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Humans have been battling viruses since ...

    Humans have been battling viruses since before we had even evolved into our modern form, but we’re a long way from winning the fight against them. Here are a few of the worst killers.

Marburg virus

Scientists identified Marburg virus in 1967, when small outbreaks occurred among lab workers in Germany who were exposed to infected monkeys. The infected people develop high fevers and bleeding throughout the body. Marburg can be passed on from human to human via direct contact. The death rate is 80%in the 1998-2000 outbreak in Congo and in the 2005 outbreak in Angola.

Ebola virus

The first known Ebola outbreaks in humans struck Africa in Sudan and Congo in 1976. The natural host of Ebola is bats. The virus is spread through contact with infected people or animals.  Symptoms include fever, bleeding and organ failure. The death rate is 50%to 70%.


Hantavirus was first recognized as an infectious disease in the 1950s in Korea. But it first gained wide attention in the U. S. in 1993, when a healthy young man and his fiancee died within days of developing shortness of breath. Hantavirus was isolated from a deer mouse. More than 600 people in the U. S. are now infected and 36%have died. The virus doesn’t spread from human to human.

Mers-CoV virus

Mers-CoV virus had an outbreak in Asia, Saudi Arabia in 2012 and South Korea in 2015. The virus likely originated in bats. The disease infected camels before passing into humans and causes fever and shortness of breath. It has a death rate between 30%and 40%, making it the most deadly of the known coronavirus (冠状病毒) family. Mers-CoV spreads from one person to another.

1.Which virus caused the highest death rate in a particular area?

A.Marburg virus. B.Ebola virus.

C.Hantavirus. D.Mers-CoV virus.

2.What can we know about Hantavirus?

A.It is a type of coronaviruses. B.It was identified in the 21st century.

C.It was first found in the United States. D.It only spreads from animals to humans.

3.In what sense are Ebola virus and Mers-CoV virus similar?

A.They may have the same host. B.They originate in the same continent.

C.They belong to the same virus family. D.They have exactly the same symptoms.


1.A 2.D 3.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。在我们进化成现代形态之前,人类就已经在与病毒战斗了,但我们距离赢得与病毒的战斗还有很长的路要走。文章主要介绍了四种最可怕的病毒种类。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中The death rate is 80%in the 1998-2000 outbreak in Congo and in the 2005 outbreak in Angola.可知1998年到2000年刚果暴发和2005年安哥拉暴发的马尔堡病毒的死亡率为80%。由此可知,Marburg病毒在某一特定地区造成的死亡率最高。故选A。 2. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中. But it first gained wide attention in the U. S. in 1993, when a healthy young man and his fiancee died within days of developing shortness of breath. Hantavirus was isolated from a deer mouse.The virus doesn’t spread from human to human.可知,但它在1993年首次在美国引起广泛关注,当时一位健康的年轻男子和他的未婚妻因呼吸短促而在几天内去世。从一只鹿鼠中分离出汉坦病毒。病毒不会在人与人之间传播。由此可知,汉坦病毒只从动物传染给人类。故选D。 3. 细节理解题。根据第三段中The natural host of Ebola is bats.可知埃博拉病毒的天然宿主是蝙蝠。以及最后一段中The virus likely originated in bats.可知该病毒可能起源于蝙蝠。由此可知,埃博拉病毒和中东呼吸综合症病毒的相似之处在于他们可能有同一个宿主。故选A。






参考词汇:专栏 column   中国画 Chinese painting

Dear editor,



Li Hua







注意:1. 每处错误仅限1词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I've learnt from the notice that you're looking for an English editor for our school paper. I'm written this letter to apply to the position.

I'm Li Hua,Senior Three student in our school. In my view, I met your requirements. For one thing,I'm willing to devote some of my spare time to serve others. For another,I'm good at both English or Fine Arts. I'm either skilled in using computers. I would be glad when you could offer to me an opportunity for an interview.

I'm looking forward to your kind earliest reply at your convenient.




A hotel chain is employing human bed warmers to help guests get a good night’s sleep. 1. (dress) in special all-in-one sleeping suits, the walking electric blankets are sent to warm the beds of guests staying at the Holiday Inn 2. they get under the covers.

