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假定英语课,老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 ...

假定英语课,老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






During the recent harvest festival, my parents and I visited the Pear Village , where was a great destination for photographers. The plot was filled with green pear trees and many kinds of flowers. The three of them were very excited. On arriving herewe were warmly welcome by the local people. Then, we picked pears, had a picnic and shared photos took in and around the orchards (果园). After thatwe talked with the working farmers happily. They were simply and kind. They said the harvests benefited all the residents, so they recently hosted at the festival. They were looking forward to welcoming more visitor to their village. The time passes quickly. We were lost in enjoying ourselves before we realized we had to say goodbye to the villagers. It was really unforgettable visit.


1. where→which 2. them→us 3.heret→here 4.welcome→welcomed 5.took→taken 6.simply→simple 7.删掉at 8.visitor→visitors 9.passes→passed 10.unforgettable前加冠词an 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了我和父母去参加收获节的故事。 1.考查定语从句。分析句子可知,本句为带有非限制性定语从句的复合句,其中my parents and I visited the Pear Village为主句,句中the Pear Village为先行词,在其后的定语从句中作主语,根据定语从句关系代词的用法,先行词指物,在从句中作主语时,关系代词用which ,that不能引导非限制性定语从句。故where改为which。 2.考查代词。结合上文可知,我和父母一起去the Pear Village,所以,此处表示我们三人都非常兴奋。所以them改为us。 3.考查副词。句意:一到那里,我们就受到当地人热烈的欢迎。结合句意,此处要用副词there,表示the Pear Village,故here改为there。 4.考查被动语态。句意同上。根据句意,我们是被欢迎,所以语态用被动语态,动词要用过去分词。故welcome改为welcomed。 5.考查非谓语动词。句意:之后,我们摘了梨,野餐,分享了在果园里和周围拍的照片。take photos拍照片,本句中,share为谓语动词,所以take为非谓语动词,因为photos和take为动宾关系,take要用过去分词作定语,表示被动含义。故took改为taken。 6.考查形容词。句意:他们简朴而善良。分析句子可知,本句为主系表结构,所以表语要用形容词。故simply改为simple。 7.考查介词。本句中host the festival举办节日,节日前不用介词。故删去at。 8.考查名词。visitor游客,可数名词。句中提到更多的游客,所以visitor要用复数。故visitor改为visitors。 9.考查时态。结合全文,讲述我和父母去参加收获节,表示过去的事实,所以时态要用一般过去时。故passes改为passed。 10.考查冠词。句意:那真是一次难忘的拜访。泛指“一次难忘的拜访”。unforgettable为元音音素开头,所以前面要用不定冠词an。故unforgettable前加冠词an。  


I have made all my final preparations for my first solo concert tour in China. It will be an incredible honor spreading my love for Hawaiian music and culture to new audiences in Shanghai. I will be performing solo concerts at symphony halls in 1. city.

I have an 2. (extreme) interesting family connection to Shanghai. My grandfather 3.(raise) there because his great grandfather moved to China in the mid-19th century 4. (establish) the first hospital and university of Western medicine in China. It was called Saint Luke’s. The campus 5. (be) still there in Shanghai and has been preserved from the time it was built in the 1880s. My grandfather moved back 6. the U. S. after high school and made his way to Harvard. He and his brother moved to Hawaii and both were 7. (doctor) on Oahu Maui and the Big Island. This tour will be very 8.    (mean) for my family.

I will visit the university campus while in Shanghai. I feel like a family "history detective” 9. (explore) my family roots. The concerts will be a great way for me to share my “hello” with the people of China and introduce Hawaiian music to many 10. have not heard it. I will be doing TV and radio interviews and performances along the way. Let the adventure begin!



    I work as a waiter at a restaurant. Last night an elderly and seemingly_______couple came into the restaurant and my co-worker seated them. We usually _______ our own tables. At one point the elderly couple signaled to me that they were ready to  _______ . I was super busy so I found myself a bit  _______ but out of politeness I went to them and_______ their order.

The _______began ordering and started stammering(口吃)to an extent I'd never heard before. It was very _______ that he had a speech disorder. I could _______ the wife had told her husband a great range of things that she wanted, as a way for him to  _______  ordering. It took a while for him to order, and in the meantime, she looked so proud and content ________ her husband's severe stammering.

Honestly the whole thing just brought me to ________. It was touching and just made me realize that a huge part of ________ is acceptance, tolerance and support. She could have made the order and made things a lot ________  for her husband and ________ the stares from other tablesbut she didn't. ________ she supported him and was proud to see him complete the order. I ________ took their gesture of wanting to order as being rude, but I think they  ________  it because he really wanted to get the order right.

This whole thing also reminded me that life is ________ for all of us. I assumed this wealthy couple had everything going for them, but it just ________ me that all of us have our problems. Anyway, as long as we hold a positive attitude towards life, things will ________well.

1.A.anxious B.troublesome C.wealthy D.talkative

2.A.take care of B.take part in C.take possession of D.take interest

3.A.eat B.order C.pay D.leave

4.A.helpful B.lucky C.awkward D.unwilling

5.A.refused B.took C.delivered D.received

6.A.waiter B.manager C.wife D.husband

7.A.common B.ridiculous C.apparent D.annoying

8.A.tell B.agree C.prove D.accept

9.A.allow B.suggest C.practice D.enjoy

10.A.because of B.in spite of C.in addition to D.as well as

11.A.anger B.laughter C.confusion D.tears

12.A.life B.career C.love D.kindness

13.A.cheaper B.earlier C.easier D.slower

14.A.avoided B.ignored C.returned D.respected

15.A.Luckily B.Instead C.Therefore D.Otherwise

16.A.initially B.deliberately C.eventually D.frequently

17.A.permitted B.regretted C.signaled D.admitted

18.A.worthwhile B.meaningless C.rewarding D.challenging

19.A.reminded B.inspired C.disappointed D.promised

20.A.Act out B.work out C.break out D.pull out



    When you’re on a journey to improve health and fitnesssurely following the exercise and nutrition advice of a hot model is the way to go, right? Wrong! 1. The first step to longterm fitness success is to be honest with yourself.


