满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

No matter how young you are, there's alw...

    No matter how young you are, there's always something you can do to make a positive effect on our world!

Steven Burgess, a 7-year-old from Wilmington, North Carolina, is an _______. During the COVID-19 pandemic (新冠肺炎大流行)he found a _______ way to raise money for the local charity (慈善团体)). It all _______  when he was watching a morning news show with his mom Eliza, which _______ a man aged 100 in England who ran a marathon in the backyard of his_______where he's been living to raise money for those who are _______ because of the COVID-19. "I want to do the _______ thing!" Steven said.

Eliza wasn't _______ the little guy would follow through, but before the day was up, he started running. "_______.I thought he would lose ________ in 20 minutes, but Steven's been at this for over an hour and a half," Eliza wrote on Facebook. "________ when he stops to drink or eat, he keeps his ________ moving."

When the responses started________, Eliza realized her little one was onto something big! "I saw he was________ about itso I thought, Let’s ________ this and uplift some people.' I have been blown away by the________of people who want to________," she added.

By the time Steven crossed a finish line, he had ________ over $ 1,500! The money will be sent to Vigilant Hope. The Burgess family couldn’t be. ________!

Eliza said. "I think the reason this ________ so much support is that people, really do want to plug in and they want to encourage us to help each other. "

1.A.atmosphere B.experience C.experiment D.example

2.A.new B.unique C.necessary D.popular

3.A.dropped B.started C.passed D.missed

4.A.interviewed B.beat C.challenged D.predicted

5.A.school B.office C.house D.gym

6.A.struggling B.resting C.teaching D.fearing

7.A.small B.same C.extra D.funny

8.A.sorry B.pleased C.sure D.afraid

9.A.Finally B.Obviously C.Quickly D.Honestly

10.A.face B.control C.curiosity D.interest

11.A.Even B.Only C.Still D.Just

12.A.hands B.eyes C.feet D.shoulders

13.A.pouring in B.calming down C.running off D.falling apart

14.A.careful B.serious C.nervous D.angry

15.A.ignore B.explore C.declare D.share

16.A.need B.power C.number D.patience

17.A.watch B.donate C.wait D.delay

18.A.raised B.earned C.borrowed D.deposited

19.A.cleverer B.prouder C.braver D.healthier

20.A.repeated B.respected C.conducted D.inspired


1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.D 【解析】 本文为新闻报导。文章报道了一个7岁儿童在他的后院参加马拉松比赛,以筹集资金用于冠状病毒救助。 1. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:来自北卡罗来纳州威尔明顿的7岁男孩史蒂文·伯吉斯就是一个例子。A. atmosphere氛围;B. experience 经验;C. experiment实验,试验;D. example例子。第一段说“不管你有多年轻,你总是可以做一些事情来对我们的世界产生积极的影响!”。下面以来自北卡罗来纳州威尔明顿的7岁男孩史蒂文·伯吉斯为例来说明上文的观点,因此,此处是指7岁男孩史蒂文·伯吉斯就是一个(对世界产生积极的)例子(example)。故选D。 2. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在COVID-19大流行期间,他找到了一种为当地慈善机构筹集资金的独特方式。A. new新的;B. unique独特的,独一无二的;C. necessary必要的;D. popular流行的,受欢迎的。根据下文的介绍,这个孩子用跑步的方式筹款,确实是独特的(unique),故选B。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这一切都是从他和妈妈伊莱扎一起看早间新闻节目开始的,节目采访了一位在自家后院跑马拉松的100岁英格兰男子,他一直住在那里,为那些因COVID-19而挣扎的人筹集资金。A. dropped下降;B. started开始;C. passed通过;D. missed错过。根据语境可知,这个男孩和妈妈一起看新闻,从一个百岁老人那得到启发的,于是开始(started)有这种想法的,故选B。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这一切都始于他和他的母亲伊丽莎一起看早间新闻节目,节目采访了一位在自家后院跑马拉松的100岁英格兰男子,他一直住在自己的房子那里,为那些因COVID-19而挣扎的人筹集资金。A. interviewed采访,面试;B. beat击败;C. challenged挑战;D. predicted预测。