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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Wearing...


Wearing hanfu, 1.traditional clothing of the Han ethnic group, has experienced a fashion revival(复兴) among young Chinese people in recent years, with more than 2 million2.(consumer) of the domestic hanfu market, 3.is worth around 1.09 billion yuan, CCTV reported.

As the number of people4.(adopt) the ancient style of dress in modern times is expected5.(grow), stores involved in the renting of hanfu are being set up across China. From April to August last year, the number of stores for renting hanfu in Beijing6.(rise) to more than 20 from the original four.

The hanfu market has experienced a boom in both high-end customized clothing brands and more7.(afford) options. Statistics coming8.a domestic e-commerce(国内电商) platform showed that hanfu priced at 100-300 yuan took more than 60 percent market share last year, while those priced over 500 yuan accounted for more than 30 percent. Last year, there were more than 2 million9.(extreme) keen admirers of hanfu in China, according to a report by HanFu Information, a piece of data10.(provide) for the platform. The average age of the admirers is 21, and some 88 percent of them are female.


1.the 2.consumers 3.which 4.adopting 5.to grow 6.rose 7.affordable 8.from 9.extremely 10.provided 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。本篇文章讲述了在中国由于穿汉服在年轻人中的兴起,进而刺激了中国的汉服消费市场,大部分的消费者是年轻女性居多,并用一些数据和报告举例说明了这一蓬勃发展的市场趋势。 1.考查冠词。group为可数名词,此处特指“穿汉代传统服饰的团体”应用定冠词the来指代。故填the。 2.考查名词的数。句意:据中央电视台报道,近年来,穿着汉服这一汉族传统服饰在中国年轻人中重新流行起来,国内汉服市场的消费者超过200万,价值约10.9亿元。此处表示“消费者”应用名词consumer,且consumer为可数名词,由2 million修饰可知要用可数名词的复数形式。故填consumers。 3.考查非限定性定语从句。此处为非限定性定语从句修饰上文,且从句中缺少主语,故应用关系代词which。故填which。 4.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知adopt在句中应用非谓语动词形式,且与people构成主动关系,故用现在分词。故填adopting。 5.考查非谓语动词。根据短语be expected to do sth.表示“被期望做某事”,后跟不定式。故填to grow。 6.考查动词时态。rise在句中作谓语,且根据前文last year可知应用一般过去时。故填rose。 7.考查形容词。修饰名词options应用形容词affordable,表示“负担得起的”。故填affordable。 8.考查介词。根据短语come from表示“来自”。故填from。 9.考查副词。修饰后面形容词keen应用副词extremely,表示“非常”。故填extremely。 10.考查非谓语动词。句意:据为该平台提供数据的汉服资讯的一份报告显示,去年,中国有200多万汉服的狂热崇拜者。分析句子结构可知provide在句中应用非谓语动词形式作状语,且与data构成被动关系,故用过去分词。故填provided。

    Today was the fifth time that I had beaten Janice this year at tennis. I was beyond________of myself, but as I stepped out of the court and passed by Janice, I found she________not to see me without raising her head, and she was________beside her father. My mind was racing with________. “Why can't she just________the loss? Is she purposely trying to mess my confidence so I will not________my best in my next________?”

My heart pounded as I dropped my head and held legs tightly. In a few seconds, my________was burning from embarrassment, and without even looking up, I could feel everyone's eyes looking at me________.

I came________to this tournament, because my parents were 3,000 miles away. There was no one there to________me or stand up for me. I was by myself, facing so many________. Just then, a warm hand tapped me on my shoulder. I was________to look up as tears streamed down my face. The person who tapped me was Janice.

I glared at her and actually________her to leave me alone. I expected her to start crying again and________to her father. However, she sat down where I was without saying anything.

After a few moments of________, she let out a big sigh and apologized for her unusual________.

Janice glanced towards where I was looking at. She carefully got up and________me away from the court. As we were walking, I turned my head around to make eye________with her father. He caught me staring and he waved at me with smile. Without________, I gave him a big smile and walked away, making sure that I had my head held high.

