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假如你是李华,你班交换生 Jim 因“新冠肺炎”的爆发无法返校,来信向你咨询相关...

假如你是李华,你班交换生 Jim 新冠肺炎的爆发无法返校,来信向你咨询相关事宜,请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:

1. 本学期开学日期推迟,全体学生不得入校;

2. 学校提供在线网课,停课不停学;

3. 在家规律运动,勤洗手,保持身体健康;

4. 如有调整,及时通知。

参考词汇:爆发:outbreak新冠肺炎:novel coronavirus

要求:正文部分不得少于 80 字,可适当增加细节。

Dear Jim



Li Hua


Dear Jim, It's a pity that you can't return to school because of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. I'm now writing to tell you more about it. At present, prevention and control of the virus is the top concern. The opening date of this term has to be delayed. All of the students are not allowed to go to school. To ensure the quality of learning, online education will be provided during the absence from school. By the way, it wouldn't be better if you could work out regularly at home and keep healthy by washing your hands carefully. If there is any adjustment, I'll keep you informed ahead of time. Wish you good luck! Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求以李华的身份给交换生Jim写一封回信。 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文。 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时。 结构:总分法。 要求: 1. 本学期开学日期推迟,全体学生不得入校; 2. 学校提供在线网课,停课不停学; 3. 在家规律运动,勤洗手,保持身体健康; 4. 如有调整,及时通知。 第二步:列提纲(重点短语) the outbreak of the novel coronavirus;prevention and control;online education 第三步:连词成句 1.It's a pity that you can't return to school because of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. 2.At present, prevention and control of the virus is the top concern. 3.To ensure the quality of learning, online education will be provided during the absence from school. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇 1.表示文章结构顺序:提出无法返校原因;上课及防疫方法;表示祝福 2.表示并列补充关系:because of;At present;By the way;and 第五步:润色修改

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

More and more South Korean parents are turning to “Uncle Service” providers to make sure their children don’t have to put up1. bullying (欺凌) in school. Though such services are2.(obvious) very expensive, it is more effective to deal with the matter,3. makes the business more and more popular. 4. is reported that the rented strong uncles can not only protect children from bullies, but can also gather evidence of bullying 5. (make) an official complaint with the school. Most companies offer different packages (套餐) to meet customers’6. (need) and business is reported booming. Some parents think it can solve the problem without 7.(have) to wait for a long investigation. Others hold the opposite view, thinking it another form of8.(violent). Some experts claim that parents taking matters into their own hands isn’t9. effective way and the school bullying needs to10. (deal) with by improving the system.



    Andrea Silvera is always good at taking handwritten and detailed lecture notes. She had never _______she could make money with the skill until she was introduced to a(n)_________. OneClass provides course notes and study guides _______by excellent students for college students around the nation.

“I accidentally saw an article published by OneClass about difficult class. ” Silvera says. “There was a _________to become a note taker and I tried. After I______my notes and my trial period (试用期)was over, I was _____ . ” What is surprising, Silvera says, is the _________of views her notes receive. “In a class of 300, over 100 students usually view my notes. To get responses from a third of the class is ________, which makes me feel needed. ”

The founders of OneClass began the site_______ to help other students. But unexpectedly, it gained fame and wealth. Ninety percent of students who had used OneClass notes got better grades as a _______, and 68 percent of note takers also saw great_______in their studies. But note takers don't just take the job for_______benefit. Silvera has made $1,500 in just a year of note  taking for OneClass. “My notes are not just handwritten,” she said, “I________many  extra explanations that the________gives. ”

Silvera finds that working her way through college as a note taker has been ___________. However, she said she needed to _______other students who might be________ in taking the job: “If you want to do this, you have to put in the time and actually_________the classes. And you can’t trust that someone else’s notes are going to be ________because nobody can meet your every need—you need to take them_____.

1.A.believed B.puzzled C.heard D.thought

2.A.organization B.company C.newspaper D.website

3.A.written B.typed C.read D.sent

4.A.plan B.chance C.dream D.way

5.A.found B.sold C.offered D.held

6.A.employed B.impressed C.touched D.refused

7.A.number B.quality C.speed D.strength

8.A.terrifying B.tiring C.amazing D.relaxing

9.A.simply B.equally C.nearly D.slightly

10.A.present B.end C.goal D.result

11.A.trouble B.progress C.difference D.experience

12.A.social B.educational C.environmental D.personal

13.A.desert B.refuse C.include D.create

14.A.professor B.president C.friend D.partner

15.A.welcomed B.challenging C.moving D.meaningful

16.A.correct B.admire C.remind D.order

17.A.spent B.experienced C.spotted D.interested

18.A.attend B.teach C.review D.enjoy

19.A.brief B.perfect C.useless D.direct

20.A.in advance B.by accident C.by yourself D.in public



    Do you feel your life is losing its passion (热情)— as though everything you do, like work and study, is boring and empty? A life passion isn’t something that drops on you from the heaven or appears from thin air.1.If you want to begin today to display your true self and regain your own passion in life, here are some measures you can take to get started.