Begin to become aware of the language you use. When you say you don't have enough time to exercise, check in with yourself to make sure you're being honest. Could you be using your time better? Do you really have absolutely no free time at all?

♦Too tired to exercise?

Unless you’re a professional athlete it’s unlikely that your body is ever too tired to train. However, it could be neurological (神经的)tiredness that’s talking you out of it. 3.You need to battle this type of tiredness head on. The secret is to give your brain a break and let your body have a workout. When you’re feeling mentally tiredwalking can help you absorb the fresh air and feel grounded yet disconnected from all the pressures.

♦Routine or no routine?

So regular walking is good. But is fixing a regular exercise routine necessary too? The trick is to find out what works best for you. If routine makes you feel balanced, then by all accounts create a workout plan. 4.

♦Set goals.

Be honest with yourself and realistic about where you are and where you expect to be. If you're just starting out, set short-term goals (every few days) so you can experience success sooner and more often. 5. All too often people quit too quickly when the journey is too long.

A.Identify your free time.

B.Listen to your body or not?

C.But be prepared to continue to set new goals regularly.

D.It’s called the brain drain, coming from mental

E.If you hate routine then do naturally with your exercise plans.

F.Following in the footstep of others can lead you totally off track.

G.If you’re gelling bored of exercise ,you’re probably doing too much.



    Scientists who study the Sun watch for sunspots—violent storms that can affect communicationsnavigation systems and even electric power stations on the Earth.

Sunspots are a product of huge electromagnetic storms on the Sun. Scientists on the Earth are able to observe sunspots eight minutes after they happen. That is how long it takes for the Sun’s light to reach us.

The first electrically charged particles (颗粒)from a sunspot enter the Earth’s atmosphere about 20 to 30 minutes after the storm happens. These particles can harm human beings. So before they arrive, astronauts on the International Space Station move into special areas designed to protect them from their effects.

About a day or two later, the biggest part of the storm arrives. It is called a coronal mass ejection. “That is billions of tons of solar material that's blown away from the Sun. It’s traveling millions of kilometers an hour, but that is relatively slow.” says Alex Young, the Associate Director for Science at NASA's Heliophysics Science Division.

Several civilian government agencies and the U.S. Air Force watch weather conditions in space 24 hours a day. NASA does so because it must protect its astronauts and the electronic devices on its spacecraft.

Scientists are also trying to understand why the number of sunspots rises and falls at almost regular intervals every 11 years. In other words, scientists can almost predict the amount of solar activity. Sometimes the intensity (强度)is highersometimes lowerFor example, the current solar cycle, as it is called, is much lower than the previous one.

Several satellites watch the Sun and the environment between the Sun and tho Earth. Pictures and other information from the satellites tell scientists what is happening on and near the Sun.

Alex Young says we have only been looking at the Sun with powerful instruments for about 30 to 40 years. Thai is a very short time compared to ll\o four billion years that tho star has been shining.

1.Why do astronauts on International Space Station move into special area?

A.To avoid being harmed. B.To charge the battery.

C.To watch the Sun closely D.To protect devices on the spacecraft.

2.How long does a solar cycle last?

A.About 8 minutes. B.About 20 to 30 minutes

C.About 11 years. D.About 30 to 40 minutes

3.What enables scientists to watch the Sun?

A.Environmental changes. B.Good weather conditions

C.Advanced instruments. D.Government agencies

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.The role of satellites. B.findings about sunpots

C.Observation of space. D.Communication on the earth.



    Madagascar lies in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa. The island is perhaps best known as the unique home of the lemur (狐猴). But those lemurs live among some of the most rich and varied flora (植物群)in the world. And so threatened is that flora that British and Malagasy scientists were involved in a project to collect seeds from the island to be stored in a British seed bank. The project is being done by the Royal Botanic Garden in London. The botanist Steward Cable is head of the conservation center there and a frequent visitor of the island.

I mean Madagascar is well known as one of the top biodiversity hot spots in the world. It has perhaps 13,000 plant species. 90% of those are unique to the country, i.e. found nowhere else in the world. But also many species, many of those species are only found in small areas.     And I would say that probably about 80% of the population are dependent on farming.

And a lot of their farming is slash and burnshifting cultivation (耕作)where farmers have to move to a new patch of forest every year. They cut it and they burn it and they can grow dry rice or cassava for a year or so or two years at most.And the nutrients are gone and they have  to move to a new patch of forest .And for centuries that would not have been a problem with the low population and with long periods of no farming but people returning after three or five years something like that ,then the forest became grassland. So we are losing many of those species in Madagascar, those unique species.

1.which of the following is the habitat of the lemur?

A.Madagascar B.Britain

C.An Indian island. D.The coast

2.Why do scientists collect seeds from Madagascar?

A.The lemur will die out without them.

B.The flora on Madagascar is in great danger.

C.The island will sink to the bottom of the ocean.

D.The British seed bank wants to make money from them.

3.What is the result of the way people farm?

A.Many farmers have lost their homes. B.The population is becoming smaller.

C.Some rare species are gone. D.The crops are poor in nutrition.

4.How does the author sound?

A.Hopeless. B.Enthusiastic. C.Optimistic. D.Worried.



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