Dr Chris Idzikowski, 3. (direct) of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre, said the idea could help people get off to sleep. He 4. (explain) that “There’s plenty of scientific evidence to show that sleep starts at the beginning of the night 5. body temperature starts to drop. The drop occurs partly because the blood vessels (血管) 6. the hands, face and feet open up and release heat.” “A warm bed –approximately 20 to 24 degrees Celsuis –is 7. good way to start this process while a cold bed isn’t. It helps people sleep well especially as it’s taking much 8. (long) for them to warm up when they come in from the snow.”

Dr Chris Idzikowski and 9. (he) colleague Jane Bednall said the idea was like “having a giant hot water bottle in your bed”. The five-minute free bed warming sessions will be tried out in London and Manchester 10. the end of next month.



    When she was 16, Joanne learned that she was adopted and that her birth mother was a woman named Lillian and that she had died days after giving birth to her. Feeling betrayed and confused, Joanne spent many nights crying,______what her birth mother had been like. And yet, some part of her believed her mother was still______.

The doubts______Joanne for years. After watching her______, in 2017, when Joanne was already 79 years old, her daughter-in-law, Shelley, suggested her taking a DNA______. Shelley thought learning something about her______family might give Joanne some______.

So Joanne took the test, and about a year later Shelley received a(n)______on ancestry.com from a man named Sam, whose genetic report had______him with Joanne.

Shelley immediately wrote back to Sam, asking______he knew a Lillian. Yes, Sam said, that was his mother's name. Almost_____, an even bigger shock came that Lillian was alive, at age 100-Joanne had been______all along.

The families quickly planned a(n)______where Lillian lived. A month later, Joanne found herself sitting across from the mother she had______in her whole life, looking at Lillian, who suffered from dementia(痴呆症)and used a wheelchair.

“I don't know if she_____me,” Joanne said.

She told Lillian that she had been______in 1940 and that she'd been told her birth mother had______. No response. Joanne started to cry. At that point, her mother______, as if she had started to understand. Joanne excitedly______telling Lillian all about her children and grandchildren. Lillian smiled. Then she said the words Joanne had waited more than 60 years to hear: “This is my______.”

1.A.complaining B.hoping C.wondering D.forgetting

2.A.young B.ill C.pretty D.alive

3.A.bothered B.inspired C.resisted D.changed

4.A.sadness B.illness C.loneliness D.happiness

5.A.report B.test C.course D.training

6.A.current B.realistic C.effective D.biological

7.A.peace B.advice C.worry D.mind

8.A.call B.message C.offer D.chance

9.A.provided B.replaced C.matched D.equipped

10.A.why B.how C.when D.whether

11.A.immediately B.unbelievably C.naturally D.fortunately

12.A.mistaken B.confident C.right. D.urgent

13.A.reunion B.speech C.party D.operation

14.A.found out B.gone through C.relied on D.searched for

15.A.loves B.raises C.supports D.recognizes-

16.A.caught B.beaten C.adopted D.cheated

17.A.given up B.run away C.passed away D.turned up

18.A.slept in B.looked up C.came out D.took off

19.A.continued B.avoided C.considered D.appreciated

20.A.mother B.daughter C.name D.life



How to avoid a boring conversation

What excuse should you use to avoid talking to people you don’t want to talk to? Here are tips and non-offensive ways to get out of unwanted conversations.

1. Go for a refill.

It is natural for anyone at a party to be excused to get a refill. 1. And once you excuse yourself, make a move fast before the person requests you to get a refill for him as well.

2. Pretend bad mood.

Cut off the conversation before it starts by saying something along the lines of “I’m not in a good mood. Can I talk to you later if you don’t mind? 2. Say it firmly so that people get the message loud and clear.

3. Ask your friend to save you.

3. Simply text your friend and ask him or her to come for apparently something important. You will be able to skip a boring chat with a seemingly reasonable excuse.

4. 4.

You are advised to look away from that person and don’t make eye contact, so that you can give powerful hints that you find the conversation extremely boring. 5. Be sure to tune in to the conversation every now and then so you don’t come across as rude.

A.Behave in an obviously careless way.

B.Just be sure that the person you are talking to does not offer to accompany you to do so.

C.Don’t act too polite in an attempt to draw sympathy.

D.Use body language to indicate boredom.

E.Your friend is bound to perform brilliantly in coping with the dull one.

F.Look elsewhere and pretend that something else has caught your attention.

G.Stuck in an unwanted conversation, how do you get out of it?



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