满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I want to share with you a story from 28...

    I want to share with you a story from 28 years ago. My dad was a used car salesman. Every Thursday night, he would head off to Shreveport, LA for an auction (拍卖会). Most of the time, I drove a car over there for him so he could sell it at the auction.

One day I was riding with my dad when he noticed a hitch-hiker(搭便车的人) with a backpack. Without hesitation, he pulled the car over and offered him a ride. Dad asked him his name, and proceeded to talk to him about all sorts of things. Dad asked him where he was going. The hitch-hiker told him that he was heading for the  west. I can’t recall why but he told Dad a lot of things that had occurred to him and that persuaded him to make that decision. He talked about the tragic events that occurred to him several years before. He was low in spirits, but I could see that the hitch-hiker’s attitude was changing as someone was really listening to him.

We drove 45 minutes before the hitch-hiker got off. We pulled over and Dad told him to keep his head up and things would start looking up for him soon. He reached into his pocket and handed the hitch-hiker a twenty-dollar bill. The guy smiled. He nearly lit up right there on the cold, dark highway.

We drove on and my dad did not say a single thing. I was still completely amazed by  what I had just witnessed. I was always told by everyone never to pick up a hitch -hiker and yet my dad did it every single time he saw one. While reflecting upon that story I came  to understand that just one single kind act could change someone’s life, and I am sure that my father’s deed made that poor man’s day.

1.What made the hitch-hiker become less upset?

A.The writer’s father offering him a free ride.

B.The writer’s father really listening to him.

C.The writer’s father agreeing to drive him to his destination.

D.The writer’s father talking to him about all sorts of things.

2.The underlined words “that decision” in Para. 2 refer to______.

A.catching the car B.heading for the west

C.talking about his experiences D.driving 45 minutes

3.Which of the following words CANNOT be used to describe the father?

A.Willing to help. B.Easy-going.

C.Far-sighted. D.Full of sympathy.

4.The author wrote the text mainly to ______.

A.show his respect for his father B.tell a story of his father

C.prove his father is the best teacher D.advise people to learn from their father


1.B 2.B 3.C 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。本文讲了作者和父亲在去参加拍卖会的路上,遇见一个要搭便车的人,父亲搭载了那个人并给他钱的故事。也让作者明白,仅仅一个善行就可以改变一个人的一生,父亲的行为成就了那个穷人的一天。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中He was low in spirits, but I could see that the hitch-hiker’s attitude was changing as someone was really listening to him.可知他情绪低落,但我看得出来,那个搭车者的态度正在改变,因为有人真的在听他说话。由此可知,作者父亲的用心倾听让搭便车的人变得不那么沮丧。故选B。 2. 词义猜测题。根据第二段中The hitch-hiker told him that he was heading for the west. I can’t recall why but he told Dad a lot of things that had occurred to him and that persuaded him to make可知爸爸问他要去哪里。那个搭车的人告诉爸爸他要往西走。我不记得为什么,但他告诉了爸爸很多他想到的事情,以及是什么说服他做出了往西走这个决定。由此可知,“that decision”指的是“往西走”。故选B。 3. 推理判断题。根据文章讲述的父亲毫不犹豫让人搭便车,认真倾听对方的悲惨,还给了对方20美元这些行为,可推知作者的父亲是一个乐于助人、随和且充满同情心的人,只有C选项“有远见的”在文章中并未体现。故选C。 4. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中While reflecting upon that story I came to understand that just one single kind act could change someone’s life, and I am sure that my father’s deed made that poor man’s day.可知当我回想起这个故事时,我开始明白,仅仅一个善行就可以改变一个人的一生,我相信我父亲的行为成就了那个穷人的一天。结合本文讲了作者和父亲在去参加拍卖会的路上,遇见一个要搭便车的人,父亲搭载了那个人并给他钱的故事。由此可推知,作者写这篇文章主要是为了讲述他父亲的故事。故选B。

Dear Sir,

I am writing to express my concern about the plans to build a motorway near our village.

Haldersham is one of the loveliest villages in England. It is peaceful and quiet, and it is situated in a very attractive valley. There are also several beautiful countryside walks in the surroundings, with a view of many rare trees and plants.

Most of the people who live in Haldersham have moved here from other places, often from London and other big cities. They have bought houses here to live in a place far away from the noise and the stress of the big city. They paid a lot of money for their houses, but they knew they would get a high quality of life for it.

If the planned motorway is built, life in Haldersham will change greatly. There will be a lot of noise around us, and nobody will want to go on the walks. House prices will certainly go down, because nobody will want to buy houses in a place close to a motorway. Haldersham will become an ugly place.

I don’t think any of the people living in this beautiful village want that, and we all believe exposure to noise pollution can have a direct influence on our health. So, let’s all tell the politicians who support the motorway plans what we think about them!

Yours faithfully,

Hilary Riley

1.Many people move to Haldersham because ______.

A.it has a good environment

B.it is not far away from big cities

C.they want to be a help to the village

D.they prefer to study rare plants in this area

2.According to Hilary Riley, a motorway will ______.

A.cause high house prices

B.bring people stress

C.provide a convenient life

D.affect the quality of life

3.What’s the purpose of the letter?

A.To give an introduction of Haldersham.

B.To show grateful thanks to the politicians.

C.To express disapproval about the motorway.

D.To offer suggestions on building the motorway.




1.Marty is very positive, though he gets a ___________ (伤残;残疾) .

2.Eleanor was __________ (颇为生气的) at having had to wait for him so long.

3.I hope your holiday will be __________ (有益的) to you.

4.It's already nine o'clock. Would now be a __________ (合适的) moment to show the slides?

5.She had a strong __________ (渴望) to go abroad for further study.

6.When they heard the __________ (警报) they even did not realize what had happened.

7.Soldiers are expected to _________(服从)their orders with-out question.

8.Yao Ming has a __________(天才;才干) for playing basketball.

9.The __________ (证人) stated that she had never seen Mr. Smith.

10.I don't want to __________ (督促) you against your own wish.

11.In the __________ (每年的) get-together, we all enjoyed the pleasure of friendship.

12.He __________ (暂停) for breath and then continued climbing.

13.Water began to come into the ship, so the captain gave orders to __________ (抛弃;遗弃) it.

14.The star has__________(捐赠) a large sum of money to charity so far.

15.It's too difficult for him to__________ (操作) this new machine.

16.Your letter was a great __________ (安慰) to me.

17.The play writer has __________(推荐) the actress as the leading part in this film.

18.The development of economy promotes a __________(繁荣) in car sales.

19.The article stresses the importance of education __________(改革).

20.I think you can turn to Mr. Smith because he will solve your problem using very __________ (实际的;实用的) ways.



Much to the couple's comforttheir income is now double ________ it was five years ago.

A.that B.if C.which D.what



As days go onI think that Beijing will become ________ the whole world pay close attention to.

A.where B.what C.which D.that



Thinking that you know ________ in fact you don't know is a serious mistake.

A.what B.that C.when D.however



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