根据when he was watching a morning news show with his mom Eliza可知,此处是指在早间新闻节目中采访(interviewed)了一位百岁老人,故选A。 5. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:句意:这一切都始于他和他的母亲伊丽莎一起看早间新闻节目,节目采访了一位在自家房子后院跑马拉松的100岁英格兰男子,他一直住在那里,为那些因COVID-19而挣扎的人筹集资金。A. school学校;B. office办公室;C. house房子,家;D. gym健身房。根据常识及语境可知,这位百岁老人 在自己的房子(house)的后院跑步的,故选C。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这一切都始于他和他的母亲伊丽莎一起看早间新闻节目,节目采访了一位在自家后院跑马拉松的100岁英格兰男子,他一直住在那里,为那些因COVID-19而挣扎的人筹集资金。A. struggling挣扎;B. resting休息;C. teaching教;D. fearing害怕,恐惧。根据语境可知,本文是叙述由于新冠状病毒给人们带来了许多灾难,此处是指百岁老人筹集资金是为了那些在新冠状病毒的苦苦挣扎的(struggling)人,故选A。 7. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:”我也想这么做!”史蒂文说。A. small小的;B. same相同的;C. extra额外的,多余的;D. funny滑稽的。根据第3小题以及下文的内容可知,此处是指小男孩史蒂文观看了这个老人的节目及老人的做法后,也想像老人那样用跑步来筹集资金。因此他也想做同样的(same)事,故选B。 8. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:伊莉莎不确定小家伙会不会坚持下去,但天还没亮,他就开始跑了。A. sorry遗憾的;B. pleased高兴的;C. sure确定的;D. afraid害怕的。根据转折连词but,前后两句是相反的。根据后面“他开始跑了”,可知,母亲开始不确定(not sure)是否能坚持,故C。 9. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:“说实话,我以为他会在20分钟后失去兴趣,但史蒂文已经在这里跑了一个半小时”。A. Finally最后;B. Obviously显然;C. Quickly快速地;D. Honestly诚实地。根据转折连词but可知,他已经跑了一个半小时,可知,他妈妈开始认为他20分钟以后会没有兴趣这样做。分析选项可知,D项中的Honestly(诚实地)符合语境,故选D。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:说实话,我以为他会在20分钟后失去兴趣,但史蒂文已经在这里跑了一个半小时。”A. face脸;B. control控制;C. curiosity好奇;D. interest兴趣。根据转折连词but可知,他妈妈开始认为他20分钟以后会没有兴趣(interest)这样做,但没想到他在坚持。故选D。 11. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:伊丽莎在脸书上写道。“甚至当他停下来喝或吃东西时,他也会保持脚部运动。”A. Even甚至;B. Only只有;C. Still然而,仍旧;D. Just只是,正是。本句是叙述这个男孩的毅力和坚持。空格处表示一种让步关系:甚至(even)当他停下来喝或吃东西时,他不会停止运动,故选A。 12. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:伊丽莎在脸书上写道。“甚至当他停下来喝或吃东西时,他也会保持脚步运动。”A. hands手;B. eyes眼睛;C. feet足;D. shoulders肩膀。本文主要叙述的是七岁男孩跑马拉松比赛,以筹集资金用于冠状病毒救助。因此此处是指小男孩在吃东西时,也没有停止跑步,所以是脚(feet)还在运动,故选C。 13. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:当回应开始涌现时,伊丽莎意识到她的小家伙正在做一件大事。A. pouring in大量涌入;B. calming down冷静,镇定;C. running off跑掉;D. falling apart散架。根据后面的“伊丽莎意识到她的小家伙正在大事。” 可知,此处是指人们对孩子的回应大量涌现(pouring in),故选A。 14. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我看得出他是认真的。A. careful小心的;B. serious严肃的,认真的;C. nervous紧张的;D. angry生气的。根据后面的内容可知,小男孩从开始效仿百岁老人用跑马拉松的方式来筹集资金用于冠状病毒救助开始,一直坚持到最后,所以妈妈这时看的出他是认真的(serious),故选B。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我看得出他是认真的。所以我想,‘让我们分享这个故事,鼓舞一些人吧。’A. ignore忽视;B. explore探索;C. declare宣布;D. share分享。根据第三段中第10小题后面的“Eliza wrote on Facebook(伊莱扎在脸书上写道)”可知,此处是指妈妈说“让我们分享(share)这个故事”,故选D。 16. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她补充说,我被想捐款的人的数量吓坏了。A. need需要;B. power权力;C. number数字;D. patience耐心。根据语境可知,此处是指想捐款的人数(number),故选C。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她补充说,我被想捐款的人的数量吓坏了。A. watch观察,观看;B. donate捐赠;C. wait等候;D. delay延迟。前面说小男孩效仿百岁老人跑马拉松筹集资金用于冠状病毒救助,结合后面的捐的钱“over $ 1,500”可知,此处是指男孩的妈妈被想捐款(donate)人数吓坏了,故选B。 18. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当史蒂文越过终点线时,他已经筹到了1500多美元!A. raised筹集;B. earned赚得;C. borrowed借入;D. deposited存入。前面说小男孩效仿百岁老人跑马拉松筹集资金用于冠状病毒救助,因此此处是指筹(raised)钱,故选A。 19. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:伯吉斯一家是最骄傲的。A. cleverer更聪明的;B. prouder更自豪的;C. braver更勇敢的;D. healthier更健康的。本句是用形容词的比较表示最高级。此处是指这一家人最骄傲的(prouder),故填B。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我认为这一活动能激发这么多支持的原因是,因为人们真的想参与进来,他们想鼓励我们互相帮助。A. repeated重复;B. respected尊重;C. conducted实施;D. inspired启发,激励。 第一段说“每个人都可以做点事来对世界产生积极的影响”,而文中的伯吉斯的行为激发(inspired)了人们的支持。故选D。

