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Confucius (孔子), born in the district of Zou, near today’s Qufu city in Shandong province, was an educator and philosopher (哲学家) 1. founded Confucianism, a school of thought that deeply influenced later generations. He was the first Chinese to set up private schools and enroll students from all walks of life. Confucius 2. (regard) as a symbol of China’s traditional culture. Nowadays, Qufu holds memorial events every year 3. (honor) him and popularize his theory to the younger generations.


1.who/that 2.is regarded/ has been regarded 3.to honor 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了孔子。他出生在山东,是一位伟大的教育学家和哲学家,创立了儒家思想,并且他也是中国第一个开设私塾广招各行各业的人为学生的人。同时,孔子也是中国传统文化的一个标志,深受年轻一代喜欢,并且人们每年都会为孔子举办纪念活动。 1. 考查定语从语关系代词。句意:孔子是一位伟大的教育学家和哲学家,他创立了儒家思想,这一思想也深深地影响着后人。分析句子可知,这是一个定语从句,空格处需要填关系代词,又因为定语从句的先行词是指人,定语从句指人的关系代词有who/that。故填who/that。 2. 考查动词的时态和语态。句意:孔子被认为是中国传统文化的一个标志。分析句子可知,句中主语孔子与动词regard是被动关系,且根据语境,动词时态也有两种可能:一是被认为是中国传统文化的一个标志是讲述一个客观事实,可以用一般现在时,且主语Confucius是第三人称单数,空格处可以填is regarded;二是被认为是中国传统文化的一个标志是从过去就有,到现在依旧是这样的情况,就可以用现在完成时,且主语Confucius是第三人称单数,空格处可以填has been regarded。故填is regarded/ has been regarded。 3. 考查非谓语动词。句意:曲阜每年都会举行对孔子的纪念活动,以表对孔子的尊敬。分析句子可知,句中已经有动词作谓语了,honor只能用非谓语形式,且在句中作状语,表目的,就需用动词不定式来作目的状语。故填to honor。


Esias Bedingar always knew he wanted to study medicine. After 1. (decide) to experience a new culture, he came from Africa to the USA. There was one challenge: He 2. (speak) no English. But within just four months, he completed the ESL program. Three years later, he finished his undergraduate degree and was accepted to Harvard University, where he is pursuing a master’s degree in public health. He said it was 3. (he) dream that got him to Harvard.




Anthony Ant had hundreds of friends, but sometimes he still felt alone. Anthony lived in an anthill in the crack of a sidewalk. All of his friends looked just like Anthony: small, and brown, with six legs and two wiggling antennas (触角). Every day, Anthony and his ant friends lined up to march out of the anthill and across the sidewalk to the tall grass. There they looked for crumbs and seeds to bring back to the anthill for supper.

“Why do we always have to stay in line?”Anthony asked. “I want to go into the grass on my own and see what there is to see.”

“I don’t know,” said Abby, a friend of Anthony. “This is the way we’ve always done it.”

“That doesn’t seem like a very good reason,” Anthony said. “I’m going to turn left up here at the maple root.”

And he did.

None of the other ants came with Anthony, because they always did what they were told.

On his own, Anthony had a much nicer view of the maple root. He could see all the way to a distant flower bed, where colorful blossoms towered over the grassy space.

Anthony decided to walk to the flowers, but after an hour of walking, they seemed just as far away as ever. He had never been so tired. He decided to turn around.

When he did, Anthony couldn’t see the path home. The grass had closed in around himand he was lost. Usually he just followed the ant line in front of him to find the way, but now he was all alone.

Anthony walked in the direction he thought was home, but he was starting to feel scared. A bird flew overhead. Should he ask the bird for help, or should he hide? Anthony knew that some birds ate ants, but he couldn’t remember which ones were nice and which ones were hungry.


Para 1: He hesitated, wondering what to do.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Para 2: He walked on and on.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



假如你是英语课代表李华。你们班每节英语课都轮流由一位同学做“One-minute Class Report”,活动坚持了一年。学期末,英语老师要求你作一个报告,总结此活动。请你用英语写一篇稿子,内容包括:

1. 活动情况;

2. 对英语学习的帮助;

3. 你的建议。






On 31 October 2003, 13-year-old Bethany Hamilton went for a morning surf along Tunnels Beach, Kauai. She had just laid 1. (she)on the surfboard with her left arm in the water when suddenly a tiger shark attacked and had her left arm 2. (bite)off just below the shoulder. By the time she was transported to Wilcox Memorial Hospital, she 3. (lose) 60 percent of her blood and felt numb.

Initially the doctors told her parents that her chances of survival were very slim. Luckily, she bravely fought on and survived. She stayed in the hospital for a week to recover 4. eventually being released.

Within weeks of the shark attack, she made her comeback to surfing with a custom—made board that was longer, 5. (thick), and equipped with a handle for her right arm. But with time she learned to use standard 6. (equip).

Determined not to let her disability get in the way of her professional ambitions, Bethany entered her first major competition on 10 January, 2004 since 7. shark attack. Later in 2004 she wrote her autobiography ‘Soul Surfer’,8. soon became a best-seller. In 2011, a film based on her autobiography 9. (release) and was well received by the audience.

Today, as well as 10. (spend) time with her family, Hamilton works with World Vision to help raise money for disabled children. Bethany has also become an inspirational speaker.



    As night approached, we sat around the campfire laughing and teasing one another. Suddenly there came a strange sound. We _______ beyond the fire, into the darkness. My heart began to pound _______. Maybe the cougar(美洲狮)spotted a few days earlier had returned.

Silence took over as we were _______ to see anything beyond the edge of firelight. There was a plopping sound, then a grey _______ moved across the gravel(碎石), just beyond the light.

What was it?We held our breath as the thing again dropped onto the gravel and moved quickly out of _______ .

“Maybe it’s a flying squirrel.” someone said.

There was another plop and _______ near our car. Something seemed odd. What was it?

A friend _______ his camera and waited for the creature to return. It landed again and just as quickly vanished. “It seemed to be _______ too fast,” said our camera fan, “and I was unable to get a _______ of the strange animal.”

He moved to the edge of the firelight, ________ himself for a better shot, then began to laugh. There was a crunching of gravel and from ________ the car’s darkened end emerged Rogers, who camped with us every summer. He carried a fishing rod. On the end of the fishing line was a grey sock, giving it a head and ________. We had all been ________ by a flying grey sock.

All the people burst into laughter. We sat long into the evening ________ past years and other funny stories. Yes, the camping ________ differed every summer but the friendship remained the same as a chosen summer family.

1.A.fell B.rushed C.stared D.jumped

2.A.deeply B.secretly C.lightly D.wildly

3.A.desperate B.critical C.cautious D.accurate

4.A.sock B.creature C.squirrel D.wood

5.A.reach B.date C.sight D.curiosity

6.A.disappearance B.excitement C.birth D.shock

7.A.charged B.grabbed C.examined D.fixed

8.A.growing B.moving C.changing D.sweeping

9.A.greeting B.signal C.picture D.meeting

10.A.catching B.pushing C.positioning D.relieving

11.A.across B.beyond C.through D.over

12.A.fish B.end C.cut D.body

13.A.touched B.attracted C.controlled D.tricked

14.A.regretting B.recommending C.recalling D.interpreting

15.A.experiences B.instructions C.situations D.results



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