B. composed 作曲;C. enjoyed 喜欢;D. favored 支持,对…支持。结合后文because of some of the stereotypes associated with it可知很多人因为一些对歌剧的一些固有印象而不欣赏歌剧。故选A项。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:另一些人抱怨歌剧不能被理解,因为它们经常是用外语表演。A. local 当地的;B. native 本国的;C. foreign 外国的;D. official 官方的。结合上文operas cannot be understood可知一些人抱怨听不懂歌剧,是因为歌剧是用外语表演的。搭配后文language可知应用foreign才符合语境。故选C项。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:抛开成见不说,歌剧是许多音乐爱好者喜爱的一种艺术形式。A. gossip 八卦;B. history 历史;C. movie 电影;D. music 音乐。结合上文第1题提到 “一个集音乐戏剧,舞蹈,艺术布景和服装的混合体” 可知,它的艺术形式是被很多音乐爱好者喜欢的。同时在第5题后也提及了“音乐”。上下文契合。故选D项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:歌剧的故事一般都很简单,以免分散观众对音乐的注意力。A. releasing 排放,释放;B. separating 分隔,分离;C. distracting 使分心;D. disappointing 使…失望。结合上文The story of an opera is generally simple so as to avoid可知歌剧的故事必须简单,这样观众才不会被故事情节分了心 。故选C项。 6.考查副词词义辨析。句意:歌剧的音乐——提倡的动作以及它在听众心中激发的情感——尤为重要。A. particularly 特别地;B. rarely 罕见地;C. originally 原始地; D. historically 历史上地。此处强调歌剧对听众情感的激发特别重要。故选A项。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:三种主要的音乐元素是前奏曲,朗诵调,咏叹调。A. tastes 味道,品味;B. elements 元素;C. skills 技术;D. talents 天赋。根据划线后提到的前奏曲,朗诵调,咏叹调可知,这是主要的音乐元素。故选B项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:句意:前奏曲是这部歌剧的器乐序曲,其目的随着时间的推移而改变。A. stated 陈诉,阐明;B. described 描述;C. lacked 缺乏;D. evolved逐渐形成,进化。根据后文During the nineteenth century, the overture began to combine snippets of melodies from arias, ballets, and other musical elements in a medley of the opera’s musical themes(在19世纪,前奏曲开始将咏叹调、芭蕾和其他音乐元素的片段结合在歌剧的音乐主题中)可知,前奏曲在不断的变化发展,进化。故选D项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:朗诵调与其说是一首歌,不如说是一段独白,它是唱出来的,而不是说出来的。A. imagined 想象;B. reminded 提醒;C. spoken 说话;D. written 写。结合上文A recitative is less a song than a monologue that is sung可知咏叹调是唱出来的,而不是人嘴巴说出来的。故选C项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:朗诵调是一种元素,比序曲更古老,序曲是十七世纪初发明的,作为在音乐中讲故事的一种手段。A. stories故事;B. news 消息,新闻;C. jokes 玩笑;D. lies 谎言。根据前文第4题后提到Operas can be comedies or tragedies or stories taken from history(歌剧可以是喜剧、悲剧或历史故事)可知,此处表示的是讲“故事”的手段。故选A项。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:因为歌剧基本上就是一种配上音乐的戏剧。所以说,朗诵调是一种告诉观众正在发生什么事和将要发生什么事的手段。A. musicians 音乐家;B. audience 观众;C. directors 主管,董事;D. performers 表演家。根据常识可知,歌剧是表演个观众看得,告诉观众们发生了什么事或者正在发生什么事的手段。故选B项。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:句意:咏叹调可以是爱的宣言,也可以是希望、欢乐、悲伤或痛苦的表达。A. rights 权利,权限;B. reasons 原因,理由;C. expressions 表达,表情;D. expenses 费用。划线前提到了爱的宣言,or前后并列。后句应是希望、欢乐、悲伤或痛苦的表达。故选C项。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:句意:许多作曲家写咏叹调来展示歌手的歌唱天赋。A. improve 改善;B. show 表现,展示;C. involve 包含,牵涉;D. practice 练习,实践。 根据划线后提到的“一些女高音确实以他们唱出的高音而闻名”可知,作曲家写咏叹调是为了展示歌唱的“天赋”。故选B项。 14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,咏叹调并不是歌剧中唯一的歌曲。A. Moreover 而且;B. Otherwise 否则,其他;C. Therefore 因此;D. However 然而。根据下文,后句还提到了 “二重唱、三或四人声的乐曲” 。故可知,此处表示转折。故选D项。 15.考查动词短语辨析。句意:这些多样的音乐元素,再加上服装和布景中的视觉元素,以及故事的戏剧性内容,使歌剧成为一种复杂的艺术形式。A. broken into 闯入;破门而入;B. applied to 运用;C. combined with 结合,联合;D. matched with 使和……相匹配。根据上文,文章第1题已经提到,歌剧是一种混合体。故此处提及的多样音乐元素结合服装和布景的视觉元素与第1题形成呼应。故选C项。

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

I used to hate waiting in line, thinking of it as a big waste of time and a test on my patience, but 1.(live) in Israel for three years, I have changed my attitude toward it.