    Everyone wants actually the same thing in life and that is to exist and flourish (辉煌) .Living a long and fruitful life is a difficult thing to do when a person can't coexist with other people in harmony. Living in harmony not only helps others but it helps the person living the harmonious life.1.

Avoid controversial topics with people. There are certain topics like religion and politics that can make another person embarrassed immediately. 2. This is especially important if you are very communicative.

Focus on the common things you have with other people rather than the differences3.But too many times a person can focus on what other people do not like or believe,and this can give them a negative (负面)opinion of others without even tiying to find some common ground on which they do agree.

4. Do not drift off or try to think of what you are going to say in response. You will be surprised how much people appreciate someone who is really listening without judging or arguing.

5. Let them understand that there are certain conversation topics and actions that you do not tolerate. It is up to you to set them and make people know and follow them. However, do not be argumentative about setting them.

Some people just cannot get along no  matter what measure you take to make a relationship work. So just stay out of these people's way and let them live their own lives apart from you.

A.Then, how do you live happily with others?

B.Listen to other people when they talk to you.

C.Establish proper boundaries with people in your life.

D.Making boundaries is not selfish, so voice your limits.

E.Decide how much you are willing to listen to other people.

F.Most people can find at least a few topics on which they agree.

G.It is best to talk about movies or anything that does not lead to a conflict.



    A team of well-known developers have built a security tool, Scanguard™, which they believe will be the last piece of software consumers will ever need.

Product Manager, David, from ScanGuard, explains, "The software can increase the security immediately by distinguishing any hidden dangers or online tracking cookies. Also, it discovers and removes unnecessary files and cached memory—the files that can make your PC run slow. To have perfect performance and keep your computer secure, schedule the scan to run every 7 days. It roughly takes 10 minutes to fully analyze your system."