1.A.fond B.proud C.ashamed D.aware

2.A.pretended B.decided C.intended D.happened

3.A.laughing B.shouting C.whispering D.crying

4.A.commitments B.decisions C.thoughts D.impressions

5.A.accept B.doubt C.suggest D.need

6.A.save B.seek C.live D.perform

7.A.show B.match C.discussion D.party

8.A.back B.hand C.face D.heart

9.A.strangely B.secretly C.happily D.suddenly

10.A.frequently B.late C.worriedly D.alone

11.A.remember B.comfort C.warn D.separate

12.A.audiences B.families C.relatives D.coaches

13.A.unbearable B.desperate C.unwilling D.generous

14.A.encourage B.inform C.force D.expect

15.A.return B.turn C.appeal D.see

16.A.darkness B.silence C.rest D.argument

17.A.excuse B.experience C.behavior D.habit

18.A.pulled B.persuaded C.threw D.cleared

19.A.check B.sign C.glance D.contact

20.A.regret B.hesitation C.inspiration D.preparation



    As individuals age, many will experience decreased memory abilities.1.Some signs include forgetting phone numbers, misplacing car keys, and struggling with name recall. This decline is associated with a routine that leaves parts of the brain unused. Memory exercises can help keep typically unused parts of the brain active and improve memory abilities.

2.It can be something as simple as going to a new restaurant for lunch, cooking something completely new, or visiting a friend in the next town for the weekend. New sensory stimulation can help refresh memory.

Another easy way to improve memory is to use one's non-dominant hand to do simple tasks. For example, if one is right-handed, the left hand could be used to brush teeth or comb hair.3.But in fact, a part of the brain is being used that is rarely put to work, making the brain stronger.

4.This might include studying a new language or researching how to do a math problem. And it does not have to be something traditionally thought of as brain stimulating. Learning a new craft or sport may also activate the brain in new ways.

Not only can mind exercises improve memory, but physical exercise can as well. Studies show that exercise can improve memory abilities as it increases blood circulation and therefore more oxygen can reach the brain.5.

A.This may feel slow and ineffective.

B.Short-term memory is often the first to suffer.

C.Talking with others can also improve one's memory.

D.Even as little as 30 minutes of walking each day can help.

E.Memory exercises can also be accomplished by learning new things.

F.One type of memory exercise involves changing one's regular routine.

G.Being alone can cause stress and depressionwhich affects memory negatively.



    Some people say that dogs are human’s best friend-good companions, loyal and lovable. Of course, they can be more than just a pet as some are excellent working dogs. More recently, a new role has been found for the animals-working as therapy dogs in universities.

Research, conducted by Washington State University, has found that spending time with dogs can help stressed-out students. Patricia Pendry from the university said that a study of 300 undergraduates had found weekly hour-long sessions with dogs brought to the university by professional handlers (训狗师) had made stressed students who were at “high risk of academic failure” or dropping out, “feel relaxed and accepted”. The dogs helped them to concentrate, learn and remember information.

Other research has shown that petting animals like dogs can reduce stress hormone levels and anxiety. Around 1,000 campuses in the US already use therapy pets and it’s becoming more common in the UK. For example, The University of Middlesex has employed some dogs to help stop lonely students dropping out. Fiona Suthers, head of clinical skills at the university, says that five Labradors had a “stringent assessment” to ensure they had the right temperament (性情). But she adds, “It’s hard to describe the impact of just having a dog lying down in the corner of a class.”

Using dogs for therapy can also help the dogs themselves. In Wales, Swansea University Students’ Union has used rescued Greyhounds to help students unwind between exams. Sessions allow mistreated and abandoned dogs to interact with humans and begin to trust them again. Student Union education officer Chloe Hutchinson said, “A lot of students have dogs at home and might be a bit homesick, especially around exam time when it is stressful and you just want your home comforts.”

So if you’re a student who’s been working like a dog, but you still feel like you haven’t a dog’s chance in passing your exams, maybe introducing a four-legged friend into your life might be the help you need.

1.What can we learn about therapy dogs in universities?

A.They can reduce students’ anxiety.

B.They can help blind students.

C.They can work with students.

D.They can keep students safe.

2.What does Fiona Suthers imply?

A.Dogs play a part in class in universities.

B.The right temperament is needed for a therapy dog.

C.The impact of therapy dogs is clear.

D.It’s hard to describe how dogs will help with the students.

3.How do the abandoned dogs themselves get help?

A.By finding a new family to live in.

B.By helping students with some exams.

C.By lying down to the ground in a room.

D.By making more chances to meet humans.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Dogs helping stressed-out students

B.College students are stressed out

C.Why dogs are perfect helpers

D.How to keep a therapy dog



    A new study finds that the average performance of students from the lowest income families in the US lags(滞后) about three to four years behind that of the highest income students-an achievement gap that has remained constant for decades. An analysis of standardized tests given to more than 2. 7 million middle and high school students over 40 years suggests that federal education programs aimed at closing the gap are falling short.

