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The Slade Summer School Foundation cours...

    The Slade Summer School Foundation course is an excellent introduction to the study of contemporary art. It sustains and develops students’ abilities and interests over a ten-week period and offers an opportunity for contemporary Fine Art practice. Entry is open to students of all levels and experience.

Course Structure

The course begins with a structured introduction to Fine Art. We begin by exploring the nature of drawing and its fundamental use for the artist and follow this with an in-depth investigation into processes of making and the application of ideas. Initially as a group, then individually, students will generate work from supplied and found materials.

Each student will have a space in the Woburn studios for individual studio-based enquiry.


Alongside individual research and practice there will be a number of optional specialist workshops taught by invited artists as the course develops. These include subjects such as: order in space, color and light, technical research, etc.


For the introductory period and for the later workshops, most of the basic materials are provided, however, as independent working progresses students will be expected to provide their own materials.

Please note:

This year’s Foundation course will be taking place at Slade School of Fine Art, Woburn Studios in Bloomsbury, close to the British Museum and the galleries of Soho and the West End. The studios host the postgraduate Painting programme and was previously home to the Courtauld Gallery until 1989.

Duration: 06 July-11 September 2020 /10 weeks

Fee: 3, 750 (Early bird discount: 10% off until 31 May, 2020)

Summer School Foundation fees can be paid in full at the time of booking or in two installments (分期付款).

The first installment is 1,875 and must be paid at the time of booking; the second installment of 1,875 is due one month before the course starts.

Discount applied on both installments.

Book now!

1.What do we know about the Summer School Foundation course?

A.It covers both classical and modern arts. B.It is a professional course for future artists.

C.It features exploring the nature of drawing. D.It is intended for all students who love art.

2.Where will the students learn art during the course?

A.In the Courtauld Gallery. B.In the British Museum.

C.In the West End. D.In the Woburn Studios

3.If you are interested in the course, you should ________ to save money.

A.pay in installment before June B.sign up on a certain website

C.gain membership to get discount D.make full payment before the course starts


1.D 2.D 3.A 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。主要介绍了Slade暑期学校基础课程的情况,包括课程结构、研讨会、材料和价格等信息。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中The Slade Summer School Foundation course is an excellent introduction to the study of contemporary art. It sustains and develops students’ abilities and interests over a ten-week period and offers an opportunity for contemporary Fine Art practice.可知Slade暑期学校基础课程是学习当代艺术的极好的入门课程。在十周的时间里,维持和发展学生的能力和兴趣,并为当代美术实践提供机会。由此可知,暑期学校基础课程面向所有热爱艺术的学生。故选D。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段Each student will have a space in the Woburn studios ...可知每个学生都会在Woburn工作室有一个空间……由此可知,在课程中,学生将在Woburn工作室学习艺术。故选D。 3. 细节理解题。根据Please note部分中Fee: £3, 750 (Early bird discount: 10% off until 31 May, 2020)可知费用:£3750(早报名优惠:9折,至2020年5月31日)。以及Discount applied on both installments.可知两次分期付款都有折扣。由此可知,如果你对这门课程感兴趣,你应该在六月前分期付款以省钱。故选A。







Dear Chris

I’ m Li Hua, a student at Chenguanp High School.


Thank you for your time.


Li Hua




1.The process was _______(有益的)to both supplier and customer.

2.The tourism facilities which were_______(摧毁)by the tsunamis in some parts of Thailand have been basically restored.

3.Today the r_______of ancient Rome have become a scenic spot to tourists from all over the world.

4._______(现在,如今), mass unemployment seems to be a fact of life in the USA.

5.In reality, he is disabled and can no longer walk, but he was able to see and touch a lion while still in the c_______of the VR studio.

6.They later_______(逃跑)to Italy, where they lived and worked for 20 years.

7.The fact that he didn’t speak a foreign language put him at a distinct d_______.

8.According to the o_______figures, over three thousand people lost their lives during the outbreak of the epidemic in China.

9.Graduates should do something creative in the interview to d_______ themselves from other interviewees.

10.A team c_______of 50 experts on virus is devoted to doing research on the coronavirus in the hope that the right medicine to kill the virus can come into mass production soon.



    A 90-year-old driver is providing it’s never too late to pursue(追求)your dreams. Last year, Hershel McGriff became the ______ driver to compete in a NASCAR event when he raced at the Tucson Speedway in his home state of Arizona.

McGriff has been ______ since he was a teenager. His first time behind the ______ came when he was just 17 years old after he read an ad in his local newspaper and was drawn to the ______ that comes with driving hundreds of miles per hour around a track, ______ for first place.

"I borrowed my dad’s 1940 Hudson — an ugly car, and I got a couple of guys to help me," McGriff ______ his beginning in the sport. "I didn’t do very ______ .I think I finished 12th or 13th out of a bunch of cars. That got me started."

His first win on the NASCAR circuit (联赛)came when he ______ in Mexico at the age of 22. McGriff went on ______ dozens of races, finally being ______ as one of NASCAR’s 50 Greatest Drivers. He retired from the sport at 74, but he never stopped his love for the track and decided to return to racing for a few special events that have made him famous in his hometown and ______ others to keep pursuing their dreams as well.

