满分5 > 高中英语试题 >








I grew up in a family when no one was willingness to show love. I knew I was loved, but it was hardly expressed, either in words and with a hug. Then, at the age of 40, I was met Judy. I quickly noticed how often she told her kid she loved them and how I hugged them. As with any habit, I picked it, and the more I did so, the easier it became for me. Now I never fail to hugging my friends or family members, and it have entirely changed how I relate to them. It’s a awesome feeling!


1.which→where 2.willingness→willing 3.and→or 4.去掉was 5.kid→kids 6.I→She 7.it后添加up 8.hugging→hug 9.have→has 10.a→an 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者生活在一个不擅长表达爱的家庭里,后来遇到Judy之后,作者懂得了爱就是要表达出来。 1.考查定语从句。本句为定语从句,其先行词为family,在从句中作地点状语,应使用关系副词where引导定语从句。故将which改为where。 2.考查形容词。句意:我在一个没人愿意表达爱的家庭里成长。此处be willing to do sth译为“乐意做某事”。故将willingness改为willing。 3.考查连词。此处考查either…or…的用法,译为“要么……要么…….”。故将and改为or。 4.考查语态。句意:在我40岁的时候,我认识了Judy。结合句意可知主语I和met之间构成的是主动语态,而was met为被动语态。故去掉was。 5.考查名词复数。根据下文中出现的“she loved them and how I hugged them”,可知Judy的孩子不是一个。故将kid改为kids。 6.考查代词。句意:我很快注意到,她经常告诉孩子们她爱他们,并且拥抱她的孩子们。结合句意可知,told与hug都是Judy对她的孩子们发出的动作,故将I改为She。 7.考查动词短语。句意:像其它任何习惯一样,我学会了。结合句意可知,pick up译为“学会”,故将it后添加up。 8.考查动词。此处考查fail to do sth译为“未能作某事”,故将hugging改为hug。 9.考查主谓一致。该句中it为第三人称单数形式,因此谓语动词使用单数形式。句子为一般现在时。故将have改为has。 10.考查冠词。根据句意“这是一种很棒的感觉”,此处表示泛指“一种很棒的感觉”awesome是以元音音素开头的单词,故使用不定冠词an。故将a改为an。  


We all know that fish live in the water. But there is a kind of fish living in the desert. This kind of fish is called the lungfish. The lungfish is a type of fresh water fish best known for its 1. ableto live on land, without water, for months on end, and sometimes even for years.

As its name suggests, the lungfish has a highly evolved breathing system 2. can take oxygen straight from the air, just like land animals do. While they still live in the water, the lungfish needs to 3. regularcome up to the surface for air. And 4. is astonishing is that these fish can even die if they are in the water for a long time. Therefore, they need to avoid 5. putunderwater.

When in the water, the lungfish behaves like other 6. typeof fish, swimming and eating small fish at 7. bottom of ponds and lakes. But when the dry season hits, the lungfish will bury itself deep into the mud, where it secrets mucus(分泌粘液)out of its skin that hardens to form a protective cocoon(茧)around it. Only the mouth  8. leavefor breathing.

Lungfish is one of the most ancient bony fish 9. discoveron the earth today. They are very much like the fish that 10. livetwo hundred million years ago. And now lungfish is found only in Africa, South America and Australia.



    During my junior year of college, I signed up for a volunteer leaching program in Costa Rica. I lived within an inspiringly colorful living quarter which was ______ into a female and male section, along with a kitchen, eating room and conference room. I taught at a school. It was located(位于)within a ______ and every day birds and butterflies flew throughout our school. It was ______ . We were ______ on Costa Rica’s school system, the country, the language and how to ______ a lesson. Additionally, we took part in ______ acclivities lo relax ourselves.

The experience was beneficial to my English writing ______ when I got back to college, I began writing. I wrote so much that a piece of my writing about that experience was ______ in Folio’s Literary Magazine. Because of that, I was more ______ to continue working abroad.