Researchers looked at results from four different programs conducted nationwide at various intervals from 1971 to 2015 to test teenagers in math, reading and science. A total of 98 exams were used in the programs, testing students aged 13-15 as well as 17-year-olds. Test scores for 17-year-old students in the bottom 10th income percentile(百分位) were far lower than those in the top 10th percentile.

Meanwhile, the overall test scores didn't shift for 17-year-olds during the study period. They did improve slightly for 13-to 15-year-olds, which suggests that federal programs for younger students have been helpful. But the lowest income students still score much lower than the highest income students. “Programs for older students are badly needed,” says study coauthor Eric Hanushek, an education economist at Stanford University. “Lower achievement in high school leads to lower earning potential throughout adulthood. The next generation is going to look a lot like this generation. Kids from poor families will become poor themselves.”

Whether the problem is worsening, however, is up for debate. A 2011 study, conducted by Stanford education sociologist Sean Reardon, looked at 12 exams administered from 1960 to 2007, and found that the gap in test scores between the poorest and the wealthiest students grew by 40 percent. It shows the poorest students lag about three to six years behind their wealthier peers in learning. Reardon suggested parents of means were increasingly investing in their children's education, sharpening the divide.

The different results between the new study and that conducted in 2011 come down to the fact that the researchers analyzed results from different tests and how they categorized(分类) family income level, says education sociologist Anna Chmielewski. Hanushek and Reardon agree that the income-related achievement gap is alarming.

1.What does the result of the new study indicate?

A.The poorest students' lagging behind exists in specific age groups.

B.A better standard for category should be adopted in the study.

C.The federal education programs turned out unsuccessful generally.

D.A better school performance necessarily leads to higher income.

2.How does the author present the serious issue?

A.By showing the discussion result. B.By clarifying some points.

C.By doing a questionnaire. D.By making a comparison.

3.What may cause the different results of the two studies?

A.The different countries. B.The analytical methods.

C.The income assessments. D.The different ranges of age.

4.Why does the income-related achievement gap concern people?

A.It will disappear eventually.

B.It will further widen the social gap.

C.It results in the students' blind competitions.

D.It makes Americans smarter and richer.



    “What is the biggest challenge of graduate school?” an undergraduate asked the group of graduate students at an event I helped organize last summer. “Not letting the support from my community turn into pressure,” one member responded. That answer might have surprised some, who probably expected to hear about experiments that didn't work or trudging through academic materials. But I understood exactly what she meant.

Throughout my education, friends and family have expected me to take advantage of every opportunity I come across because I may not get the same chance again. They expect me to give outstanding performances everywhere I go because I represent them and our culture. Mentors(导师) expect that I will never give up. This has been a great source of motivation, but also of pressure.

I remembered a conversation with a mentor. At the end of my first year of graduate school, I struggled with a strong desire to leave the program with a master's degree. I was accustomed to hearing “Don't give up” and “You have to finish”-words that were meant to be motivational. Instead, they made me feel I would be a disappointment if I left. After I discussed the pros and cons of leaving with my mentor, she responded completely different from what I expected. “I support any decision you make,” she said. “I will always be proud of you and your achievements.” Hearing this simple, direct statement of support, I felt every muscle of my body loosen.

My mentor knew the right thing to say, but we can't expect the same from everyone. Sometimes, friends and family ask me, “How long until you get your degree?” As many graduate students will agree, this question is a stress starter. Now, when people in my community-always with the best intentions-say something that creates pressure and makes me feel bad, I tell them and we talk about it. I tell them that I prefer to hear, “Do you need someone to talk to? How can I help you through this rough time?” This was a bit awkward at first. But I've started to notice a change. These days, I get fewer stress-inducing(引起压力的) questions and comments.

1.Which can replace the underlined word “trudging” in paragraph 1?

A.Struggling. B.Seeing.

C.Breaking. D.Cutting.

2.What can be inferred from paragraph 3 about the author?

A.He was afraid to leave his program.

B.He appreciated what his mentor said.

C.He preferred to discuss pros and cons.

D.He had a strong desire to get a master's degree.

3.Which does the author prefer to hear when he needs support?

A.Never give up!

B.How about a chat?

C.Have you prepared for the result?

D.Go ahead! I will back you up!

4.What's the main idea of the text?

A.Value the source of inspiration from your community.

B.Communicate with your community more about study.

C.Find a way to block out support from your community.

D.Let support from your community become less stressful.



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