Get a small pocket notebook and keep it with you. Keep the memory of times when you feel happy and fulfilled. What are you doing when you feel good? Write it down in your notebook. Pay attention to what feels good to you.

Let go of shoulds

3. I should stay in this job because I cant’s find a better one. I should became a teacher because my parents want me to. I should not try something new because I’ll look foolish. Throw away this word from your vocabulary while on your passion search.

Appreciate your skills.

Maybe you aren’t an artist at something, but you have many skills. 4.Ask your friends   and parents what you are good at---no matter how small. Make a list of your skills, and make note of the skills you really enjoy.

Keep trying

The process of finding your passion may take a couple of years. You may have to try a few and give up a few things before you discover what you feel great. It may gradually surround you rather than knock you in the head.   5.

A.Recognize your joy.

B.Have patience and keep digging.

C.You may not recognize them, but others do.

D.Discovering your passion is a process of self-discovering.

E.These skills may make you stronger and more confident.

F.How can you live with passion when you have a hole in your heart?

G.Many people hold themselves back from happiness because of the word “should”.



    If you want to live longer, live around green space.

That’s the simple conclusion of the largest analysis ever performed on the relationship between the environment and human health—ever. Eight million people. Seven countries. One simple finding:

“When you are exposed to greenery or greenness around your home, your probability to die  is less compared to those with less greenness around their home,” says David Rojas, researcher at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health. And he was the main author of the study, which was published in The Lancet Planet Health teaming up with the World Health Organization.

Specifically, the research team found that for every 10% increase in plants cover that’s within 1,600 feet of your home, your probability of death drops by 4%.

Those hard numbers are the result of a large metastudy(元研究) analyzing nine separate studies about longevity and green space that looked at how and how long people lived over long periods of time. Subjects were from countries around the globe, too: Australia, Canada, China, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, and the U. S.

As Rojas explained, in every country, the finding was the same. People who lived near more green space lived longer than people who lived near less. This green space can be grass, trees, or gardens. It can be public or private space.

He also explained, The study didn’t discriminate(歧视), nor did it have the accurate data to show that some plants were better for our health than others.

1.Who carried out this research?

A.Rojas’ team

B.Rojas’ team and Lancet Planet Health

C.World Health Organization and Lancet Planet Health

D.Rojas’ team and World Health Organization

2.What does the underlined word “longevity” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?

A.the length of life B.the balance of life

C.the strength of life D.the quality of life

3.It can be inferred from the passage that           .

A.Gardens are better for our health than grass and trees.

B.People who are surrounded with plants are probable to live longer.

C.For every 10% reducing in plants cover, your probability of death will increase by 4%.

D.People from developed countries with more green space live healthier than those in the developing countries.



    “The Mexican is familiar with death, jokes with it, sleeps with it and celebrates it,” wrote Mexican author Octavio Paz.

To celebrate death, people throughout Mexico celebrate the Day of the Dead on or around Nov. 1 each year. People wear makeup to celebrate the festival on that day.

Widely considered to be Mexico’s most important festival, the Day of the Dead is deeply rooted in the culture of the local Mexica.

The Mexica were the dominant local people in Mexico before the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century.

The celebration is based on a Mexican legend ( ) that says after death, souls can only communicate with their still-living families in the first days of November. One can see how these days would be quite important for the Mexican people.

Now the tradition has become a modern festival .

“It’s a celebration with many years of history, to which local people have incorporated(融合) new religious elements, such as the gathering of offerings,” said Octavio Murillo, director at the National Institute of Local People in Mexico.

On this special day, people around Mexico decorate their homes, streets and relatives’ graves with flowers, candles and colorful skulls. At the same time, they set up altars ( 祭坛) on which they place the personal belongings of the dead to welcome them home.

In recent years, this festival has become a global symbol of Mexican culture , especially after the movie Coco《寻梦环游记》 hit big screens in 2017.

“We are all afraid of death, and in Mexico, it is part of a celebration, a ritual of color. It’s amazing. ” said Alejandra Diaz, a 30-year-old traveller. She took a week-long trip from Colombia to Mexico City just to take part in the festivities.

1.What do we know about the Day of the Dead?

A.It dates back to the 15th century.

B.It is related to a Mexica legend.

C.It honors those who died for Mexico.

D.It is a traditional Christian festival in Mexico.

2.What is the main idea of Paragraphs 6 to 8?

A.The origins of the Day of the Dead.

B.Traditional ways of celebrating the Day of the Dead.

C.How the Day of the Dead is recently celebrated in Mexico.

D.Why the Day of the Dead is important for Mexican people.

3.Why is the movie Coco mentioned in the text?

A.To show that we should not be afraid of death.

B.To prove that the Day of the Dead has become a modern festival.

C.To present the influence of Mexican culture on modern movies.

D.To tell the readers that the festival stands for Mexican culture.



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