After ______ , I moved to China for a year and worked in schools to teach reading and writing. It was a life-changing ______ of my life. Not only did I ______ my experiences through a weekly blog, but I began a book. Culture differences ______ me and even consumed me in the beginning, but ______ I fell in love with the people, their schools and their history.

Upon ______ to my home, I became a teacher in Trenton, New Jersey. The moment I stepped into the classroom. I could empathize(感同身受)with my ______ . I truly feel volunteering in Costa Rica was where it all ______ and working in China enriched my leaching life. If I could do anything ______ , it might be volunteering or working abroad more before settling down.

The ______ I’ve made through volunteering and working abroad are an English major’s dream and I hope that every English major ______ the chance to study or work abroad.

1.A.trained B.pulled C.absorbed D.divided

2.A.desert B.sea C.forest D.river

3.A.beautiful B.boring C.vivid D.shocking

4.A.praised B.educated C.interviewed D.commented

5.A.choose B.learn C.plan D.attend

6.A.legal B.fun C.brief D.safe

7.A.because B.unless C.although D.if

8.A.exchanged B.read C.rejected D.published

9.A.worried B.determined C.Frightened D.relaxed

10.A.graduation B.requirement C.operation D.ceremony

11.A.shelter B.topic C.move D.conflict

12.A.confirm B.gain C.compare D.share

13.A.confused B.amuse C.calmer D.excited

14.A.easily B.gradually C.strangely D.usually

15.A.belong B.pointing C.returning D.referring

16.A.volunteers B.classmates C.colleagues D.students

17.A.replied B.disappeared C.escaped D.started

18.A.correctly B.deliberately C.differently D.strictly

19.A.excuses B.discoveries C.preparations D.decisions

20.A.jumps at B.stands for C.turns down D.speaks our



    Every animal on Earth helps contribute to the ecosystem in some way. We humans must protect animals to keep the ecosystem in balance. We depend on healthy ecosystems for food, shelters and clean water. 1. If you want to protect them, the following ideas may inspire you.

Use social media to spread awareness for animal organizations. If you follow animal organizations on social media, you can repost their content, Your followers and social media circle will see it and possibly share it themselves. 2.

Find a local organization or shelter that offers volunteering. 3. But you can also search the web to find a local organization that may help walk dogs, bathe animals or clean cages. Popular organizations can be overloaded with volunteers. Smaller local rescues and shelters may have more openings for volunteers.

Adopt(收养)an animal from a local shelter. If you’re ready for a pet, consider adopting one from a shelter. 4. Giving an animal a loving home will not only benefit its life but improve yours. Pick an animal that will match your budget, schedule and living space. Your pet will be happier if it matches your needs and lifestyle.

5. Reusable water bottles, food containers and shopping bags help reduce amount of plastic used that eventually ends up in the ocean which is home to some animals. When you do use disposable(一次性的)plastic, recycle it when you can.

A.Use fewer plastic products to limit ocean pollution.

B.Share ideas on how to reuse plastic to protect the ocean.

C.By adopting a pet, you possibly save it from being killed.

D.Some famous organizations encourage volunteers to adopt animals.

E.Well-known organizations often have lots of volunteering chances.

F.Taking action to protect animals is for their own good as well as ours.

G.Make sure the content you share is accurate so you’re spreading correct information.



    It’s always nice to have a little help around the house. But what if you could employ the assistance of one of the greatest minds of the 20th century

That’s the idea behind a new robot modeled after Albert Einstein. Called Professor Einstein and standing at just over a foot tall, this personal assistant can tell you the weather and keep track of your schedule like any other robots. With built-in Wi-Fi, Einstein robot has access to brain ceasing games, and can answer math problems and science questions. With natural language speech processing, you can actually interact with Professor Einstein. And because the robot is connected to the Internet, it is constantly updated with new information.

To help get the perfect replica(复制品)of Einstein, the Hong Kong-based tech company Hanson Robotics turned to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the home of the Albert Einstein archives(档案). “We worked very closely with them to bring the product co marker,” the company’s Dr. Jeanne Lim said.

