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Green Collar Section What is ecotourism?...

Green Collar Section

What is ecotourism? According to the International Ecotourism Society, ecotourism can be defined as responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and _______ the well-being of local people. That is to say, most ecotourism experiences are _______ at helping people to foster an appreciation of the environment, the conservation of wildlife, plants and resources, and respect and understanding of native _______.

Ecotourism is socially important because it provides a way for people to travel responsibly, and to learn about and respect the environment of these natural places. Ideally, ecotourism professionals organize and _______ an experience that demonstrates local environmental sustainability and cultural sensitivity for travelers.

At the university level, ecotourism programs are usually found in environmental science and recreation management departments. Students learn basic knowledge about different _______ of tourism (such as accommodation, transportation, business, organization, and hospitality) as well as conservational issues (such as _______ protection for wildlife and rational _______ of resources). And in more advanced programs, students will focus on nature-based education, such as and ecological issues. _______, it is also helpful, and sometimes _______, to be fluent in a foreign language, or students will not be able to hold a global insight. After graduation, it is also ________ for students to receive further career training programs, such as Group Dynamics for Ecotourism, Green Event Planning, Natural Resource Assessment and Planning, Intercultural Communications, Wilderness & Remote First Aid, etc, in order to become better adaptable to the updating job requirement.

As the threat to our planet ________ in many communities, their inhabitants are becoming more interested in the natural world around them and in ways to conserve the environment. Ecotourism is growing at three times the ________ of the tourism sector itself, and demanding more knowledgeable workers ________ to sustainability.

Jobs in ecotourism can be highly risky and adventurous, but also limited by season. Green travel employes generally work for private companies, government and pubic institutions, and nonprofits. Salaries in ecotourism ________ from field to field, but it helps to have a degree and some experience. Group leaders and travel guides are responsible for guiding tours through the ecosystems of various destinations ________ pointing out the benefits of green travel and a green lifestyle. Leaders and guides come from a wide range of backgrounds. Many will have experience in the tourism industry, while some will be scientists looking for positions in education.