McGriffs spot in the race was a gift for his 90th birthday from his son and long-time friend, team owner Bill McAnally. "Bill called me up on the phone and said, ‘For your 90th birthday, I will furnish the car. All you have to do is ______ it," McGriff said. "When he made the ______, I was ready to accept

McGriffs history-making race proves that you can pursue your dreams at any ______ , but for this young — at — heart racer, it was just a chance to get behind the wheel and ______ pursuing his passion.

1.A.oldest B.fastest C.kindest D.bravest

2.A.studying B.racing C.dreaming D.growing

3.A.screen B.camera C.seat D.wheel

4.A.excitement B.nervousness C.comfort D.honor

5.A.waiting B.searching C.preparing D.fighting

6.A.looked back on B.looked forward to C.looked up to D.looked down on

7.A.seriously B.carefully C.well D.soon

8.A.relaxed B.performed C.competed D.traveled

9.A.organizing B.winning C.entering D.losing

10.A.remembered B.introduced C.employed D.named

11.A.inspired B.required C.allowed D.forced

12.A.repair B.buy C.drive D.decorate

13.A.change B.offer C.comment D.design

14.A.cost B.speed C.place D.age

15.A.finish B.consider C.continue D.imagine



    It’s the weekend, and you’re not at work. So what are you doing? 1. If you re in the UK, you might be hiding from the rain in your local shopping centre. Where you live and the culture you live in affect what you choose to do with any leisure(空闲)time you have.

However, as well as these cultural influences on the concept of leisure, there are many aspects that affect the actual leisure activities that people take part in. 2. People who live in places with cold or wet weather might be more likely to spend their free time indoors, for example. According to one study, people in France spend twice as much time eating and drinking, at home and in restaurants, as people in Mexico. 3. Many populations have limited electricity supplies in these countries, compared to North America, Where TV and the Internet are among the top leisure interests.

4. Visiting historic sites is popular in Europe, but not so much among the young as the older generations. Perhaps now more than ever, the real division in cultures from all around the world is that of age. 5. For example, they like playing games, chatting watching videos. What their cultural background is already doesn’t really matter. Take a look around you — can you predict what your friends and family are up to this weekend just by their age? I have a feeling you can!

A.Activities with such strong cultural influences will be welcome.

B.If you’re in Switzerland you might be hiking through the countryside.

C.There are different meanings for the idea of leisure in different cultures.

D.Things like climate and basic systems come into play in different cultures.

E.Age and social background also influence the activities people choose to do.

F.The generation that has grown up with the Internet likes spending free time online.

G.Other studies show live music and dancing events are more popular in African countries.



    Because computer knowledge is important in our society today, many parents believe that the earlier their children begin to use the computer, the better. Accordingly, most children are spending a large amount of time on computers during their preschool years. But is it healthy for preschoolers to use computers? And if so, how can parents decide how much computer time is proper?

Some studies have shown that using computers from an early age has several advantages. Preschoolers who have already attended computer classes come out top in their studies. Also, playing educational games contributes to their language learning and math.

The greatest benefits, though, are gained when preschoolers use computers side by side or when they work with adults. In these situations, preschoolers develop cooperative(合作的)problem-solving skills. They also have the chance to communicate with others, which will reinforce their learning.

Despite many benefits, experts also point out disadvantages of preschool computer use. Preschoolers’  muscles(肌肉)and bones are still developing, but computers and furniture are seldom set up properly for them. "Most parents, says Peter Buckle of the Robens Centre for Health Ergonomics, "seem unaware of the possible dangers of preschoolers sitting for long periods unsupported with necks and wrists(手腕)damaged."

Another problem arises when parents put educational games into computers and believe it’s better for their preschoolers to play these games than sit in front of a TV Educational expert and teacher Jane Healy disagrees. She doesn’t believe there is much difference between the two. "Simply watching a screen is not the same as real mental activity." Healy says. She suggests that reading together, having family discussions, or playing are much more valuable. Besides, Healy also questions whether some popular computer games have educational value. "Some," she says, "may even damage creativity, attention and motivation(动力).

To make the computer valuable for you and your preschoolers, you need to decide on rules and time limits. When purchasing(购买)software for your preschoolers, look for programs that offer many different functions, which can help improve preschoolers creativity and ability to solve problems. Above all, try your best to stay with your preschoolers rather than leaving them alone before the computer.

Here are some additional tips:

*Adjust(调整)the computer and furniture for your preschoolers use;

*Manage your preschoolers’ computer activities;

*Limit the amount of time your preschoolers spend on the computer

1.We can learn from Paragraph 2 that___.

A.computers are good for preschoolers’ learning.

B.most preschoolers are familiar with computers.

C.preschoolers shouldn’t use computers too early.

D.preschoolers can learn to use computers easily.

2.What does the underlined word "reinforce" in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Protect. B.Strengthen.

C.Continue. D.Praise.

3.Peter Buckle most probably agrees that__.

A.parents have realized the dangers of preschoolers, using computers.

B.using computers has many advantages for preschoolers.

C.improper computer use can lead to health problems.

D.preschoolers are developing too fast nowadays.

4.According to Jane Healy, parents should__.

A.forbid their preschoolers to watch TV.

B.join in their preschoolers’ practical activities.

C.encourage their preschoolers’ creativity.

D.realize that educational computer games are valuable.

5.The author advises parents to__.

A.give their preschoolers enough time to play computer games.

B.place the computer and furniture properly.

C.purchase all kinds of computer games.

D.leave their preschoolers alone when they are using computers.



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