Probably because the country is not very big, with limited resources, 2. you’re at the bank, the post office or the bus stop, you’ll always find a straight line of people waiting. But instead of worrying or hurrying some are drinking hot coffee; 3. are chatting to each other, even though a minute ago they were just strangers.

4. seemed to me that they were enjoying queuing and taking the chance to relax.

Gradually I came to realize that 5. (obey) rules, which can be clearly seen in queuing up, is an important part of their culture. Once I saw a young foreigner trying to jump the queue and be shouted at by an old Israeli man, with others joining in. The poor guy was so ashamed6. he slipped away as fast as he could.

But don’t think Israeli people are cruel. If you have to leave for a short time, 7. the person behind you agrees, you can always come back and stand in front of him or her. However, if you miss him or her, you’ll have to start over. If you wait next to the basketball court or tennis court for more than five minutes, someone on the court will definitely offer 8.(switch) places with you. This has become part of the culture in Israel.

Their culture 9. (reflect) Israelis’ belief in equal opportunities, which may have played a role in helping Israel to stay on its feet in the world even after the cruel Holocaust.

Compared 10. Israel, our way of queuing up is much more casual. People always go out of their way to get the “privilege” of a shorter wait.












1.Did you report the l_____________of your jewelry to the police?

2.Music is the u________________language of human beings.

3.He p______________to be doing his homework when the teacher came in.

4.She was very glad to receive an i_____________to the party.

5.We have a lot in c____________, so we often have a lot to talk about.

6.Even though the work was difficult, he m___________to finish it himself.

7.The thief was s___________by police boarding a plane for London.(发现)

8.This kind of food _______________(含有) a lot of fat.

9.I will tell him the news on his _________________(到达).

10.Smoking is not p___________in the office.




In your daily life, there are many examples where your parents control hundreds1. things for you when you are a kid, such as the clothes you wear, the food you eat, where you go and how you get there. It is a good thing. Kids need this kind of 2. (protect) and help because they are not old enough3.(take) care of themselves and make decisions 4.(correct). But with you growing5.(old), the part of being a teen is developing your own identity—one that is separated from your parents. Different 6. (attitude) towards events like partying may lead to arguments, because your parents will always want to protect you and keep you safe, no matter how old you are. As a result, your parents feel 7.hard to get used to the new situation with8. (increase) anxiety. What kids should keep in mind is9.in most cases, your parents can relate to what you’re going through because they10.(be) teens once.



    During Plant Week, my kindergarten students learn all about the importance of plants and how plants grow. Each student got their own little pot and was shown how to ______them with dirt, plant seeds, and water them. So we did our ______in the classroom and the next ______was to take them just outside and ______each of them.

One student in particular was still a little behind on his planting skills, and pretty much flooded his pot when ______ to water it. His classmates laughed at him, of course, which really _________ him, and I had to ______ him that he would be able to redo his flower pot after we had a ______. Well, little did we all know that his pot was going to have a(n) ______sprout (嫩芽)

Of course, being late spring in Mississippi, it was an especially ______afternoon. So as we were ______ our door after a break, which took us past right their flower pots. I heard this ______ “Miss Welch, Miss Welch!!______ what's coming out of my flower pot!!

Knowing that it had only been about an hour since we planted the seedsI had no ______ what I was about to see. But there ______was, a frog appearing in his flower pot filled with too much water. ______ that frog found its way into the pot to ______ on that hot day, and his flower pot, which had been made fun of by his classmates, was now the main ______ for the rest of the day.

The frog was ______ the next day, but my student didn't want to redo his flower pot ...He did, however, put fresh water in it every day just ______ the frog came back to cool off ...

1.A.support B.replace C.cover D.fill

2.A.designing B.cleaning C.activity D.homework

3.A.step B.method C.subject D.project

4.A.paint B.water C.improve D.weigh

5.A.trying B.promising C.affording D.choosing

6.A.satisfied B.upset C.stopped D.frightened

7.A.challenge B.warn C.remind D.assure

8.A.tool B.lesson C.break D.conversation

9.A.native B.beautiful C.long D.unexpected

10.A.quiet B.cloudy C.hot D.windy

11.A.approaching B.breaking C.occupying D.reforming

12.A.confused B.excited C.amused D.satisfied

13.A.Look B.Remember C.Say D.Believe

14.A.attitude B.suggestion C.advice D.idea

15.A.nobody B.anything C.it D.he

16.A.Thus B.Besides C.However D.Somehow

17.A.grow up B.go on C.cool off D.come out

18.A.message B.attraction C.connection D.chance

19.A.buried B.gone C.noticed D.followed

20.A.in case B.now that C.because D.until



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