"People already love the system. Our plan is to give as many free scan licenses away so that it gains widespread use until we think that's enough for us to start charging. If you own a Windows Computer then you are allowed to have a free security scan. We advise users not to hesitate and try it cautiously and bravely before it's too late. We feel good knowing that we're helping make things faster and more secure for our customers,'' he continues.

The Scanguard™ free plan will, offer you a version of the software which will monitor your PC in full for threats (威胁),unwanted software or potentially dangerous tracking cookies. If the software finds out threats you can remove them from your system by hand now or pay for it to have the software do the automatic job about them.

Once you have downloaded the software you can also have free licenses for all of your devices, including your,Office & Home PC, Smartphone & even Tablet. It's so convenient! It’s no surprise that thousands of computer owners are taking advantage of this approved security system to keep themselves and their devices safe.

1.Which of the following is one of the advantages of the application?

A.Making the computer work faster.

B.Recognizing the files more quickly.

C.Helping turn on the computer faster.

D.Finding lost files more quickly.

2.What does David want to express in paragraph 3?

A.They'll reduce the price of the software.

B.They need to improve the Scanguard™.

C.They will charge users fees sometime.

D.They'll end the software-making plan.

3.What can we know about the Scanguard™?

A.It is the team's last piece of software.

B.It can remove dangers automatically.

C.It needs updating every seven days.

D.It can recycle unwanted software.

4.What is the author's attitude towards the application?

A.Doubtful. B.Ambiguous.

C.Cautious. D.Favorable.



    Bees and butterflies are active during the daytime. They get a lot of attention for their roles as pollinators(传粉者).But moths(蛾)aren't given the prominence they deserve.

Actually, moths are seen much less often, because they're active at night. Moth bodies often seem furry. Pollen—a yellow powder in the center of most flowers, from one flower sticks to their bodies and falls off when they move to other flowers. Scientists studied insects around nine ponds on farmlands in the United Kingdom. They visited these ponds once a month from March to October.

They studied three groups of insects: moths, bees that normally work together, like honey bees, and flying insects which work alone, such as butterflies. At the ponds, the scientists caught these flying insects and died to collect pollen from their bodies. In all, the scientists checked 838 moths, 632 other insects which work alone, and 1,548 honey bees.

By studying the pollen they collected, the scientists were able to see which plants the insects had visited. The moths had pollen from 47 different kinds of plants, including seven plants that bees don't normally visit. The honey bees had pollen from 46 different kinds of plants. The other insects that work alone had visited 45 different kinds of plants. Richard Walton, who led the study, says that bees usually choose the plants with the most nectar(花蜜)and most pollen. However, moths pollinate many different plants, filling in the gaps left by the daytime pollinators.

Not only do moths pollinate plants, they also provide important food for birds and bats.

But, like many other insects, moth numbers have dropped greatly in the last 50 years, mainly because of pesticides and the loss of natural lands. Just like bees and butterflies, moths are worth protecting. "Moths are by no means less important," says Dr. Walton.

1.What does the underlined word probably mean in paragraphl?

A.Praise. B.Chances.

C.Concerns. D.Future.

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.Moths and other insects' living habits.

B.Research on insects' spreading pollen.

C.Classification of insects by scientists.

D.The ways in which moths carry pollen.

3.Compared with bees, which best describes moths?

A.They are less choosy. B.They eat less in the daytime.

C.They are more diverse. D.They carry more pollen.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Moths Pollinate Plants Strangely

B.Moths Are More Vital Than We Think

C.Moths Help Bees to Pollinate Plants

D.Moths Visit Some Flowers Bees Skip



    The powwow was just fantastic! I could never have imagined how colorful and impressive this morning would be. The dances find the clothes, which were decorated with eagle feathers, attracted me.

I had heard about the powwow dancing in our culture class at Rice University, so I wanted very much to see what the Native Americans would look like in their traditional clothes.