1.A.dominates B.cultivates C.ruins D.sustains

2.A.bound B.aimed C.intended D.destined

3.A.peoples B.languages C.bonds D.habitats

4.A.alter B.taste C.execute D.undergo

5.A.properties B.advantages C.opinions D.respects

6.A.deserve B.reserve C.preserve D.conserve

7.A.exhaustion B.fulfillment C.advantage D.exploitation

8.A.Moreover B.Therefore C.Likewise D.After all

9.A.controlled B.requested C.selective D.compulsory

10.A.applicable B.obliged C.critical D.subtle

11.A.turns down B.turns up C.turns off D.turns on

12.A.rate B.width C.scale D.extension

13.A.devoting B.contributed C.adapting D.committed

14.A.count B.different C.range D.vary

15.A.while B.because C.even if D.if


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.A 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了生态旅游的意义、人才培养和发展方向。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:生态旅游可以定义为对自然地区负责任的旅行,保护环境和维持当地人民的福祉。A. dominates支配;B. cultivates培育;C. ruins毁灭;D. sustains保持。根据空后的“the well-being of local people”可知,生态旅游维持当地人民的福祉,故D项正确。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:也就是说,大多数生态旅游的目的是帮助游客欣赏(认识)当地环境,保护野生动植物和资源,尊重和理解当地人。A. bound约束;B. aimed目的在于;C. intended打算;D. destined注定。空后的“at helping people to foster an appreciation of the environment, the conservation of wildlife, plants and resources, and respect and understanding of native ___3___.”是生态旅游的目的,be aimed at表示“旨在、目的在于”,故B项正确。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. people人民;B. languages语言;C. bonds纽带;D. habitats栖息地。根据空前的“respect and understanding of native”可知此处指“尊重和理解当地人”,故A项正确。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:理想情况下,生态旅游专业人员会组织并执行一种体验,向游客展示当地环境的可持续性和文化敏感性。A. alter改变;B. taste品尝;C. execute实行、执行;D. undergo经历。根据空前的“ecotourism professionals organize”可知,生态旅游专业人员会组织并执行一种体验,故C项正确。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:学生学习生态旅游的不同方面(如住宿、交通、商业、组织、接待等)的基本知识和保护问题(如保护野生动物和合理开采资源)。A. properties属性;B. advantages优势;C. opinions观点;D. respects方面。空后的“(such as accommodation, transportation, business, organization, and hospitality) as well as conservational issues (such as ___6___ protection for wildlife and rational ___7___ of resources).”是生态旅游的几个方面,故D项正确。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. deserving应得;B. reserving预订;C. preserving保留;D. conserving保护。根据空后的“protection for wildlife”可知此处指“保护野生动物”,空前的“conservational”也是提示,故D项正确。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. exhaustion耗尽;B. fulfillment履行;C. advantage优势;D. exploitation开发、开采。根据空后的“of resources”可知此处指“合理开采资源”,故D项正确。 8.考查副词词义辨析。句意:此外,熟练掌握一门外语也很有帮助,有时甚至是必须的,否则学生将无法拥有全球性的洞察力。A. Moreover此外;B. Therefore因此;C. Likewise同样地;D. After all毕竟。空前说学生学习生态旅游的不同方面,结合空后的“it is also helpful, and sometimes ___9___, to be fluent in a foreign language”可知,此外,熟练掌握一门外语对学习生态旅游的学生也很有帮助,故A项正确。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. controlled受控制的;B. requested被请求的;C. selective选择性的;D. compulsory义务的、必须的。根据空后的“or students will not be able to hold a global insight.”可知,否则学生将无法拥有全球性的洞察力,这说明他们被要求必须熟练掌握一门外语,故D项正确。 10.可应用的;B. obliged必须的;C. critical至关重要的;D. subtle微妙的。根据空后的“for students to receive further career training programs”可知,毕业后,学生接受进一步的职业培训也至关重要,故C项正确。 11.拒绝;B. turns up出现、发生;C. turns off关掉;D. turns on打开。根据空前的“the threat to our planet”可知,对地球的威胁在许多社区出现,故B项正确。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:生态旅游的发展规模是旅游业本身的三倍,需要更多有知识的工作人员适应可持续发展。A. rate等级;B. width广度;C. scale规模;D. extension延伸。根据空后的“demanding more knowledgeable workers”可知,生态旅游需要更多有知识的工作人员,这说明它的发展规模是旅游业本身的三倍,故C项正确。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. devoting致力;B. contributed贡献;C. adapting适应;D. committed承诺。根据空后的“to sustainability”可知,生态旅游需要更多有知识的工作人员以适应可持续的发展方向,故C项正确。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:生态旅游的薪水因领域不同而不等,但拥有学位和一些经验是有帮助的。A. count数数;B. different不同的;C. range在……内变动;D. vary变化。根据空后的“from field to field”可知,生态旅游的薪水从一个领域到另一个领域不等,range from表示“在从……到……范围内变动”故C项正确。 15.考查连词词义辨析。句意:领队和导游负责带领游客游览不同目的地的生态系统,同时指出绿色旅游和绿色生活方式的好处。A. while与……同时;B. because因为;C. even if即使;D. if如果。根据空后的“pointing out the benefits of green travel and a green lifestyle”可知,领队和导游负责带领游客游览不同目的地的生态系统的同时要指出绿色旅游和绿色生活方式的好处,故A项正确。

President Donald Trump's first state dinner excluded Democratic members of Congress and the media, which was criticized by many as a(n) _________ from tradition.

A.departure B.benefit C.escape D.lesson



Letting virtual assistants, such as Amazon's Alexa, take care of your home is a(n) _________ for disaster to some, because AI-infused systems may demonstrate unpredictable behaviors that can be disruptive, confusing, offensive, and even dangerous.

A.topic B.shortcut C.cure D.recipe



The literature masterpiece Macbeth by Shakespeare will be better understood if readers look at the tragedy in the historical _________ of the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods, an era of relative stability.

A.content B.contest C.context D.contact



Along with enthusiasm for composing music _________ his devotion to cultivating young people's passion for music.

A.come B.comes C.coming D.to come



Anyone who wants to can call any timepiece a clock, but technically speaking, only _________ ones ring out the time actually deserve the name.

A.whatever B.whenever C.whichever D.wherever



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