Einstein robot was introduced to the public at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas and was quickly hailed by those who saw it. “He became one of the breakout stars of the convention,” wrote Melia Robinson on Business Insider. “Crowds flooded into the company to have a look at the little guy.”

“Technology is often now very cold and socially isolating(孤立的),” explained David Hanson, the co-founder of the company behind the new robot, “By bringing an lively character into our physical world, we’re humanizing(使人性化)the technology instead of dehumanizing the humans.”

As for Hanson Robotics, the company has been building human-size robots for over a decade. But this marks the company’s first commercially available product. “Professor Einstein is just the start,” said Hanson. “We’re witnessing the arrival of conversational robots that can walk in our world. It’s a golden age of invention.”

1.What can Einstein robot do

A.Teach you to learn any new language.

B.Have a regular conversation with you.

C.Design a number of science questions.

D.Keep track of other robots constantly.

2.Which of the following best explains “hailed” underlined in paragraph 4

A.Broken. B.Improved.

C.ignored. D.Praised.

3.What can be inferred from David Hanson’s words

A.He expects humans to be less isolated from robots.

B.He dreams of humanizing humans through invention.

C.He worries about a golden age for conversational robots.

D.He stays hopeful about the future of robot invention.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.A New Robot Makes Humans Much Happier

B.The Golden Age of Invention Is Approaching

C.Albert Einstein Changes into an Assistant

D.Albert Einstein Helps to Humanize Robots



    Many of us know about Russia’s Take Baikal from our textbook, or by listening to Chinese singer Li Jian’s hit song, Lie Baikal. But over the years, the world’s deepest freshwater lake has been in the spotlight for an extreme sport.

Each March, about 150 people from around the world sign up for the Baikal Ice Marathon. The 26-mile41, 84 kilometersjourney starts on the lake’s eastern shore. In March, the ice is a meter thick and iron-hard. Runners cross this frozen surface, finishing on the western side of the lake.

It’s believed that Lake Baikal’s beauty is incomparable. Known as the “blue eye of Siberia”, Lake Baikal has particularly clear waters. This means that its ice is almost perfectly transparent(透明的). Seen from above, a runner on the ice looks as if he or she were jogging through space.

The scenery might be beautiful, but strong winds blast(侵袭)acorns the lake and forcible can occur within half an hour. Runners say the cold climate is what draws them and that running in such condition is a test of their limits.

“When you are in such an environment, you don’t have cars around and don’t have the noise around. I think these extreme races push you to be alone” Alicia Badalona, a 64-year-old runner from the US said.

The place offers some strange and unique characteristics for this marathon The finishing line is visible(可见的)from the start, but the endless while offers no progress markers. Tourists crowding the ice are mostly addicted to snapping sallies(自拍)and just ignore the runners.

For runners, the absence of spectators(观众)makes the race more challenging, because it’s lonely. They must fight with themselves. “You are alone on Baikal. It is your race. You are alone with yourself. All you need to do is to defeat yourself.” Veronique Messina. a French runner, told the Telegraph.

1.What has kept lake Baikal being a focus over the years

A.A famous Chinese singer. B.A popular song in Russian.

C.The Baikal ice marathon. D.The coldness of Lake Baikal.

2.What does the underlined word “This” in paragraph 3 refer to

A.The fact that the waters of Lake Baikal are clear.

B.The belief that Lake Baikal is known for its waters.

C.The reason why Lake Baikal is popular with runners.

D.The popularity that clear waters in Lake Baikal enjoy.

3.Why do runners sign up for the Baikal Ice Marathon

A.They prefer to get close to nature.

B.They like competition with others.

C.They want to draw much attention.

D.They intend to test their own limits.

4.Why is Veronique Messina mentioned at last?

A.To prove the power of the runners for the Baikal Ice Marathon.

B.To show that runners must fight against themselves in the Marathon.

C.To explain that independence is important for marathon runners.

D.To indieato the necessity of paying attention co marathon runners.



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