The opening dance was scheduled to start at 730 a. m. Since I didn't want to miss any dances, I arrived there on timehowever, the dancing began an hour late. How could I have forgotten that Native Americans have a different feeling for time, which I had learned in our class? I had intended to go back for my term survey paper as soon as the great one-and-a-half hour event was over!

First, they started to play music with their drums it was accompanied by their low voices. “Hamma hamma…”. The music was exactly the same as I had heard in the movies.

Then, the Native Americans gradually changed their clothes they wore their own extremely amazing clothes for the dances, with their hairstyles special and faces multicolored(多颜色的).

Finally, the competitions were started the participants danced in different groups. They swung their arms and moved their feet in special steps, always to the beat of the music.

After one hour and a half of enthusiastically enjoying them, I took a walk along the food stands to eat some special Native American fried bread and other snacks. And I left that wonderful place for my hotel, having stayed two hours longer than I had first planned to stay.

I will never forget this wonderful morning that gave me a little view into the culture of Native Americans.

1.What is the author most probably?

A.A university student.

B.An expert for the powwow.

C.A Native American dancer.

D.A reporter of a local newspaper.

2.How did the author feel about the powwow dancing beginning an hour late?

A.It was disappointing. B.It was normal.

C.It was surprising. D.It was unexpected.

3.What impressed the author most?

A.The big drums at the powwow dancing.

B.The beat of the Native American music.

C.The traditional clothes for powwow dancing.

D.The participants' colorful faces for the dances.

4.When did the author begin to go back to his hotel in the end?

A.At 9:00 am. B.At 9:30 am.

C.At 10:00 am. D.At 11:00 am.



    Maria Rogers

123 Main Street

Fairfax,Virgnia 22222

(703) 555-5555


Praha 5 Gymnasium, May 2011-May 2013

J. E. B. Stuart Transitional High School, June 2015 —May 2016


Cashier, McDonald’s, June 2014—May 2015.

Took customer orders, handled customer complaints(投诉),),mopped floors.

Caregiver, McDaniels family, June 2015—May 2018.

Took care of three children, ages 1 to 7, prepared lunch and dinner, drove children to school, organized children’s activities.

Caregiver, Smith family, June 2018—present

Takes care of twins babies, prepares meals and feeds children, cleans and organizes house, takes children to activities like music class.


Jose Mendez, McDonald’s Manager. 703-111-1111.

Jane McDaniels, employer. 571-555-5555.

Nancy Smith, employer. 301-555-5555.

Leona Riley

1234 Red Oak Drive

Flint, MD 64000


Cell: 404-555-5556

EmailLeona Reiley@ frontfocus. Com


To obtain a waitress position in the Food and Beverage Industry.

Qualifications Summary

Extensive knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer service, and so on.

Wide knowledge of principles and methods for showing, promoting, and selling products or services.


Maryland Customer Service Academy, Baltimore, MD

Associate's Degree (July 2015) , 404-554-4556

Work Experience

Waitress:June 2016—Present, Royal Oak Restaurant, Flint, MD

Responsibilities include :Checking customers' identification to ensure that they meet minimum age requirements for consumption of alcoholic beverages, checking with customers to ensure that they are enjoying their meals, and so on.

Waitress:May 2013—May 2016, Chez Fayette, Flint, MD

Responsibilities included:Collecting payments from customers, writing food orders on order slips.

Prepared hot, cold, and mixed drinks for patrons.

Described and recommended wines to customers.

References available upon request.

1.What does Rogers do now?

A.She’s a teacher. B.She’s a cashier.

C.She’s a waitress. D.She’s a caregiver.

2.Where was Riley working in 2015?

A.In McDonald’s.

B.In Chez Fayette, Flint, MD.

C.In Royal Oak Restaurant, Flint, MD.

D.In Maryland Customer Service Academy.

3.Which will Riley's potential employer call to know about her work experience?

A.571-555-5555. B.404-555-5556.

C.703-111-1111. D.404-5544556.



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